Still Waters Ch. 11


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All of the betas were silent. As they waited for the hearing to start, Agatha arrived with her nephew, Christian. Other pack members filed in. Soon the room was filled to capacity. Whatever was going on with the young was certainly not because of Bertha.

Soon after, Bertha, Evangeline, and Declan arrived. Agatha and Bertha stared at each other from across the room. Their message was clear. This lifelong animosity between them would end today. No matter how this hearing ended; Bertha was done with Agatha. Her spouse was gone. Her children moved away. The pack tolerated her out of respect for her age, but Aggie had spent her life trying to ruin her. This time Aggie seemed to have won.

"Please enter." Thomas announced and all the participants entered the room. The conference area was packed. All members of the pack were in attendance. Simon entered and was surprised to see Bertha standing before the alpha pair. He immediately force himself to the front of the crowd. Thomas stopped him from intruding on the proceedings.

"Good morning," Tasha spoke. "We are here to decide and determine if our pack member, Bertha DuPont, willingly allowed a controlled substance to enter our pack. Please listen to all sides and do not interrupt the proceedings. Alpha Ryelle, the floor is yours." Tasha stepped aside.

"Bertha you are aware of what you're being accused of? I will present the evidence and then allow you to clarify or explain your part in the activity." Ryelle explained.

Bertha stood and cleared her throat. "Alpha Ryelle, there is no need. I failed in my duty to protect the pack and allowed harm to befall my family. Everything that had been presented to you is true. My only defense is I had no idea that pills were hidden inside those vehicles, but I should have examined them more closely. I did not, and because of this, our pack safety in jeopardy. I am ready to take which ever punishment you decree." Bertha then stepped back and bowed her head. The crowd gasped, "Noooooooo!" some pack members wailed. Christian sat beside his aunt hiding a smirk, that did not go unnoticed by Damian. He knew this young ruffian had something to do with this.

Evangeline sobbed behind her. Declan was contacting his father requesting asylum for all three of them immediately. No harm would befall his new mother.

Ryelle took a deep breath. "Bertha, are you sure? You help draft the...." He inhaled. "Alright then, Bertha DuPont, being that you admit to endangering the pack, your punishment will be severe. You are no longer a member of Jackson. You have three days to leave, and I will then sever my bonds with you rendering you a free wolf to choose a new pack to join. Anyone who disagrees with this decree is free to join you." Ryelle looked around. The room was stunned and silent.

Evangeline stood. "If my mother is banned, then so am I. We will leave post haste."

"Evangeline, stop," Bertha whispered. "Jackson is your home. It hasn't been home for me for a while now. It's time for me to go. I've lived a long life. I've learned that seasons come and go. My time here has ended, and I must move on. Your life is just starting. Stay here, raise your family. Once I find a new pack, I'll settle and you and Declan can come see me. It's time, my beautiful daughter. My place is no longer here. I really want to go."

"Momma, no!" Evangeline sobbed. Simon stepped forward. "Come with me, Bertha. We can make a home at Bertrand."

Bertha smiled, "Symeon, you are a true friend and I love you for that reason. I'd love to visit your home t Bertrand, but I won't promise to stay. I'll know my new home when I arrive there." Then she walked out. Agatha was stunned. Bertha DuPont no longer at Jackson. This was wrong. She had to do something.

Christian sent, Auntie, shut up. If you know what's good for you. You'll keep quiet. We just have to be extra careful now. I can't believe he banished that old broad.

Agatha stared at her nephew in shock. Who was he? This was definitely not the son her brother raised. Yet, she dropped her head and exited the room, taking the truth about the real culprit a secret in her mind.

Bertha arrived home. The phone rang, her daughters received the message and were coming to get her. Bertha smiled, "I'd love to visit Kingsley. Your pack is such a great group. I won't stay long. This is just a reprieve. I still have to find a pack that will accept me as a member."

Declan held Evangeline as she cried. She only came back to be here for Momma. If Momma was leaving, she didn't want to stay. Declan knew. They needed to go back to Wildwood. Would Alpha Lakota let them come back home. He could only ask. First he had to request asylum and then express his wishes to Alpha Ryelle. When bertha left, he and Evangeline would return to Wildwood for good.

"Babe, it'll be ok. I promise. Listen, we can go back to Wildwood. Momma always wanted to meet your mom. She can live there with us. Ok sweetness, don't cry, ok." Declan whispered.

Evangeline nodded, She prayed Momma would agree. She'd never been completely on her own before. Momma, it's ok. It will be ok. she sent

Bertha sent a shaft of love to both her and Declan. Reginald is coming to get me Wednesday. I'm visiting them at Kingsley. I'm not sure how long, but I'm gonna take my time and find a pack that needs me. Now rest, you two. I am fine.

Simon felt he had to act now or possibly lose her forever. He walked to her door and knocked. Bertha was not surprised to find him standing there. She saw him in the tribunal earlier and he was visibly upset with the outcome.

"Symeon, come in." Bertha greeted him, stepping aside so he could enter.

Simon took a deep breath. "This is bullshit. I'm not a member of this pack and I know you are not at fault for this." Simon declared.

"Am I responsible for the youth getting the pills, not directly, no?" Bertha paused, "But I was remiss in my duty by not inspecting every nook and cranny of the trucks that came in. I failed and many of our pack members have been hurt. The alpha was fair and I accept his decree."

"I ask again, mate with me Bertha. Join me at Bertrand." Simon pleaded once more.

Bertha smiled, "If I chose to mate. It will be with you, but for now I am not ready. I need time to figure out me. For decades, I was a slave that did what my masters commanded of me. Then I escaped and found Jackson and served as an omega in complete servitude to my alphas. After the pack split, I became a theta, a warrior, and I fought fiercely to protect my family. I served my alpha proudly. Then, I met Willie DuPont, he was a weak little man, but he made me feel like the most beautiful of wolves. I mated with him and became a wife and mother. People held so much love for my mate and they respected me because he chose me, so I for years pack members tolerated my presence. I tried to fit in with the women, but soon I realized friendship was not for me. I raised my children to be strong, independent, and fighters. They ran from me. Only the youngest one remained. Now my daughters want me to visit them and I will. I want to see my grandchildren, but Kingsley will not be my home." She exhaled as a lone tear streaked down her cheek.

"I will look around to find a pack that I can belong and then I will settle into the next part of my existence. I am no longer Bertha DuPont, mate of Willie DuPont, I'm simply Bertha. I've been some many things to so many people. Now I want to just be me. I want to be myself. " She looked at him and saw the disappointment in his eyes. Then she smiled, "I'm not saying no, Symeon. I'm just saying not yet. Can you accept me as I am?" she asked.

Simon tilted her lips to his and kissed her gently and pulled her close and held her tightly. "Bertha, you've just made me the happiest wolf alive. I will wait for you as long as you need me too. Bertha, my love. I never asked you to be anyone other than who you are. Let's start this new adventure together. You are not traveling alone. I'm going with you. From this day forward, I will never leave you to defend yourself against any foe again. " Simon smiled, "So, Kingsley? Do you think they'd mind another visitor?" Simon asked, knowing that he'd follow this woman to the end of the earth if she were traveling there.

"Not my call Symeon. Ask them yourself." Bertha replied as she held her friend close. She loved her mate, but he crossed over. She was still here. She'd been stagnated long enough. It was time for Bertha to learn to live again.


Jebutu and Damian stormed into Ryelle office. Change your decree. Bertha is not leaving here. You know that this is not her fault.

"She took the blame. I had to follow the law." Ryelle explained. "Close the door."

"Do you two think I'm crazy? I saw Christian. There is something off about him. He sat by Agatha wearing a smirk the whole while I exiled Bertha. I am not severing our bond, and Jamal will let her visit Kingsley as long as she needs to. I just need to get a few things in place to deal with the real culprits. Christian is not working alone." Ryelle began to pace. I sent a bottle of the pills to Cortez. Their scientists are analyzing the ingredients. Geraldo should be calling any minute to tell me what's in the pills. Once we know what's in them, then we can find where the chemicals are coming from. Once we get to the source, it'll lead us to who is sending this crap into our home and what wolf is stupid enough to deliver it. My mind is on Christian." Ryelle paused.

"Why don't we just go get him and bring him here?" Jebutu demanded. "If he has something to do with this, we can beat it out of him."

Damian agreed. Soon the were joined by other members of the pack. "Alpha, no disrespect, but you know Bertha had nothing to do with this. I asked my son, and he froze. He's too scared to say where they got it from, but he told me it was not Ms. Bertha."

"Bring your son to me. I want to talk to him." Damian demanded. The male left immediately to bring back his son. The son entered the room, terrified. "Look, I don't know nothing. We were running one day and someone pulled out some pills. He said they were energy pills. We took them and that's all I remember."

Ryelle, asked, "You took some pills because someone offered them to you. Really, son you are smarter than that. Tell us the truth."

The youth began to sweat. "Look, they will kill me and anyone else that tells. I can't say more. Please alpha let this go." He pleaded.

"Someone is causing this level of fear in my pack." Ryelle growled. "Who gave you the pills?' He demanded once more," I order you to tell me!"

Under the power of an alpha command the young wolf had to answer. His answer would ensure two things his death, and changes that Jackson was not ready for. "Alpha, please. I hate that Ms. Bertha got blamed, but this is a good thing. She doesn't have anyone else she can frame now. The pills will stop coming in."

"She, she, who is she?" Ryelle demanded once more.

The youth looked him in the eye. "Other than Ms. Agatha, who else hates Ms. Bertha. She benefits from Ms. Bertha being gone."

Damian stopped and thought for a moment. "Ryelle, let him go. He knows nothing. He's reaching."

"Leave." Ryelle ordered.

"Follow him. If someone touches him, bring them to me." Two junior betas followed him.

"She, she, she...." Jebutu thought, "It's not a woman. He used the pronoun she to throw us off. Christian has something to do with this."

Ryelle agreed. Love, call Agatha to your office. See what she will reveal about her nephew.

Ok. Love Tasha replied. Agatha come to my office please.

Agatha entered Tasha's office with trepidation. She knew the pack was reeling from the decree earlier, and many stared at her with absolute disdain and distrust. "Madam Alpha, you called me."

"Yes, sit Agatha." Tasha took a moment. "I wanted you to know that you are not at fault for what happened here. You did what you had to protect the pack. The fact that Bertha took responsibility is no fault of yours. If any pack member, male or female, gives you a hard time. Please let me know. They will be dealt with."

Agatha relaxed, "Thank you Madam Alpha. Most are just upset. I wish Bertha had defended herself. Maybe the person really..." She paused.

"Go on, Agatha," Tasha encouraged.

"Nothing, Madam Alpha, was there anything else?" Agatha asked, wanting to leave as soon as she could. Christian would know the alpha called her in. She could not reveal too much.

"No, Agatha, you can go." Tasha stated. Just as Agatha opened the door, Ryelle, Jebutu, and Damian stopped her.

"Agatha, just who I needed to see." Ryelle stated. Agatha took two steps back.

"Alpha Ryelle, Jebutu, why? What do you need of me?" Agatha mumbled.

"Your nephew Christian is here on your bequest. Why is he not welcomed back in his pack?" Jebutu asked.

Agatha was upset. "His father was killed, so they sent him here. Alpha Ryelle, you said he was welcomed."

Ryelle explained, "He's your family, of course he's welcomed, but we don't know much about him, do we?"

"He has a hard time trusting. His old pack was rough, often Christian was ostracized because he could not control his outburst. From the moment he was born, he was hard to deal with." Agatha took a deep breath. "His father was killed protecting Christian when a gang of boys tried to jump him. One of them stabbed him repeatedly, and he lost his life. The pack members blamed Christian because he was always getting into scrapes with humans, so the alpha suggested he come here."

Ryelle nodded. I'm contacting Alpha Robert. I need to know what really happened to his father and how Christian was involved.

"Agatha, we're sorry for your loss. Let me know if any more contraband comes in, ok." Ryelle added.

Agatha nodded and exited quickly.

"Auntie, what did they want with you?" Christian asked as soon as Agatha entered her home.

"Nothing, they just wanted me to know that what happened today was not my fault." Agatha explained.

"Are you sure? Everyone seem to like that old broad. Did they ask questions about the stuff?" He demanded.

"No, watch your tone. You're staying in my house, don't forget that." Agatha added, angrily.

"Sorry, Aunt Aggie. If I find out you told them something, I'll have to move in with other family members." He leaned in close to her ear. "You don't want to join daddy, do you?"

"No." Aggie whispered.

"I gotta go. I have a snitch to deal with. Don't wait up, Auntie" Christian added, laughing as he walked out the door.

"Why does Alpha want us watching this guy. He's weak. He doesn't know anything.'" The Junior Beta complained

"Wait, whose that going up to his house. They are not pack." The betas exited the car.

"Hey, who are you what are you doing over here?' They asked.

Christian walked up. "Well, Well, well, if it isn't the boy scout brigade. What are you two wannabes doing out here?"

"Christian, surprised to see you hear." One of the Junior betas replied. Alpha, Christian and some of his friends are at the house. Send back up.

Don't provoke them, they will be there in a few minutes.Ryelle replied. Then he dispatched three betas to the home of the young man from earlier.

Christian sensed danger, "Let's go. We'll deal with him later." The three turned to leave when the betas surrounded them. "You three are going to see the alpha. Come with us."

"Damn, just when I thought I could have a quiet life. You country bumpkins have to fuck it up." Christian growled as one of his henchmen drew a weapon and fired. The wolves shifted and quickly dispatched of Christian and his crew.

Lifting all three beaten men, they were taken to the holding cells beneath the Alpha home. Jebutu volunteered to address them first.

Meanwhile, Ryelle spoke with Alpha Robert. He learned that Christian was not sent to him from the Townsend Pack. They'd been searching for him for months. They had no clue he had family members so close. His father was a loner, and other than dealing with Christian he was a quiet man. That's why when he was murdered, they kept asking questions only to learn that Christian organized the attack, and then he fled. They wanted him back to face the pack and be punished for what he'd done.

"He's here. Please come get him." Ryelle stated. "When can I expect someone?"

"My men are on the way. I apologize, Alpha Ryelle. He muted his bonds and I was unable to track him. Townsend will pay for any damages he may have caused." Alpha Robert decreed.

"just come and remove him from Jackson" Ryelle added and the two hang up.


Bertha loved being with her daughters at Kingsley. The Kingsley Pack made her feel welcomed and honored. The members were in awe of her, and the people in the town were fascinated as well. However, none of the adoration, flattery, and accolades meant anything to Bertha, She got to spend time with her grand pups. What more could a grandma ask for? It was a dream come true. Alpha Jamal even welcomed Symeon. Symeon fit right in.

It had been over two weeks, and Ryelle had yet to sever the Alpha bond he shared with Bertha. One night Bertha called out, Alpha Ryelle, is there a reason we are still connected? You gave me three days. I have been gone from Jackson for over two weeks now. You know what was decreed. Why have you not followed through? Ryelle was not surprised to hear from his reclusive member.

I know what was said. I also know you were not at fault. As Alpha I have the freedom to enforce decrees as I see fit. Your leaving was never acceptable. Enjoy your visit with your daughters. Come back home when you are ready. He replied.

Is Jackson still my home? Bertha asked.

Ryelle paused, You, Willie, Father, Thomas, and Hattie created this family. You were here at the inception. You are Jackson, Bertha. No one will ever take that away from you. Now please contact your daughter. She and Declan are trying to go back to Wildwood. It's bad enough that Olivia has decided to live there. I can't lose anymore wolves to them. Just come home Bertha. Everyone will be glad you are back. Ryelle replied.

Everyone, are you sure? Agatha went through a lot to make me suffer. Bertha added.

We'll explain more when you and Simon come home. Oh, Simon will become part of Jackson when you finally claim him. We've lost enough pack members to other packs. It's time to rebuild. Ryelle sighed, Besides, my couch is lumpy. Madam Tasha kicked me out until I get you to come back. So contact her and let her know when you're coming home. Then he ended his connection.

Bertha reached out to Tasha, Madam Alpha, I am still a part of Jackson?

Bertha DuPont if you don't come back here after your visit, I'm sending several betas to bring you home. Tasha sobbed. Jackson will always be home.

Bertha ended her connection with Madam Alpha Tasha and went to join her daughters and their families for dinner. She smiled as she watched Simon play with the little ones. He was a good wolf. He'd be a great father. He should probably choose a much younger woman, one that could give him pups. Then he looked at her, and she knew. He'd chosen the woman he wanted. He'd have to be an awesome granddad. They'd been here for two weeks. It was time to go home.

AN: You see, home is the one place where you can go and they have to let you in. No matter how long you stay away, or how bleak things become. You should always be able to just go back home.

The end of Still Waters

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story. I apologize for any grammar and spelling errors I may have missed.

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far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984about 3 years ago

Very enjoyable series and glad to see it ended well. You wrote some very enjoyable stories look forward to reading more.

SensitiveHandsSensitiveHandsabout 4 years ago

Thank you for a very sensitive and caring ending to this story. Many stories dont need to have sex scenes in them. The romance in this chapter was very sweet and let the reader use their imagination to fill in the rest.

I hope that we will read more of your stories in the future. There is plenty for you left to tell. Thank you again for sharing your stories and your life with us.


RheamistressRheamistressabout 4 years ago

Thank you, My Friend, for a great ending to this wonderful story. May God be with you.

RheamistressRheamistressabout 4 years ago

Thank you, my friend, for this ending to a great story. May God be with you.

Iread2relaxIread2relaxabout 4 years agoAuthor
Anonymous: Finished it!

Yes, it has helped tremendously. I realized that like Bertha, I need to find me. I e been so many things to others, but I've often forgotten about myself. Losing a lived one hits hard, but you can survive it. Thank you for reading and sticking with me through it all.


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