STNG - The Sex Adventures Ep. 01

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Beverly Crusher deals with her crush on Wesley.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/30/2018
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Ship's Doctor Beverly Crusher leaned forward in her chair and took a deep breath.

"Go ahead, Beverly," Deanna Troi, the ship's counselor said. Deanna, being half betazoid, could sense something was deeply wrong with her friend.

"Well, I'm not sure how to say it, Deanna. It's rather embarrassing" Beverly told her. Beverly's blue eyes darted around the room. The counselor's office was small, but cozy. The artwork and music was soothing, designed to help patients relax. It wasn't helping.

"It's okay. Remember, I'm not just the ship's counselor, I'm also your friend. You can tell me anything," Deanna said, in her calm, soothing voice. It didn't take an empath to see that whatever was bothering her was serious.

"Well, I've been having strange thoughts. Disturbing thoughts, actually," Beverly admitted.

"Really?" Deanna asked.

"Yes," Beverly answered, looking away.

"That is perfectly natural, Beverly," Deanna told her. "Tell me about them."

"They're sexual," Beverly confessed.

Deanna nodded, maintaining a professional tone, but secretly, Deanna was excited. She loved this part of her job. Most of her counseling sessions were rather boring. Crew members dealing with the anxiety of promotions, or cramped living quarters, or the run-of-the-mill phobia. Sex was another matter. Sex was always fun. And it seemed, the more disturbing the thoughts, the more exciting it was for her.

"Tell me about them," she told Beverly, scooting forward in her seat.

"Well, the thoughts aren't the problem. It's the who," Beverly said.

"Oh? Someone I know?" Deanna asked. She hoped it wasn't the Captain, or Commander Riker. Every female on the ship had fantasized about those two. Beverly had no reason to be ashamed of that. Maybe it was Worf? A fantasy with Worf was similar to a rape fantasy. Not abnormal, but probably unusual to the typically prude Beverly Crusher.

"No, Deanna. I... oh, I can't. I just can't," Beverly cried.

Who could it be, Deanna wondered. Whatever this fantasy was, it had a poor chance of impressing Deanna. Just last night, Deanna snuck into the holodeck and ran her own private rape simulation. A dozen Klingon warriors took turns on her. With the safety settings set to minimum, it was delightfully painful.

"It's Wesley." Beverly finally admitted. Deanna took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. Now this is something she wasn't expecting. Wesley was her son, and he was just a boy.

"Go on," she said calmly.

"It was last week. My shift ended early and I came back to our quarters to take a shower, and I'm not sure what I was doing, but I guess I didn't hear the shower running and I walked in on Wesley..." Beverly said, and then sipped a glass of water. Deanna noticed Beverly's hands were trembling. Something really juicy was coming. "And he wasn't just showering. He was gratifying himself, which is perfectly natural I know, but..."

"Yes?" Deanna asked and leaned forward. She touched Beverly's knee, "It's okay. Go on."

"I saw it," Beverly said.

"By it, you mean..." Deanna didn't need to elaborate. She knew Beverly had seen her son's erect penis.

"Yes, I saw my son's penis!"

"Beverly, you're a doctor. You've seen a penis before," Deanna reminded her.

"Yes, but it was huge," Beverly gasped as the words escaped her mouth. She covered her face in embarrassment and actually let out a giggle.

"Huge?" Deanna asked. Deanna was wide-eyed, not expecting that.

"Enormous. The biggest I've ever seen. I don't know where he got it, either. Not from his father, that's for sure." Beverly said.

"How big?" Deanna pressed. This was no longer therapy. This was two girlfriends talking about boys. And she didn't exactly trust Beverly's opinion on this matter. She needed more information.

Beverly, now giggling like a school girl, placed her hands about nine inches apart.

"Oh my god. How thick?" Deanna followed up.

"Like this," and Beverly made a large circle with her hand. That was impressive, Deanna thought. "I'm sorry, but it was the biggest and most beautiful cock I've ever seen! Oh my god, did I just say cock?" Beverly asked.

"Yes you did!" Deanna said, delighted. Deanna felt her breasts swelling under her shirt. All this talk of big cocks was getting to her. "And then what happened?"

"It couldn't have been worse timing, but it just so happened that he, you know, climaxed at that exact moment. So when I saw him I screamed, and he turned around and, oh my, this is the really embarrassing part. Some of it hit me," Beverly said through short breaths.

"What hit you?" Deanna asked, knowing damn well what it was, but wanting to hear it out loud.

"Deanna. His semen hit me. Not all of it, but a big glob right on my hand," Beverly told her.

"Oh dear," Deanna said. "What did you do?"

"I ran off! I went straight to my room and started pacing, but I forgot about my hand! And then I stopped and looked at it. It's been so long since I've seen any, or touched it, and there was just this large glob of semen resting on the back of my hand. I don't know what came over me, Deanna, but I just... I ate it. Licked it right off my hand and swallowed it."

Deanna's mouth was agape. She was so turned on she wanted to drive her hands into her cunt and masturbate right then and there. Instead, she asked, "how did it taste?"

"Oh, Deanna, I ate my son's sperm and you want to know how it tastes? It tasted like sperm! I've actually always liked the taste, myself, but Deanna, what am I going to do?"

"You're right. I'm sorry," Deanna said, switching back to a more professional tone.

"Well, I know mothers have walked in on their son's in that situation before, but the problem is, I can't get the image out of my head. Every time I shut my eyes I picture his cock," Beverly admitted.

"Have you talked to Wesley about this?" Deanna asked.

"No! We haven't even seen each other since it happened. I think he's been avoiding me. You know how he is. I'm surprised he hasn't come to see you yet," Beverly said. Deanna nodded, secretly knowing that Wesley had made an appointment later that day. Of course, that was strictly confidential, so she couldn't let Beverly know.

"Do you know what I think," Deanna said. "I think this is perfectly natural."

"You do?" Beverly asked, surprised.

"Of course! Wesley is becoming a man. Yes, he's your son, but your body doesn't know that. Your body has needs, and it's reacting to what it saw. This is a case of, to put it in layman's terms, you need to get laid, Beverly." Deanna told her matter-of-factly.

"I know. I just can't ever bring myself to do it, and now, knowing that giant cock is sleeping in the room next to me. I don't think I'll ever rest comfortably again."

"Yes, that is a problem. You could always give him a roofie." Deanna said jokingly.

"A roofie?" Beverly asked.

"I was joking. A roofie is an old earth term I was reading about. Men would put a drug in a woman's drink that would make them pass out and forget everything that happened to them. It was called a date-rape drug."

"Oh my. That's terrible," Beverly said, but Deanna knew the seed had been planted. It was on purpose. As an empath, she always knew which buttons to push. Beverly would not be able to get her son's cock out of her head, and now she had a solution. A devious one at that. And as a doctor, she would have access to the chemicals to make it so. It was only a matter of time.

Beverly's time was up and they said their goodbyes. Beverly left to go back to the medical quarters. She walked through the hallway, avoiding eye contact with the crew. She was lost in thought. An internal struggle happening inside her. A giant cock. A desire. A solution. By the time she got to sick bay, she had decided. She was going to "roofie" her son.

Meanwhile, back in Deanna Troi's office, Wesley had just entered and was explaining his side of the event to Deanna. She studied him carefully as he told her the exact same story as Beverly had. Incredibly, Wesley had no trouble talking about it. He was so mature it made her sick. He did, however, leave out the details of his cock size to her. But she couldn't help thinking about it. Her eyes would run down to his waist. She wondered how such a massive cock could be hiding under that silly grey jumpsuit he was wearing. And he was so skinny, a 10-inch cock must look like a third leg on him.

In Deanna's eyes, Wesley might have been eighteen, and ready for the Academy, but he looked like a boy. A supremely intelligent boy, to be sure, but his baby face, lanky body, and do-good attitude were strikes one, two, and three. Deanna had no attraction to him, at least until now. She craved large cocks. The bigger the better was her motto, and now sitting a few feet across from her was a mammoth cock, on the body of a wimpy little boy. She imagined him standing in front of her, whipping out his cock, and beating her in the face with it as she opened her mouth and begged him for more.

"And that's when it happened," Wesley said.

"What happened?" Deanna asked, realizing she wasn't paying attention.

"I ejaculated in front of my mother," he said.

"Right," Deanna remembered. "What were you thinking of at the time?"

"While I masturbated?" Wesley asked.

"Yes. Unless you don't want to tell me, but it's important that I know as much as possible," Deanna assured him, which was a lie. She had no business knowing his sexual fantasies.

"Well, that's just the thing. I was actually, and this is shameful, I was masturbating thinking about my mother... and you..." he admitted.

"Really?" Deanna asked, perking up. It wasn't that surprising, she knew most men on the ship wanted her, her large breasts alone took care of that.

"What do you think I should do?" Wesley asked, changing the subject.

"About what?" Deanna asked, flustered by the answers to her own questions.

"Should I talk to my mother?" Wesley asked her.

Oh Wesley, she thought, of course that's the right thing to do, but not the naughty thing. "No. I don't think you should," Deanna lied to him. "It's perfectly natural what happened. Yes, the circumstances of the timing were rare, but still a very natural occurrence. Talking about it could make it even more awkward. Especially considering you were fantasizing about her at the time, and about me."

Wesley shook his head, as he suspected that was wrong, but he trusted her professional opinion and said, "Okay. I won't bring it up. And I'm sorry I was gratifying myself with thoughts of you, counselor"

"I think that's best. Let it just resolve naturally," she said. "And don't apologize. Your fantasies can be whatever you want them to be. I'm flattered you thought of me."

Deanna was happy he was thinking of her and her own mother. It would help her plan. She knew that if he did talk about it with Beverly, they would both form an understanding that would lead to a resolution that didn't involve Beverly enjoying that cock. Something Deanna wanted now as well. Her long game was to get the three of them together, but it would take careful planning.

"Thank you, Counselor," Wesley said and left the room. Deanna retired to her room, and went straight for the replicator. She entered in the exact size and shape of what she thought Wesley's cock looked like based on Beverly's description. Once it formed, she quickly stripped out of her uniform, and needing no lubrication, she crammed the Wesley as deep as it could go. With one hand on the dildo and the other caressing her tits, she fucked herself and wondered if her friend, Beverly, would be getting the real thing.

Later that night in the Crusher quarters, Beverly and Wesley were having dinner. Neither was particularly engaged in conversation.

"How are your experiments coming?" Beverly asked him.

"They're fine. Geordi thinks I'm wasting my time, but you know how he is. I think he's jealous." Wesley answered.

Beverly nodded, not caring at all.

"Do you like your tea?" she asked him.

"It's stronger than normal," he said as he took a sip. "Is anything special in it?"

Beverly dropped her fork. Yes, something special was in it. A careful blend of different types of medicines that would render Wesley mentally incapacitated for several hours, but keep his bodily functions completely intact. In short, a 23rd century roofie.

"More honey instead of sugar. Drink up, Wesley," she said. He did so and then yawned. "You've had a long day. Why don't you get some rest."

"I think that's a good idea," he said as he got up from the table and retreated to his room.

Beverly waited impatiently for a few minutes. I can't believe I'm doing this, she thought to herself over and over again. Then she went into his bedroom and sat on the bed next to him. Wesley was on his side, and appeared asleep. He hadn't even managed to get undressed.

"Wesley. Wesley!" she called out, but there was no response. She removed a tricorder from her coat and scanned her son. All the vitals were stable. The drug worked exactly how it was supposed to. Beverly pushed Wesley onto his back.

"This is wrong," she said out loud to no one in particular, talking herself out of it.

"Oh well, I can at least get you out of these clothes." And then Beverly pulled off his one piece, confident she would be able to tuck her son into bed and put these horrible thoughts to rest. But then, she could see his cock through his underwear. A massive lump that ran down his thigh. All at once, the urges were back.

"Maybe I'll just look at it, and that's all," she said. So she pulled down his underwear and his cock was free. It was soft, but still very large and thick. Her mouth, and other parts of her body, watered at the sight of it. Before she knew what was happening, she decided to pick it up. She examined it, as if she had never seen a penis before.

I'm just studying it, she thought to herself. But the cock was swelling in her hands. She thought about the Heisenberg principle, that which we examine we also change. That was certainly the case here, because the cock was now as hard as a rock. Just as large as she remembered.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," she said out loud as she lowered her head and kissed the tip of the cock. She felt a wave of pleasure shoot through her body. It had been so long since she'd had a real live cock, and she'd never had one like this. And it was her son! She could cum right then and there, but she continued. She licked at the head, rolling her tongue around the tip, and then she took the cock into her mouth. As much as she could anyway, it was a tight fit and she would never be able to deep throat it, not without some serious practice.

She concentrated on licking the shaft with her tongue, and stroking it with both hands. She put her mouth over the tip and continued to stroke the cock. Then she licked up and down the shaft, pushing the shaft of the cock on her face. Feeling the warmth against her cheeks.

Beverly next went for his balls. She took one into her mouth and rolled it around on her tongue, then she did the same with the other. Unsatisfied, she pushed the entire sack into her mouth and sucked on his balls. I'm going to eat all his cum, she thought.

So she moved back to his cock. She was sucking him hard. Her cheeks pushed in as she moved up and down on his cock with short, quick, movements. She could feel the cock throbbing in her grasp. He was getting close.

Suddenly, there was a rush of cum in her mouth. So much she almost choked on it. She released her mouth and the cum flew across Wesley's body. She kept pumping and the cum kept shooting. It her in the face, in her hair. She put her mouth back on and caught the rest with her tongue, which she swallowed.

When he was finished, she looked at the mess they had made. There were giant globs of cum all over his stomach and balls. She leaned down and licked them up with her tongue, carefully making sure she swallowed every drop. She even pushed the cum on her face into her mouth and swallowed that as well.

With his cock now limp, she pushed it back into his underwear and retreated to her bedroom. She masturbated for over an hour and had several of the best orgasms she had ever had. I'm going to fuck my son, she thought before drifting off to sleep.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
To answer Anonymous:

STNG = Star Trek Next Generation, with Captain Jean Luc Picard at the helm of the starship Enterprise, going "where no man has gone before". This fan fic is a nice tribute to that classic si-fi TV series, albiet not of a sort that would be televised! Nice story, titilating, and a good intro to more libidinous scenes. Keep 'em cumming!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

What is STNG?

STUGPOLESTUGPOLEover 5 years ago
Wonderful story

Quite deeply erotic. As a fan of STNG I don't blame Wesley for masturbating

and thinking about his gorgeous mother

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great story

Looking forward to part 2!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I always enjoyed watching Wesley, who was a doll, and I like fanfics with him in them, especially with his mother. It was a promising start, and I'll keep checking for more adventures.

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