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Stop it, Linny, she urged herself. This is wrong. What this woman's done is so wrong! She broke in on us, and now she's threatening us! God knows what she's gonna do to us when she finds this..."ideal spot" of hers to do it!

"Listen... please, Miss..." she entreated, trying to keep her jitters in check.

"Isn—...i-isn't there something else you'd like? I-I-I have some nice things. I-I won't call the police, I swear. You have my word," she nodded, raising her cuffed hands. "Just-just please don't hurt or molest me. I'm too scared."

The visitor caressed her face.

"You're so sweet... so darling, so pure, so innocent...

"...So naïve."

They gazed into one another's eyes. Linny's widened. The captress' own cat-like eyes sharpened and narrowed, to piercing slits.

"...So very naïve, to think that I'm going to have the least bit of mercy on you."

As if out of nowhere, she produced the gun to wave at Linny. Linny's wide eyes filled with a fresh flood of tears.

"Just to be clear," she heard, "You will do as I say, and you will submit to whatever I see fit to put you through. The more agreeable and cooperative you are, the nicer I'll be. The more you resist me, the more I'll chastise you for it.

"And I promise you, my friend, at least one of us will enjoy it."

Oh no. She was going to rape her... and possibly harm her. Linny just knew it. And the worst of it, she noticed but a moment later...

Was that she'd be forced to wait for it, kept in dreadful, indefinite suspense. Playing by her captress' hand.

"Now," she heard the visitor purr.

"...How about that tour?"

A tearful Linny gulped.

"Um...okay... but-but... c-could we leave the, um... the g-u-n here?"

An eternity seemed to pass while the visitor thought it over. Reality would reveal it to be a mere eight seconds.

A lighter smile. "Very well."

She tossed the piece on the bed, clutched Linny by the handcuffs with one paw, and linked her arm with the other.

"Shall we?"

So Linny took her room by room, switching on lights, timidly showing off her domicile. The enchantress delighted in the slink-slink-slink of the ankle shackles as Linny shuffled around with her. It crossed Linny's mind to try and break free, to grab a chair and fling it at the captress, but she was too frightened. Something told her she didn't want to cross this woman, or incur her wrath. Hell only knew what she'd do to her. Aside, her visitor enjoyed the tour. She'd begun treating Linny in a cordial and complimentary manner.

"Your home is lovely."

"Th-thank you..." Linny stammered, uncertain how she should be feeling just now. The visitor held on to her, guiding Linny's arm as she shimmied forth. She was so striking, with such a captivating presence...Linny's mind wandered off the fact that the woman had actually kidnapped her in her own home. She had a way of making the visit seem affable, not so much a hostage situation. It seemed the tour was what she wanted for now, and that if Linny gave her what she wanted, she'd be gentle and nice. Linny calculated she was cuffed up so she'd be discouraged from doing something foolish. But as minute after minute went by, gradually, she worried less and less what was to befall her. Short of killing or wounding her...

Could it really be so very horrific?

"And, erm, here's my home office..." said Linny, flipping another light. "Pretty, uh...s-self-explanatory, I guess..."

Mistress nodded. "Looks productive," she noted, looking the room up and down.

Linny waited a moment as she did showing each room, in case her guest decided this was her "ideal spot." Deep down she was still petrified something dreadful lay in store for her. But, again... somehow, "dreadful" seemed incongruous with the captress' aura and energy. Even her gun seemed solely for scare, a device to persuade Linny to dance to her tune. Thus far, the tour was almost concluded, and her visitor had yet to make further advances.

All that remained were the hall bathroom and guest bed, adjacent to Linny's own. As she was already acquainted with Linny's room, and as she found the guest room's atmosphere more suitable, the captress decided to conduct business here. She told her to wait, and pranced into Linny's room to retrieve her gun and tote bag. The same tingle of fright chilled Linny's spine.

"Now," cooed the smiling visitor. "You've been a good girl, and a cooperative hostess. If you continue to play nice, we can forget all about my little friend here," she said, waving the gun.

That was fine with Linny. Especially as the captress proceeded to lay a smoldering kiss on her lips. Linny reflexively raised her hands to put her arms around the visitor, before remembering she was cuffed. Her tits puffed against the captress' as they opened mouths to let their tongues dance. Linny felt the guest palm her four cheeks, two by two. Her hands roved and roamed Linny's goosebump-riddled body, gracing her inch by inch, endearing the girl more to her all the while. Linny wished to reciprocate, so to reach forth and paw the visitor's breasts. But Mistress took hold of the cuffs to stop her.

"Ah ah ah," she chided, waving her unoccupied index digit. "Not allowed, my pet-toy."

With that, she gripped Linny's pussy through the leggings, forcing her to yelp in passion. With that, she let go of Linny's cuffs, reached into the tote, and removed a new item.

"Now hold still, my hospitable hostage hostess, and I promise this won't hurt one bit."

Confused panic washed Linny's face.

"Apropos of nothing, my dear, are you wearing underpanties?"

Linny shook her head no. Her captress smiled.


She held up the next item she'd fetched from the tote bag: a pair of scissors. She snipped them in front of Linny's falling face.

"Oh, no, c'mon, please!" she implored. "I really like my clothes!"

The visitor's eyes darkened, turning her smile smoky and sultry. She kissed Linny on the cheek.

"You'll live."

Before her, the captress lowered to a crouch, tugging the fabric. Linny shut her eyes and winced as she heard and felt it. The wet circle was cut from her crotch, and she felt the air on her pussy. The pleased visitor took a nice whiff and encouraged her hostess to do the same. Seeing that said hostess was hesitant, the enchantress proceeded to stuff the moist fabric into Linny's mouth.

"Mmph!" Linny was fed humiliation as well as the circle of legging. She covered her face.

"Ah ah ah," the captress reiterated. "Hands above your head, sweetheart."

Linny knew it was pointless to argue. She complied.

Further whines followed as the two additional circles were cut from her top. The air caressed her girls as well as Little Linny. Mistress admired all three, with her fingers, lips and teeth. Linny groaned, feeling the intense pleasure return. The captress removed a clip band from her tote, and subjected Linny's naked girl-bits to its business ends. Linny grimaced, sucking air through her teeth.


Through with this step, the captress took hold of Linny's handcuffs, and buried her face in the girl's neck. She sucked a harsh hickey, greatly relishing Linny's cries of strained pleasure. She decided to exercise a bit of mercy as she heard the weeping again. She drew away and grinned at her handiwork.

"Mmm... delightful. I love having you 'marked,' as my territory of sorts. I also love redirecting your blood wherever I want it to go."

To prove her point, she stroked Linny's exposed cunt with a single fingertip, coaxing out a hot gasp.

"Now be a good hostess, and get in bed, on your back for me."

Once more, Linny did as told. The captress had chosen this room so that she could shackle her to the head- and footboards. She did just so, connecting Linny's hands over her head, and adjusting her feet so that one was restrained to each corner. It was now time for the real fun to get underway. Tote in her grasp, she climbed in, sitting between Linny's legs.

Linny whimpered, lifting her head from her pillow, seeming only now to notice just now how vulnerable she was.

"What're you gonna do?" her voice quivered.

"I know it's in here somewhere..." the visitor vamped, manually searching till she found it.


Out from the tote was removed an object that injected a surge of fear and arousal through Linny: a particularly long, stiff, golden pheasant feather. Linny looked up to see the captress wave it at her. Her eyes went wide.

"Oh dear god no."

Her head fell back into the pillow, as the voice of the enchantress returned.

"OH, yes. Let the games begin."



And so Mistress began sawing and twirling the feather up and down Linny's slit, teasing her pussy mercilessly. Linny screamed.

"Oh no!!... No no no, seriously, please! You don't understand; I have a feather fetish! I can't take it! PLEASE don't do this to me!"

A predictably malicious chuckle.

"Oh, but I am going to do this to you. You see, Linny Ann Cardell..."

Linny whipped her head up. Mistress gave her a rest from the feather to explain.

"...I know all about your fetish. I know all about you. Last night, when you took out your refuse, I watched you. Outdoors in your bare feet, you sexy little sensualist, you. I did my research on you, and determined you would be my perfect victim."

Several seconds passed before the shocked Linny spoke.

"You...spied on me??!"

Unfazed, the visitor smiled.

"That's one fair way of putting it, yes."

The formerly timid, frightened Linny became at once enraged and livid. She wrestled the cuffs.

"How DARE you!!" she exploded. "Let me outta here right now, you psychopath!!"

Mistress abruptly turned very hostile. She put down the feather, grabbed Linny's moist pink pussy in her grasp, and squeezed. Linny threw her head back in the pillows and hollered. Just to drive home her point, the captress let go, scampered up on all fours to look Linny in the face, and addressed her.

"Do please each of us a favor," she told her. "Don't call a psychopath a psychopath.

"They don't like it."

A miserable Linny blinked up at her a few times.

"I don't like you," she wept.

The visitor let her soft side back out. She fondled Linny's cheek and jaw.

"Yes you do. Don't try to convince yourself otherwise. Just face it, Linny...

"You love me."

The captress kissed her. Try as Linny wanted to bite her lip or fight her off, she just couldn't. Her stamina was draining, and the erotic hold on her was too strong. She almost instantly forgot the sting in her cunt from her guest's vice-like grip. With little choice from any angle, she settled down and let the kiss go on... and on.

...And began to enjoy it.

Holy smokes... she's right.

I think I do love her.

At any rate, she is one hell of a kisser.

She felt the captress tweak her clipped nipple. Her eyebrows leapt.

"MMM! Uhmuhgoff!"

Mistress broke the kiss with a chuckle.

"You see?... I told you."

Linny only gazed into her eyes in response. The enchantress gazed back.

"...Do we understand each other?"

Linny paused, and slowly nodded. She earned a smile and a peck on the nose.

"Outstanding. Then let's get on with it."

The captress retreated, also on all fours, and resumed position at the foot of the bed. The feathery torment continued, making Linny moan and whine with desire. She'd meant what she said; feathers drove her crazy. The fetish spun her brain and libido in dizzy circles of unbidden passion. Her pussy drenched itself and swelled at the feather's soft, gentle touch. The visitor poured it on uncountable minutes, to a degree she felt appropriate for now. Finally, she stopped.

"Oh!" Linny was relieved. At this relatively early stage with the infernal feather, she was overwhelmed quickly, and needed time for the rest of her to rev up. The captress must have sensed this, and so relented. Linny'd have to remember to thank her.

She felt the feather's blade brush her clipped clit. Linny shrieked.

"Hee hee hee hee hee heeeeee!..." the captress cackled like a Halloween witch. "Gotcha."

"PLEASE!" cried Linny. "Th—bl—d—...t-too much!!"

A nod. "Noted."

She eased into the next stage of teasing, parting Linny's labia, sawing and twirling the feather up and down between them. Linny began jumping, whooping, flopping on the bed. The rest of her was catching up to her libido, but not quite there. She flailed, feeling the band tug on her genitals. Even with her brain gaining on her sex drive, it was damn near unbearable. The captress sped up with the feather, sawing and twirling. Linny felt as if about to lose her mind. All four paws clenched and pounded the mattress. Her head whipped back and forth on the pillow as she screamed it off. Each time she opened her eyes and looked up, she saw that terrifying evil smile leer her in the face. She cringed.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssss..." the captress purred, feeling her own pussy get wet. "I love that agony in your beautiful face. Let me see it."

Indeed in twisted, sweet angst, Linny screeched for her own sanity, wrenching on the cuffs hard as she could. Just as she thought she could take no more... the enchantress ceased again.

"OHHHHH!!" Linny collapsed, once more taken by relief. It was astonishing. Her visitor was exploiting her weakness for all it was worth, and much as she hated to admit it... Linny adored her. She didn't know how, she didn't know why... but it had happened. She'd bonded with her captress.

...What did they call that again?

Oh, who cared; she was lost in throes of eros. Whenever Mistress started up on her again, she thought this time she'd finally be able to handle it. She steeled herself, flexing her muscles, breathing heavy and deliberate. Her proud 36Cs heaved under the clips. Little Linny tried desperately to simmer down and yet remain fired up. The captress watched, feeling an intense affection for Linny embrace her as well. She waited to determine just when would be the perfect time to carry on.

Then...she spotted it. Just as Linny threw out a deep breath and began to take in another. The captress pulled down the crotch of the leggings to expose her asshole. She then took the feather from her asshole up her taint, winning herself another scream.

"EEEEEE!" Linny exclaimed. "What was that??"

"Oh, nothing," her merry guest chortled. "Just a little anal byplay."

"OMIGOD!! Baby, please don't do that!" Linny laughed.

The captress was charmed. "Oooh! So I'm 'Baby' now, am I?? I like it."

At last, it was time to take it horizontal. So the visitor parted Linny's soaked pussy lips, slipped in a couple of digits, and guided in the feather. The insertion in and of itself carried limited effect. But as Mistress repeated her back-and-forth twirling and sawing motions... Linny Ann Cardell lost it.


Both were quite tickled—one figuratively, one literally—by the spectacle. The visitor laughed out loud for the umpteenth time as poor Linny went insane. The sensations were unreal, like nothing she'd felt before in her life. She thrashed all over the bed, forcing the captress to sit on her leg to hold her down. Linny found herself caught and spun in a vortex of heaven and hell. To her pleasure and torment, no matter how much she thrashed and fought, the visitor continued unabated. The feather's edges felt like a jagged dagger, a razorblade, a white-hot laser inside her. Linny wished her fetish was gone so the feather didn't drive her so crazy. But even were it so, the enchantress would find another weakness. Another way to torment her. Another avenue to agonizing anguish. Another...

Gasp. Here it came. Linny was seized by the all too familiar feeling of impending, momentous orgasm. As she arched her back, the band again tugged, enhancing the violent sensations. She heard the Mistress' voice echo in her ears. She was consumed by fire, swallowed in sizzle, engulfed in flames. Her ticklish giggles morphed into primal howls. She couldn't believe what this angel-faced, devil-hearted vixen had done to her. Three hours ago, she was an innocently sleeping 29-year-old waif, dead to the world, not a care in it. Now she'd been awoken, scared to death, threatened, coerced, restrained, taken advantage of, molested... and made to love it.

Scream after scream ensued as the climaxes began to hit. She blasted off, letting everything else vanish. All that existed was Linny Cardell, her captress... and her magical feather of sorcery. Oh, curse my evil fetish! thought Linny. It's torturing me!!

It was true. She was unable to take the force and velocity of the orgasms. The second assaulted her as the first peaked and began to let go. They pounded her like killer blows in the ring. As climax two wound down, number three nailed her. She reacted accordingly, not knowing how many more she could stand. Before she knew it, it was too intense, too much to take. Psychedelic stars swirled around her dizzy head. Her lungs were wrecked, and her pussy was on the same way.

The fourth orgasm hit. Linny shrieked like a banshee, going beyond crazy on the mattress. She yanked her cuffs with superhuman strength, unable to believe how they wouldn't break. It was madness. The enchantress kept it up now just for the show, just to see what would happen, how much more Linny would withstand.

What is going ON?! Linny couldn't help but think. I never have orgasms like this! Does she really have this kind of power over me??

Her trembling, quaking pussy clenched and contracted, swollen to a purple-ish hue. Finally, Linny felt it all ready to break for her. The captress was about to claim her ultimate victory. Her floodgate blew down.

The last scream took her lungs out, rendering Linny laryngitic. She burst. Her cum blasted out of her like water from a fire hose, drenching the enchantress, the footboard, her leggings and everything else in its path. She heard Mistress laugh triumphantly once more. No longer able to scream, Linny she-jaculated with both hot cum and hushed, throaty gasps. Her captress' ear-to-ear smile was irresistible. Gazing up at it fueled Linny on till she surrendered every final drop. At long last...

She was dry. Spent. Exhausted.

"Hee hee hee..." giggled the pleased visitor. "Guess who wins!"

Fighting for breaths, Linny wheezed out a response her captress couldn't hear. She gently extracted the feather, and climbed down close to Linny's lips.

"Huh? What's that, baby?"

Linny tossed a rushed but dreamy sigh, and reiterated.

"I said it looks to me like we both won."

"Ah," cooed the captress. "Fair enough." She teased the tip of Linny's nose, down her septum, philtrum and lips with the feather. Linny smelled and tasted her own cum. It was nice. But not as nice as the kiss the captress stole from her a moment later.

"OH!" gasped Linny. "Stick a fork in me; I'm done."

Something ominous happened. The visitor stared at her... as her expression darkened. Linny's smile faded.


Mistress butterfly-kissed her. She spoke.

"You think you're done now, do ya... baby?"

Linny's still damp, tear-stained eyes widened.

"...What're you talking about?"

The enchantress wordlessly sat up. She gingerly removed the genital band. Linny winced as the clips came off of her.