Storm Damage Pt. 02


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Pauline is happy and forceful with her words, "You might not be a rocket scientist, but damn, you're cute. You're a hunk of a man, and your heart is huge. Have you seen the long line of guys like you helping others? NO! There are men working for others, but only for big money. My dad and grandpa were carpenters. I know good work. I inspected this house; you do fine work."

Gail pipes up, "Oh shut up. His cocks' awesome, he's cute, he has a heart of gold. I can't believe some bitch would divorce you. There are many things in life you can't buy, and you're one of them."

I almost spoke up but what do I say? I am eating pussy and fucking her friend. Anything I say could ruin that. I stay silent and concentrate on eating pussy. It's hard because Gail feels so wonderful. It's like her hand has a thin glove that glides over my cock. It's also nice because she is doing it slowly, enjoying the fantastic feeling we are both getting. Pauline must know she needs to do most of the work. No way I can concentrate with Gail on my cock.

Pauline pauses, and I hum a song into her. She orgasms and falls on my face. I lift her up and dump her on the side. Now she has a cute and satisfying smile to get with her surprised face when my arms lifted her entire body and tossed her. She really thought I was pinned.

I grab Gail around the waist and roll her over into Missionary. She looks disappointed because I am going to start slamming into her hard and fast. I don't. I continue the slow fucking, but I can now use more of my cock. She was only using half of my cock, now she is getting the entire thing. That's a whole lot better. Now there is happiness and joy on her face along with a spectacular smile. She looks very happy right now.

Pauline comes back and plants her pussy on Gail's face. She doesn't need to roll her hips as Gail is experienced at eating her pussy and immediately starts her routine. Unfortunately for both girls, I am fucking Gail, and she doesn't take nearly as long to get off. Pauline is still warming her up when she explodes into a terrific orgasm where Gail screams loud enough to break glass. A real ear shattering screamer.

She is winded and stops all actions. Her eyes are open, but there are no signs of life. That lasts for thirty seconds. In that time, I roll over. I am tired and worn out. The week is catching up to me. Will Pauline still want to be fucked?

After Gail returns to the group, Pauline pulls on my hands and says, "Let's take a shower, shall we?"

I sadly replied, "We don't have one right now. Only the toilet and sink work. I have a lot of tile work to do in there still. That was my next project, but storms made the windows and siding more important. I can hose you off or offer a towel bath."

She lets go of my hands and looks sadly at me, "I'm saving myself for my husband. Days like today make me think twice about that decision. Gail will tell me how wonderful it was."

She turns off the lights.

Gail says, "Not this time I won't. I can't accurately describe how awesome Hunter was. I could feel each vein of his cock as it gently slid in and out of my cunt for almost an hour."

I look at the clock, no shit. I thought I went for twenty minutes. No wonder I am tired and worn out. I lay on my back, and both women basically sleep on me, each covering half. I can feel a small set of breasts on my chest and four rock hard nipples.

I sleep deep tonight. My body is still exhausted from three women and two sessions of sex. So much for a day off.


The next morning, I am woken up by a light kiss on the lips. It's 11:00, so technically, it is morning still. My morning wood is sticking up nice and tall. Gail is already in her clothes, but Pauline is on my chest kissing me. I then feel her slot enveloping my meat stick.

I speak softly and with fear in my voice, "What about mister right?"

Gail answers for her friend, "He took too long to arrive. Besides, how do we know you won't be mister right?"

I can't argue with her reasoning. She pushes past her barrier and then stops. She whimpers and two tears fall on my chest.

Gail comes down to the edge of the bed on her knees and says in a friendly voice, "That's the worst part. Trust me, it's all awesome after that. Well, if you fuck Hunter or guys like him. Some aren't so wonderful, but the feeling is still good if they get you there. I guarantee he will. I'll fire up the grill and start breakfast. You have thirty minutes."

So, Lisa did send them over to fuck me. How else would she know about the grill and making breakfast? This surprises me. I thought I am still on her shit list or have embarrassed her too much by sleeping with the neighborhood.

I slowly push up into Pauline. Her eyes pop out of her head in shock. The feelings are powerful and rock her body to the core.

She slowly descends to the bottom, she is full. She is giggling and can't talk. She wants to be like Gail, she wants to bounce up and down. The problem is that Gail has fucked many men and has built up her leg muscles. Pauline hasn't got that experience or muscle conditioning. She soon fades as she tires.

I expected this from a virgin. I roll us over to the opposite side of the bed, and she is now on her back. She is looking at our union.

I tell Pauline, "Look at me." She does questioningly. "You don't need to see, you will experience the feeling, and it will be glorious. Look at my face. Read my face and see the happiness that I get from pleasing you."

I start rolling my hips slowly. She has a big "O" on her face.

Pauline slowly says, "Oh my, I have been so fucking stupid. I could have been enjoying fucking men for years. I can't believe it, Gail was right! I can feel every vein of your magnificent cock. I can feel the edge of the helmet sliding in and out. It's unimaginable. Gail was right, you can't describe it other than awesome, and that seems underwhelming and inadequate. This is the best feeling in the world."

I could do this all day, but I need to speed this up so we can eat. We both are sweating from the hot day in a house with no air-conditioning. We both smell of cum, sweat, and the unmistakable aroma of sex. My hair is dreadful, her ponytail helps. Her makeup is long gone. Her cheeks are turning pink from breathing hard.

We both look like we have been oiled for a massage, but it's just sweat. The room has that distinctive odor of sex. Pauline is now grunting with each thrust I make, and I do my best to be consistent, use deep thrusts and retreats. Her eyes are riveted to my face, and I am sure I have a huge grin.

She gave me her virginity; I want to make this memorable. My sister solved that problem for me. She comes barging into the house with bags of food, the household items are still in the car. She throws the food on the counter and then comes back screaming. "What the fuck Pauline! I told you to feed him and make sure he got some rest."

Gail comes in with the food, looking sheepishly, and says to Lisa, "Oh Hi Lisa. He slept until 11:00 this morning. We woke him for breakfast." She looks at me, "Hurry up you two. Breakfast is ready."

I move to the fastest fucking I can. I shorten the distance my cock travels, and that allows me to speed up significantly. Pauline can only, "UG, Ug, Ug." I can't speak, all my concentration is on Pauline. I know they are watching us, but Pauline has 100% of my attention.

I have those early warning signs of an impending orgasm. My vision focuses, my hearing shuts down, my toes curl, and my body pulls tight, ready to unleash my torrents of cum into this fine woman.

She surprises me by orgasming before I do. She screams loudly to announce the event and then her body contracts. Legs pull together, arms fold up, and her pussy is like a book in the way it wants to fold shut. It can't, my steel won't allow it.

That is when my body orgasms and time slows to a crawl. I can almost feel the cum flowing from my balls, through the tubes, into my cock, and then out into a big dark cavern. I plaster the back wall with a glazing of my baby batter. We both fall limp.

Lisa is furious, "I am not spoon feeding you two. You come and get it while you can."

I can't move and all Pauline can do is curl up next to me, like a fetus.

It's a few minutes before I can sit up in bed. Gail brings me a glass of orange juice and helps me get up. I am still naked and don't care. I use the washroom.

I can hear Lisa asking Pauline, "I thought you were saving yourself for marriage?"

Gail laughs and helps her friend sit up, "She avoided it last night. She watched me ride the pony. This morning she saw his morning wood while Hunter was blissfully asleep. She stared at it for ninety minutes. In the end, it broke her will, and she took him. He was the best I ever had. I think I need to have you all over for dinner and a nightcap someday.

"Mommy and daddy would like to see me interacting with others, especially when one is a man. They're still in the south of France at a villa while our house is being fixed up. I'm overseeing the work. It's brutal work checking once a week with the foreman."

We all sit down to eat. Pauline hasn't bothered to put on any clothes yet. I didn't either, nobody is complaining. Gail did a fantastic job of cooking. Lisa is looking at her friends, and she is annoyed.

Lisa finally bursts out, "Would you two stop it!"

They both look at her with surprise. They aren't doing anything wrong. They shrug their shoulders in a "What did I do wrong?" look.

Lisa is still cross and short with them, "Wipe those God damn smiles off your faces."

She looks like she could spit nails if given a block of steel.

Gail gives her a shocked face, "I have no idea what you're talking about. This is me, Gail, your friend. I am not some grinning puppet."

I smile at them and then I instruct them, "Gail, you and Pauline need to look at each other. You both have that wonderful smile. You're happy, it's ok."

Gail recognizes the smile in Pauline now and says to Lisa, "Baby, I'm sorry, but nothing will remove this grin for a while. Your brother is one hell of a ride."

After breakfast, which is really lunch for me, I go back to bed. Pauline and Gina stayed for a while and talked with Lisa. They are friends and caught up on all the gossip. I slipped in and out of sleep all afternoon. Both girls got my complete history along with the stories from the last four days minus yesterday as Lisa did not see that.

I finally fall asleep into a deep slumber.

Chapter 8 -- As the song says, "The Bitch is Back."

I wake up, it's sunset, everyone is back. I find myself in bed with Lisa. That is a bit of a shock. She has her clothes on but is snuggled up in my arms with me spooning her. We are both awakened from our slumber by the neighborhood, it's dinner time.

Carla and Vicki jump into bed with us to make sure we are both awake. Jake throws me my boxers, saving me from much embarrassment. None of the ladies liked his action.

They boiled water and then cooked several slabs of baby back ribs over a slow boil for an hour. The effect is like a slow cooker. Then they used a trick I have never seen before, they cut each rib individually and cook it on the grill. It wasn't very long, just enough to get the corners crispy. Then, at the end, the BBQ sauce is added. There are several sides and apple pie for dessert.

It was a fantastic dinner until the door opened again. There, standing in the doorway is probably the most beautiful woman I have ever met. And that's where the problem lies, I have met her before. Hell, I was even married to her. She smiles at seeing me, I do not reciprocate. Lisa seems at a loss for words.

Vicki announces, "Wrong house lady. We don't know you."

Heather uses her sweet sing-song voice to charm the room, "I came down here to see how my best friend is doing. I can't reach you, my dear. I just jumped in my car and took a few days off from work."

Lisa lethargically walks to her best friend, and they embrace.

Heather is in attack mode already, "Wow, somehow I expected you to be happy to see me. I'm here to help. Hunter, go to my car and get the booze, I brought enough for a few parties."

Jake puts his hand on my shoulders and says, "Stay, I got this for you. Jack, give me a hand please."

I don't say anything. I don't know how Lisa, or the other women will react. Heather sure is hot looking. She is your typical trophy wife. Long blond curled hair, porcelain skin, huge breasts, high cheekbones, blinding teeth. Almost nothing on her isn't perfect, other than her personality. Each of the husbands has given her a critical eye, and I bet they would do anything for her.

Lisa seems conflicted. She likes Heather but knows she is dead wrong about me.

Heather took the first shot, and it hurt.

Heather says dismissively to me, "At least you look better. I'm surprised to see you here still. I figured you would have taken the money and run off."

Instantly, three mothers and two daughters want to bite her head off. Mandy is up in a flash and stomping towards Heather as Lisa stands in between.

Mandy still gets her words in, "You piece of shit. That man put himself in the hospital working too many hours and without much food so he could buy supplies for Lisa's house. He worked on all our homes for almost no pay as we didn't have any money at the time. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, bitch."

"This sweet, honest and giving man is helping all of us rebuild for meager pay. Hunter spends his late nights fixing his sister's house. He has no money. This kind soul has given us so much, we can never truly repay him.

"We don't want to hear another bad word or see an aggressive look out of you or Lisa won't be able to stop the hell that will reign down on you!"

Wendy adds, "We're a very close neighborhood. We know what a fantastic man he is, and we know what a whore you are. If you don't lose the attitude quickly, you will be most unwelcome around here."

Sweet, quiet Carla adds, "We don't have time to party and drink. We get up at 5:00 AM and generally work until 11 or 11:30 at night. We all lift wood, get splinters, help cut, eat sawdust. We all ache at the end of the day. Your ex-husband, the man you stupidly tossed aside, is the only one skilled enough to do most of the jobs, we all need him. You're a distraction. Why don't you get lost?"

It didn't take long for Heather to realize the room is against her. Her smile fades.

She looks at Lisa for support, and Lisa says, "When I got here and saw him sleeping, I assumed he had stolen my money. You always told me what a worthless bum he was. I threw him out on the streets. I find out the little money he was earning all went to wood and supplies needed to rebuild MY house. He worked eighteen-hour days and barely ate because he needed the money to work on my home.

"Hunter went to the homeless shelter. At the shelter, they sent him to the hospital because he's in such bad shape. I showed up and tell them I'm his sister and want to see him. They run me out of the hospital, threatening me for abusing him." She starts to cry. "I did."

Heather takes her in her arms and rubs her back, "I'm sorry Lisa. I don't mean to cause trouble. We had different ideas on the directions for our lives. I don't trust him and have my own personal hate. He has you all fooled so I'll keep my mouth shut until I can say, 'I told you so.' It's coming, mark my word."

Vicki runs outside, and we all hear under her breath, "I have now met the Wicked Witch of the West."

Heather was about to say something, but a patronizing Lisa says, "Let it go. We southerners I guess are a whole lot easier to fool."

The smile that left Heather's face was priceless. We now have a happy room again. Jake and Jack place two pieces of luggage and two boxes of booze inside the door and on the floor. Lisa introduces everyone, explains the condition of the houses, and the day that the wife or daughters slept with me. I can see the understanding in her eyes now. She knows why the women hate her now, she will have no friends here.

Heather doesn't know the husbands, but it is evident to me, they're not big fans of hers either. Lisa is her lone friend, and she is OK with that. No doubt she will try to change that. We all talked about our plans for this week until it got dark outside. Tomorrow, the women are taking my truck and buying tile. Everyone agrees that they want fully working showers.

My first task will be measuring the square feet of each floor and wall tile so we can buy the right amount. It takes a few days to do tiling. One day for walls, one for grout, one to dry. After the grout is done on the walls, I can tile the floors. The shower head and handles are ok, only the walls are destroyed in places. That's good, no need for a plumber.

Jack and Danni will need floors next while Mandy, Jake, and Lisa are still finishing up walls. Jack and Wendy have just started walls, there is a lot of drywall to do. At least the ceilings are done.

We break up for bedtime about 9:00. Everyone is willing to have me stay over. I choose to stay in my tent.


The next morning, the club makes breakfast and Carla came to wake me up. She wanted to do it with a blowjob, but I am already awake.

She whispers into my ear, "I really hate your ex-wife."

We have a cordial breakfast. It was easy, Heather is still in bed. She knows where we will be. We set up a system where I use a marker to show where the tile should be cut, a runner brings the tile to Jake, he cuts it, and it is sent it back to me via the same runner. I lay tile almost straight through the day, and because I send out the tiles for cutting before, I need them, both Jake and I are busy full time.

At 10:00, Heather joins us at Jack and Dani's house. She carries tile well. At noon Lisa leaves and comes back with lunch for all. Carla and Vicki helped make lunch. With four, it goes quick, it's only sandwiches and chips.

I notice that Heather is on tile movement duty after lunch. That's the fetching of new boxes of tile. It's the heavy lifting. They share that evenly as it's hard work. After Heather had her turn, she went back and took a nap. Nobody mentioned it, but they all smile.

Fred and Wendy have a smaller washroom, so it takes less time. We then spend some time on the walls. Wendy and the other women take off about 5:00 to make dinner. It's just hamburgers. However, there is lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and toasted buns. It takes time to do all of that. More importantly, it gives them a break. The women aren't used to this heavy lifting. I hate asking them to help, but it's tremendously useful. They are making a huge difference.

After dinner, Jake and Jack help cut tile for me so I can lay more tile. Lisa has the largest washroom, so Jack and Jake take turns helping me arrange the flooring. Lisa has less cutting, so it works out perfectly. We finish, I give both guys a hug, and they go home.

I did a lot of bending today, not so much lifting. That was hard on my back, and I am sore as hell. I stop in the kitchen and pop a pair of Advil, that will help. I then try to leave. Two women are blocking the doorway, and neither looks happy. What did I do?

Lisa is first, "Heather spent two hours lifting tile, she can barely move. You spent fourteen hours laying tile and bending over. You look like hell. You never take Advil, that means your muscles are sore. Heather, get hot water. Hunter, strip, get on the bed, lay face down on the towel. Heather, two hand towels, hall closet please."

I look around thinking of where I should strip and find a towel.

Lisa laughs at me, "You strip easily enough for every other woman here, am I so different? I've seen you naked in bed with a woman four times now. Lose the modesty and get in bed now. Don't make me tell you twice."