Storm Damage Pt. 03


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Tina returns, gets on the bed and reaches out a hand to gently rub Pauline's breasts. I swap back to Gail, and soon Tina does as well. She is massaging her own daughter's breasts. That just added to the moment. Gail and Pauline are both fun because they love everything. They encourage me all the time, it's not just a sex thing.

Gail and Pauline start a slow sensual kiss. That is going to make me blow soon. Tina gets up and is behind me, softly touching my balls. She is revving up the old sperm factory, they are working overtime. I swap women again, so it's Pauline's turn. I half expect Tina to want a turn. She must understand there's no place in my life for her.

Pauline is near tears trying to hold back. She doesn't want this to end. I speed up and three thrusts later my cock is shooting ropes of baby batter inside of this marvelous pussy. Pauline instantly lets loose with her orgasm as well. She has the look of relief on her face. Gail rolls over into her mom's arms, she looks sad. Is she sad because she did not make me cum or because her mom is holding her?

I pick up Gail from her mother's arms, and now Gail has a broad smile on her face. I take control of the room.

I tell Tina, "I got it from here. Thanks' for an evening of relaxation and fun. You really helped tonight, and I thank you very much. We all need some sleep. You'd better return before your husband comes looking." She doesn't seem concerned. "He might find the wrong room."

Now that is a thought that did not occur to her. She doesn't want someone else taking her sugar daddy or worse yet, he finds Carla or Vicki. Tina gives me a long soft kiss on the lips before leaving.

At the door, Tina says, "I can see why my daughter likes you. Treat her well." She closes the door.

I take the center of the bed, Pauline curls up in front of me, Gail turns off the lights and spoons up behind me, with an arm around my body. I slept well.

Chapter 11 -- Building Continues

The next morning the staff wakes us early for breakfast. It's still dark outside, but the sun is peaking over the horizon, it won't be long. Within five minutes of going down to breakfast, everyone is there and is sleepy still. Gail kisses her father and tells him "thank you" for the evening. He seems to like that way too much.

Gail then makes an announcement, "Saturday, my family is going on safari for a month. When I come back, I'll be attending our state college, and I will be in the business school. Effective immediately, Pauline and I are dating Hunter."

I almost spit the OJ out of my nose.

Gail is watching her father but not trying to let him know as she continues, "Last night, he was so impressed with the way we looked out for him, now he wants to do the same for us."

Malcolm turns visibly red; his anger has been stroked. In a flash, he hides it. He is staring at me, probably wondering what I know or suspect. I ignore him, I don't want a showdown now. Breakfast is fantastic, they made some of everything and a few things I had no idea what they were. After breakfast, we are all saying goodbye and go to our cars.

All but me. Malcolm grabs my arm to stop me. After making my point that he can't, I stop and face him.

Malcolm says quietly, "May I have a word with you in my office? It'll be quick."

Here it comes. Malcolm is definitely agitated and did this without anyone seeing us. I don't have Gail or Tina to protect me.

Malcolm starts with a louder than average voice, "How dare you make my daughter think she needs you to protect her from me."

I cut him off and use a quiet but forceful voice, "We never said it was you. But if it is, or was, it stops now. I don't know if I love her, but I damn well do care for her a lot. I plan to look at the love aspect. To do so, she can't fear what other people may do to her. I told her, I will watch out for her and I will."

Now I use a caring and understanding voice, "She loves you very much. I gather things like yesterday don't happen often. I sensed that both your daughter and wife enjoyed it tremendously. The man last night, that's the man they want. I don't know you otherwise. The man I met yesterday was cool. The man today, I could do without. I'm not telling you how to live your life. However, I have always found that sweets and eating pussy make women swoon for me.

"I know that yesterday was a life changer for Heather. She'll be a better person. How about you? Did you learn anything yesterday? How will you change?"

Malcolm is at a loss for words. He is truly stunned. I shake his hand, hug him, and then walk out of his office and out to Heather's car. I walk past Tina, Gail, and Pauline. They all have jaws hanging like they might never see me again, and then I appear from around a corner. I kiss each one and then run to the car.

One block away and Heather pulls over, "What the fuck happened back there?"

I am cryptic, "Malcolm and I had a heart to heart talk. I think I won." She doesn't move. "Oh, anything else?" I give them a knowing smile. "I believe Malcolm is a despicable man when it comes to his wife and daughter. It's a long story, let's get out of the neighborhood."

For the thirty-minute drive, I give them all the details. I am not really dating them. Well, I am in a way but not exclusive. I like them, but I love Lisa and Heather as well. Oh yeah, depending on his mood, Heather still might lose her job. I gave them the good, the bad, and what I suspect. They came to the same conclusions and backed me up on my actions.


After we get home, I go inside to get my tools. Lisa is right behind me and takes my hand and guides me to sit on the edge of the bed.

Lisa is shy and scared but still says to me, "You have put so much into this house, it feels like it is as much yours as it is mine. You don't have to find a job and get your own place; you can all stay here. Since I have the largest room, I'm willing to share my bed with you, we're family and all. They can each have their own room."

I have a tear in my eye, "I appreciate you saying that. I like the idea. The odds are good that they will find their own boyfriends, this is mostly to protect them from Malcolm. We talked at the end. I gave him advice, but I doubt he listens. I guess that he is who he is and I nor anyone else will change him. Time will tell. Heather, he has an evil streak, you still may lose your job. I'm sorry."

Heather walks to me and sits next to me. She gives me a big hug and kisses me on the lips. Well, that was most unexpected.

Heather is animated as she talks, "Lisa and I talked a lot last night. Yesterday was a life-altering moment for me. A lot of my values changed. I'm not the same bitch that I was when I showed up on Monday. I'm a new bitch." She smiles at me.

Lisa interjects, "You still can't have him. The other mothers all want another night with him. Carla and Vick are begging and bribing me. Jake is begging me to have you fuck his wife again. He got attacked the next night, they got no sleep, and even with their daughters around, they still went at it for hours like rabbits for three straight days until they were worn out. Wendy wants to bring you to their swingers club."

Heather looks sad, but still asks, "Is there any chance for us again?"

I did take a minute to think before I responded, "I don't think so, not in marriage. That boat has sailed. I think we could be friends again. Possibly do a date occasionally for fun. But no, I don't see a permanent future for us now. Gail and Pauline have touched my life, and I think I would like them to be a bigger part of it. That doesn't kick you out, it just leaves a smaller piece of the pie. I'll change my song though."

Heather looks at me confused. After a few moments it dawns on her what I mean, and she speed dials me. My phone plays Death March again. She laughs out loud.

Heather is still giggling when she suggests, "How about 'Walking on Sunshine,' 'The bitch is back,' or 'Here Comes the Sun,' those would be better.

Lisa suggests, "Or how about, 'Lean on Me' or 'You're my best friend.'"

I giggle, "I was thinking, 'Oops, I did it again,' or 'I Kissed a Girl,' I think we can kick 'Like a Virgin' to the curb."

They both smother me and playfully hit me.

I shout out, "Hey, the cell phones work!" I stand up. "I have work to do, people need their homes."

Today is more brutal work. I am laying tile in showers of the second washroom. In each shower, there is cement backboard that needs to be installed or repaired. Repair means remove bad and install new. Most of the bad has been removed, so I am fitting in or replacing the bad sections with new and then laying the tile.

It takes longer, but we got more done. The cement backboard slowed us down, but we made up some time by having a system for cutting and installing the tile. Jack has seen enough, so we are both installing tile now.

My day ends at 1:30 AM. Jack and I are both beat. It feels terrific taking a shower in the washroom that is done. 1:45 and I am getting into bed next to a sleeping Heather. We sleep back to back.

I am woken up at 6:00 am, and breakfast is ready. All the men look worn out, we all stayed up later than the women. We stayed up too late, we all need more sleep. We eat breakfast and then it's off to grout the showers followed by laying floorboards and more tile. Today, I spend most of my time on my hands and knees. It's 1:00 AM when we get to bed. At least tomorrow will be easier. I sent Lisa to bed at 10:00, she was a walking zombie.

Lisa and Heather are cuddled up on the bed, so I went outside and slept in my tent. That was a bad idea, the ground is very hard. I am beat and end up sleeping on the ground anyways. I should have taken a shower, but I am too tired. I quickly fall asleep with all my clothes on still.

I am woken up by Carla screaming, "He's back here!"

Well, of course, I am back here, this is where I went to sleep. The sun is up, this is unusual. Generally, we wake up at the crack of dawn, and just a sliver of sun is up. Today, it's been up for at least a few hours. The whole group is running to see me sleeping in a test. Is this really such a big deal?

I ask Carla, "Hey babe, I need some water and a few Advil, I am a bit sore today."

Carla ran off while Lisa is first into the tent and is hugging me.

Lisa looks like she has been crying, "We thought you left. We couldn't find you in the house, and nobody knew where you were."

In a weak voice, "You two looked comfortable, I slept in the tent. No big deal. I'm really hungry."

Lisa grabs my pants and drags me out of the tent. She and Vicki help me up, and then I stagger forward and end up face first in the grass. My legs gave out. Fred and Jake pick me up and carry me to the inside bedroom. About halfway I found my feet and walked on my own but with them spotting me.

Carla and Vicki feed me in bed today. They won't let me have silverware. They had a ball, I am annoyed. After breakfast, I get up and get my tools so we can finish grouting the floors. I have a problem; my tools are gone. I go back to the living room/bedroom, and they are all lined up. One by one the women leave after giving me a kiss.

Jack verifies how to mix and lay grout and then they are off as well. Lisa and Heather remain behind.

Lisa instructs Heather, "Hot water and wash behind the ears."

I offer a suggestion, "How about we go up north, get a room at a hotel with a pool and sauna. That will help my legs a lot. Then I could get some sleep."

Lisa lectures me, "You aren't going anywhere looking and smelling like that. Heather will make sure you're clean. Don't stress him at all, he needs more rest. He is exhausted. Once you're clean, we'll go for a car ride. You can sleep with air-conditioning tonight."

I leave with Heather. She is walking behind me, and I can feel the grin on her face as she is watching my ass. Once in the washroom, the one that we did last week, with the working shower, she efficiently strips me of my clothes, strips herself, which was fun to watch, and then starts the water. My legs are feeling weak, I step into the shower and sit on the stool.

I know Lisa uses this for shaving, but right now, it's very functional to keep me upright. I don't understand why I am so weak. I fall asleep.

I wake up again, and I am standing up, putting on my clothes. It's quite embarrassing when it's Heather and Malcolm dressing me, and Heather is still naked herself. Now that I am awake, I can walk myself down the stairs. Malcolm is at my side, ready to catch me. Geez, I am fine.

Milling around is Lisa, Gail, and Tina. I try to stop and talk but Malcolm uses force to keep me walking out the front door, down the steps, and into a waiting stretch limousine that is sitting in our driveway with an air temperature close to 66 Fahrenheit. I am sure that somewhere in that colossal vehicle they were hanging meat. Everyone piles in and off we go. Gail has me wrapped up in her arms, and I fall asleep.

I wake up again in a hot tub, and it feels incredible. Gail and Lisa are holding me in place while Tina is massaging my legs and showing Heather what she is doing. I AM NAKED! What the hell.

On seeing my realization, Gail offers an explanation, "We set in motion a plan to get you air-conditioning, a nice bed, a hot tub, a pool, and a massage. However, we forgot to get you a swimsuit. In the end, we all agreed that your birthday suit works just fine. We all like it. The staff has been ordered not to look at you."

It could be worse, I guess. From the looks of it, they don't have anything on either. I have no doubt that they all think that they are getting the better deal. Well, all but Heather, she is proud of her body. The water does feel awesome.

I ask, "How did I get here? Last I remember, I was in a car."

Tina fills me in, "My husband and his butler got you out of the car and on the edge of the pool. We did the rest. With five of us, it was surprisingly easy to manipulate your body."

I tell Tina, "My legs feel awesome now. Thank you for the massage. Thanks everyone for helping me. Where is Malcolm?"

Tina has a glint in her eye, "His father was a carpenter before he was killed. He learned a lot and put himself through college by building houses. Right now, he is supervising the laying of grout and installation of flooring. I guess that he's having a ball doing it. He doesn't get to build much anymore, he destroys things. It's part of what makes him bitter, he hates to destroy companies, but they are worth more that way.

"Right now, he is building something again. It's tangible, and he'll see progress. If they screw up, he will make them do it again, he is a perfectionist. He built this house. We tore down a perfectly good home and built this monster mansion. He was never so happy as when we built this place. Trust me, we are both delighted right now."

I smile at her, "I think you will be happier." She gives me a concerned look. I command them, "All of you, up on the edge of the pool."

They all look bashful and leery of the others. Gail, without thought or worry about the others, sat up on the edge of the hot tub in all her naked glory. I move to her and push her back a bit, she is on her elbows now.

I lean forward and run my extended tongue along her pussy lips, in a slow, erotic, motion. In a flash, the hot tub is empty save me. Three women are lined up for their "thank you" orgasm. In my mind, I laugh at their eagerness and at how fast their shyness wore off.

I am eager and use a full tongue on Gail. Up and down the lips I go. I run my tongue along the inside. Occasionally I go deeper, but I stay on the outer lips the most. Gail is moaning and now flat on her back. Her legs tremble as my hands touch them. I lightly touch her inner thighs causing a deeper moan.

I am slow and steady. Her young inexperienced lips are to die for. As I get excited, I move faster which is turning her on. She likes quicker more. I move to my kitty kisses, and she nearly explodes. In kitten mode, I use just the tip of my tongue, and with lightning quickness, I touch her mons. In a flash, her legs close as she screams out her orgasm. After a brief fight for breath, her legs wilt, and she is limp on the side of the hot tub.

I move over to Lisa, who is to the right of Gail. I use a similar pattern. This time I start out faster and not as slow and tender. I am still on the slower side. This isn't a race. Lisa responds much differently than Gail; she talks a lot.

Lisa starts with an "Ooff, Oh yeah. Oh fuck. Oh yeah, you mother fucker. Eat that pussy. Yes. Yes. Along the edges. He eats me so good. There! There! Oh yeah. Fuckkkkkkkk. Oh, Hunter, you are so good to me." Tears are streaming down her face. "I hated you for so long. You're fixing my house at great personal expense. I was so wrong about you. I can't tell you how much I love you."

What the hell did she just say? I don't dare stop and draw attention to Lisa's comments. We will need to discuss this at length, but we need to do it at home. I do love my sister. I think I have proved that already with my actions. I have always loved her. I had to keep a distance between us for fear of doing just this. What a waste, I could have been doing this long ago.

Lisa continues, "Fuck this is good, oh my. Yes. Yes. Oh no, oh no, oh no. No, no, no!"

I almost giggle, I can hear her voice going up the musical scale, a clear sign that she is nearing orgasm. The "no" isn't bad, it doesn't mean stop, she is telling her body, not to orgasm, so she can enjoy this longer.

Lisa exhales a scream that left ripples on the water behind me because it was so loud. She falls forward, onto me, as her body falls to pieces. Her eyes have rolled up into her skull, she is out cold. I gently lay her back on the ground. Heather guides her head safely back onto the concrete.

I move to the right once more and see an almost perfect set of pussy lips. A set that I know all too well. A set that I dearly miss, along with the rest of her body. Yes, it is Heather's turn. Of the four women, she knows me the best. She has enjoyed me the most. I also have hated her the most. Today though, my feelings are mixed. She divorced me, belittled me for years, and a few days ago, her life changed.

In front of me is a pussy that needs to be serviced. I lean in and use a wide licking of the lips. It's a medium speed, I use a large portion of my tongue, and it's not using any force. I remain on the same spot, with the same force at the same angle for over a minute. She is bored. After her first sigh, my hands go up to her nipples. Her nipples are sensitive.

I don't press too hard, or she will explode. My tongue doesn't change at all, still plodding along at a constant rate. I tweak both nipples moments apart for a quick one-two jolt that I know goes straight to her pussy. I then go for the jugular; my right hand comes off a nipple, and I use it to stroke her clit. Her body tenses but doesn't explode. Really? That usually does it. She finally developed a resistance to that. The bitch. Ok, two can play this game.

My tongue stops which stuns her. I press my entire mouth along her lips and mons. I then start humming a light jazz song I love, pinch a nipple, and lightly bit her clit. A bite would have killed her. This trio, she has no defense against. Hell, she didn't know it existed. She bounces a few times as she screams out her happiness and then melts into my arms. I lay her back onto the cement where her body can recover.

I move to the right, one more time. A startled Tina is looking at me with a new appreciation of me and my skills. Her legs are closed though. I wasn't expecting that.

Tina looks at me with a loving expression on her face, "I love my daughter very much. She fell hard for you. Few men love to eat pussy, especially as you do. That wasn't just a thank you, that was more. I would like to have you eat me out, and then we all take a turn fucking you. That is the next logical step. However, we are here today because we keep taking from you. It's so easy because you give so easily.