Storytime with Maya

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Turns friends into passionate lovers.
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I know parts of this story will sound cliché. My name is Jonathan, but most people just call me Jon. I had been with the company for about seven years when they hired a bunch of interns. One of them was named Maya Thomas. She caught my eye almost immediately. She was only a few years younger than I was. We became instant friends. We had a lot of things in common. About the same time I met her, I also met Jennifer. Jen and I started dating rather quickly. Maya wound up dating someone else from the company named Joe. He was an alright guy, I guess. But the truth of the matter was I was attracted to Maya. And he was a little strange. So I guess I was jealous of him. Jen, Maya and I would often hang out after work. Joe never seemed to join us. I got the feeling he didn't particularly like me. Which was fine. As you could tell I wasn't the biggest fan of his either.

Years went by and Maya became one of my best friends. I tried to think of her solely as a friend since I was mostly happy with Jennifer, but I couldn't shake the attraction. She was about five foot four inches, with brown hair and an amazing body. She was smart and funny and sarcastic as hell. It was always a good time hanging out with her.

Her relationship with Joe went hot then cold. They broke up several times over the course of the year. She was so good at her job she was hired full time after her internship ended which was very rare for my company. But she didn't wind up sticking around for long as she had a family emergency that required her to move back to her home state of Arizona. I thought that was going to be the last time I ever saw Maya, but of course I was wrong.

Meanwhile my relationship with Jen was still going strong. I was actually considering proposing. We were together for several years and I knew I should have proposed. But the fights started to happen more and more and I questioned if this was what I wanted my future to be.

A few months later, Maya came back and immediately started dating Joe again. But like the time before, it didn't last. Meanwhile, I could see my relationship with Jen starting to go bad too. The three of us started to hang out less and less. Then Jen and I broke up for good. It was a nasty split and I thank my lucky stars that I never proposed. Maya left the company again and stayed in town for another year before heading back to Arizona for good. It sucked losing my best friend and my girlfriend in the same year. Maya and I vowed to stay in touch with each other, just like we did the first time she moved back to Arizona. As far as Jen and I though, we never spoke to each other again. I still miss her, but she moved on quickly. The more I think about it, she was definitely cheating on me. So I was better off without her anyway.

I wound up leaving that job a year later. There was just too much that reminded me of Jen so I knew I wanted a fresh start. A part of me thought about moving out to Arizona myself and pursuing Maya, but by that point I was firmly cemented in the dreaded friend zone.

Years later I climbed the corporate ladder of a new job. I was happy there. Unfortunately I was still single. I had several girlfriends over the years, but nothing as serious as me and Jennifer had been. Or at least as serious as I was anyway. I found out that my company had its annual meetings in Arizona that year. I was still in contact with Maya so I wiggled my way into being part of the team that found out about upcoming changes in the company. And the first person I contacted was Maya. It had been a good five years since I saw her last. I was excited to see my old friend.

We agreed to meet at a local bar that wasn't too far from my hotel. To say I'm a nervous flyer would be an understatement and now I was nervous and excited for multiple reasons. Because of that, I barely got any sleep. I was in automatic pilot almost from the time I touched my foot on the ground after my flight. I took an Uber from the airport to my hotel. Luckily I didn't have any work obligations that night. I couldn't wait to see Maya again. It felt like it had been forever since I saw her. In reality, it had been four years.

When I got to the hotel, I took a long shower and put on a fresh shirt and jeans. I remember passing the restaurant on the way to the hotel so I knew it wasn't far from the hotel. We were meeting at 6 PM and now it was only 4. I had two hours to kill. I took a razor to my face to clean up the five o'clock shadow I had going on.

I took another Uber to the restaurant. I figured I would just explore the area for a bit. There wasn't much in the shopping center so I just made my way to the restaurant area and texted Maya that I was already there. She said that she would be there shortly. I ordered my first drink and had a seat at the bar. There was a jukebox in the corner so I pulled out my phone and started playing some music from it. About halfway through my first drink, I saw a car pull into the parking lot. I instantly knew who it would be.

Turns out I wasn't the only one who had changed in the past four years. I was pretty sure she had never seen me with a goatee, other than in pictures. I was now sporting one. Her hair used to be brown, but she started to dye it with a reddish tint. We had both put on a little weight over the years, but it looked incredible on her. Me? Not so much.

She spotted me almost as immediately as I had spotted her. She ran from the car through the gate. I stood up and threw my arms around her. She ordered her first drink and told me not to drink anymore until she caught up. Of course I was obliged. It didn't take long for her to catch up as I'd only had about half a beer.

We fell into an easy conversation, like no time had passed. We talked about our jobs and my meetings for the next three days in town. We mentioned family. We certainly didn't talk about either Jennifer or Joe for that matter. We mentioned that we were both single though. By now we were onto our third drink as we caught up. I said I hadn't really had anyone special in my life in a very long time. Maya had a smirk on her face.

"I wouldn't say I've had anyone special either. If you don't count my little affair..." I looked at her puzzled. "Okay, listen. I'm not exactly proud of this. But it's something that happened. I kinda...." I stared on in disbelief.. "Don't give me that look. Okay, fine. I'll admit it. I had an affair with my married boss for a few months."

"Wow, I didn't expect that from you." I'm not saying Maya was a good two shoes or anything but this goes beyond anything I expect from her.

"Me neither. I went through a very long dry spell for a while. And he was cute. Totally not my type or anything. It started off completely innocent. We flirted. Everyone in the office does it. Hell, it's no different than anything that happened between you and me back in the day." My jaw dropped as I thought the flirting was only one sided. "He had mentioned to several of us that things were not good with his wife. They had a non-existent sex life." I nodded my head in response. I was in a terrible dry spell myself, but then again I wasn't married or in a relationship so it's no surprise I was in a dry spell. "Somehow I wound up in his office right as everyone was leaving for the night. I don't know how it happened, but we started kissing. I set ground rules almost immediately. It was only to kiss. No touching. Not even above the clothes. Just making out."

I nodded my head as I listened in fascination. "I mean, I guess it makes sense. He was married. What's wrong with a little kissing?" I said with a cheeky grin on my face.

"Right?" She took another drink of her beer. "And that went on for a couple of weeks. We were always very careful not to get caught. I usually found an excuse to be the last person out and we wound up back in his office." I was starting to get a little uncomfortable. My cock was getting hard as I listened to her story. It was at about that time the crowd at the bar started getting more packed. They were louder, the music was louder. I don't know. I would up moving a little bit closer to Maya. "As we kissed I could feel him getting harder against me. The dry spell got the best of me and I wound up breaking my own rule. I'm not saying he was the biggest I've ever had, but when you've become accustomed to a plastic shape, you'd do almost anything to feel something a little more real."

Now it was my turn to take another drink as I listened intently. "I completely understand."

"So I started stroking him through his pants, but I told him he still couldn't touch me. I knew we'd both get some kind of pleasure from my hands, as long as I kept them above the pants." She took a big sip now. I watched as Maya took a long deep breath. "But even that didn't last more than a few days. His hands were all over me and I didn't even try to stop him. Not a single word of protest." We both stopped to take another drink. "A week later, the clothes started to pile up in the corner of the office. First his pants, then my shirt. Then my bra and his boxers."

I tried to control my gasp, but at this point I knew I couldn't. "Fuck, sometimes you just need to lose control every once in a while."

"I didn't even hesitate to fall to my knees. I couldn't tell you the last time I went down on a guy like that. It was so raw and primal." I'm not sure if I did it, or if she did it. But my shoulder was pressed against hers. In that instant we both looked in each other's eyes. There was electricity between us that I had never felt before. "Another thing I didn't hesitate was when he pushed my panties to the side and bent me over his desk...." Her voice trailed off. And then I could no longer control my hard on. Just the mental image of my friend bent over a desk and being fucked was a losing battle. It didn't help I was more than a little buzzed at this point. Neither of us moved. It was like we were frozen. The crowd around the bar just kept pushing us together. And neither of us made an effort to move. Our shoulders touched and I felt electricity run through my body. "I'm so fucking wet right now..." Maya's voice called out in almost a whisper. Her eyes glanced down at the tent in front of my pants. "Looks like I'm not the only one having that kind of problem right now."

I tried to come up with a witty response. But my mind could not stop think about Maya getting fucked like that. I had always thought she probably had a kinky side to her. But now I knew. "I can't help it. Your story was so sexy...." I finally said. I probably stuttered over my words to be honest. It was almost like her eyes were glued to my cock.

"I never knew you had such a big cock...."

"How could you know? You've never seen it...." I took the last sip of my beer. "But it's definitely not the first I've been hard because of you...." I couldn't help that response. I was way past controlling what was coming out of my mouth.

"Bad boy...."

"I'm not the one who was bent over the desk getting fucked by my married boss," I blurted out. If she was going to stare so openly at my cock, I couldn't help but turn my attention to her breasts. "Probably bareback too..."

Maya's face turned red. She looked to the left, shifting her eyes for a moment. "Yes, it was bareback. Neither of us expected to be in that situation. We got carried away. I should have insisted he put on a condom. But I didn't."

I reached over with my hand and guided her gaze back to me. "No need to feel bad. In case you haven't noticed, I think it's fucking hot.' Our eyes locked. I don't know if I kissed her or if she kissed me. But the next thing I knew our lips were pressed together and our mouths were wide open, tongues deep in each other's mouths. I felt her hands on my hips as my arms went against her back, pulling her closer. We were both seated on the barstools, but somehow both of our hips moved against each other.

I couldn't resist it anymore. My right hand slipped from her back along her arm and finally squeezing her breast through her shirt. Maya moaned as I cupped her chest. Suddenly I felt her tense up. Maya pulled away from me.

"This is bad. We shouldn't be doing this...."

"Why not? We're both single."

Maya stood up from her stool. "Yeah... I know. Still... I'll be right back." Before I could even say a word she was gone. Maya disappeared into the crowd in the direction of the restrooms. I couldn't help but feeling I went too far. Maybe I shouldn't have put my hands on her breasts. She seemed fine up until that point. I felt like shit all of a sudden. Maya and I had always had a flirty relationship, but that was all it was. We might have kissed on the cheek a time or two when greeting each other or saying goodbye, but never on the lips and certainly never with tongue.

My eyes kept glancing at the parking lot. I knew she would never do it, but there was a part of me that half expected to see her slinking to her car. I don't know how long she was actually gone for. A part of me felt like it was an hour, but in reality it was probably only about ten minutes. I was relieved when I saw her appear from the ladies' room. She made her way through the crowd.

"We okay?" I asked nervously as she sat back down next to me.

"Of course we are. Things just got a little.... Out of hand. I'm honestly surprised it didn't happen sooner between us, to be honest." I smiled as she seemed more like herself. She flashed the smile that I had seen too many times in my life to count. We sat around for another half hour. We each had another round of drinks and split an appetizer. Neither of us brought up the kisses or my hands on her breasts. I don't know how you could at that point.

Maybe it was my over imagination though. But I swear I caught Maya glancing down at me a few times. Did I just catch her staring at my crotch? I tried not to think about it. But of course, the thought alone made me hard. Not that it went down after the kiss to be honest.

Almost at the same time we said we should call it a night. I had another few presentations to get through tomorrow and Maya had to work as well. I paid the bill and we both walked out. She offered to drive me back to my hotel but I passed. I did offer to walk her back to her car though. We made plans to meet somewhere else tomorrow after we both got out of work.

We talked at her car for a few minutes. I thought about leaning into to give her a hug and I'm pretty sure I saw her lean in too. But there was still a little bit of awkwardness in the air. I could still taste her lips. And now I was convinced I caught her checking me out again. I fidgeted slightly. Maya could see it in my eyes.

"This is crazy. We're old friends. I know you want to hug me goodbye. I saw it. There's no reason you can't...."

I leaned forward as she did the same. We embraced like old friends. But the moment I wrapped my arms around her something in me changed. I think she felt it too. Our arms were still around each other but we pulled back just enough to be able to see each other's faces. I think we both were about to speak but instead we kissed again. There was nothing soft about this kiss though. My cock hardened as she opened her mouth. Our tongues wrestled each other as we made out. Suddenly, I felt Maya's hand move from my back and down my hip. She caressed my cock through my jeans.

"Mmmmmm," I moaned as she rubbed her fist over my incredibly hard cock. Maya broke the kiss.

"I haven't been able to get the thought of this out of my mind for the last few minutes. God, you're hard."

I didn't say a word, my hand moved back to her breast, roughly squeezing it as I kissed her again. I pushed her back against the car, almost pinning her there as we just gave into each other. I wanted more. I slipped my hand under her shirt and grasped her tit as she continued to rub me. I felt like I could cum just from her handjob.

Maya could sense it. I felt her hand gently push down the zipper in my jeans. Her hand was like a magnet as she reached into my pants. I started to kiss her neck, licking and caressing as I felt her hand through my boxers. I'm sure at this point we were attracting a crowd. We were in public, after all.

The next thing I know, Maya released my cock. She wasted no time unlocking the back door of her car. Neither of us said a word as we slipped into the car and slammed the door behind us. We embraced again, which led to more passionate kissing. Her hand returned to my cock, pulling it out through the zipper. I was on top of her, my tongue deep in her mouth as she gave me a handjob. I don't remember my cock ever being as hard as it felt in her hand.

"Fuck me...." She whispered as her hand released my shaft. I watched in awe as she pushed down her jeans, pushing me off her body just enough for her to yank down her panties. I took a moment to admire her body as I quickly pushed my boxers down.

I crawled back on top of her, my mouth on hers. Her hand reached between us, once again grabbing my cock. She was as hot for me as I was for her. I felt her guide myself into her. Our eyes locked as I slipped deep inside her.

She let out a long drawn out moan as I bottomed out inside her. I wasted no time. I started thrusting like a madman, fucking her just as she asked. Her hand grasped the back of my neck, bringing my mouth down to hers. I held myself up on my arms as I thrust into her. In all the times I masturbated to thoughts of Maya, I never imagined I'd actually get to fuck her. Here I was, balls deep inside her. And her pussy felt better than I could have imagined.

The car rocked back and forth. Anyone walking by would have no doubt what was happening in the backseat. She gripped me tight as moved inside her.

I was suddenly obsessed with a thought. I needed to see her breasts. I needed to taste them. I stopped my thrusting with my cock buried inside her. I grinned as I raised her shirt, just enough that her breasts became visible. She was still wearing a bra. My mouth moved to her neck, nibbling and sucking on her skin. That's when I felt her moving under me. I reached under her body to unhook her black bra. Maya lifted the cups off her skin. My eyes locked on her hard nipples. I continued to kiss down, finally capturing her nipple in my mouth.

I started moving again as I sucked on her areola. She continued to caress the back of my head, pulling on my hair. Her nipples hardened in my mouth as I switched from the right one to the left and back again. Her fingers released my hair and slipped under my shirt, clutching my skin. She began to claw at me, digging her fingernails into my skin. It hurt at first, mostly because I wasn't expecting it. But it only spurred my desire for her. I began to move harder into her. She moaned louder with each thrust. My mouth moved back to hers. Our tongues were tangled together in a long passionate dance.

Suddenly I felt her push me off her. Maya had a devilish grin on her face. "I want to try something. Sit up...."

I did as I was told. The next thing I knew, she straddled my hips and reached between our bodies. "People can see you...." I started to say. She cut me off with another kiss as she guided my cock back inside her. Somehow I was deeper than before.

"Let them enjoy the show..." she responded as she broke the kiss. My eyes were almost fixated on her breasts. I gripped her waist as she rode me. "You're so deep in me..." she moaned. I raised my hips with each thrust. "Feel so good..." she moaned, almost incoherently. I couldn't get any words out. I was too busy enjoying the feel of her pussy. She threw her arms around my head, pulling my face back to her breasts. There was only one thing for me to do as she practically suffocated me between her breasts.

My mouth opened and I began to lick and kiss and suck on every inch of her flesh. I could feel her squeezing my cock as she continued to ride me. The little moans that escaped her lips were killing me. I watched as Maya reached above her head, her palms flat on the ceiling of the car. Maya arched her back as she gave into the pleasure. The car around us shook as Maya rode out an intense orgasm, drenching my cock.