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Stranded by snow Carl rescues a young woman.
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As he watched the snow falling outside the car window, Carl knew he shouldn't have tried it. He should have known better, after all, he had been raised here, had hunted these hills and had been caught more than once by a freak snowstorm.

But he had been in a hurry to get home for Thanksgiving. It would have been the first time in 20 years he had been home for the holiday. When he found the main road was intermittently closed for construction, he thought he would be smart and take the back road over Black Crow Pass.

He hadn't figured on the snow. His car had skidded and landed him in the ditch. Now here he sat, stuck, unable to drive out, watching the snowfall as the darkness got deeper, wondering what to do. A moment later a solution hit him. He remembered there was an old hunters cabin up the hill a ways.

Hoping that it was still there and usable, he climbed out of the car, grabbed his sleeping bag and pack which held his clothes, flicked on his flashlight and began to slog through the now knee-deep snow. After climbing for what seemed like hours, the cabin materialized out of the soft haze of darkness and falling snow.

It was still standing and in one piece. As he clumped onto the porch he glanced to the side and noticed the unmistakable silhouette of an outhouse someone had built 20 yards from the cabin since the last time he was there. He unfastened the rope latch and pushed open the door.

The walls of the single room log cabin were bare except for the door he stood in, one small window and a cupboard on one wall. The room held a table, two chairs, a potbellied stove and a wooden bunk. The bunk had a thin mattress that was rolled tightly, tied with twine and encased in a clear plastic bag.

'Someone must still be using it during hunting season,' he thought.

He looked about but didn't see any firewood for the stove. He decided to wait until morning before he had a look around outside. He opened the plastic bag, untied the twine, pulled the mattress out and unrolled it on the bunk. He rolled his double size sleeping bag (he liked a double for the room it afforded him) out onto the mattress.

He was starting to feel cold, so he climbed into the sleeping bag pulled it around him and surrounded by silence drifted off to sleep. He woke with a start. Dim cold light filtered through the small window. He could tell it was much colder than the night before as he unzipped the sleeping bag and crawled out.

The cold bit into him. He beat his arms around his body and cursed himself for wearing his clothes to bed. They had gotten damp from being in the sleeping bag with him. He shivered as he opened his pack and began to pull out his extra clothes. Before long he had most of them on but was still feeling the effects of the cold.

He opened the door and was greeted with a blast of frigid air. The temperature was well below freezing and the weak sunlight didn't afford any warmth. He set out to scout for firewood but an hour later he had only found a few small pieces. He decided the area must have already been scavenged clean by past cabin users. On his way back he lucked out and stumbled onto a dead alpine fir. He broke off as many branches as he could, then carried them back to the cabin.

As he laid the wood for the fire into the stove he decided to return to his car, retrieve the food he had in the trunk and leave a note. If someone did come along, which was possible but probably unlikely, for a while anyway and spotted his car they would know where to look for him.

He laid a fire in the stove, lit it and had it going well as he stepped out of the cabin and trudged down the hillside. It was hard going in the fresh snow, but because he was going downhill it took him only a few minutes to make his way to his car. As he approached the spot where he had left his car, he noticed a snow-covered lump behind the snow-covered lump that was his vehicle. As he got closer it became apparent it was another car.

He slogged to it and brushed the snow from the window to peer in. In the dim light he could just make out a body curled up on the front seat. He tapped on the window, but there was no response. He tried the driver=s door and found it locked. After trying all the other doors and finding all of them locked he was frustrated.

He was considering breaking a window when an idea hit him. He began to feel around inside the wheel wells and under the bumpers until he found what he was looking for under the rear bumper, a magnetic key holder with a spare key. He unlocked the driver's door and opened it to reveal what appeared to be a young woman in her mid to late twenties curled into a fetal ball on the front seat.

She was dressed in a thin blouse covered by a light jacket, a skirt and a pair of high heels. He glanced around, but there didn't appear to be a coat or any type of heavier outer garment in the car. Carl shook her, but got no response. He touched her cheek and found it to be cold, very cold. He checked her breathing, which was shallow, then shook her hard to see if he could wake her. He didn't even get a groan from her.

She was suffering from hypothermia. He knew he had to get her warm and soon, or she'd die. He took off the sweater he had on, pulled her up put it on her. He pulled her out of the car, kicked the door shut and frantically began to struggle back up the hill. He was tiring fast and it seemed like forever before the cabin finally came into sight.

He was gasping for breath as he pushed the door open, then kicked it shut behind him. He flipped open his sleeping bag, laid her down and quickly removed her jacket, blouse, skirt and shoes, leaving her in a blue lace bra and matching panties. He covered her and quickly stuffed wood into the stove until it was full. He went back to the bunk, quickly removed his clothes right down to his underwear.

He climbed into the bag with her, pulled her limp body close to his, grunting as her cold skin touched him. He held her close and pulled the bag tightly around them, allowing his body heat to transfer to her. As he lay there, he became aware of her scent, a mixture of musk and lavender.

Over the rest of the day and into the night he dozed off and on. Finally, he woke to find she was shivering and moaning, a good sign. He pulled her tighter and she seemed to quiet, but a moment later he became aware that her breasts were pushed up against his chest and the soft and by now warm skin of her thighs was tight against his. That caused his cock to begin to stir.

He didn't want her waking to find a strange man holding her tightly with a hard-on pushed against her, so he pulled back and turned his hips so it wasn't pressed against her. He checked her cheek with his lips and found her temperature was warm. He moved back from her, then shook her gently. She groaned but didn't open her eyes. A moment later she began to shiver.

He debated on getting up and stuffing the last of the wood into the stove, but decided he would need it when she finally came around. He pulled her closer, wrapping her in his arms and held her tightly until she stopped shivering. He drifted off to sleep with her pulled against his body. Hours later he started awake to find cold dim light filtering through the window. He looked at her and found her breathing was normal. He touched her neck to find her as warm as he was. He figured he'd better try to wake her and see if she was alright.

Gently but insistently he shook her and said, "Come on wake up. You have to wake up. I need to see if you're gunna make it."

Her eye's fluttered, then opened. She stared about unable to focus on anything. Finally, she seemed to snap awake.

She stared at Carl, then stammered, "Who....Where......How...."

Carl smiled and replied, "Steady now. Easy. You were in your car remember? I found you there, almost frozen. I carried you here and I've been trying to get you warm, that's why we're in this bag together."

Her pretty brow furrowed for an instant, then comprehension flashed over her face.

"I was headed for Oreville to have thanksgiving dinner with my family. The guy at the gas station at the junction told me the main road was intermittently closed and that I could probably get through over Black Crow Pass. I was getting worried, with all the snow coming down, when I saw your car," She stopped and added, "That was your car?"

Carl nodded and she continued, "I stopped to see if anyone was in it. When I found no one, I tried to turn around but my car got stuck. The car stalled and I couldn't get it started again. It seemed to get colder and colder. The last thing I remember I was curled up on the front seat and it seemed to be getting a little warmer. "

Carl grunted, "You were damned close to freezing to death. The feeling of warmth comes not long before you hit unconsciousness and it's not long after that the body shuts down. How do you feel now?"

"Cold." She said shivering.

"Well I'll stay in here with you for a bit more then I'll climb out and get the fire started again. And your name is....?"

"Jenny." She replied, "Jenny Green. And you are??"

"Carl Vermeer." Carl replied pulling his hand out of the sleeping bag an offering it for her to shake, "Nice to meet you Jenny."

Jenny took his hand and held it for a moment. As she did Carl caught the shine of a ring on her left hand.

"Have you married Jenny?" He asked.

"Yes", she replied, "My husband is a minister with the New Christ Church."

She rolled a bit to change her position and her hand touched his bare thigh. She lay still for a second, then she ran her hand over her own body. She stiffened as it hit her that all each of them had on was their underwear.

She looked at him, eyes wide, gasping, "What...what are we doing in here with no clothes on?"

"It was the best and quickest way to warm you," Carl replied.

"But...but we're in our underwear!" She said, panic edging her voice.

"Calm down." Carl replied, "Had I wanted to do anything to you I could have done it over the last 24 hours while you were unconscious."

Her eyes widened and she said with alarm, "24 hours?"

"That's how long we've been in this bag. It took me a long time to bring your body temperature back up to normal. The only way I could do that is by using the best heat source I've" He said.

"Oh...I.....I see." She said and seemed to relax.

"Well, I'm going to get out and see if I can get a fire going." He said, "Well, here I go.....1, 2, 3....I'm getting out....."

He lay still in the bag and went through that monologue at least 3 times.

Finally, she smiled and said, "I know it's cold and I know you don't want to get out, but go if you're going."

He sighed, then quickly jumped out of the bag and pulled on his clothes, yelping about how cold they were as he did. When he had his clothes on, he moved to the stove, opened it and quickly laid a bed of twigs, torn from the branch pieces, onto the few coals left from the fire. He blew gently on the coals and with a bit of coaxing got the fire going again. Before long, it was roaring.

"Great!" He grinned, "Heat!"

He turned to Jenny and said, "I need to go back to my car. I've got some food in it I was taking to a Thanksgiving dinner. You don't happen to have anything in your car eatable, do you?"

"Yes, I do," She said, "I was also taking some things for dinner and there's bread and other stuff in the trunk." Then she added a bit embarrassed, " need to go to the bathroom."

He rummaged around in his pack and pulled out some of his clothes.

He tossed them to her and said, "You can use these. Get dressed and I'll go with you to the outhouse."

He laughed when he caught the look on her face and said, "Don't worry, I'm just going with you to make sure you will be safe. I won't look, I promise."

A short time later they returned from outside and she quickly climbed back into the sleeping bag.

"I'll be back in a bit." He said as he stepped out the door.

It took him 30 minutes in the now thigh-deep, powder-fine snow to struggle to the cars and return. He had discovered a cloth bag in her car which he used to carry the food. As he placed it in the cupboard, he took stock of what they had. He decided if they were frugal it should last a week. He opened one of the cans of beans and set it on the stove. After it was warm, he shared it and some bread with Jenny.

After he cleaned up he added the last of the wood to the fire and said, "I'm going out to see if I can find more wood."

He returned to the tree from which he had scavenged the limbs the first time and tore off as many more as he could. After he had those next to the stove, he decided to look around the cabin. As he walked around the cabin, he found a wooden panel that looked like a door. When he pulled it off, he found it was an access panel to the underside of the building. As he peered into the gloom and his vision adjusted to the dimness, he became aware that it was filled with split firewood, enough to keep them warm for a long time. An hour later he had a large pile stacked next to the stove. Carl sat down in the chair close to the stove while Jenny lay snuggled in the sleeping bag.

"How long have you been married?" Carl asked trying to make conversation.

"Phillip and I were married when I was 18," Jenny replied, "That was 9 years ago."

"Do you have children?"

"No," Jenny replied with a note of wistfulness in her voice, "We've tried but God hasn't blessed us with children yet."

"Perhaps it's a physical thing. Have you two been tested for reproductive problems?"

"You're being rather forward!" Jenny said, "I'm not sure you should ask questions like that!"

"Sorry," Carl replied, "I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just trying to make conversation."

It was silent for several seconds then Jenny said softly, "I asked Phillip about getting checked, but he said he wouldn't and we would have children if it was God's will."

Again, there was silence for a time, then Jenny said in an even softer whisper, "I went to the Doctor. He said everything with me was fine. I never told Philip though."

"Well," Carl said, trying to make her feel better, "perhaps God will find a way."

It was silent again for a few minutes, then Jenny asked Carl about his family. Carl told her about his children and ex-wife, then he told her about the rest of his family.

By the time he was done, it was starting to get dark so Carl said, "We need to talk. That sleeping bag is the only warm place we have to sleep. We are going to have to share it."

Jenny laid still for a long time, then quietly replied, "I'm not sure that is appropriate. I'm married. And my husband is a minister. I can't just share a bed with another man, even if it is to stay warm. Can't we stay in our clothes while we're in here?"

"No." Carl replied, "Our clothes will get damp and we will get chilled when we get out. I guess we could take turns sleeping. That way we wouldn't have to be in the bag at the same time."

"I don't know....." Jenny said again, "I'm still cold."

"Ok," Carl said, "I tell you what, I'll try sleeping in this chair, but if I get cold, or if I can't sleep, I'm climbing in that bed with you and you'll just have to get used to it."

Jenny seemed to consider, then replied, "Perhaps we can sleep together. But you have to promise not to touch me."

"All I can promise is I won't touch you while I'm awake," Carl said.

"Ok, then I guess that will have to do." Jenny conceded.

Carl leaned the chair back against the wall and closed his eyes. He was more tired than he thought. He woke sometime later shivering. As he straightened up he found he was stiff and sore, both from the hike to the cars and back and sleeping in a hard wooden chair. The fire had died down and the cabin was getting cold. He stoked the fire, then sat thinking. After a few minutes he decided he wasn't going to sleep in the chair, it was uncomfortable and he needed to be rested in case something happened and he needed his strength.

He stood, walked to the bed and quickly stripped off his outer clothes. Jenny was facing the wall as he crawled into the bed. He faced away from her and lay there staring at the firelight flickering through the crack in the stove door.

Carl woke a few hours later to find himself snuggled up to Jenny's back with his arm draped over her, his hand cupped around one of her firm breasts. He lay still for a moment listening to her breath and finally decided she was asleep. Her nubile young body against his and her firm breast cupped in his hand felt wonderful, but he knew he had to move away from her before she woke. He slowly moved his hand and began to pull his arm away from her. He turned onto his back and as he lay there, he tried not to think about how warm she had felt, how good the scent of her filling his nostrils was and how great her breast had felt in his hand.

He slid back away from her a few more inches before he fell back to sleep. He woke a while later to find he was again smuggled close to her. He also became aware of Jenny's hand on his. He kept his breathing steady and deep so she wouldn't know he was awake. He felt her pull his hand slowly over her, then press it to her breast. He kept his breathing steady and left his hand against her breast to see what she would do next. He felt her arm move downward, then felt a faint rhythmic movement. It took him a moment to figure out that she was playing with herself.

'What the hell!' He thought, 'She's laying here next to me fingering herself!'

He lay there letting her finger herself for a short time, then he grunted and moved as if in his sleep, cupping her breast tighter in his hand as he did. She stopped instantly when he moved, but a moment after he settled Carl could feel her hand again moving between her legs. He could also hear her breathing short, very faint and barely discernable moans. Carl let her get into it for a few minutes, letting her think he was asleep. As he lay there, he began to get angry.

'She doesn't want me touching her,' Carl thought to himself, 'but she's using my hand to help her get off. Well, I think I want more than just a feel!'

Abruptly he whispered in her ear, "Why are you masturbating with me lying next to you when you were so insistent about being religious?"

Jenny stiffened as he began to talk, then when he finished, she stammered, "I....I...I can touch myself, that's allowed. But you can''s not right."

"So why did you put my hand on your breast?" He asked, squeezing her breast as he did.

"I never..." She began to protest.

"Don't lie to me! I was awake! I felt you pull my hand over and put it on your tit." He growled, starting to get perturbed.

"I...I...I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." She said in a nervous whisper.

"I do." Carl whispered to her, "I know what you want."

Jenny said nothing but Carl could feel her trembling.

"I think you need some help with that." He whispered, as he slid his hand down her arm and covered her hand with his. She had pulled her hand from between her legs, but as he covered her hand with his he pushed them both back down into her panties.

"Oh...oh... You can't!" She gasped as his fingers, mated with and guiding hers, found their way to her wet slit.

"Please," She gasped, "You can't do this! I'm married...and my...husband is a minister...please..."

Even as she protested, she didn't try to pull his hand away and he felt her legs spread a bit, felt her hips tip-up giving their fingers better access.

"You shouldn' can't..." She panted, but she still didn't try to pull her hand away.

Even as she protested, he pushed her fingers, covered and mated with his deeper into her pussy. He pushed them in and out of her wet entrance, used her fingertip to rub the hard nub of her clit. All the while she protested but didn't try to pull away.