Stranded in Heels Pt. 01

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Doug helps Sarah when she slides off of the snowy road.
5.4k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/01/2024
Created 03/23/2024
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"Sarah, you really should wait until tomorrow to try to drive home," Danielle told his cd friend. "The snow is only going to get heavier and it's starting to get dark."

"I'll be okay, girlfriend," Sarah assured her. "It's just a little snow, and when I get to the turnpike the big rigs will keep one lane open into the city. I need to be home tomorrow to get ready to go back to work on Monday."

"I just don't think it's a good idea for you to get out on the roads to go that far right now," Danielle said. "And are you sure you don't want to change into some drab clothes for the drive?" For crossdressers like Sarah and Danielle, drab clothes meant boy clothes.

"Relax, honey. It's only six miles to the turnpike entrance. If it's too bad I'll pull over there and wait out the storm," Sarah told her. "All my drab clothes are already in my travel bag in the car. I'll be fine."

"Yeah, yeah, you just want to spend the night dressed like a slut and stranded in a truck stop with a bunch of horny truckers! You're such a slut!" Hanna called from across the room.

"And you know you want to be there with me, bitch!" Sarah called back to her.

"Oh, you know I do, honey!" Hanna laughed.

"Do you have plenty of charge on your phone?" Danielle asked.

"Yes, mother, and I have a charging cord in the car," Sarah laughed. "Now, give me a kiss and let me get on my way."

"Call me when you get home," Danielle told her. "I won't be able to sleep until I know you're there safe."

Sarah laughed as her kissed Danielle on the cheek and walked out the door.

As Sarah walked to his car in her 3" spike heeled pumps she thought about getting her knee-high boots out of the trunk, just in case. But she looked at the clear road and decided she wouldn't need them. The snow was blowing across the road, but not sticking on it.

Sarah had spent the last four days at his friend Danielle's cabin near a small lake about sixty miles from Oklahoma City. There were seven of them, all cd's. They had celebrated New Year's Eve on Friday night as the women they all often longed to be. They had spent a lazy New Year's Day enjoying their femininity. Sarah was the only one who had to go back to work on Monday morning, hence her desire to make the drive back into the city on Saturday evening.

As Sarah made the turn onto the two-lane highway leading to the turnpike she began to wonder if she should go back to Danielle's cabin. She was now driving directly into the snow, and with her headlights shining into the blowing snow her visibility was reduced. But now she was only four miles from the turnpike, so she kept driving.

Sarah thought maybe she should have changed her clothes before she left Danielle's cabin. But she didn't want to. She'd looked forward to this long girls' weekend since they started planning it back in July. She felt pretty in the outfit she'd chosen for her last day at the cabin. They'd all dressed up to take some pictures to remember the long weekend.

Sarah loved how her knee-length pleated skirt lay around her legs in the car. She loved how the tight nylon/spandex pantyhose hugged her legs and hips and ass. She loved knowing she was wearing pretty purple nylon panties with lace inserts on her hips and the matching purple lace bra to hold her c cup silicone forms in place. She'd slipped the 3" heels off to drive, but she loved how her legs looked when she walked in them, and how they caused her to swing her ass like a sexy woman. She loved how her shiny satin purple blouse hugged the silicone forms and how, if you looked closely, you could see the print of lace and a hint of a nipple. She'd worked extra hard to make sure her make-up and wig gave her the look of a real woman. She felt good about how she looked, and she wasn't ready to change out of that look.

But she didn't want to get stranded out here on this desolate highway in the snow. So she slowed down a little, and paid close attention to the road, and drove on into the storm.

The road still wasn't snow packed, and there were reflectors marking the sides about every hundred feet. Sarah kept a steady pace and hummed along with the song playing on the radio. She was just starting to relax a little when he felt the rear of the car suddenly slip on a patch of ice, then catch on pavement.

"Keep an eye out for those slick spots, girl!" she said to aloud to herself.

She slowed down even more when the reflectors showed a gentle curve in the road. She felt like she had everything under control... until she didn't. Suddenly the rear of the car slipped again. But this time it didn't stop. "Oh, fuck!" Sarah said aloud as the car started to slide down the inclined side of the road into the ditch.

It was a gentle slide that stopped when the rear of Sarah's car bumped into a small tree. Sarah realized she was gripping the steering wheel so hard her hands were hurting. She relaxed for a few seconds, then tried to accelerate out of the ditch and back onto the road. She had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach when the tires just spun in the snow.

She reached in the back seat for her ski parka. She struggled to put it on in the car, and considered stepping outside to put it on, but thought better of it. She wanted the warm coat on and zipped up for maximum protection before she stepped out to assess the situation.

It didn't take long to assess that she was in trouble. Her car sat on a fairly steep incline in snow that was getting deeper by the minute. She got back in the car and turned the wheels, hoping to get some traction when she tried to accelerate again. Again the tires spun in the snow.

She took her cell phone out of her purse. She could call the truck stop at the turnpike entrance. Surely there was someone who could come help her. She thought again how she should have taken Danielle's advice and changed into drab clothes before set out. But she was confident in how she looked. And she had dealt with people as Sarah many times in the past, so a tow truck driver should be no problem. Her stomach churned when she looked at her phone and saw 'No Service'.

She checked the gas gauge. Still plenty of gas to run the car for a while, so she would have heat. She decided she would heat the car up, then turn the engine off to conserve gas, then start it back up when she started to get cold. She didn't want to take a chance on hypothermia.

She thought about going to the trunk to get different clothes, but then she'd be wet from the falling snow, and that would just serve to make her colder. So she stayed in the car. She took the ski parka back off and put it over her body like a blanket.

She turned the emergency flashers on, and watched for any sign of another vehicle so she could flash her headlights at them.

She made a point to turn the headlights off when she shut the engine down. But she left the emergency flashers on.


"You be careful driving home, Douglas. I surely wish you'd spend the night and go home in the morning."

"I'll be careful, mama," Doug Butler said as he pulled his coveralls up his legs. "I'd love to stay, but with this weather moving in I need to get home and make sure the animals are okay."

Eula Butler sighed and nodded. "I know," she said. "You're just like your daddy. Always worried about those animals. You know they survived in the wild for thousands of years without your help, right?"

Doug laughed as he zipped the coveralls up to his waist and tied the arms around his belly. That way if he needed to pull them on quickly he could, but the bulk of the coveralls wouldn't get in the way of his driving.

"And you know that's not true, mama," he said. He kissed his mother on the cheek. "I'll be fine, mama. I've already put the truck in four-wheel drive, and it's only eight miles back out to my place."

"You call me when you get home. You hear me? I won't sleep a wink until I know you're home."

"I will, mama," Doug said. He nodded towards his dad, who was sleeping in his recliner while he 'watched' a football game on tv. "You need to wake sleeping beauty up and both of you go to bed."

"I will," she said. "Just as soon as you call me and tell me that you're at home safely."

Doug laughed and bent over to kiss her on the cheek. "I'll call you as soon as I'm there," he told her as he turned to walk out to his truck.

The truck sat high enough off the ground to easily move through the already drifting snow. Doug mostly used the truck to move around his land, especially during the rainy season when he had to cross muddy fields and sometimes even small creeks. With the four-wheel drive engaged Doug was able to easily drive through the snow-pack covering the road to his house.

Doug slowed down and looked hard into the blowing snow when he thought he saw something in the distance. Flashing lights? Was someone having car trouble up ahead? He hoped not. This was not good weather for car trouble!

As he got closer he could tell the light was definitely coming from the emergency flashers of a car. And that the car was not on the road. He stopped when he was close to the car and turned on the big spotlight attached to the roof of his truck. He could turn a handle inside the cab to direct the light where he wanted it to shine.

He couldn't tell much in the blowing snow, but it didn't look like the car was wrecked. He didn't see anyone in the car but he also didn't see footprints leading away from the car. If there were footprints they could have already been covered by the still falling snow, depending on how long the car had been there.

'I hope they didn't get out and start walking to look for help in this mess,' Doug thought to himself. He sighed and untied the arms of his coveralls. He put his arms in them and pulled the zipper to the top, then reached for his wool hat and leather gloves. He grabbed a flashlight out of the console and slid out of the truck to look closer at the car.

The snow was now ankle-high on his boots when he walked towards the car. He shone the flashlight around, looking for anything suspicious. He didn't want to be surprised by someone who slid off in the ditch and now wanted to steal his truck.

As he approached the driver's side door Doug could see that there was someone inside covered by a dark blanket. He shined the light in the car. From what he could see it was a woman, and she was sleeping. There wasn't any damage on the car, so he didn't think she was hurt. He tapped on the window with the flashlight.

"Ma'am?" he called. He tapped again. "Ma'am, are you hurt?"

Sarah woke up with a start! She looked at the bright light shining in her eyes as she tried to remember where she was. Who was shining a light in her eyes? And why? Then she remembered where she was, and how she was dressed as she sat up and looked at the man standing in the snow beside her car.

The snow was blowing across the car from the passenger side, so Sarah's driver's side window was clear. She turned the key on and pushed the button to roll the window down.

"Ma'am, are you ok?" Doug asked again as the window opened.

"Yes, thank you," Sarah said in her girliest voice. "Thank goodness you came along! Do you think you could help me get my car back up on the road?"

"I probably can, but even if I do you're not going anywhere," Doug told her. "The snow is starting to drift up."

"Please, I just need to get to the turnpike," Sarah pleaded. "The big rigs will have a lane cleared into the city once I get there."

"They closed the turnpike about an hour ago," Doug told her. "This whole part of the state is shut down." He reached for the handle to open the car door. "Come on, let's get you to my truck so we can get to someplace warm and dry."

Sarah grabbed the door to keep him from opening it. He let his hands slip off the handle.

"I don't know who you are," Sarah said. "Why should I get in your truck and go off somewhere with you?"

Doug stepped back from the car a little. "Do you think you're going to get a better offer tonight?" he asked. "How many cars have come by here since you've been stuck in that ditch?"

Sarah smiled and nodded. "True." She sighed. "Okay. Let me get my shoes on."

Doug almost laughed as he watched Sarah put her sexy pumps on her stockinged feet. He opened the door to help Sarah out as she put the ski parka on and tried to zip it. He didn't get a good look at her, but good enough to know that she was fairly attractive.

"Here, let me help you," he said as Sarah tried to stand in the snow in her heels. "Next time you decide to go driving around in this weather you might want to invest in some snow boots."

Sarah laughed. "I've got some in the trunk of my car. I just didn't want to dig through the snow to get to them earlier."

Doug shone the flashlight on the back of the car. The snow was already too deep to try to open the trunk.

"When we come back out here to get your car out of the ditch I can get them out for you," he told Sarah. "You won't need them tonight once you get in my truck."

He held Sarah's arm to help her to the truck, but when she kept slipping he put took Sarah's hand and pulled one arm over his shoulder, then put his other arm around her waist and mostly carried her to the truck. At 5'8" tall Sarah was short for a man, and not overly tall for a woman even in her 3" heels. Doug was 6'3" and had no problem taking her up the hill to the passenger side of his truck.

With Sarah safely in the truck Doug went back to her car to turn off the emergency flashers and lock the doors, then trudged back up the hill. He unzipped his coveralls and pulled them off of his arms, again tying the sleeves around his belly before he climbed in the truck. He used the handle on the inside of the truck to turn the spotlight to take one last look around the area, then turned the spotlight off.

"Thank you for this," Sarah said as she unzipped her parka in the warm truck.

"You're welcome," Doug said as he put the truck in gear and pulled back out to the middle of the two-lane road. "I couldn't very well leave you out here, could I?" he laughed.

"Well, no," Sarah agreed. "But you didn't have to go back to turn my flashers off and make sure my car was locked. And you certainly didn't have to carry me up the hill to your truck."

"I did if I wanted to get home any time soon," Doug laughed.

Sarah laughed. "I guess that's true. Still, thank you. My name's Sarah, by the way."

Doug kept his eyes on the road. "Nice to meet you, Sarah. I'm Doug."

"Nice to meet you, Doug. So, do you live alone? Or do you have a wife who will be surprised when you bring me home with you?" Sarah asked.

Doug laughed. "No wife. Just me and my animals out here."

"What kind of animals? Cows? Horses?"

Doug nodded. "Yes. And a small herd of alpacas."

"Alpacas? Nice. I've never been around an alpaca."

"They can be fun to have," Doug said. "I just got my herd last spring. I'm still working on how to make money with them."

Doug concentrated on the road, watching the reflectors until he got to the side road leading to his house. There were no reflectors on the side road, but there was also no ditch on either side of the road. Instead there were fences on both sides of the road, their posts showing the way. Doug knew that if he stayed in the middle between the fences he was on the road leading to his house.

"So did the party fizzled out?" Doug asked after he turned off on the side road.

"Why do you ask that?" Sarah asked.

Doug shrugged. "I don't know. You're all dressed up like for a party, but you left early to drive back to the city in this weather. I figure something must have happened. Boyfriend get drunk and kiss your best friend?"

"Well, the party started Thursday. A good friend of mine has a cabin on Lake Chickasha. A bunch of gather there now and then to get away from the city and our jobs and relax. This year we decided that since none of us had a date for New Year's Eve we'd go to the cabin and celebrate the New Year together. I left today because I have to work Monday morning and I wanted to get home to get ready."

Doug nodded, still concentrating on staying between the fences. "So what kind of work do you do, if you don't mine me asking?"

"I don't mind at all. I'm a teacher. High school." Sarah told him.

"Oh? Interesting. What do you teach?" Doug asked.

Sarah sighed. "I teach math and science."

Doug looked at her in the dark cab, lit up only by the green glow of the instruments on the dashboard.

"Hmmm... I would have guessed maybe English. You know, like Literature. Reading the classics. Or maybe Drama," Doug said.

Sarah laughed. "I didn't like reading those books when I was in school! I certainly didn't want to go to college to make other kids read them! I like Math and Science. Especially upper level math."

"You mean like Algebra? I kind of liked algebra when I was in school."

"I like to teach algebra, too. But mostly I teach Trig and Calculus and Chemistry."

"Oh, the really upper level stuff!" Doug laughed. "If you can teach those things I'd think you'd be smarter than take off back to the city in this storm."

"It was barely snowing when I left the cabin. I thought I had plenty of time to get to the turnpike, and from there it would be smooth sailing all the way into the city," Sarah explained.

"Nice plan," Doug snorted.

"Yeah," Sarah said. "Obviously not one of my better decisions today."

Sarah sat back and enjoyed the peaceful scenery illuminated by the bright headlights on the truck. She was still a little nervous about climbing in this stranger's truck and letting him drive off from her car, but he seemed so gentle, and, as Doug had pointed out, she really had no other choice. She wondered how long before he would notice her little secret, and how he would act when the truth came out. She saw lights in the distance through the still falling snow and wondered if that was Doug's house. She was a little disappointed when he passed by those lights and kept driving down the unseen road.

They rode in silence, Sarah wondering and Doug concentrating on his driving. "There's my place," he finally said when more lights became visible in the distance. He slowed to almost a stop, looking for the reflectors that marked each side of his driveway. "I really need to put those reflectors on some longer poles," he said as he carefully turned off of the road. Only one reflector was visible, but after he made the turn the gate let him know he was on the driveway.

Sarah looked at the house sitting among the trees. She was expecting a cabin, but what she saw was a large ranch house. There were lights that seemed to be built into the trees, spreading an eerie glow on the snow surrounding the house. There were lights under the eaves of the house, adding more light to the front of the house. There were some lights on inside the house. It looked homey and comfortable.

"Wow, nice place," she said as they neared the house.

"Thanks," Doug said. "My great-grandparents built it. They homesteaded this land before this was even a state."

On the right side of the house was a massive garage. More like a shop building, really, but it matched the style of the house. Doug pushed a button on the remote clipped to the sun visor and one of three doors started to slowly open. As soon as the door was half-way open three big dogs came bounding out into the snow, tails wagging.

"Oh!" Sarah said when she saw the huge dogs.

"Don't mind them," Doug laughed. "They are just happy to see me. They'll be happy to see you, too. Someone new to pet them. Um, if you don't like dogs, just tell them to go away and they will."

"Oh, I love dogs," Sarah laughed. "I'm just not used to them being quite so large!"

"They are big," Doug laughed. "They're Great Pyrenees. Built for this kind of weather, but also good at working with livestock. They're natural guard dogs."