Strange Days Ch. 51-54


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She whimpered, and she almost kissed him, "Sweet jeezus."

Trevor nibbled her chin, kissed her lower lip, but not her mouth. "Will you come for me?"

And she did. Her body shuddered, her muscles tightened. She drew a deep breath, held it, locked her limbs around him, then she threw her head back and screamed her release. It was so hot watching him make her come that I almost came, and I hadn't even touched myself.

"So beautiful," Trevor groaned, kissing and nibbling her throat.

He kept at it until she was shivering beneath him, until she was almost crying. Trevor slowed, then stilled, letting Sarah come back down, but he continued planting light kisses along her shoulders, chest, and throat. When Sarah opened her eyes, tears leaked down her face.

"You okay, baby?" I asked her.

She gave an embarrassed chuckle and nodded, "Yeah. That was just...really intense."

I grinned. "Told you he was good."

Trevor pushed up onto his arms.

Sarah glanced down her body, where Trevor was still long and hard, his shaft nestled in her glistening cleft. She looked up at him and said, "You didn't come."

He shrugged a shoulder and gave her a crooked smile. "That's okay."

She looked at him for a moment, then glanced at me and said, "I wanna taste him."

Trevor shivered, and so did I. I made a go-ahead gesture.

Sarah looked at him, her eyes glazed over with lust, and patted his chest with her hand. "On your back."

Trevor just blinked at her for a moment, but then he pushed up onto his hands and knees. Sarah and I made room for him to lie down, and when he did, his cock pointed high up his body, so hard and long, throbbing before our eyes. On her hands and knees, Sarah spread Trevor's legs and crawled between them.

"Get our new toy, baby," she told me, grinning.

Jeezus, I couldn't have jumped off the bed faster. Well, okay, if I hadn't been so beat up, yeah, I could.

"What toy?" Trevor asked nervously.

Sarah smiled and traced her fingertips down his chiseled abdomen. "It's not for you."

Stripping out of my clothes, I pulled the harness from the dresser and got into it, then I grabbed the big double-dildo and made my way to the foot of the bed, where Sarah was already scooting back, close to the edge of the mattress. Trevor scooted down too.

He raised an eyebrow at me and grinned. "Sothat'show you two do it."

"One of themanyways," Sarah said as she pushed up onto her hands and knees and leaned down.

Trevor took a sharp breath all of the sudden and threw his head back. "Oh shit. Oh my..." His words trailed off into a guttural groan. I simply had to see this.

I moved to the side of the bed to see better. Sarah was hovering over Trevor, her long tongue licking a hot line from the cleft of his balls up the entire length of his cock. When her tongue neared the tip, she curled it around Trevor's head, and without using her hands at all, drew him into her mouth. The head of Trevor's cock slid past her soft lips and he collapsed, no longer able to hold himself up on his elbows.

Trevor glanced at me, then at Sarah. "You don't...have to do this."

With a soft sucking sound, Sarah took him out of her mouth and said, "Shut up, Trevor." Then she sucked him back in and drove her lips down his shaft, throat working as she took almost every inch of him in her mouth.

Trevor groaned again, hands fisting at his sides.

I watched Sarah lick and suck his hard length. She was so sexy on her hands and knees like that, her beautiful butt thrust out, legs spread, waiting for me. I wanted to fuck her so bad, but I just couldn't take my eyes off them. I just stood there, watching her fuck Trevor with her mouth. His shaft throbbed, swelled, and he groaned loudly. Sarah's expression changed, to one of delight, and she let him fall from her mouth, only to lean down and lick his throbbing length.

"You taste so good, Trevor," she told him, licking his head and drawing him back into her mouth.

"Sarah," he hissed.

My cock swelled inside me as I watched the woman I loved suck the man I loved. They were so beautiful, both of them, and the scene was so erotic that I couldn't take it anymore. Rolling onto my back, I spread my legs and shoved the thick dildo deep inside me, and I almost came on the spot. Moaning loudly, I tried to keep my eyes open, to keep my gaze focused on Trevor's cock, glistening with Sarah's saliva, loving the way her full lips surrounded his shaft, the way her tongue licked up the underside of his crown when she pulled back to the tip of him.

"Oh my gawd, guys," I moaned again.

Trevor looked at me, pupils huge with raw lust. He licked his lips and moved to kiss me, but glanced down at Sarah when she grabbed his hand and put it on the back of her head. He curled his fingers in her hair and held her tight, and Sarah moaned around his cock.

"Oh shit," Trevor groaned, arcing his back, shoving his head back against the pillow.

He looked so fucking hot, so masculine with his tightly muscled body glistening with sweat, making things tighten inside me. My pussy clamped down on the dildo, aching for release, and I wanted him so much. I glanced at Sarah, so beautiful, so lost in the throes of giving Trevor so much pleasure, and I wanted her just as much.

My body writhed of its own accord, belly cramping with a girl-cock that wanted out so badly, pussy squeezing down on my new fake cock, wanting to be fucked by Trevor as thoroughly as I wanted to fuck Sarah. My mind was awash with lurid imagery, riding Trevor, taking Sarah from behind as she sucked him to release. My body was in absolute conflict with itself, desiring to be both the fucker and fuckee.

Wetness flowed down my fingers and heat bloomed inside me. My nipples were so hard they hurt, and it felt like my insides were on fire. Twisting my wrist, I managed to guide the end of the dildo to that spot inside me, making me cry out with the pleasure of it.

With a wet slurp, Sarah took Trevor out of her mouth and smoothed her hand up his stomach.

"You're close, aren't you?" she asked and looked up at him, smoothing her hand back down his stomach to wrap her fingers around his throbbing member.

"Yes," he hissed, managing to lift his head and look at her.

"Show me how hard you can come," she said, and she gave his cock a long lick from root to tip. "Show me how good your cum tastes, Trevor."

And with that, Sarah pushed up higher onto her hands and knees, shuffled up his body a bit more, and swallowed every last hard inch of him.

"Jeezus," he groaned, throwing his head back into the pillow.

I watched Sarah's throat working, milking his cock deep inside. Trevor groaned again and shoved his arm under my shoulders, then pulled me tight against him until I was almost lying on top of him. He pressed my cheek to his, breathing raggedly, holding me tight, heart pounding against my shoulder. My cunt fluttered around the dildo and my hips began to move on their own, fucking myself onto the fake dong.

"Uhhn!" Trevor growled and his hips bucked into Sarah's face, his hand tightened in her hair, and Sarah mewled around his dick.

He was coming. Coming in Sarah's mouth. My lover's mouth.

I came with a scream, screamed until my throat hurt, and all the while Trevor grunted his release into Sarah's mouth. And the best part? I managed to keep my eyes open the entire time, noting that Sarah hadn't let a single drop of Trevor's cum escape from her lips.

After a while, Sarah let Trevor slip out of her mouth, then she lay down on top of him, her cheek on his stomach.

"Holy shit," Trevor sighed.

Shuffling higher up on the bed, I held Trevor's head to my chest, stroked my fingers through his hair.

Trevor tilted his head at me. "Good for you too?"

"Oh, gawd, yes," I sighed.

But the truth was, it could have been better. I could have been fucking Sarah while she'd been fucking Trevor with her mouth. I could have done it too, could have fucked Sarah right then and there, and Trevor would have been none the wiser.

Why hadn't I? In the heat of the moment, I'd thought like a girl, thought of the dildo and my own need for release. It hadn't occurred to me to fuck Sarah with my girl-cock. I'd been in conflict at the time, wanting to fuck Sarah while wanting to be fucked by Trevor, and logistically, I knew it could be done, and I also knew it would be beautiful. But something was holding me back.

It was decided then. I would tell Trevor my secret. I just had to decide when.

But I knew it wasn't today.

Chapter 53

"Sarah, wait," Trevor called out, waking me up the next morning, and there was an urgency to his tone that made me shoot upright in bed.

In a split second, everything hit me, what we'd done last night, and now, something was wrong.

Sarah came into view as I swung my legs over the side of the bed. She has heading for the elevator at a brisk pace, her bag slung over her shoulder.

"Sarah, come on," Trevor said, catching up to her. "Just talk to me."

I threw on a robe as Sarah angrily punched the button to call the elevator up.

"I have to go to work," she told him, but she wouldn't look at him.

Oh yeah. Something was definitely wrong.

"What's going on?" I asked, rubbing sleep from my eyes and hobbling over to them.

Sarah looked at me and the anger faded away from her expression. She sighed, "Damn it." She came over to me and stopped me from walking any further without a crutch. "Everything's fine."

Trevor snorted, and he didn't look happy. Sarah looked away and frowned.

We'd gone to bed happy last night, hadn't we? I couldn't remember anything getting weird after what we'd done, but then Sarah had been rather quiet, and we'd fallen asleep so fast.

"No," I shook my head. "Something's wrong. Tell me."

Sarah sighed and said gently, "Amy..."

"Is it about last night?" I asked hurriedly.

"I have to go to work," she told me, and she leaned in to give me a quick kiss.

"Okay, then after," I nodded, grabbing her hand before she could walk away.

"I have class after work," she said, squeezing my hand.

"Then after that," Trevor told her.

Sarah replied over her shoulder, "Work again."

"Shit, Sarah," he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. "You can't flake out like this and just leave us hanging all fucking day."

Trevor was pissed, and afraid too. I was just afraid. It felt like everything was falling apart.

"Sarah, please," I pleaded with her, taking both of her hands, trying to keep her here.

"I'm gonna be late," she shook her head, then she took my face in her hands and gave me a sweet kiss. She turned away and told Trevor, "We'll talk when I get home, okay?"

Trevor let out a frustrated breath and nodded. I just stared after her, watching her go.

"She didn't say a word all morning," Trevor said when the elevator stopped downstairs.

I looked over at him. My knee was starting to hurt from standing on it, so I limped over towards the vanity and put my hand on it for support. Trevor came over and helped me straighten up.

"Nothing?" I asked.

"No," he shook his head. "I tried to get her to talk to me, but she..." He took a deep breath and sighed again. "I don't know, Amy. I think she's freaking out about last night."

"What about you?"

He looked at me then, and when he didn't answer right away, I knew Sarah wasn't the only person that had a problem with last night.

"I don't know," he said quietly, then he firmed his arm around my waist. "How about breakfast and a bath?"

I nodded, doubting either would make me feel any better. I was going to be worrying about this all day. To his credit, Trevor did his best to distract me. He made me eggs benedict, gave me a lovely bath and shaved my legs, as well as other parts of me that desperately needed it, and otherwise spent as much time with me as he could, at least while I was awake.

That was the problem with the pain meds. They knocked me on my ass without fail. I was napping in the afternoon when Trevor's cell phone rang. I'm not sure who he was talking to, but I only really woke up later when I heard the elevator coming up. It was late in the evening. He'd tried to wake me for dinner, but my stomach hadn't felt very good, so I'd passed. Now though, Sarah was home, and I was wide awake.

I sat up in bed and saw Trevor waiting for Sarah as she stepped out of the elevator.

"Hey," she greeted Trevor quietly, tucking her thick brown hair behind her ear. Her hair was styled and she was wearing makeup from a modeling shoot tonight. She looked beautiful.

"How was work?" he asked, taking her bag so that she could go get something to eat.

She watched him carry her bag to her dresser, fiddled with her hair behind her ear again, and gave him a meek smile. "It was fine."

This was odd. Things still weren't okay. I could see that much, but a lot of the tension was gone. Had that been Sarah that had called Trevor earlier? Had they worked out whatever the issue was, or were they just putting on brave faces for my benefit?

"Is everything okay?" I asked hopefully.

Trevor looked at me, and so did Sarah.

"We're going to talk tomorrow morning," Trevor told me, glancing at Sarah.

"I took the morning off," she said, then she shrugged and gave us a crooked grin. "Seemed important enough."

She was trying to make me feel better, but it wasn't working. Not at all.

"Hey," she said softly, coming over to hug me. "Everything's going to be fine."

I trembled in her arms. I couldn't help it. I was so afraid of losing them. "You promise?"

She nodded and kissed my ear. "Both of us do."

"Violet's coming over in the morning to give you a hand," Trevor said, heading off to the kitchen.

Sarah squeezed my hand. "Yeah, and I'm supposed to ask if you if everyone has the all-clear to come visit you."

"Everyone?" I asked her.

She nodded and slid her arm around my waist, walking me to the dining room table. Trevor was reheating dinner, cheese enchiladas. "Phillip's been calling me every day, asking how you are. Mona wants to see you too." She raised an eyebrow then. "And Rose tells me we owe her a dinner date?"

"Oh, right," I smiled. I'd almost forgotten that I had invited Rose to our place for dinner at some point. "I kind of told her we'd have her over for dinner sometime."

Sarah shrugged. "If you're up for it."


When I was seated at the table, Trevor brought dinner over for me and Sarah.

"Oh, and some guy named Lucas called today," Trevor said, sipping at a glass of tea.

I'd completely forgotten about Scott's friend. Scott was one of the guys that Phillip had gotten to help set up the stage in our apartment, and his friend needed some new pieces for his modeling portfolio. I told him I'd help him out, since it wouldn't hurt my portfolio either.

"I guess I should call him," I nodded, then I looked at them and asked, "Has anyone told him know, me being out of commission?"

They shook their heads, and Sarah said, "No. I didn't think to call him."

"I figured I'd leave that up to you," Trevor told me. "I just told him you weren't available right now."

"Works for me," I shrugged.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Sarah said, putting her hand over mine on the table. "Your mom wants us to come down for Christmas."

"I kind of figured we'd all be going home," I looked at them. "I don't really see our parents letting any of us get out of the holidays with them."

Trevor nodded his agreement, and Sarah grinned. "Well, Linda was worried that the three of us might bail on our parents and just have Christmas here, by ourselves."

For a second or two, the idea warmed me, but then I remembered that there was a problem with us that hadn't been addressed yet. Sarah noticed me frowning before I could stop and put her hand on my leg.

"Should I tell her we'll be coming home?" she asked.

I looked at Trevor. He met my gaze for just a moment, then dropped it to the table. I looked at Sarah and nodded. "Sure. I guess so."

She gave my thigh an encouraging pat.

After dinner, I stood up from my chair and grunted in pain. I'd gotten out of the chair on the wrong side, and when I'd put my hand on the back of it and pushed myself up, fire roared across my ribs.

"You okay?" Sarah asked, helping me stay upright.

I nodded and ground my teeth together, waiting for the pain to fade.

"I'll get you some meds," Trevor said, putting the last of the dishes in the dishwasher.

"No," I shook my head. Pain meds were the last thing I wanted.

"Amy..." Sarah protested.

"No," I said again, more emphatically. "I'm tired of being doped up all the time, tired of being tired, and I wouldn't be so damn tired if it wasn't for those meds."

"But you're hurting," she argued, smoothing her hand over my shoulder.

"I'll take them before it gets too bad," I told her. "I just need a break, okay?"

Both of them looked at me for a moment, then they nodded.

"Actually, what I could really use is a hot shower," I said, glancing in that direction. The hot water beating down on me would feel fantastic.

Sarah and Trevor shared a look.

"Go ahead," he gestured towards the shower. "I have some studying to finish up anyway."

With a nod, Sarah walked me over to the shower and got the water going, then she stripped me down, then herself. The moment her full breasts came into view, my belly tightened with need, despite my aching ribs. Her boobs were so much bigger than mine, so full. Her areolae were only slightly wider than mine, and it was the same with her nipples, but they were perfect for licking and sucking, not to mention nibbling. When she bent over to take off her shorts, she lifted her leg out of them and I got a good flash of her perfect mound, silky smooth. The sight of her cleanly shaven reminded me of what led to the intimacy between her and Trevor last night. My worries about them were back, but it didn't do a thing to kill my libido.

Sarah gave me a long and wonderful shower, soaping me up with her soft hands. She held me close against her while washing my back, our chests flattened against one another. Her hands slid down my back and into the crack of my butt, where her fingers washed me oh so thoroughly. One of her hands slid between us, so that she could wash between my legs from the front. I was incredibly wet down there, and Sarah noticed when she washed the outside of my cleft. She flicked her gaze up to mine and smirked. I just grinned back and shrugged, making her smile and roll her eyes, mouthing the word "horn-dog" at me.

Dropping to her knees, she soaped up my legs. I put my hands on her shoulders. I didn't need to for support. It just felt good to be touching her. It was so different, the way she washed me, compared to Trevor. With him, I could always sense his eagerness, that raw hunger that is omnipresent in guys. Granted, my sexual experience with guys was limited to just Trevor, but from what my girlfriends had told me, it was pretty much the same with all guys.

But with Sarah, she was so tender, so gentle. I could feel her appreciation for my body, the way her hands almost worshipped every inch of my flesh, every curve, dip, and crevice. I watched her washing me, knew that the idea of sex was there, in her mind, but not so close to the surface as it always was with Trevor. Sarah appreciated me first, before my body. That's not to say that any given situation couldn't spontaneously explode into sex with her, because it certainly could. I don't know, I guess intimacy with Sarah was just more emotional, more heart-to-heart.

Standing back up, Sarah moved me under the spray of one of the shower heads and rinsed me off. Her gaze lingered between my legs for a moment, and it got my attention.

"What?" I asked.

She glanced at me, then back down and shrugged, replying softly. "I don't know. I guess I just wished you could go around with it out more often." She gave me a wistful grin. "Remember when we first moved in here with Violet? More often than not, you were dangling in the breeze."