Strange Days Ch. 69-71


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Tabitha took a sharp breath and shimmied her hips, smearing her pussy juice over my face. I was paralyzed, arms falling beside me. I was dimly aware of Tabitha moving above me, then I felt her warm breath on my face and the hot kiss of her pussy on the tip of my cock.

"No, we can't," I said sharply, forcing my eyes open to look at her.

"Are you sure?" Tabitha gave me a catty grin. The end of me was right at her entrance, and she was so open with arousal that I knew I'd slide in with incredible ease.

I shook my head, hating myself for being the good girl right then. "We can't."

"Oh fine," she huffed, then adjusted her hips so that she could slide her weeping folds up and down my length. "But one way or another, I'm gonna come again."

I nodded and grabbed her hips. We thrust together, my length sliding against her wet pussy. I wasn't fully erect, both from having just climaxed and from my reservations of having sex with her, but I was hard enough, and still very long. Tabitha laid her body over mine and began to shake in my arms, gasping.

"Gonna come so hard," she hissed, then every inch of her tightened. She came silently, pushing up onto her arms, mouth falling open.

She thrust hard and fast against me, coming for all she was worth, but she raised her hips too high, and the next thing I knew, my cock plunged inside her eager cunt.

"Tabby!" I hissed, pushing my butt down into the mattress, but her hips only fell further, her hot pussy swallowing me up for just a moment.

"Sorry!" she gasped, lifting her hips and letting me fall out of her to resume grinding her cumming cunt against my cock, now pressed against my belly. Tabitha thrust her hips slow and slower, and her face screwed up with deep concentration and wondrous pleasure. "Ohhh, that's fucking good."

Eventually, she let herself fall, draping her body over mine. It felt nice, different. She was taller than me but so damn slim. She actually felt smaller than me, somehow. Not like Holly, but...different. I wrapped my arms loosely around her and held her, petting her back and small butt.

"That felt really good," she breathed against the side of my head, then kissed me there. "You sure you won't let me fuck you?"

"Not a good idea," I shook my head and gave her butt a gentle pat.

"You're still hard though," she told me.

And she was right. My cock twitched between our bodies.

"Want me to make you come again?" she asked, pushing up onto her arms and looking down at me sweetly.

"No!" I laughed.

Tabitha grinned and got off of me. "Spoilsport."

I watched her roll onto her back beside me and stretch, then smooth a hand down her stomach with a delightful coo and a pretty smile, her eyes closed. Tabitha really was quite beautiful, so very sexy. Her hips weren't bony, but there was a lot of shape to them, dipping deep down where her thighs met her pelvis.

"You realize that wasn't exactly a girl-on-girl experience," I told her.

Tabitha laid her hand over my dick and laughed, "Gee, you think?"

I laughed too.

A little while later, we took a quick shower and got dressed, then made hot cocoa and relaxed in the living room. She tried to get me to tell her where Sarah got my statue of Freyja, but I explained that I couldn't give her any more details than I already had. So, we just hung out and talked for a while, sharing secrets and laughing at jokes and memories. I realized that I wished I had known Tabitha better while we were growing up, but I was fine with making up for lost time. What really amazed me though, was that I wasn't nervous about her knowing my secret. I never was with anyone, actually. Strange, but when they promised to keep my secret, I simply believed them, that they wouldn't tell anyone. Sharing my secret with Tabitha seemed to bring us so much closer than we'd been. She was a brilliantly intelligent young woman, full of life. She was so confident and poised, but she could throw down with the best of sailors when the situation called for it. Any guy than managed to land her would be lucky indeed.

And that thought woke up the schemer in me.

"I shouldn't tell you this," I began, looking down at my nearly empty cup of cocoa. When I looked up, Tabitha was leaning forward eagerly. I grinned. "But Phillip is hung like me."

Tabitha blinked. "Phillip?"

I nodded, my grin widening.

"No kidding," she looked away in thought, then asked. "But isn't he with Mona?"

I shook my head. "Only when he's actuallywith Mona."

Tabitha shook her head. "I don't know what that means."

I chuckled. "It means they're not exclusive. They're fuck buddies. Mona's only possessive when they're actually together, like on a date. Otherwise, they're just friends, but using each other until one of them finds someone."

"Really," she said, thoughtful again. She glanced at me and grinned. "Hung like you, huh?"

"Like a damn spear," I grinned back, holding my hand out from my groin.

Tabitha put her elbow on her knee and set her chin in her palm. "And how is that you know so much about Phillip's dick?"

I laughed and waved my hand. "It's not like that. He and Mona helped me refresh my portfolio. I was told it needed spicing up, so I shot them while they were having sex."

Tabitha blinked again, looking surprised. "But Mona's so tiny!"

She made the same connection I had when I saw them have sex. Mona was definitely a petite girl, not as small as Holly, but still pretty small. I'd been amazed that she'd been able to take Phillip, and she really had, every last inch of him. I told Tabby as much.

We spent the next hour or so gabbing, just being girls, but eventually, Tabitha had to pack up and take off. Before stepping into the elevator, she turned to face me and took my hand.

"Hey, I had a really good time today," she said, blushing.

"Me too," I smiled back.

"See you around?" she asked, looking kind of vulnerable then.

I gave her a warm smile and squeezed her hand. "You're welcome here any time, Tabby."

She gave me a hug, kissed my cheek, and all but skipped into the elevator, bouncing up on her toes and gesturing with her hand as I closed the doors, drawing a zipper across her lips. As the elevator made its way down, I leaned back against the doors and sighed. I'd very nearly had sex with Trevor's sister.

Yeah, I was definitely going to have to have a talk with Trevor.

Chapter 71

So, helping each other shave had definitely been nothing more than an excuse to get us in the shower, because Tabitha and I had never gotten around to it. I took care of it after she left, and just as I was finishing up, my cell phone started ringing. I had to streak through the apartment naked to catch it.


"Hey, Amy," Phillip replied.

"Hey!" I was really excited to hear from him. Phillip was such a sweet guy, and I didn't get to see him or talk to him nearly as much as I'd like. But how odd that he'd call now? "Tabitha and I were just talking about you today."

"You were?" he asked, sounding confused.

"Yep," I told him, making my way back to the bedroom, dripping water all over the place. "So what's up?"

"I, uhm...I was just wondering what you were doing today," he said, and he didn't sound like his usual confident self. Phillip wasn't overly shy, but he was comfortable with who he was, so this wasn't like him. Something was wrong.

"Nothing, really," I shrugged, realized he couldn't see it, and smiled. "Why? You wanna hang out with little old me?"

He laughed softly. "Yeah. If you wouldn't mind."

"Of course not," I said, slipping on a pair of panties, then told him. "Hold on a second."

I put the phone down and put on a bra and shirt, then grabbed the phone again.

"Okay. I'm back," I said, searching for a pair of shorts.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Getting dressed."

"Holy shit," he breathed, then he asked, "Were you naked when you answered the phone?"

I laughed. "Yes. I'd just finished shaving. A few seconds earlier and you'd have caught me in the middle of it."

"Oh yeah? Shaving what?" he teased, and I could hear the broad grin in his voice.

"My coochie," I replied in a little girl voice.

Phillip laughed out loud. "You always make me laugh, even when life sucks."

I'd been about to put a pair of shorts on, but I stopped and stood there with the phone in one hand and shorts in the other. "What's going on, Phillip?"

He sighed. "Maybe I should come over first."

"Okay," I shrugged again, then thought of something better. "Or, I could come to you."

"Do you even know where I live?" he chuckled.

Actually, I didn't. I'd never been to his apartment. "Give me your address." I punched it into my phone, and when the map had plotted out the directions, I told him, "Give me about fifteen minutes and I'll be there."

"See ya'."

When he hung up, I dropped the phone on the bed and put my shorts on. I gave Sarah a call but got her voicemail, so I left a message explaining where I'd be, in case she got home before I got back.

About fifteen minutes later, I was knocking on Phillip's door. He lived in a sprawling student housing apartment complex, on the third floor. When he opened the door, what I saw surprised me. Phillip had definitely seen better days. He hadn't shaved in a while, so he had a blanket of short growth on his face, and his hair was damp and kind of a mess, since he hadn't done anything with it after taking a shower. He seemed to have lost a little weight too, and given his lean - almost wiry - build, he didn't have very much weight to loose.

"Wow. Someone really beat you with an ugly-stick," I told him.

Phillip gave me a wide smile and stepped out to hug me, tightly. It surprised me, really. Phillip wasn't a big hugger, and it was only the second or third time he'd ever hugged me, but he held me almost desperately, like he was drawing strength from me. Had just anyone hugged me like that, it would have made me uncomfortable, considering how very much of him was pressed up against me, but the slight shaking of his frame told me something was very wrong.

I hugged him back and asked, "Phillip, what's going on?"

"Mona found someone," he said softly into my neck.

Oh, no. Phillip and Mona had a casual relationship, yes, but I knew that he cared about her a lot more than he led on.

"Oh," I replied lamely. "Phillip, I'm so sorry," I told him, turning my head to kiss his cheek.

He drew back and stepped into his apartment, holding the door open for me.

"It was gonna happen sooner or later."

"Why do you say that?"

Phillip shut the door and went into the small kitchen. "Drink?"

"Sure," I nodded.

"Take a look around, if you like," he said.

I took him up on the offer while he got two sodas from the fridge. I knew Phillip had roommates, two other guys, but I'd never met them, and they weren't in the apartment just then. It was a bachelor pad if I'd ever seen one, but surprisingly clean. Two black leather couches and a massive flat-screen TV with an Xbox dominated the living room. All but one of the shelves in the entertainment center were full of DVDs and Blue-Ray movies, the last one stuffed with controllers, guns and other accessories for the Xbox. There was a big coffee table in the middle, and underneath were a bunch of wide pillows. There wasn't a table in the dining room, so I was guessing they ate in the living room, maybe sitting on the pillows on the floor. Instead, the dining room was occupied by three study desks, one on each wall, with the chairs back to back.

While Phillip filled glasses with ice, I meandered down the hall. There were two bedrooms on the left and one on the right, and a bathroom was on the right too. While the living room and dining room was pretty spacious, all the square footage was there. The bedrooms were tiny, barely large enough for a twin bed and a dresser. I understood why Phillip and his roommates put their desks in the dining room. The bathroom was pretty tiny too.

"Here you go," Phillip met me in the hallway and handed me a glass of soda, then gestured around the apartment with his own glass. "It's not much to look at, I know."

I shrugged. "I think you and your roomies have made it work just fine."

He snorted. "Oh, come on. Next to your apartment, this place is a dump."

"We just got lucky," I smiled.

"I'll say."

I followed Phillip into the living room and sat beside him on the couch, taking a sip of my soda and setting it on the coffee table. I turned to face him, tucking my leg underneath me, and waited. Phillip just stared down into his glass for a bit, then took a breath.

"We've known each other for years," he said quietly, showing a small grin as he thought about Mona. "Never had any secrets, told each other everything. It was a very honest relationship, very open."

I didn't miss his choice of words. "You say that like it's over."

He looked at me and shrugged. "Isn't it?"

I put my hand on his knee. "No, Phillip. It isn't over, just different."

He shook his head and grinned weakly down into his glass again. "I don't know."

"So she met a guy," I shrugged. "That doesn't mean your aren't friends anymore."

"Yeah, I know," he sighed and set down his glass beside mine, then slumped back against the couch. "But I won't see her as much anymore. It's bad enough that I have to share my friend, but..." he paused and gave me a shy smile, saying, "Forgive me for this, but to lose my fuck buddy too, that just sucks."

I grinned. "Oh, so all this melancholy is really about losing readily accessible tail."

"Of course not," he slapped my knee playfully, then he chuckled. "Well, partly, sure."

"I know how you feel," I told him.

"You do?" he said with interest.

I nodded. "Trevor and I grew up together. We were pretty little when we first met. Even ate mud pies together." Phillip chuckled at that. "It really sucked to have to watch him date other girls."

"Because you had a crush on him?"

"Not at first, no," I shook my head. "We were just friends at first. I mean, I always had a crush on him, I guess, but I lost my friend first. The moment he got interested in girls, he pretty much disappeared. We stopped traveling in the same social circles in junior high, and it only got worse in high school. The only saving grace was that we still lived really close to each other, and I had a pool," I told him with a grin, making him smile. "Trevor came around now and then, and sometimes he'd even stay at my place all day, took a long time before he was interested in me like he was the other girls. Until then, not only did I have to watch the guy I had a crush on run around crushing on other girls, but I didn't get to see my friend near as much as I liked."

He gave me a long level look and said, "Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get your happy ending."

"Happy ending?" I blinked, not following him.

"Yeah," he nodded, patting my knee. "You got him,and you have Sarah."

"Oh, that," I said, unable to look him in the eye.

I felt him staring at me, waiting for me to continue. I guess it made sense that our friends thought the three of us were perfectly happy, and I guess for a time, we were, but eventually, reality set in, at least for me. I loved Trevor, but not the way he wanted me to, and I never would, not while Sarah was still around. Based on his behavior lately, I was pretty sure that Trevor had already figured that out.

I glanced at Phillip, and I wanted him to know that he wasn't the only one facing hard choices. Both of us had to face hard truths and make a decision.

"If you breathe a word of this to anyone, I'll kick your ass," I told him.

He grinned for a second, then gave me a serious nod.

"It isn't a happy ending," I said, looking him straight in the eye. "If you asked me a few months ago if a person could be in love with two people, I would have told you it was possible."

"But now you can't," he said after a moment.

I shook my head. "Iwant to be in love with him, but Sarah has my heart, every last piece of it." I shrugged with defeat. "There just isn't enough of me left for him."

"Wow," he said quietly, looking straight ahead at nothing. "That must really suck for him."

I nodded and said just as quietly, "Yeah."

After a few minutes of silence, he asked me, "Does he know? That you can't be in love with him, I mean."

"I think he's figuring it out."

Phillip frowned a little. "The two of you haven't talked about it?"

I shook my head.

Phillip sat up and gave me a grave look. "Amy, you have to tell him."

"I know," I said, maybe a little too defensively.

"It's not fair to him," he went on, turning to face me and throwing his arm up on the back of the couch. "As long as he thinks, or just even hopes, that you could love him as much as you love Sarah, or as much as he loves you, he'll wait. He won't give himself a chance to get out there and find for himself what you already have."

"I know, I just..." I started, but he cut me off.

"You're a better person than this."

"No, I'm not!" I practically yelled, though it may have sounded a little whiny. I took a breath to calm down and told him, "I'm not a good person, Phillip. I'm selfish." He started to shake his head, but I kept going, my voice rising and everything tumbling out of my mouth in one long sentance. "I'm stringing him along because Ido love him and I can't bring myself to let him go because I waited so long to have him and I can't stand the idea that I'm losing him when I just fucking got him!"

Phillip gave me a level look again and asked softly, "Losinghim or losing theidea of him?"

I opened my mouth to reply, then closed it when nothing came out. I wasn't sure. I'd been crushing on Trevor for most of my life. Even when I'd first had sex with him, I was so much closer to Sarah already. I hadn't been dating anybody, and neither had she, and while Sarah and I hadn't officially been a couple, and never talked about it, we spent all of our time together. Four or five days out of every week of high school, I slept at her place or she slept at mine. We were inseparable.

But then Trevor happened, at last. We had sex, and though it hadn't been very good, we managed to figure it out. We found our friendship again, and it just kind of evolved into our relationship today. I'd been so damned happy to finally have him, and it just seemed to be a forgone conclusion that I would continue to have him, forever.

But I wouldn't have him forever. I couldn't keep him. It wasn't fair, not to him.

Fact one; I was in love with Sarah, deeply, with all of my heart, all of my soul.

Fact two; I loved Trevor. He was a dear friend, and an incredible lover.

Fact three; When I imagined the future, I saw Sarah, instantly, no doubts, no worries. It was just Sarah, the woman I loved, my soul mate, the one person I was meant to be with.

"Fuck," I muttered, the room blurring as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Yeah," Phillip said quietly. "Fuck is right."

Tears fell down my cheeks while I stared down at the floor.

"Come here," Phillip whispered, and he wrapped his arm around me and drew me against him.

I hugged him back, eagerly snuggled up to his tall frame and cried against his chest. Gawd, it hurt so much, finally accepting the facts, that I had to let Trevor go. Fuck me, did it hurt.

Phillip held me, stroking my back, kissing my hair, and I was so grateful for it. In that moment, we were closer than we'd ever been, brought together by the pain we shared, the hurt, the loss. I took comfort in his arms around me, his hands gently stroking my back and hair, the beat of his heart beneath my ear, and even the smell of his clothes and skin. I was also really grateful that he'd taken a shower before I came over.

I leaned back a little to look up at him. He gave me one of his charming smiles, and it warmed me in an instant.