Stray Cats Ch. 04


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Kyle's smile began to fade as she wrestled with what she needed to tell him.

"Today was supposed to be my wedding day."

All of the color dropped out of Kyle's face. "What? What happened?"

"We got into a huge fight a month ago. It was so terrible my friend Rachel had to step in and break it up. If she hadn't, my ex-fiancé, Ted, would have put me in the hospital. I vowed then that I would never allow myself to be in that sort of situation again. So if what I'm about to say bothers you please just leave and we'll never have to speak about it again."

Kyle sat motionless across the table from Wendy. She sat looking for any hint of resentment or fear. But there was none, his expression was compassionate and sincere.

"I was born James Wendell Bingham the third, into a wealthy family who lived most of their privileged lives in seclusion from the real world. When I was eight I began to have feelings about who I was and although I didn't understand exactly what I was feeling I did know that I was different from the other boys who I would hang out with or who went to school with me. When I was twelve and starting puberty I found that I liked to do things that my father found distasteful, like playing with dolls and having make-believe tea parties. I can't begin to count the times he locked me in my room as punishment for misbehaving like a girl. And there were times he decided that a belt or hairbrush was a better tool of discipline to teach me about manhood than any stern talking too. But where he was persistent I was equally stubborn. I knew what I liked and it wasn't what he considered appropriate boy behavior."

"When I was fourteen, unbeknownst to my father, my mother started me on a hormone therapy. She was struggling to understand what I was going through but she knew that what my father was doing was wrong. She talked to a couple of specialists who referred her to a child psychologist and he told her that her son had issues with gender identity, as he called it."

"The drugs began to reshape my boyish body making it more feminine. In some respects they helped me here as well," she said, pointing to her forehead. "The conflicts inside my brain began to diminish and I was starting to see the world from a feminine perspective."

Kyle fiddled with his napkin as he listened earnestly to Wendy's story. When the waiter returned with their meal Wendy paused briefly so that they could finish in silence. Once they were nearly done Wendy continued.

"When I went off to Dartmouth I went dressed as a boy to placate my father but once I left the dorms after my freshman year I got my own apartment. From then on I began to dress completely as a woman. At first I was the subject of ridicule, then it became more sinister. Not from the boys, they were mostly childish and stupid. It was the girls who where sinister. You cannot imagine the ugly pranks they would play on me. Some of it bordered on torture. To this day the thought of being bound to something, anything, by ropes or electrical ties makes me hysterical. I couldn't get through the first half of 'Fifty Shades' without throwing it in the trash." Her cheeks were damp as tears filled her eyes. She lifted a tissue from her purse and dried her eyes.

"The one thing those women kept over my head was the thought that I could never be a woman if I had a penis." Her voice was now barely a whisper. "I yelled back at them in rage. I am a woman in my heart and that's all that matters. They laughed at me. They spat in my face and kicked me in the balls. I screamed at them. "How could a woman still be a woman if cancer has taken her uterus or breasts?" Then someone knocked me unconscious. I was found the next morning by one of the grounds keepers at the college. I decided at that moment that whatever it took I was going to be a woman physically to match who I was here," she pointed to her heart."

"I finished college, I wasn't going to let them beat me. I stood defiantly on the dais, graduating cum laude and told them all, that today was the happiest day of my life because I was leaving them all behind. I smiled graciously, turned and never looked back. Three years later I had my operation." Her face was filled with a ferocity that matched the passion in her heart as she sat back and waited for Kyle's response.

Kyle paused for a moment. His face was almost blank. Wendy couldn't tell what he was thinking and that worried her most of all. Did I go too far, too fast? Does he think I'm some sort of lesbian man-hater and that I detest him because of who he is?

Then Kyle leaned forward with a gentle smile. "You are the most courageous person I have ever met."

"What I just said doesn't bother you?"

"I'm having dinner with you, not part of you. I'm sorry about your wedding. Your ex-fiancé is an ass and the rest of your dinner is getting cold." His eyes twinkled with delight as her face lit up.

Hold on girl; let's not jump from the frying pan into the fire. You still don't know anything about him. He could be a serial rapist or something...but I doubt it.

Wendy settled herself into her chair and picked up her burger then paused. "Okay, I guess it's your turn. What do you do when you're not cruising the Internet?"

"I'm a lawyer, yeah I know, here come the lawyer jokes."

"Not from me, I'm in real estate, remember?"

"I work for the Securities and Exchange Commission doing research in the International Trade Division. I spend my day pouring over shipping invoices, bills of lading, goods received and shipped. God, it's boring stuff."

"Are you looking for drugs?"

"No that's I.C.E. and the DEA. More dangerous, less boring."

"Is it your first job out of school?"

"No, I spent some time clerking for a Circuit Court Judge in Colorado before I came here. It was okay but the pay was lousy and I am still swimming in debt from law school. The SEC job gave me a shot at seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, so-to-speak."

"Student loans can be brutal, you can never default on them either."

He nodded. "They sort of have you by the proverbial short hairs."

"Yeah, they do."

"So why did you pick the name Wendy? Is it because of Peter Pan and Neverland?"

"No, but that's a good guess. I've heard from a friend that a lot of girls named Wendy come from that reference. My middle name is Wendell and my Mother's name is Dee."

"Got it, Wen Dee, just a different spelling."

She tilted her head slightly and smiled at Kyle warmly. He seemed kind and caring. Also honest and open about who he was and where he'd been. "So, my turn for a question. Any girlfriends?"

"Not since six months ago and even then Diane was an on again off again kind of girl. Eventually it became apparent to me that she was looking for someone who could keep her in the lap of luxury that she imagined and I just wasn't that kind of guy."

"Trolling for a big wallet?"

"Yup." Kyle picked up his napkin and wiped his face.

"Why were you on the open-minded website?"

"I don't know, a coincidence maybe? I've been on sites like that one before but that was the first time I visited that particular site. There was a link to it in my email inbox and I absent-mindedly clicked on it. And now I'm glad I did."

"I have a friend who doesn't believe in coincidence. I'm beginning to believe him," she added taking another bite of her salad.

"Why were you on there?" He asked resting his chin on his palms again. His eyes twinkled mischievously.

"I don't know either, coincidence?"

Kyle laughed out loud again. It was a hearty laugh, open and joyful, she liked that. She liked Kyle too, but in the back of her mind there was still doubt. Ted placed that shadow on her heart. It would take more than a burger and salad with a cute guy to remove it.

A rowdy group of locals came out to the terrace from the restaurant and sat at a table nearby. They were loud and boisterous. The place was starting to get crowded.

"It's Saturday night and it looks like things are starting to pick up," Kyle said trying to talk over the crowd at the next table. "Do you want to go somewhere else?"

"What time is it?"

"A little after nine o'clock."

"Yes, but I'll drive. Have you ever been to Moulin Rouge?"

"I think I've heard of it but I've never been there."

"Neither have I, but tonight seems to be an evening of firsts. Let's go." Wendy scooted her chair back and followed Kyle out of the restaurant.

Outside they walked together down the sidewalk towards the condominium complex. When they came to an intersection Kyle reached over and took her hand in his. Wendy looked up in surprise, blushing slightly, then they crossed the street and continued to hold hands until they reached the garage where Wendy parked her car.

"Wow, cool car." Kyle stopped for a moment and admired the sleek lines of the Z4.

"Come on, get in. Should I put the top up?"

"Are you kidding? This is why you buy a convertible!"

She grinned sheepishly and started the car. It roared to life and rumbled softly as she backed the car out of her private parking spot.

"I actually bought it because I like the way it handles." Wendy pulled out of the driveway and the car raced off down the street. "I hope you don't mind, I sort of have a lead foot." The car squealed around a corner and dashed off down the street towards downtown.

Kyle's eyes got rather large but the smile on his face told her he wasn't going to complain.

It was closer to ten o'clock before they walked up to the club entrance, and there was a sizeable cue lined up on the sidewalk. Wendy looked around for a moment. "Geez, maybe we won't get into the club after all."

"Wendy?" Some one shouted from behind the gated entrance to the club. Wendy turned and walked back towards the head of the line. "Hi Ray."

Ray was standing besides the bouncer who was busy checking IDs. "I just came out for a smoke. Have you been out here for very long?"

"No, we just got here. The line looks pretty long."

"Wait right here, I'll go get Rachel." Ray crushed his cigarette and dashed back into the club, disappearing behind a beaded curtain.

Wendy turned and motioned to Kyle and he walked up to stand by her. She grabbed his hand and smiled. A moment later Rachel appeared at the doorway. Her hair was up in large curls that cascaded down her back and she wore a rather provocative silver dress that, while barely covering her thighs, hugged her ample breasts like a well-fitted glove. As she stepped towards them Wendy noticed she was wearing another pair of heels that clearly were in the 'dangerous even on level ground' category.

"Wow, you look amazing!" Wendy shouted over the thump of bass reverberating from the building.

"Thanks. So you decided to check out the club?" Rachel looked down and noticed that Wendy was holding Kyle's hand.

"Yeah, we just finished dinner. It was sort of impromptu. Oh, this is Kyle Upton. He's a friend. I hope we can get in."

"There's a birthday party going on in a private room and that always backs things up. Come on." Rachel nodded to the bouncer and opened the gate for them. "Follow me."

Wendy and Kyle followed Rachel through the doorway and into the club. The music was throbbing and lights were flashing around the room. In the center was a large dance floor that was crowded with people moving to the beat. Wendy looked up to see Rachel glancing sideways at Kyle like an overprotective mother hen.

She was beginning to wonder if she was throwing Kyle to the wolves here. She looked back to see that he appeared to be as dazzled by the place as she was. They followed Rachel back to a table in the corner of the club. As they came closer, Wendy saw some familiar faces. Amanda was talking to Kim and Ray and Alex, apparently now dressed as April from the spectacular red gown she was wearing. She was getting up to greet them.

"Wendy! Great to see you," she leaned forward and gave her a hug. "Who's this?"

"Hi everyone, this is Kyle Upton. We just finished dinner a while ago so we decided to take you up on your offer and check out Moulin Rouge."

"Hello Kyle," everyone shouted back. April stepped around Wendy and offered her hand. "Nice to meet you. How do you know Wendy?"

Kyle took April's hand and returned her firm handshake. "We just met today actually, it was quite by accident," he said with a shrug. "We live in the same condominium complex."

Wendy curled her arm around Rachel's and steered her away from the table. "Can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Sure, what's up?" Rachel glanced over Wendy's shoulder and watched Kyle and April talk.



"That helicopter hovering you're doing."

Rachel glanced back at Wendy and blushed.

"Rachel, I'm a big girl. I'm never going to repeat what happened with Ted, never ever. I know you want to protect me like a big sister and I love you for it. But go easy on Kyle. He's kind and considerate and we really hit it off tonight. If you come on too strong you might scare him off and I kind of want to see where this goes."

"Are you sure? Does he know about you?"

"Yes, and yes. We had a long talk, well, mostly I talked and he listened, which is so rare in guys, right? So don't rough him up, okay? Be gentle. I think he's a keeper." She leaned up and kissed Rachel on the cheek and gave her a little hug then she turned and walked back to sit next to Kyle.

After Wendy sat down April leaned over and whispered into her ear. "Prince Charming?"

Wendy face was flush with crimson. She lowered her eyes and smiled demurely then she glanced sideways at April then looked up at Kyle who was busy talking to Amanda. She nodded and whispered back. "I hope so."

"Good." April stood up and leaned over to Wendy and Kyle. "Can I get you anything? I'm heading for the bar."

"A coke for me," Kyle replied.

"Same here," added Wendy. April nodded and started the long weave towards the bar.

Kim and Ray moved over to sit next to Wendy.

"Thanks for helping us Ray," Wendy said reaching over to give his hand a pat. "We'd probably still be out there if you hadn't seen us."

"You're more than welcome Wendy," Ray said sipping on his rum and coke.

"How long have you guys know April and her sisters?"

"For me," Ray replied, "I've known Alex for at least two years, we started college together."

"Me too, I met Alex two years ago in the Short Story Composition class. I think it was his first year at the university too," Kim added.

"So how did you guys react when they told you everything?" Wendy asked.

"Oh God, that was crazy that night," Ray replied.

"It was?"

"Yeah, everything changed so quickly."

"Being with those three is like living in a whirlwind," Kim added. "When I first met him, Alex wore mostly faded flannel shirts and worn out jeans."

"He still had long hair but he smashed it down under this ragged stocking cap," Ray chimed in.

Kim nodded and continued. "But lately at school, I noticed that he was beginning to wear more feminine things. I was concerned because boys can be terrible teases so I spoke to him about it. You know sometimes that sort of stuff leads to something more violent."

"Sweetie, boys are nothing compared to girls, but go on," Wendy said, emphatically with a touch to Kim's hand for emphasis.

"Anyway, we got to talking and the next thing I knew he had invited me over to his house to meet his sisters, Rachel and Amanda. They began to explain a little bit about who they were. They did a complete makeover on me. I walked out of Rachel's bedroom a completely different person. When I turned around Alex was walking into the room wearing this stunning black dress and heels. One thing led to another and we were headed here to Moulin Rouge."

"I barely recognized Kim when I saw her that night, she was beautiful," Ray added, hugging her. "I was here with some friends when I saw her on the dance floor dancing with another girl. When I finally worked up the courage, I walked across the dance floor to talk to her. But not in my wildest dreams did I imagine what would happen next. I sat down to talk to Kim and did a double take when I realized that it was Alex sitting next to me..."

"But now she was April..." Kim added.

"Uh-huh, and we got to talking. Then I met Amanda and this amazing Amazonian goddess, Rachel. In those five-inch heels she just towered over me. I felt like the woman could squash me."

"She is tall," Wendy mused with a chuckle. "And I've seen her knock a six-foot man to the ground with one punch."

"So you know what I mean, right? Anyway we all ended up back at Rachel's apartment. It must have been around two in the morning. We'd had a few drinks at the club and a few more at Rachel's place so once again my courage was fueled by alcohol and I had to ask..."

"Ray's a sweetheart but he can be a knuckle head sometimes."

Ray blushed a bit and shrugged with a grin. "April got out her iPad and showed me the infamous webpage. Then Rachel told me that she was a pre-op transsexual and Amanda said she was a genetic goddess. The more I know Amanda the more I believe that's true."

"That girl is at the center of the vortex. When she gets going on something she is unstoppable." Kim added.

"Yeah, I found that out," chuckled Wendy. "So are you guys okay with all of this?

"Yeah," Ray responded quickly. "They're beautiful and besides, if it wasn't for Alex I would never have worked up the nerve to be with this beautiful woman right here," he added hugging Kim tightly and kissing her on the cheek.

"And if it wasn't for all three of them I wouldn't have had the nerve to be with Ray. They're our best friends, I don't know what I would do without them." She kissed Ray lightly on the lips.

Wendy smiled and reached across to squeeze Kim's hand. "Thank you."

"Hey." Kyle rubbed Wendy's shoulders lightly. "You want to dance? It looks like fun."

"I'd love to Kyle but I'm just beat, it's been a long day. Can I take a rain check?"

"Hmmm. A rain check means we'll come back here again doesn't it?"

Wendy nodded and smiled demurely.

"Good, a rain check it is. Do you want to leave?"

"Can we?"

"Of course, you're driving."

"Okay, let me say good night to Rachel, I'll be right back." Wendy stood up and wove her way across the dance floor. She spotted Rachel at a table near the bar.

"Hey, we're going to take off."

"Call me tomorrow, okay?" Rachel shouted over the throbbing music.

"Okay." Wendy turned to make her way back across the floor.

"Wait, I'll walk with you."

They both crossed the floor and made their way to the table in the back. Wendy grabbed her jacket and Rachel reached over to touch Kyle on his shoulder. "Can we have coffee sometime? I'd like to get to know you better."

"Sure, Wendy has your number doesn't she?" Kyle replied while pulling on his coat.

"Yes. Text me when you have some free time." Rachel smiled and glanced behind Kyle to see a warning look from Wendy. Rachel leaned forward and gave Kyle a little hug while mouthing the words "don't worry, I'll be kind" to Wendy.

Wendy pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear. "I love you Rachel but you'd better behave." Then she kissed her on the cheek.

The elevator door chimed and the doors opened. Kyle and Wendy walked down the long corridor to her condo holding hands in silence. They both wore a subtle smile. Kyle turned when he arrived at her door. "Thanks, it's been a really special evening."

"Yes it has, very special indeed. Thank you for putting up with my whim."

"Whim?" He looked at her with a curious smile.

"Moulin Rouge, I sort of blind sided you a bit on that one."

"You mean introducing me to your friends? Nah, wait until you meet my family, now that will be a crazy time."