Stray Cats Ch. 05


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Rachel blushed and looked away. Then she glanced sideways at him. "Who are you Kyle Upton?"

"Just a guy who has blissfully stumbled upon a group of friends who are kind to one another, and who care for and love one another. I think I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Oh, what time is it? I was supposed to text Wendy about this." He pulled out his cell phone and began to punch buttons.

"About what?"

"About this meeting between you and me, she wanted to know how it's going."

Rachel looked askance at him. "And, how do you think it's going?"

Kyle grinned at her. "And send. I think we had a bumpy start but right now I'd say we're doing great."

In the next booth the woman in the floppy hat and sunglasses frantically scrambled to find her cell phone before it beeped and gave her away. Too late, the distinctive chime rang out loud and clear.

Kyle looked at Rachel then smiled a knowing smile. He stood on his knees and peered around the booth to find his new girlfriend dumping the contents of her purse onto the table. "Hi there."

Wendy looked up and grinned sheepishly. "Hi."

"Do you want to join us? We were just talking about you."

"I know." She looked around the edge of the booth to see a frown on Rachel's face.

Wendy shoveled the pile of stuff on the table back into her purse and scooted out of the booth. As soon as she stood she saw Rachel giving her 'the look'. She quickly mouthed the word 'sorry' to her and then took a seat next to Kyle.

Rachel twisted her mouth into a wry grin. "Hello Wendy."


"Excuse me ladies, I need to get a refill." Wendy stood up for Kyle and then she sat down next to Rachel.

Kyle slipped back out of the booth and disappeared around the corner. He suspected that they wanted to talk in private and getting a refill of coffee was a convenient reason to give them some privacy.

Rachel wore a stern expression. "Wendy Bingham, I'm hurt that you don't trust me."

"I'm sorry Rachel, but I really like him, and..."

Rachel pulled her into a hug. "Oh, forget about it. I'd have done the same thing or worse if it was Alex."

"Speaking of Alex, how's he doing?"

"Better, thank you. He went back to work last night and his last semester of classes start next week. But don't think changing the subject will get you off the hook."

"I did apologize."

"I know, so maybe buying us all dinner this weekend will set things right."

Wendy grinned and hugged Rachel as Kyle rounded the corner to slip back into the booth.

"What did I miss?"

Wendy let go of Rachel and smiled sweetly at Kyle. "An apology, and a promise to never doubt her again."

"Rachel, Wendy and I have a date tonight, you're more than welcome to chaperone."

"We do?"

Rachel blushed brightly and swatted Kyle on the arm. "And what would you say if I said yes?"

"I'd say you'd get to drive because we'd be in the back seat, snuggling."

Rachel laughed. "No thanks, I'm hanging up my mother hen wings, my little girl is all grown up and she's found a wonderful guy to be with."

"Thank you Rachel." Wendy turned to Kyle with a huge smile. "Where are we going?"

"The symphony, Brahms and Schubert tonight."

"Ooo." Wendy's eyes sparkled with delight.

"On second thought, maybe I do need to chaperone you two." Rachel winked at Kyle with a smirk.

Wendy turned surprised. "Don't you have to work tonight?"

"Nope, I'm through with Moulin Rouge, I promised Alex and Amanda."

"Good," Kyle and Wendy said in unison.


Kyle and Wendy found their seats the third row back on the Mezzanine level of Orchestra Hall. After a moment, Wendy leaned over and whispered in his ear. "How did you know I love the symphony?"

He smirked. "Lucky guess?"

"Fat chance, spill it."

"Okay, I called your secretary and she told me you had season tickets last year."

"I'm going to have to speak to Rebecca about divulging all my secrets."

"Good luck, I paid her off in chocolates."

The concertmaster walked out on the stage to applause. He bowed to the audience, turned to the orchestra, and raised his violin for the final tuning.

An hour and a half later Wendy entwined her arm around Kyle's as they walked to his car in the parking lot. "I simply love Brahms, especially his first symphony, it has such a sweet melody."

After the symphony, Kyle drove them back to their condominiums. Wendy snuggled next to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

As he parked his car she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Would you like to come up to my place for a glass of wine?"

Kyle's eyes shone with excitement. "Yes, I'd like that very much."

Kyle followed Wendy down the corridor to her apartment. He waited while she opened her door and flipped on a few lights. She walked into the kitchen and pulled a bottle of pinot noir from the wine chiller under her counter and proceeded to open it up. Kyle walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist then nuzzled his nose against the back of her neck.

"You should know that drives me wild, sweetheart."

Kyle continued to kiss her neck and nibble at her earlobe. "Good, after the tranquility of Brahms I think a wild night might be fun."

Wendy left the half opened bottle of wine and turned to pull him into a passionate kiss. "You like playing with fire, do you?"

Kyle trailed kisses down her neck to the cleavage between her beautiful breasts. "Yes, fireworks are always exciting."

"Oh my God, Kyle." Wendy grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the kitchen and down the hallway.

Near her bedroom she squealed with delight as he swept her up into his arms and carried her into her bedroom. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he released her. Her feet barely touched the ground as she covered his face with kisses.

He reached behind her and lowered the zipper on her dress as she struggled to unbutton his shirt. She giggled as they tried to undress each other at the same time. "I think we need to do this one at a time."

Kyle leaned forward and kissed her. "I agree my love, ladies first." He finished with her zipper and her dress crumpled to the floor around her feet. Now she stood there in bra and panties with stay-up hose and heels.

She reached behind her back and undid her bra, allowing it to slowly reveal her ample breasts. They were full and pouty with dark brown areolas and nipples that stood out proudly, begging to be sucked. Kyle leaned forward to lick them and she wagged her finger in his face.

"Uh, uh, uh, not yet my sweet, next my hose and heels then it's my turn to undress you." She sat on the edge of the bed as Kyle grinned sheepishly then knelt to roll down her hose and remove her heels. He lifted each foot and kissed a dozen kisses up each leg as she moaned softly running her fingers through his hair.

He stood up slowly, his shirt hung off his slender frame half unbuttoned. She sat up from the sensuous assault on her legs and pulled open the buckle on his pants, slipping them off his hips to fall like her dress and crumple on the floor by his feet. His shirt quickly followed. She reached down to remove his socks and delicately moved her hands up his legs trailing her fingernails along his thighs. He shivered with excitement.

She hooked her fingers into the waistband of his boxers and, looking up into his seductive eyes, she slowly lowered them to fall like his pants at his feet. His cock sprung free from the confines of his boxers and stood rigid against his stomach. She leaned forward and nuzzled against it. Reaching out with her tongue she licked the underside of his shaft. She moved up to the mushroom head and planted a kiss on the tip. He moaned softly feeling the velvet touch of her tongue.

He looked down at her with a lusty smile. "My turn," he whispered and he pushed her onto the bed and gently onto her back. He fell beside her and his mouth quickly sought her breasts, sucking and nibbling, he sent her soaring. Then he moved to her collarbone, then to the small of her elbow and then he moved to finish sucking gently on each fingertip.

She was writhing in pleasure as his tongue assaulted all the pleasure points on her body. He moved back to her shoulders while his fingers began to move gently over the soft wet folds of her pussy. He found her clitoris, swollen from passion, and began to gently rub it as he trailed kisses from her neck to her waist and below. He grabbed a bottle of lube on her nightstand and coated his fingers liberally.

Soon his tongue found her clitoris. He nibbled and sucked the swollen nub as she her body undulated in submission to his tongue. His lubricated fingers slipped gently into her vagina. He moved them around searching for her g-spot. Suddenly he touched it and she was rocketing off into outer space screaming his name and wrapping her legs around him.

"NOW! God, oh God, NOW! I need you now!"

Kyle opened the bottle of lube again and squirted some in her hands. She coated his cock with the lube and pulled him down to her vagina, urging him to enter. He slipped inside her, feeling every little muscle contract around his penis as he pushed deeper.

She spread her fingers across the cheeks of his ass and turned her nails to bite into his flesh, urging him to go deeper, to thrust harder, and faster.

She was soaring now, higher than she had ever flown before. He was like a magician; his touch was like an elixir for her soul. Each thrust brought her closer to the edge; each lunge brought her closer to oblivion. She felt him swell inside her and she knew he was close. His thrusts became stronger, more demanding. She wrapped her legs around him and locked her ankles as if she would never let him go.

Suddenly he tensed and she could feel his seed coat her vagina. There was so much it began to spill back out and trail down her perineum to drip onto her ass.

She was in ecstasy. She hugged him tightly and held her breath, as if breathing now, or ever again, would break the spell of pure bliss.

Eventually she came back to earth. She rubbed and caressed his body, holding him tight as she covered his face with kisses. "My God, I thought I knew what sex was like for a woman. You are amazing. Where did you learn to make love like that?"

Kyle just beamed. "It helps when you have such a beautiful and receptive partner."

She pulled him into another hug. "Oooo, you make me feel wonderful!"

He shifted his position so that she could feel that he was still rock hard against her stomach. "Want to go again?" She nodded enthusiastically.

This time they went slower. But with the slower pace she was able to soar even higher. She knew what sex was; she had slept many times with Ted her ex-fiance. But this wasn't just sex, this was making love. This was pure, unadulterated joy."

Later, in the afterglow, Kyle asked Wendy about her transition. "What was it like going from a male to a female completely?"

Wendy sighed a bit then gently stroked his hair as he nuzzled her breasts. "The operation felt like it lasted for weeks but that was the easy part."

"How do you mean?"

She pointed to her head and her heart. "It's what happens here and here that is the toughest part."

He looked at her earnestly, his eyes urging her to continue, to tell him everything. His fingers traced tiny circles around her breasts as he listened to her.

"It's funny, now, as I look back on it, what I thought was going to be the toughest part was the easiest. I remember standing in line at the DMV. It was six weeks after my final operation and I held a doctor's certificate that finally identified me as female. I was mortified thinking that all the clerks behind the counter would laugh and point but they didn't. They just stamped the form and issued me a driver's license with the letter 'F' under gender. You can't imagine how much joy that gave me. Finally, my body was correct; I was a woman, a complete woman. No one would ever take that from me again."

"And the hardest part?"

"Telling my family. I expected that they wouldn't accept me, and they didn't. But I had to try to make them understand anyway. My father wouldn't even acknowledge my presence in the room. All my mother did was cry and the rest of them snickered and walked out. But then, I didn't expect that it would be any different than it was. I just hoped it would be less humiliating and it wasn't."

Kyle shifted his attention from her breasts to brushing back a lock of her hair behind her ears. "So what other changes did you experience?"

"Oh, changes still seem to be happening to me. Little things happened to my body over time."

He looked out the bedroom window as if he was lost in thought. Then he glanced back at her.

She could see that he was working through something. Even though she was afraid to ask, she knew she must. "What are you thinking about, my love?"

He leaned up and kissed her lightly on the lips. Then he took a big breath and slowly let it out. "Have you ever thought about adoption? My Aunt Susan was adopted and I always thought it was like offering a child a gift of a lifetime."

Wendy squealed and threw her arms around Kyle's neck and hugged him tightly. "Yes," she whispered, "yes."


"Knock, knock, anybody home?" Wendy opened Rachel's apartment door and peeked her head in. Sitting around the kitchen counter, Alex, Rachel, and Amanda huddled over a fresh brewed cup of coffee. They responded with a groan. "Well, I can see you three aren't morning people."

Amanda pointed to Alex and grinned. "We're not, but this one over here just got in this morning after he finished his two a.m. night shift at the convenience store."

Wendy gathered them into a big hug. "Hmm, I love you guys!"

Rachel looked sideways at Wendy. "Okay, what happened?"

"Nothing, I just had the most wonderful night of my life last night with Kyle."

Amanda squealed glee. "Oooo, details, details."

"Nope, not a word, but I will tell you that he knows exactly how to make a girl feel loved, over and over and over again.". They all laughed and clapped for joy. "But that's not why I'm here. Come on, get dressed, I have a surprise for you."

Alex sat down his coffee cup. "You've found us a house?"

"Yes! It's a beautiful little bungalow in a quiet neighborhood. It's just perfect. Now come on, I can't wait to show you." Wendy was almost dancing, she was so excited.

Alex and Amanda raced out of Rachel's apartment to get showers and get dressed as Rachel set a cup of coffee in front of Wendy and did the same. A half hour later they were all dressed and dancing with excitement in the apartment house foyer.

Wendy opened the front door with a flourish. "Alex, you're going to have to drive, my car is a bit small to fit all of us."

They all crammed into Alex's car and twenty minutes later they were standing in front of a cute little home built in the craftsman style that looked out on a quiet street just a few blocks from where Kim and Ray got their apartment.

"It's a little on the high side of your price range but with some creative financing I think you can swing the mortgage."

Alex snapped his head around. "What? This isn't a rental?"

Amanda and Rachel's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"No, I thought you told him Amanda." Wendy arched her eyebrow as she glanced at Amanda.

"I was going to, then the whole incident at the club and well..." She walked over to hug Alex. "I forgot sweetie, please forgive me but Rachel and I talked it over and we both thought if we could find a house we could afford we should just buy it rather than pay off somebody else's mortgage."

Alex looked at her and then he turned to Rachel. Both girls smiled hopefully. Then he turned to Wendy. "Well, let's at least take a look inside."

Amanda and Rachel squealed and gave Alex a big hug. The three of them followed Wendy through every room and peeked into every closet and cupboard. Before the hour was up they were back standing on the front porch and looking out on the neighborhood.

Wendy put the key back into the lockbox then she turned to join them. "Well, what do you think?"

"The numbers you quoted, are they accurate?"

"I think the market rates are falling Amanda, so my quote may be a bit higher than reality once you lock in your rates. But I think they're pretty close."

Amanda looked at Rachel and Alex. "What do you guys think?"

Alex wrapped his arms around both girls' shoulders. "You two are better with numbers than I am but if you want my opinion, and if we can afford it, then I think we should hug our little sister Wendy for finding us such a great place to call home."


The author copyrights Stray Cats and all of its parts. The reproduction of any part of Stray Cats without the written permission of the author is expressly prohibited.

This story is a work of fiction. All of the characters, their names and the places they visit, are purely from the imagination of the author. Any resemblance to persons, places, or things is not intentional and purely coincidental.

© 2015/ Dreamweaver594

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I am really liking this series, it has just the right mix of characters and activity but is also very well written. thank you for your writing, please continue with this.

TLB1981TLB1981about 5 years ago

Is it two more chapter's or is it three more.

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