Stress Relief Ch. 07

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Ari and Nia begin their week-long stay together.
3.5k words

Part 7 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/29/2020
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Note: Two characters from one of my other stories make an appearance here. Just a nice little easter egg for those who have read all of my stuff.


Sadly, Ari wouldn't get her moment of release for several hours.

When they arrived at Halfgreen, the plane slowly rolled to a stop as the passengers onboard prepared to exit and step into what was, as far as Ari knew, a wonderful mix of nature and civilization. She'd seen pictures of Halfgreen before, so she thought she had an idea of what to expect.

But, by the time they touched the ground outside the terminal, Ari realized she couldn't have been more wrong.

"Holy shit!" She exclaimed, jogging a few steps of a weary Nia who was rubbing her forehead, yawning adorably. "Look at this!"

"It's certainly something." Nia smiled as Ari struggled to pick her jaw up off the ground.

There were more trees here than Ari had seen all year back at Lowlight. The amount of green flowing seamlessly with the grey of the few concrete buildings was almost overwhelming. It made Ari nearly forget that she struggled to sleep after her and Nia's... Moment.

Shaking her head, with her luggage by her side and Nia trailing behind her, the two waited for a taxi to arrive.

It did just that, a few minutes later. A slick black limousine (like something out of a corny gangster flick) pulled up in front of them.

"Oh, great. I want to set this all down." Nia noted, passing her luggage over to the driver who got out of the car and put their stuff in the back.

"Where are we staying?" Ari asked.

"Ah... That's a secret." Nia winked and Ari shook her head with a smile.

"Come on, give me a hint!"

"Okay, here goes... Five stars."


"Of course." Nia shrugged. "You didn't think I'd spend my time in anything less lavish, did you? Especially since you're here..." With what had to be a bit of premeditated flirting, Nia sidestepped her, but just close enough to lean close and whisper that last part in her ear.

"Glad to know I'm someone you want to impress then," Ari replied with an equally sweet tone.

"In more ways than one." Nia basically purred as the two finally went into the limo.

"Corridge, Ms. Stone?" The chauffeur asked.


"Right away."

Ari gaped at her.

"CORRIDGE HOTEL!?" Ari asked with no small amount of excitement. "THEY HAVE ONE OF THOSE HERE?"

"Yep." Nia crossed one leg over the other, looking as smug as Ari had ever seen her. Ari laughed and leaned in to hug her.

"Thanks for inviting me." She said and Nia gave her a half hug back.

Her tone dropped again.

"You should save your thanks for later," Nia said into her ear and a wandering hand started gliding over Ari's thigh. She could feel butterflies in her stomach as she looked into Nia's eyes.

If she ever met someone else who could make her feel this way, she really would be the luckiest girl ever.

Nia's hand drew dangerously close to the increasingly sensitive spot between her legs, and Ari subtly spread them to let her even closer. The chauffeur, if he knew what was happening, didn't say or do anything.

The ride continued with Nia testing Ari's patience, which was becoming dangerously low to the point where, if it hadn't stopped when it did, Ari may have actually just jumped on top of Nia then and there. Instead, the limo slowly rolled to a halt. The chauffeur got out and walked to both their doors one at a time to open those for them.

When Ari stepped out, she nearly fainted.

" Shit." She mumbled.

In front of her was the kind of place that looked like walking inside cost money. Like breathing air in the same place as the ones staying there cost money. A lush indigo building with large glowing letters spelling out CORRIDGE and glass doors waiting to welcome in any newcomers. Outside, a fountain sprayed up and the grass was arranged in some kind of intricate pattern that probably required some kind of helicopter to fully appreciate. All in all, it had to be around twenty stories tall and if Nia let her, Ari was willing to explore every single one.

"Well, let's get our stuff in," Nia instructed, and, taking their luggage, the two made their way into the hotel.

They checked in at the front desk and walked over to an elevator that traveled up a glass platform, allowing them to see the grand pool that was behind it all. A few people were already there, most of them just lounging outside the water in some swimsuits.

This moment allowed Ari to appreciate Nia even more, believe it or not. Because unlike her, these people looked like they hadn't seen the inside of a gym in years. It spoke wonders of Nia that despite the fortune she'd amassed, she still tried to improve different parts of herself.

She leaned a little closer to her, without even noticing it.

"We're at the top floor," Nia stated.

"What's it like?" She couldn't resist asking, even though she knew she was about to find out.

"Well, it's nothing much." Nia sauntered over to Ari's side. Ari raised a brow, not quite understanding what Nia was going for until she slid a hand around Ari's waist. "Just lush furniture, a monitor with the kind of quality that makes Sci-Fi movies look real, a cozy spot by the windows overlooking pretty much the entire town."

"Wow." Ari could feel her heart beating faster. Not because of the room she was about to enter, but because of Nia's presence encompassing more and more of her attention.

"Oh, and the food we can drag up here?" Nia gave a pornstar-quality moan and chuckled. "It's orgasmic."

"Well, um... Wow." Ari was at a loss for words as the elevator finally came to a halt.

When she actually walked into the room she and Nia would be sharing for a week, she nearly fainted.

"Holy shit."

"Yeah, this place is something else."

Cream-colored beds next to a table and some chairs by the window of the same color. A monitor on the wall the size of a home theatre and some speakers next to them that she guessed were of the same quality. A few couches here and there next to some lamps that covered the room in a dreamlike haze.

Ari couldn't believe she was walking in here. Just a month ago she had been looking for a job, anxious because she was only able to pay her bills off savings. Now, she was walking into the kind of old-money place that she knew she had no business being in. And, as Nia stretched beside her, setting her luggage down next to the bed, she smiled. It was all thanks to her.

"Welp, as much as I would like to lie down on that bed, I can't," Nia said. "Feel free to do so though."

"What?" Ari asked.

"I have to get something out of the way first. A meeting with someone."

"Oh." Ari put her hands behind her back.

"Yeah, it's nothing too big. Just going to discuss the logistics of all of this with her."

"Okay." Ari nodded. "Sure. I'll, uh, wait for you, then."

Nia chuckled.

"You sound disappointed." She indicated.

"No, no, it's fine."

"Come on, speak your mind." Nia walked up to her and tilted her chin up. "What? Do you want to come with me?"

"Oh, no, I mean, I wouldn't want to, like, get in the way of anything."

"Hm..." Nia disregarded her. She made a face like she was considering something and then snapped her fingers. "How's this?" She started. "Why don't we go together and after that we grab something to eat?"

"What?" Ari basically gasped. "I don't think I'd be of much use in a business meeting."

"Oh, I'm not meeting with a group of people or anything, if that's what you're worried about." Nia shook her head. "I'm meeting a friend, she just happens to also head my affairs whenever I travel. Just someone I like to keep in touch with."

"Oh." So, she's meeting a woman? "Okay. I mean..."

"Come ooon." Nia leaned in again. "After that, who knows? Maybe we could go get that dinner and come back and... Relax for a while." Nia's lips were almost on Ari's. "Doesn't that sound good?"

Ari gulped.

"Sure." She pushed Nia back gently. "Is this how you get all your business deals?"

"Haven't tried it yet, maybe I should." Nia shrugged with a grin.

And once that was settled, the two left their things at the bed, closed the door, and walked back out of the hotel. Despite everything Ari had seen in the last ten minutes or so, all she could focus on was Nia.

The more time they spent together, the more she wondered if there was something... Special here.

Eh, she could think about that later though.


The same limo and driver ended up taking them to the site of the meeting. It was a park just a few blocks away. Well, it was hard to say if it was a park or not, really. This whole town was basically one big park.

The two of them sat on a wooden bench, watching cars pass by as they talked about the town. What it was like, what they could compare it to. Beside them though, on another bench, Ari noticed two much younger girls sitting around in much the same way.

"Oh, oh! Look at that one!" A girl with bobbed cinnamon hair pointed at a car driving by. "Where's that one from?" She asked the other girl, one with long black hair and tired-looking eyes.

"Uh, I don't know."



"But you knew the last two we saw!"

"Six, I don't know all of them. Just a few."

"Miri! Come on, I wanna learn!"

"Ask someone else then."

The two of them bickered back and forth in a way that was, at least to Ari, pretty funny. They were like an old married couple, but they looked like they'd just come out of high school.

"Oh, she's here." Nia suddenly said and Ari turned towards the front.

Holy. Shit.

The woman that came into view was something else. Flowing, curly red hair, a slim body, plump lips, and mischievous eyes. She would be the main antagonist of any rom-com if Ari had to guess. But she was beautiful. That much, she couldn't deny.

"Nia!" The woman spread her arms and greeted the futa.

"Jess, it's been a while."

"And you just get hotter and hotter every time I see you," Jess replied and Ari raised her brows.

"Ha, stop. I look the same as always." Nia sounded slightly shy. Ari wasn't used to that part of her yet.

"No, I'm serious! If you'd looked like this a few years ago, I wouldn't have let you go."

"Well, you know what they say, if you don't like me at my worst..."

"Fair, fair."

Ari felt like she was intruding on something. The woman didn't even glance at her until Nia pointed to her.

"This is my... Employee. Her name's Ari."

"Oh?" When Jess looked at her, Ari felt like shrinking. "Huh, Ari? Nice to meet you."

Ari cleared her throat and stuck her hand out to shake Jess's.

"You too." She smiled kindly. Okay, so there was some history between these two. Clearly. Ari didn't exactly feel jealous, she and Nia weren't dating or anything, so she didn't really have the right to. But, considering what she and her boss had been doing recently, she did feel a little awkward talking to (what she guessed was) Nia's ex.

"Where are you from?" Jess asked.

"Lowlight. Lived there my whole life."

"Oh, I see." She gave Ari's clothes a cursory glance and looked back at Nia. "Well, want to get down to it?"

"Sure. Give me some updates."

With that, Jess sat between Ari and Nia and the two of them started talking. Ari hadn't felt more like a third wheel in a while. Every word that came out of their mouths was either business-related or about something they'd done in the past. Ari had no place here.

All in all, maybe she should have stayed back at the hotel.

The sun moved just a little in the sky as Nia and Jess continued. The two girls who had been sitting on the other bench had left by now. Ari was left to browse her phone and use the sounds of cars rolling by as background music.

"Well, it sure has been a pleasure seeing you again." Suddenly, Jess said and Ari perked up.

"You too, Jess. Stay safe."

"Of course."

Then, Jess leaned in and pressed her lips against Nia's. Nia didn't look offended or anything. She returned the quick kiss with a smile. Again, Ari didn't feel jealous... Just awkward.

Jess finally walked away with what Ari thought was a bit of a forced swing in her hips and Nia sighed.

"And that's over." She announced. "Okay, I'm ready. Want to get something to eat?"

"Uh, yeah." Ari tried to find her excitement again but sitting around for the last thirty minutes doing nothing but checking timelines had knocked it out of her.

"Hm..." Nia leaned in a little. Fuck, those eyes were just too perceptive. "Are you alright? Sorry if we dragged on a little, but it really had been a long time since I'd seen her."

"No, no, it's okay. Let's go."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, really." This time, her attempt at a smile was, at least it felt, more believable.

"Okay." Nia nodded. "Let's go."

Nia texted her driver and they were back on the move before long. Nia told him to take them to some Italian restaurant and in a few minutes, they pulled up in front of a place that was a little more... Humble than everything back at the hotel.

Here, Ari had what had to be the best lasagna she'd ever tasted. It wiped away all of the strange feelings she'd been having since seeing Jess. They laughed and joked around as the food they ordered disappeared and soon, they were heading back to their hotel.

"Their" hotel. Holy shit, that still felt strange to say. A part of Ari still couldn't believe that Nia wanted her around.

But, that was, as far as Ari could tell, the truth.

They walked back into the same room as earlier, all smiles.

"I didn't think it would be that good, I'll be honest." Ari kicked her shoes off as Nia closed the door behind them.

"You don't expect the best from the places I recommend?" Nia asked with a smirk.

"No. Now I do though. You're screwed." Ari replied with a grin.

"Shit. I didn't think now I'd have to meet your standards."

"Shouldn't be much trouble for you." Ari (finally) laid down on the bed. It was like being hugged by a cloud. If that made any sense. Nia walked over and got in next to her. Her eyes were looking at Ari with a fondness she wondered if she deserved.

"Glad to hear that." Nia's voice was low. Ari was 99% sure of what was about to happen, and that made it all the more exciting. The butterflies in her stomach appeared to agree as she felt her insides on fire as Nia scooted closer.

Her lips hovered over Ari's for a moment. All of the pent up lust Ari had been holding onto started rearing its head again. She hadn't gotten to... Finish, back on the plane. She was damn sure going to this time.

When their lips connected, that lust turned into a flame engulfing both of them. Their kiss, which usually ramped up, started off passionate. Their tongues touched almost seconds into it. Nia's hands roamed behind Ari's body and grabbed her leg, throwing it over her waist.

"Holy shit." Ari thought. Nia bit down on her bottom lip harshly and Ari moaned. With a wild laugh, she climbed up on top of Nia and straddled her. She could already feel her pussy on fire.

Something poked underneath and Ari smiled. Nia's hands caressed her ass and her lower back as they kissed once more. Then, Ari kissed her jaw, her neck, her collarbone, tracing a path down until she needed to take Nia's clothes off to taste the rest of her.

The both of them threw their clothing onto the floor. Eh, they'd pick it up later. Right now, there were more important things at hand. Specifically, the fact that Nia's cock was lined up with Ari's entrance. Nia reached up and massaged Ari's tits as Ari shifted. She needed this so fucking badly.

"Nope." Nia interrupted her. "This time is about you, remember?" With that, Nia pushed her body up and Ari yelped. Her pussy ended up over Nia's face. "God, you're this wet already?"

Ari couldn't even produce words at the moment. Nia didn't seem like she was expecting a response either. Instead, as a cold tongue touched Ari's lower lips, her body shook. She let her hands drop just above Nia's head and her toes curled.

Nia slid her tongue up and down slowly, torturously. Ari was already breathing heavily. So, when Nia stuck two fingers inside of her, something she hadn't expected but should have expected, happened.

She came. She came just five minutes after they started.

"FUCK!" She bucked and Nia laughed under her.

"Wow," Nia said. "You were this horny. Hope you're not done."

Ari could barely register the words. Instead of responding, she shuffled back and kissed Nia once again, tasting herself on the futa's lips. It was sweet. So sugary that she could just collapse from it.

Nia reached over and spanked her butt, earning a guttural moan from Ari.

"I..." Ari started. "I need you in me." She begged. Nia looked as smug as she looked carnal.

"If that's what you want. But, are you sure? I'm down to just eat you out for the next few hours."

"Please." Ari peppered kisses on Nia's graceful skin and wrapped her arms around Nia's head in a pseudo-hug. "Fuck me!"

"Well, shit." Nia planted one last kiss on her lips. "If that's what you want."

Swiftly, Nia flipped Ari on her back and loomed over her. Her cock was there, pressing against Ari's pussy already. She nearly whimpered. She was like a bitch in heat right now. Nia descended just a little as Ari spread her legs.

Then, with one slow push, Nia was in.

"Oh, god." Ari couldn't even tell who said it, her or Nia. All she knew was that as Nia's hard cock slid further and further into her, she felt pleasure spreading throughout her body. And just like that, Nia started moving.

"Oh, yes." Nia smiled. "You feel so good." Ari reached behind Nia and pulled her down, locking her legs behind the futa. "Wow, Ari, you feel amazing!"

"Oh, fuck!" Ari moaned as Nia started properly fucking her. It was everything she needed. Her worries, her anxiety, Jess, all of that disappeared. All she could feel was euphoria. "Holy shit, fuck me harder!"

Nia grinned and accelerated. In a few seconds, the bed was creaking and Ari's tits were bouncing up and down. Nia let her hands rest there. The two of them were locked into a space that, if she could, Ari would stay in forever.

Back and forth, Nia kept fucking her until eventually, Ari felt herself getting close again.

"Oh, oh, oh my god!" Ari moaned louder and louder. With her hands damn-near scratching Nia's back, she almost screamed. A wave of relief flooded her as she felt herself orgasming with Nia's dick still in her.

Nia smiled down at her.

"God, you look beautiful like that." She couldn't respond. As Nia pulled out of her, still hard, she reached up and tried to push Nia's body up. "Huh?" Nia asked. Ari still wasn't in the speaking realm, she kept trying until Nia's cock was over her mouth.

As she started licking the head, Nia sighed.

"Ohhh shit." Nia's knees were beside Ari's head as Ari bobbed up and down. Trying her best to milk the damned thing, she licked her shaft as well as she could, her eyes closed, trying to enjoy the sensation of having Nia's dick in her mouth as best as she could.

"I'm going to..." Nia indicated and Ari welcomed it. Putting her hands on Nia's ass, pulling her further in, she waited. Soon, it happened. Liquid shot into her mouth and Ari drank it down greedily. She'd drink it out of a cup in the morning like coffee if she could. Nia's cum flowed down her throat as Ari took it all in.

When Nia was finally spent, she lied down beside Ari.

"Well." Nia said. "I'd say the week's started off right."

Ari couldn't disagree.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love the story, need to read more of the series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Love it

Love this story! Can’t wait to read more!

Ladd_RussoLadd_Russoalmost 4 years ago

Not sure how Nia can square the fact that she was uncomfortable with Ari having a boyfriend /on the way out) while they were starting up their relationship, while completely missing how Ari could be uncomfortable with her kissing and having an apparently very close friendship with an ex, flaunting it in front of Ari after referring to her as an "employee". Really hypocritical. Hope they talk about it next chapter and at least get an understanding soon of whether they're dating or girlfriends or even exclusive or not, and whether they think friendly solo meetings with exes without even telling the other they were together is fine or not. I mean, how would Nia feel if Ari said she had a business meeting with "just some guy" without telling Nia it was her ex boyfriend, ending the meeting with a kiss?

Love the drama, but both Ari and Nia seem to be overly stupid for the sake of it sometimes it feels like IMHO.

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