Strip Searched in San Francisco

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Shy wife gets public strip-search.
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"Grandpa, Grandma, you shouldn't have!" my wife Lauren exclaimed!

"Your grandmother and I ended up going there for our first anniversary, and had a wonderful time. We wanted you to experience the same," her grandfather explained.

My wife Lauren was holding in her hands an envelope with a fully paid trip for two to San Francisco. Plane tickets, hotel reservations, and even $1000 in spending money!

We were ecstatic.

We had been sweethearts since middle school, and had gotten married right after graduation from high school.

Lauren was an only child, and she was getting more involved in managing the family farm. After getting married, I also worked with her on the farm.

To a couple of 19 year-olds from the middle of Idaho, San Francisco would be the most exciting place we had ever visited!

The flight was only in a week, so we began excitedly packing and getting ready for the trip.

It being during the Covid pandemic, and knowing about the restrictions in California, we made sure to take our vaccination cards showing that both of us had received 2 shots of Moderna. We also took along a pack of N95 face masks. California definitely had a lot more rules and mandates around Covid than Idaho!

Finally, the day came for the trip. Lauren's grandfather drove us to the airport in Boise, and we boarded the flight.

It was a stunning view as we came in for a landing at San Francisco International Airport. The ocean, the bay, and the mountains made it seem like we were in a painting!

We landed, got our baggage and took an Uber to our hotel. Grandpa had booked a 5 star hotel for us and the place was gorgeous! We quickly unpacked our bags, changed into comfortable clothes and went out into the city.

Outside the hotel, though, you could see decay. There was trash in the streets, and a large number of homeless people. Many of them had obvious mental health issues and you could see them shuffling down the sidewalks muttering to themselves.

At first, Lauren was concerned, but seeing as they all seemed absorbed in their own business and did not bother anyone, she relaxed and we began to enjoy the sights.

What was nice about the city is that you did not need a car. A lot of stuff was within walking distance and the cable cars covered a lot of the major areas of the city.

We visited the Golden Gate Bridge, Pier 39, and the Ghirardeli factory.

When we went to get a bite to eat, we noticed that all the dining was outdoors.

When we asked the server at the restaurant, she explained that because they were in the middle of another Covid spike, the city of San Francisco had passed an ordinance that required masks to be worn 100% of the time while indoors, and any activity which required removal of masks was to be done outdoors. Since you could not eat with a mask on, all dining was outdoors. She further explained that this order had only gone into effect last week, and many places were still scrambling to set up their outdoor seating.

That evening, after we got back to our hotel room, I wanted to shower together like usual, but Lauren insisted that she wanted to be alone in the bathroom.

I showered first and then sat on the bed and watched TV, leaving Lauren all alone in the bathroom.

Some time later, I heard my wife's voice.

"Close your eyes!"

I closed them.

I heard the door open, and a few minutes later, "Ok, you can open your eyes!"

I opened my eyes.

I was in heaven as I saw the vision of beauty before more.

Lauren was standing completely naked in front of me.

Even though I had seen her body many times since we had gotten married, it never failed to thrill me.

Her large brown eyes sparkled with excitement.

She was very petite, 5'2'' and maybe 100 pounds. She had shoulder length, brown hair which was now wet and clung to her skin.

Her breasts were small - an A cup, but very pert, and she had long, thick, sensitive pink nipples.

Her stomach was flat.

And she had shaved her bush!

She had always had a large bush, minimally trimmed, but today, she had shaved it completely, allowing her large lips to be seen in their full glory!

Furthermore, being skinny, she had a thigh gap which further emphasized her large pussy lips.

As I stared at the glorious sight before me, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride and privilege knowing that she was mine alone.

Growing up in a religious, conservative home, Lauren was very shy and modest. In fact, I was the only guy to ever have seen her naked, and that was on our wedding night.

Little did I know that in less than 24 hours, I would be sharing the view of her naked body with several other men.

Later that evening, after we had had sex, we lay in bed talking about our plans for tomorrow.

Lauren mentioned that she had heard of this restaurant that was supposed to be a hidden gem. We agreed to go there for lunch.

The next morning, we put the address into my phone and followed the walking directions.

The directions had us turn onto this short narrow street. I noticed trash, discarded needles and homeless people huddled on the sidewalk. I was thinking of looking for an alternative route, when I noticed two policemen patrolling.

Reassured by the police presence, we turned and began walking down the street.

We were about halfway down the street, when all of a sudden, a man who had been leaning against the street light we were walking past, stood up straight, screamed, and sucker punched Lauren hard right in her gut.

She doubled over, gasping for air.

The man stood there for a second as if trying to decide what to do next.

Thankfully, before anything else happened, the two policemen we had seen earlier, came running over.

One came over to check on my wife, and the other went over the man who had punched my wife. I noticed that the man just stood there, not even trying to get away.

"Are you ok?" the policeman who had come to check on us asked my wife. "Do you need me to call an ambulance?"

My wife slowly straightened up, took a deep breath.

She gingerly rubbed her stomach, and shook her head.

"It was so unexpected and I got the breath knocked out of me, but I think I am ok."

"That's good," the policeman said.

Then to my surprise he took out a pair of handcuffs.

"I am going to have to take you in to the station. Please, lean forward and place your hands on this wall, so I can pat you down for any weapons before putting on the handcuffs" he said, indicating one of the walls on the side of the alley.

"What! My wife was the victim! Why are you arresting her?"

"Sir, we have noticed that in many of these incidents of violence with unhoused members of our city community, the violence was provoked with harassment or even hate speech. Because of that, the city has adopted a policy of arresting everyone involved, bringing them into the police station, and sorting everything out there."

"This is ridiculous, I exclaimed! We were totally going about our own business!"

"Sir, that may be so, but I still have to follow the procedures. You are welcome to come along with us, but if you try to interfere, I will arrest you also for obstruction of justice."

I nodded.

Lauren went over to the wall and leaned forward with her hands on it as ordered.

All our lives in small town Iowa, we had always had a very good relationship with the police in our community. They were friends, neighbors, fellow church members, former classmates, and a part of our community. This was the first time we had ever had an unfriendly encounter with the police, and we were both very intimidated.

My wife was wearing a button up sweater, and a long jean skirt. The officer quickly patted down my wife, running his hands along the outside of her sweater and skirt.

He had my wife stand up, and was about to put on the handcuffs, when the other cop, who looked older, came over.

He shook his head.

"That won't do," he said.

"Ma'am, can you please remove your jacket?"

My wife actually wasn't wearing a "jacket", but rather a button up sweater.

Although I did not realize it at the time, the officer called it a jacket on purpose, because during a stop and frisk, it is permissible to ask a suspect to remove their jacket.

Of course, we did not know this at the time, and in any case, were too intimidated to object.

My wife unbuttoned her sweater, took it off and handed it to the officer.

It was chilly outside, and as she stood in her short-sleeve t-shirt, I saw some goosebumps form on her arms.

In addition, she was not wearing a bra, and it being chilly, the outline of her nipples was visible under her t-shirt.

My wife finds bras uncomfortable. Of course, being shy and modest, she will wear them when necessary to keep her nipples from showing, but when she is wearing thicker clothing such as a sweater or overalls, she will often skip the bra.

Today, she had planned on wearing her sweater the whole time we were out, and thus skipped wearing a bra.

He had her lean against the wall once more, though this time, she was positioned with her feet further back, and thus had to lean over more.

The officer was standing next to the wall as my wife leaned forward and placed her hands on it. I saw him glance down and smile. My wife blushed.

Looking more closely, I saw the reason why. The neck of her t-shirt had gapped forward. Although I could not see, I knew that the officer could easily look down her shirt and see her naked nipples!

Another man was looking at my wife's private parts!

The thought filled me with jealousy, anger, and desire to protect.

At the same time, I felt the blood rush to my penis.

I realized that anything I tried to do at this point would only make the situation worse.

I looked at my wife.

She was obviously embarrassed by the exposure, but, knowing how we had been brought up to be respectful and deferential to authority, I knew she would not do anything.

After all, the policeman appeared to be just doing his job. I am sure my wife was cursing her decision to skip the bra, and was likely blaming herself for her exposure.

I decided my best course of action was to pretend that I didn't notice anything.

The policeman quickly felt along Lauren's arms. Then he came to her chest. He did not do anything obviously wrong, but I could tell he enjoyed the feel of my wife's tits, separated only by the thin material of the t-shirt!

He then moved on to her back and then to her ass. He felt her ass over her skirt and then felt the back and front of her legs, also over her skirt.

Then he shook his head.

"Ma'am your skirt is preventing me from doing an adequate frisk for weapons. If you don't object, I would like to rearrange it to prevent it from interfering."

He paused for a second. Not immediately, hearing anything from my wife, he grasped the bottom of her skirt with both hands, and quickly pulled it up past her waist, exposing her panty clad ass to everyone!

My wife gasped, but did not move.

I had to intervene.

"Hey, there you can't do that, exposing her like this in public!"

Immediately, his partner positioned himself between me and the other officer and my wife.

"Sir, calm down. Section 6, chapter 9 of the police regulations, allows when searching for weapons, to rearrange clothing that is impeding the search. In addition, the suspect has not objected. If you attempt to interfere the the lawful performance of police duties, I will have to arrest you for obstruction."

There was nothing I could do. It seemed that everything was by the books.

I backed down.

Lauren's ass is one of her best features, heart-shaped and tight with just the right amount of give, and the maroon panties she was wearing showed it off quite nicely.

I noticed that the left leg opening of her panties had ridden up into her ass crack, exposing most of her left ass cheek!

As I watched, the officer ran the back of his hands over her ass. Then he squatted down, and encircled her right leg with both hands. He slowly brought them up together. The circle formed by his hands, traveled slowly up her leg, past her knee, and then up her thigh. I saw her shudder slightly as the edge of his hand made just the slightest contact with the crotch of her panties. He did the same thing again on the left side, sliding up until he just made contact with her panty-covered crotch.

He then quickly pulled her skirt back down.

"You can stand up, ma'am," he told her.

He then handed her back her sweater.

After Lauren had put on the sweater, he handcuffed her hands in front of her.

"The station is only a block away, so we will walk there."

I noticed that the guy who had punched Lauren had not been searched, and was not wearing handcuffs.

The older officer who searched Lauren must have seen my expression.

"Mark, there is a regular. He has some mental health issues and gets arrested regularly. He becomes very belligerent if we try to search or handcuff him, however, if we ask him nicely, he will quietly come with us to the police station for questioning," he explained.

This felt so unfair, but I did not say anything.

We arrived at the police station a few minutes later.

We turned from the sidewalk into a large concrete courtyard. On one side of the courtyard was the police station, and across from it was a DMV office. There was a line outside the door of the DMV office.

In the courtyard, some tables had been set up for the police officers and DMV office workers to be able to eat, due to the requirement that masks always be worn indoors.

The three of us, the man who punched my wife, Lauren, and me, were taken inside the police police station, and escorted to a large desk in the front corner.

There was a tough looking woman seated at the desk. She introduced herself as Captain Sutter, and had us all sit down.

"Mark," she said addressing the man who had punched my wife, "did you punch this woman?"

"Yes," he admitted.

"Was there a reason? Did she say or do something?"

"No, they told me to punch her," he explained.

She jotted down something in a notebook.

"Ok, Mark, you are free to go. We know where to find you. We will contact you with the date of your court appearance."

With that, Mark got up and shuffled out the door.

"This man just assaulted my wife for no reason, and you just let him walk out the door? And your officers searched and handcuffed my wife, and just asked him nicely to come down to the police station! What kind of place is this?" I exclaimed to the police captain.

By the look in her eyes, she did not appreciate my outburst.

"Well, here in this city, we have a policy of prioritizing crimes. In addition, we take additional consideration for marginalized people. Unhoused people with mental health issues like Mark are poorly served in jail. In addition, we have a no cash bail policy, so we would have to let him go anyway as soon as the public defender showed up."

Then she looked at us.

"In addition, we have found that many times when the voices say to hit someone, oftentimes they are carrying drugs. Many of these unhoused people do have addictions, and perhaps, subconsciously they can somehow sense when someone has drugs on them."

"Based on this, I actually have reasonable suspicion that you might be carrying drugs, ma'am," she said looking at my now very nervous wife.

"You did come from out of state, correct?" she said.

I started to say something.

"I believe I was talking to Lauren, not to you," she said, looking at me sternly. "Unless I address you directly, I don't want to hear another word from you," she said brusquely.

My upbringing asserted itself, and I found myself intimidated into silence.

"Ma'am, I have never used drugs in my life," my wife said shakily.

The captain smiled.

"Of course, everyone says that. Don't worry, we are pretty lax here with drugs as long as they are for personal use. Just show us the drugs, and you can be on your way. If you try to conceal them, then we have to assume you have an intent to distribute."

"But, ma'am, I don't have any drugs!" my frantic wife explained.

"I can see nervousness and evasive behavior. Last chance. Show me where the drugs are, or we will be forced to conduct a thorough search of your person and belongings."

"But, I don't have any. Please you got to believe me."

"Ok, then, you leave me no choice. We will have to do a strip search to find the drugs."

"Strip search?" my wife squeaked?

"Are you familiar with what it is?" the captain asked.

Lauren shook her head.

"Well then, I guess you will be in a few minutes. That is, unless you show me the drugs."

"I don't..." my wife started to say before the captain cut her off.

"Save it. We will find out soon enough." she said.

She started typing on the keyboard on her desk.

"Let's see whose turn it is for strip search duty," she said.

"You mean, someone else will search me?"

"Yes, it is a lottery system." the captain said. Then she picked up the phone on her desk, punched in a number.

I could hear her voice over the PA system.

"Sergeant McDonnell, please report to Captain Sutter."

A few minutes later, a tall back man walked up to where we were sitting.

"Hi, I am Cory McDonnell," he said introducing himself.

He was huge.

He must have been 6'8'' and over 300 pounds.

And it wasn't fat, it was muscle.

He had multiple tattoos over his massive arms.

And his hands. They were huge with long, thick fingers.

"Sergeant, this is Lauren Baker. We have reasonable suspicion that she is concealing drugs on her person. Please take her to room 3 and perform a strip search," she ordered.

My wife was looking at the man and shivering,

"Shouldn't a woman strip search me," she asked timidly.

"It superficially sounds reasonable," the Captain replied. "However, on closer examination," she continued, "it is rooted in bigotry. Sometimes it comes from the patriarchal view of a woman's body as belonging to her husband alone and that it should not be exposed to another man. Other times it comes from a heteronormative view of sexuality that all men are attracted to women, and therefore should not be allowed to perform invasive searches on women, when the truth is that there are many men who are not sexually attracted to women, and there are many women who are. It can also reveal a trans-exclusive and rigid view of gender, where it assumes that all women have the same parts, whereas in reality there are women with penises, and men with vaginas."

"In this city, we make zero allowances for such bigotry!" she finished forcefully.

"Please, I would prefer a woman to search me."

"Sorry, ma'am, your comfort and preferences, rooted in bigotry and patriarchy, do not supersede human rights."

"Now, get up right now, and go with Sergeant McDonnell!" she ordered my wife.

Tears of fear and embarrassment streamed down my wife's face as she got up and walked with Sergeant McDonnell across the office to room number 3.

I saw the expressions of envy on the faces of the other officers as they watched them walk towards the room.

It was quite a contrast. My pale, short, thin, handcuffed wife, walking with the tall, muscular, black, and armed Sergeant McDonnell.

He opened the door, and motioned for her to enter.

As soon as she entered, he followed her inside and closed the door with a bang.

My wife was all alone with Sergeant McDonnell.

"Don't worry," the captain turned to me. "You have nothing to fear for your wife's safety. All searches are recorded by in-room cameras, and all officers conducting searches are required to keep their bodycams recording. You can be assured that this search will be conducted with the utmost professionalism."

My wife's search was being recorded!

It seemed like I waited an eternity, staring at the door where I knew my bride was getting strip-searched. I wondered how thorough it would be? Surely, she would not have to get completely naked, would she?