Stripping the Reluctant Stud

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Aggressive Sorority gals strip protesting, well-hung virgin
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It was about five in the afternoon on Sunday when there was a knock on Tommy Owen's door. It was light, but quick and persistent. Though he first tried to ignore it, the exhausted but conscientious Freshman at last got up from his desk, where he was going over his science notes and trying not to think about the night before, to answer it.

Though he still looked young, fair and appealing, Tommy also looked quite fatigued. The handsome blond hunk hadn't slept in almost 36 hours. When he got back to his dorm room, well after midnight, Tommy was still terribly frazzled about what he had seen and heard at the OX fraternity smoker Saturday night. Of course he could not sleep. Nothing at his small high school in Kansas had prepared him for this.

Exactly one month into his university existence, Tommy had finally been introduced to the reality of college life. It was full of sex. He didn't know how to respond. Last night, he couldn't help himself from responding.

Fortunately, by the time he got back to campus, Tommy had lost most of the massive, guilty erection which caused him such discomfort in his pants and his consciousness that he had to flee the wild fraternity party in shame. But his huge, heavy blond balls still ached blue from lust unleashed, and his mind was in turmoil.

The high quality, clandestine videos the OX brothers showed him rocked his naive world. Seeing those two attractive girls he didn't even know doing such bad things (and having such bad things done to them!) was wicked enough. But to see his sweet, goodhearted, slightly goofy 24-year old R.A., Daphne Cooke! Doing ...that! Despite his attempts to think otherwise as he lay alone in his bed, Tommy could only replay the pornographic images of the gorgeous graduate student's naked body, the naked lust on her face, looking like Daphne yet someone else totally different as well, a good girl gone bad, a defeated damsel making docile eye contact with a gloating frat boy, submissively sucking his boldly huge erection, before losing total control and getting fucked hard to a series of violent orgasms!

As he lay there all night, Tommy's mind rerunning the sight of his supposedly respectable R.A. revealed as a secret cocksucker again and again, his sinful serpent responded, filling his white Fruit-of-the-Loom briefs, which felt increasingly constricting and extremely uncomfortable. Cramped below his tight waistband and throbbing, Tommy finally gave in and removed the bulging BVDs, letting his huge hard-on spring upward and onto his belly. But lying there naked was a different type of torture, his mammoth manhood stiff on his stomach like a hefty slab of kielbasa, its repressed owner unwilling to sinfully pleasure himself, building sperm and semen and frustration and exhaustion but never any sleep.

At 7 a.m., still sleepless, Tommy finally got out of bed, mind still racing, colossal boner still raging. After making sure no one else was up so early on a Sunday morning, he wrapped himself loosely in an oversized towel and walked to the community bathroom, where, thankful for a urinal, he took an enormously long piss. His erection lessened. It was a relief. But even after a cold shower, his penis still felt very heavy and sensitive. Tommy wished he'd been able to have a wet dream, so he would stop thinking such dirty thoughts.

Despite constant temptation to do so, Tommy never masturbated. He was a Baptist virgin who felt guilty about his extraordinarily large penis -- his mother had made several disapproving comments when he was a very young boy -- as well as the immoral thoughts he constantly struggled to push out of his mind. Though he never touched himself, Tommy had experienced about two dozen nocturnal emissions in his life, the result of so many sublimated sexual thoughts. Though he would try to reject these thoughts during the day, at night they would rise up in his dreams and fulfill his secret fantasies to the point of no return, until he reached an awakening awash in spurted stickiness. Tommy had hoped something like that might happen last night, but he could never fall sleep for it to do so.

The day passed in a blur. He went to the cafeteria for breakfast and later in the morning went to church, where the lovely Sigma Gamma sophomore Marybeth Allen asked him with genuine concern what was wrong. He went to lunch, then the library, but it seemed as if there were pretty girls everywhere. Some tried to make eye contact with him, including a very sexy blonde named Shelly from one of his classes, who smiled and winked knowingly at Tommy. Continually distracted, he simply couldn't concentrate.

So he went back to his room and studied. There, Tommy got two phone calls. One was from his parents, who said he sounded tired. The other was from Rob, the pledge recruiter at OX, who had the gall to ask if Tommy had a good time the night before, and whether he might be interested in joining OX. Tommy was appalled by his nerve, considering Rob had been the wicked video's aggressive frat boy, the one who practically forced Daphne Cooke to suck his huge penis! Tommy said he'd have to think about it, but said it in a way that you could tell the answer was no. Rob laughed and said, "We have ways of making you change your mind, big guy! Have fun! We'll touch."

"What is that supposed to..." Tommy started to say, but Rob had hung up.

So it was late that afternoon and Tommy was bone tired but helplessly horny, yet feeling guilty and frustrated, too, when he answered the door and was very, very surprised to see three good-looking young women dressed casually and looking mischievous outside his door. He recognized one of them, Shelly Cox, the freshman blonde from the library earlier in the day. She had quickly become a very popular little sister at OX...for exactly all the reasons the snippy gossip about the young hottie suggested. She was in Tommy's Civil War history class, and had a smart but very pretty mouth, with a lot of lip both literally and figuratively, and a great smile. Shelly's longish blond hair fell past her shoulders, and her naturally curvy body was clearly in excellent physical shape from good genes.

But the older girls he didn't recognize, and if he had, he would have been more suspicious. They were Erica Clemens and Jennifer Tarlton, two senior sisters at Sigma Nu Nu, which, unbeknownst to Tommy, was also known on campus as "the slut sorority" - a little unfair, perhaps, but members had less of an uptight attitude about sex than some of the other Greek girls: One of their secret sorority songs was "Girls Just Wanna Get Fucked," sung to the similar Cindy Lauper tune. Though 'slut sorority' might have been a little strong, all the Sigma Nu Nu sisters were more up front about what they wanted than the average co-ed, and a few of them were fairly obsessive about sex. Like Erica and Jennifer –- as the inexperienced Tommy Owens was about to find out.

b. "Tommy Owens?" said the striking brunette girl with dark eyes and nice skin who was obviously the leader. She wore a short black leather skirt without stockings and a tight white sleeveless T-Shirt, showing off her trim but muscular legs and arms and healthy looking breasts. Before he even had a chance to respond, she said, "I'm Erica Clemens and we'd like to talk to you. This is Jennifer Tarlton. I think you know Shelly, right?"

"Uhhhh, I'm kind of tired...." Tommy said awkwardly, but the hard-bodied Erica just pushed her way past him and into the room. The other two girls followed, Shelly giggling and rushing through, while the intellectual-looking Jennifer momentarily made warm, genial eye contact through her smart girl glasses.

With her air of control, Erica stood apart from the other two. Not only because she had a darker complexion, with thick dark hair that fell down along her shoulders and brown eyes, but because the tall and slender girl was just so much more assertive in her presence. Not to mention the great tone and shape she showed from jogging and lifting light weights. Her legs were awesome.

"Jennifer and I are sisters at Sigma Nu Nu," Erica said, like that meant something -– but here was so much Tommy didn't know. He didn't know Erica was a repressed type-A personality all through high school, carrying a lot of anger, who gradually became more of a sexually aggressive woman after losing her virginity unspectacularly at her high school prom. Her life changed permanently after she got fucked by an OX brother her sophomore year, and her repression and anger faded with the pleasure of multiple orgasms. Now an assertive young woman and business major with a 3.5 Dean's List average, Erica also needed sex on an average of at least that many times a week. She was a regular at the OX frat house, enthusiastically humping several of the most horse hung brothers, and a star, unbeknownst to her, in several of their secret videos - including a recent classic where the strong willed sorority sister begins a blow job, but assists the lucky recipient into coaxing a hesitant Sigma Nu Nu pledge into finishing the job. She was at the party the night before. Tommy just didn't see her.

But now Erica was in Tommy's tiny dorm apartment with her fetching co-conspirators, the still giggling Shelly and the more tranquil Jennifer, who seemed to be evaluating his Spartan dorm room. The fatigued but always polite Tommy could only step back out of the way, looking at the young women warily, in weary and whimsical disbelief, completely clueless about what was going to happen.

"Hi Tommy! Wait'll you see how much fun we're going to have!" Shelly said teasingly. Dressed in a low cut blue blouse and tight jeans, she was the pure prettiest of the three nice-looking girls. She still had the freshness of youth, with bright blue eyes complimenting an oval face, great cheekbones and full lips. Shelly also had the largest breasts of the trio.

Shelly and Tommy noticed each other on the first day of their shared Civil War class, though he did nothing about it. Though she couldn't help but spot his bulge, after talking to Tommy once, Shelly could tell he was impossibly square. Still, when she heard from an OX brother on the baseball team about how well hung Tommy truly was, she paid closer attention. He seemed like such a sweet guy, and really good looking, so it didn't take much convincing to make her want to be part of his cock's coming out party – which was exactly what the OX brothers hoped for when they "casually" mentioned the Sigma Nu Nu plan to her.

The OX brothers loved Shelly. Literally. She was an 18-year old knockout who started fucking as a sophomore in high school and hadn't stopped. After only two days on campus, she heard about OX - "You have to be hung like an ox to get into OX," the saying went – and immediately gravitated to them. Within a week, she had fucked a few of the well-hung brothers, and now the fraternity treated the hot blonde like spun gold.

It was only a month into her freshman year, but Shelly was already a notorious presence on campus, even more than she realized, though poor naive Tommy was not aware. Even if he had been, he still would have been shocked to hear that Shelly had eagerly accepted the important task of appraising Tommy's cock with the legendary OX measuring tape, to get his length both hard and soft. She had the special tape measure, rolled up, in the back pocket of her tight jeans.

"Hi Shelly...Uh, what are you doing here?" Tommy asked stupidly as the girls began to flit around his small room, seemingly purposelessly, leaning against his old brown couch, sitting on his bed, looking at his books, adjusting his papers, totally taking over his space. For the first time, he wished his loser roommate hadn't dropped out after a week. Shelly leaned forward, her blue blouse showing lots of cleavage, her rounded butt snug in her jeans.

"That's for us to know and you to find out," Shelly said mischievously. "Right Erica?"

"We've been sent by OX," Erica said commandingly, standing behind Tommy’s brown couch, her hands on the back cushion as if making a formal declaration, a 21-year old sexy senior talking with mature authority to a hunky but overmatched 18-year old novice.

"What?! Why?" Tommy sputtered, shocked.

"Why don't you sit down?" Jennifer asked gently, the second senior sorority sister speaking for the first time. She was another leggy brunette, also 21, and more willowy than the other girls, with a pert ponytail and hazel eyes. She wore small, round wire-framed glasses, a short cream skirt with a bright yellow blouse, and had smaller breasts than the other girls. She moved gracefully and seemed smart. Tommy wanted to like her.

Jennifer was smart, and always exuded an air of genial friendliness because at heart she was a very good person. A voracious reader, she consumed magazines like Time and Wired and Cosmo and Mademoiselle in equal measure, and had learned much about pleasing and enjoying men. Jennifer had a fairly well-endowed steady boyfriend at Theta Phi, the nice guy frat, but, naturally curious, she had always been interested in seeing and comparing men’s dicks, ever since sneaking peeks at her older sister's Playgirl mags as a young teen.

When her Sigma Nu Nu sisters started whispering about undressing that sweet and All-American looking young hunk she saw on the baseball field during one of her outfielder boyfriend Rich's practices, Jennifer was surprised to find she couldn't help but volunteer to undress him. Thinking how the homespun Kansas boy might be shy and reluctant but unable to hide his lust around such sexy women was a real turn-on for her long as Rich, her boyfriend never found out.

"Relax, Tommy," Jennifer continued, levelly, pleasantly, looking him in the eye. "We just want to talk to you about OX."

"It's the best frat!" Shelly enthused, one knee up on his bed. "It has the most popular guys!"

"Come on, Tommy, sit down," Jennifer said again, nicely, smiling, putting her hand lightly on his arm. Tommy liked her. She had warm eyes, a soothing presence and was very feminine. She was more mature and seemed much less aggressive, much more reasonable. "We just want to talk to you for a little bit about OX," she said, oh-so-sensibly, gently guiding him down to his couch. "They like you, and are so sorry you had to leave last night."

"Okay," Tommy said uncertainly.

He sat on his brown couch, and Jennifer sat down next to him. Very close. He could smell her. She smelled nice. He felt a stirring. Erica leaned over the back of the couch and held her perfumed head very close to his, saying "We all like you, Tommy," in a lilting voice.

Both these women were very attractive and alluring, with their fragrant scents and the sensual air about them. They were different than Shelly, who was more of a girl and radiated pure sex. Tommy glanced nervously over to Shelly. She was leaning against his desk, looking blatantly at his crotch, with an expression on her face that he couldn't quite define but made him more than a little uneasy. Despite himself, Tommy felt a familiar feeling flowing below his belly.

"I think you should go," Tommy said, his voice rising but not sounding like his own. "I'm tired."

"That's why you need to relax," Jennifer cooed.

"I'm trying," Tommy said, lamely.

Erica stood up and snorted, "Enough with this relax shit. Let's see what this boy's got to offer."

"Okay!" Shelly said brightly. She suddenly slid right next to Tommy on the couch, so he had Jennifer on one side and Shelly on the other while Erica again leaned in behind him, hands firmly on his shoulders. Shelly exuded sheer sexuality. Then she took it a step further. "We want to take off your pants and see your very large penis, Tommy," Shelly mock-whispered in a lisping little-girl's voice, loudly enough for all to hear. “Can we play with your penis?”

It was the most shocking thing Tommy had ever heard, and he couldn't help but involuntarily squirm in his seat, like someone tickled his butt. Speechless, he looked to Jennifer, whom he had started to trust.

"It's true, Tommy. We've been sent here to measure your allegedly enormous phallus," Jennifer acknowledged reasonably, like they were still just having a regular conversation. "Now, let's get those pants off, shall we?"

c. "What!?!" Tommy said, shocked and offended, hearing far more than he ever had expected, more than he could ever even imagined. He moved to stand up from the couch, get away from these girls, maybe run out of his room. But as he did, the aggressive Erica grabbed him around the neck from behind, playfully but firmly, and pulled him back down. As he turned to look at her and say something in protest, she kissed him hard on the lips. "Mmmmmmmph!" is all Tommy could say, as her hot tongue darted into his shocked open mouth with all the charge of an electrical current.

Simultaneously and quick as a wink, the sexy 18-year old Shelly and the deceptively sweet sorority sister Jennifer grabbed at his pants. As Erica continued kissing him, Tommy's arms flailed, absolutely taken back by the seemingly more trustworthy sorority sister's hands taking firm hold inside his Levis' pockets, while Shelly unbuckled his belt with the speed of an expert slut.

"This is all going to happen very fast, Tommy," Jennifer noted calmly, gripping his pockets, as Shelly opened the belt of the prone freshman before he could completely appreciate it happening. Once Shelly scrabbled to get at his button, however, it was like a lightening bolt. They were really stripping him!

"Mmmwaaahhhhh," Tommy gasped desperately as he partially pulled away from Erica's warm, aromatic embrace and wet continuing kiss. He rolled a bit to escape, slipping from Shelly's grasp, but not Jennifer's. The cunning sorority sister adroitly held onto one pocket and grabbed the tip of his zipper, keeping him off balance. With Jennifer nimbly holding tight, Tommy pulled away but unzipped all five inches of fly on his already loosened blue jeans, which were now held up only by a single Levi's metal button. They were also noticeably bulging, despite his wishes otherwise.

"You should be happy that pretty girls want to see you all naked," Shelly said insistently, now holding on to one of his belt loops, trying to keep him on the couch, still striving to get at his button.

"Come on! Stop it!" the handsome blond boy yelled, almost laughing in a panic, scrambling to get fully out of Erica's embrace and starting to stand up. But his feet were unsteady. He was exhausted, near swooning, knowing that he needed to get away but feeling a weird surging feeling to his loins, knowing these wild women wanted to strip him and expose his hidden serpent....

No! He had to get away! "Come on! Let me go!" Tommy said loudly, his voice breaking.

But the two girls held on adamantly to his jeans as Tommy tried to stand, so he lurched upwards awkwardly. As he did, Erica leaned forward and slipped her arms around Tommy's waist until her hands were clasped in front of his stomach. "Hey boy, you're not going anywhere," she mocked as he struggled to right himself.

Exhausted physically and mentally, Tommy tried to regain his balance. But, in less than an instant, Erica's dexterous fingers were at the front of his jeans and swiftly, skillfully unbuttoning them.

As he set his bearings, Tommy felt secure that he was starting to regain control, and could wrench his way out of their grasp. But the girls were much more aggressive than he ever imagined, and he didn't move nearly fast enough. Jennifer still had a vice grip hold on one of his pockets and Shelly was notching two belt loops, while, from behind, the audacious Erica slipped her fingers inside both the Levi's and the waistband of his white cotton Fruit-of-the-Looms.

“We’ve got you now! Pull, girls!” Erica exclaimed.

With his belt unbuckled, Levi's button open and fly unzipped, there was no contest. As Tommy tried to stand up, all three girls heaved down - HARD! - Erica emitting a female war cry - and the naive lad's last hopes of escape were erased. In the split second it took for him to stand, the three aggressive gals wrenched down both Tommy's jeans and briefs to mid-thigh, as, in a cruel irony, he inadvertently helped cause his own unwanted exposure.