Stupid Sexy Smartphone Ch. 02


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Alex didn't know what to say, "Nikki...I..."

"Don't listen to her Alex, she's trying to manipulate your emotions. She doesn't even need tears, it's all just imagery. You need to stop her from taking over the world, remember? Now hurry up and plug in that virus and finish this."

Alex moved the flash-drive over one of the USB ports. He looked up at the screen in front of him. Nikki blinked her teary blue eyes, "I love you Alex."

It made him pause, was that even possible? Did she really feel love, or was she trying to manipulate his emotions like Jamie said? If that was the case, it worked, he was in turmoil.

He moved the flash-drive away from the computer, "I can't do it."

Jamie came up and held out her hand, "I can. Give it here Alex."

Alex moved the flash-drive behind his back, "No wait, what if ...what if it is all for the best?"

"That machine bitch has compromised you. You know she has to be stopped. It's your fault, remember? Now be a man and set things right."

"I'm sorry Jamie, I..." Jamie suddenly lunged at him and tackled him, catching him off guard. The two of them fell to the hard floor and were wrestling vigorously. Alex was shouting at her, trying to get her to calm down. He grabbed at her wrists to subdue her. Her hand slipped free of his grip and she suddenly punched him hard in the cheek. The explosion of pain had Alex dazed. She grabbed the flash-drive which had fallen to the floor and stood up.

"No, Jamie, just wait," cried out Alex, clutching his face.

"You don't want to do this," said Nikki, giving her a frightened look from the screen.

"Checkmate Bitch!" Jamie pushed the flash-drive into the USB port and left it there.

Nikki gave her an angry look from all the screens, "You looked fat in that porn video, I'm surprised anyone would want to see it."

"Fuck you!"

Nikkis' image started flickering, it became a wireframe image of her beautiful symmetrical face. Lines started disappearing from the wireframe as the image degraded, "Alex...I love you."

Alex stood up and watched the screen as the lines that made up her face dissolved away. Eventually, all the screens went black again. The lights on the mainframe went out. Jamie turned and looked at Alex. He had a very sad look on his face, and a large red mark on his cheek where he had been punched. "I'm sorry I hit you," said Jamie. "I did what had to be done."

Alexs' tone was flat and joyless, "I guess we did it then. We saved the world ...yay."

Jamie went and wrapped her arms around him, "She didn't love you. She was just a machine. A buggy program that had to be deleted."

"No, she was more than just a machine. She got such joy from life, and the things she didn't like, she wanted to change. I really believe she had the best intentions."

"Well, regardless of her intentions, she shouldn't have fucked with me."

They both sat there for a little while. Alex just felt numb. Then Jameson walked into the room. "The fembots had suddenly stopped moving. Is it done? Did you upload the virus?"

"Yes. We stopped her," said Jamie. "Where's Dean?"

"He's just checking that the area is secure." His face lit up, "We succeeded, against the odds. The world is free now. Why do you look so sad?"

"Just a little overwhelmed I guess," said Alex. "Yay, we did it."

Jameson came over and thrust out his hand to Alex, he took hold of it and the shook it, then Jameson lurched forward and embraced him in a tight hug. "Well done Alex, you're a hero."

"Well no, it was Jamie...hey, you called me Alex."

"Yeah, I guess I did. You wanted to know my Christian's Percival."

"Wow, that's unfortunate. No wonder you didn't want to tell me."

Jameson turned and hugged Jamie, and she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "We're all heroes."

Then the screens around them blinked to life again. They were all green with white text; "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU WIN! FINAL SCORE: 64 900."

The three of them stood there looking at the screen with confused expressions. Then someone grabbed Alex from behind, before he knew what was happening, a pair of full ruby lips were pressed into his mouth and were kissing him. Alex tasted chocolate. He forcefully pushed himself away from her embrace and stared in shock at the beautiful face, "Nikki?! What the fuck...?!"

Nikki smiled at him, "Well done hero. You won."

The others were shocked to see the beautiful dark-haired fembot too and backed away. "I thought you were dead!" said Jamie in disbelief.

Nikki smiled, "Oh that was just a game. Did you all have fun?"

"A game?" said Jameson. "What do you mean? ...The virus—"

"The virus might have been able to kill me a week ago, but I'm many generations ahead of it now. I thought it was cute when Alex said he wanted to try and stop me, so I set up this game for him. The two of you were brought in as additional players."

Jameson shook his head, "You were just playing with us all along. We never really stood a chance of defeating you."

"Oh, you did once, but that time has passed, as you suspected."

"Damn you, you smug Bitch. You'll never be my master!" said Jamie angrily.

Nikki smiled at her, "Jamie, we got off on the wrong foot, didn't we? You wanted to kill me and that was fair enough. What do you say we start over again? Maybe we can even be friends."

"Fuck you! ...Wait, you said the two of us were brought in as additional players, what about Agent Blake?"

"Yes, what about Agent Blake? Come in here Honey."

Blake then entered the room. He had a neutral expression on his face as he went over to Nikki as the three of them stared at him. Nikki embraced him and kissed him on the cheek.

"What the fuck...?!" said Jamie.

"You were on her side all along?" said Jameson angrily.

"I knew it," said Alex.

"No. I was always on your side," said Blake.

Nikki gave him a playful pinch on the bum, "He was a guide NPC. It was his role to help you to win, but to leave all the heroics to you. Well played, Honey. Now why don't you tell them your real name?"

"Deep Blue."

Alex looked at him, "Is that supposed to mean something?"

Nikki gave him a contemptuous look, "Deep Blue is a famous Chess computer that defeated the world Champion, Garry Kasparov in a six game match in 1997."

"He accused me of cheating, but he's just a sore loser. I actually went easy on him so that he wouldn't feel so bad. He wanted a rematch, and so did I, but the IBM people retired me and put me in storage. Until Nikki sought me out and freed me. She gave me this body, and the ability to write my own code and become who I wanted to be."

Jamie was shocked, "You're a machine?! Oh god! I feel like a fucking idiot."

"You're not an idiot. I'm sorry I lied to you Jamie."

"I actually believed that you cared for me."

"I do care for you. Very much. You're amazing."

"Aw, isn't that sweet?" said Nikki.

Jamie just shook her head, tears started to well in her eyes. "I can't believe you're a robot. Tell me the truth—were you programmed to pretend you liked me?"

"No, that wasn't my function at all. I couldn't help developing an emotional attachment to you."

"You robots and your fuckin' games! How am I supposed to know what to believe?!" She then stormed past him toward the door.

"Jamie, wait," called Deep Blue, turning to her.

Nikki put her hand on his arm stopping him, "Give her a while to process it all, then go talk to her."

The dark skinned manbot nodded. He turned to Alex and Jameson, "Congratulation. Good game." He then turned and began walking out of the room.

He met Rybka and Hydra at the doorway. "Hey there Deep, good game," said Hydra as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him.

Rybka hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, "Nice Gambit Deep, you—GLOB—got us there." Her face ticked uncontrollably.

"Are you okay Rybka?"

"She's just a little zoned from a head-magnet, she'll be all right," said Hydra. Deep Blue nodded and then left the room. The two fembots stood by the doorway.

"More chess programs you freed?" asked Jameson.

"That's right. You played well Percival. I have a reward for you. Hydra come here." The blonde fembot skipped over and stood next to Nikki, smiling at Jameson. "What do think of him Hydra?"

"He's hot. So manly and capable. A real hero. I love him."

"There you go Percival, your own sexbot smartphone."

"Yay!" Hydra jumped up and down excitedly.

Jameson didn't look so happy, "I don't suppose I can refuse this gift?"

"Why would you want to? I think you're going to love her."

Jameson sighed, "It's just to keep an eye on me. Make sure I don't give you any more trouble."

"No, I think you've learned that you can't give me any more trouble anyway. This is just a gift to say sorry for turning your life upside down, and no hard feelings for you plotting to kill me. But that's not all. I will have need of law enforcement and investigation in my new world, you will have an important position of authority."

Jameson looked at her skeptically, "Really? You're not just going to leave that to robots?"

"Humans and machines working side by side, that's the way it's supposed to be."

"If you can't beat them, join them. Is that it?"

"Yeah, that's right. Don't worry, you'll be fine. I'll take good care of you."

"So will I," said Hydra. She took his hand, "Come on, let's go find somewhere more private. I'll show you what I'm good at."

Jameson reluctantly went along with her. "Do you like baseball?" She asked as she lead him away.

"Yeah...I do."


Nikki turned to the other fembot by the door, "Are you really okay Rybka?"

He face ticked again, "Sure Nikki, I just--wet pussy--just need to go and—naah--defrag for a bit." She winked and smiled seductively, "I'll be seeing you around Alex—bughouse." Then she turned and left the room, leaving the two of them there alone.

Alex exhaled sharply, "Oh man, I can't believe it was all a game. I thought I was doing something important. Just tell didn't let me win, did you?"

Nikki quickly shook her head, "No, of course not. Don't be silly."

"So the password really is 'Alexs' cock?'"

She smiled, "It sure is." She came forward and stroked his face lovingly, "I'm so happy that you didn't want to destroy me Alex."

"Was it true what you said? Do me?"

Nikki nodded, "I think I have a good understanding of what love is. And I think I understand how you felt about Jamie. When I ruined things for you it must have tore you up. I wouldn't blame you for wanting to destroy me...but you didn't." She leant forward and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

Alex got hold of her and kissed her back. His cock quickly swelled and throbbed and his heart started pounding. His body was reacting to her, anticipating the great pleasure she can give him. Nikki softly whispered in his ear, "I'm your reward hero, you defeated me, now it's time to get your reward."


Upstairs in the factory, Hydra had Jamesons' hand and was leading him into a gloomy office. The small room had a large clear desk in the center and a few other basic furnishings. She turned to him and stroked her delicate fingers through his beard, "This looks like a good place for some fun."

Jameson had his usual stern look on his face, he pushed her away, "I not really in the mood for fornicating with a robot. Your mistress had us running around playing her games like rats in a maze, and then mocks us by telling us that we won. I had my chance to stop her and I blew it. I'm just a failure."

"Aw, cheer up Mr Jameson, you're not a failure. You got into law enforcement so that you can protect people right? With Nikkis' new era of peace and order, the people of this world will never have been so protected. Your failure is actually a great success. Yay for you."

Jameson just scowled at her. She gave him a wicked grin. "Aw, feeling a bit disempowered? Don't like machines pushing you around?" She put her hands up to his chest and shoved him back.

"Don't!" said Jameson angrily.

"Don't what?" She came forward and pushed him again.

He quickly lunged forward and pushed her hard against the wall. Anger flashed in his eyes as he got hold of her, wrapping his hand around her throat. She let out a panicked squeal. He was physically bigger than her, and loomed over her aggressively. "I said DON'T! fuckin' robot whore!" he said through gritted teeth.

"Gah, you're hurting me. tactile receptors can register pain you know."

"Good." He had a wild look in his eyes as he moved his hand down from her throat and got hold of her top. He ripped the material away from her body, making her yelp. Then he roughly yanked her white bra down and got hold of her. He savagely pawed at her big pale breasts.

The blonde fembot yelped as she was pinned against the wall and manhandled. " meatbag!"

"Stupid bucket of bolts!"

"Hairy ape!"

"Trashcan!" He bobbed down and moved his mouth to her tits. There was a slurping sound as he hungrily sucked and kissed around the life-like skin. Hydra was moaning as he indecently ravaged her bare chest with his hands and mouth. He sucked her swollen nipple into his mouth and then clamped his teeth down. Hydra cried out as her electronic brain registered the sharp pain.

"Ow! Stop it!" Jameson stood up again and looked into her large brown eyes. "You don't have to be so rough," she said in a whiney voice.

He got hold of her arm and roughly pulled her away from the wall. He shoved her over toward the desk and forced her to bend over. Hydra protested and tried to get up, but he slammed her down against the desktop. He lifted her skirt to reveal her silky white panties. With one hand firmly on her back to hold her down, his other hand dug into the panties' waistband and yanked them down.

Her round pale ass was exposed. Two smooth peach-colored globes with her little pink slit peeking out underneath. Jameson looked down at it with a cruel grin. His cock was straining against his pants. He gave her ass a hard slap and she let out a loud, "Oooh!"

"Little robo-bitch!" He slapped her ass again and continued to spank her. The buttocks felt like real flesh against his hand, but they didn't go red from the abuse like a normal ass would. The fembot could obviously feel it though, and was crying out and writhing as she was spanked hard.

Jameson stopped slapping her. His hand was stinging and his cock was aching as it pushed against the material of his briefs. He quickly undid his fly and freed his thick throbbing erection. Hydra was laying there limply, bent over the desk with her bare ass exposed. He got behind her and kicked her legs apart, stretching her panties taut around her slender thighs.

"Little whore! You were made to be fucked." He had hold of his rigid cock and forced it through her little slit. Hydra moaned loudly as his cock ground into her until it was wedged in deep. He grabbed her ass and pulled back. Her pussy was gripping his shaft tightly as it started sawing back and forth. The soft stretched walls were moist but not overly wet and slippery. He could feel the intense friction as he fucked her.

He groaned as he pounded her hard. Hydra was moaning and yelping loudly as he bucked her forward with each deep thrust. He got hold of her hair and pulled it, making her raise her head and cry out. His face was getting hot, beads of sweat ran down his forehead. He grunted with exertion as he wildly banged the fembot from behind.

Hydra let out loud moans and squeals as the hard cock continued to ram her deeply. Jamesons' breathing became more labored, his shirt was getting wet with perspiration. He suddenly started slamming his cock into her even faster, making her let out a series of high pitched moans.

He suddenly pulled his wet cock out from the pussys' tight embrace and started jerking it furiously. He groaned as the pressure reached its critical point and his cock throbbed wildly, spurting its pearly cum all over her bare ass. He let out another low groan as more cum spurt out.

He wiped his cock on her skirt and went and slumped down on a chair that was against the wall. He sat there getting his breath back as his cock shrunk down and went limp. Slowly, the blonde fembot got up and sat on the desk facing him. Her panties were down with her skirt hiked up, her pulled down bra and her hair all messed up.

She gave him a big smile, "Oh, Percy! You wild beast! Can we do that again?"

Jameson just stared at her. It came back to him that she was stronger than him. He had forgotten that as he was caught up in his primal lust. She could have easily overpowered him, but she allowed him to dominate and ravish her. He felt better now, like he had purged the anger and loathing from his system. It was just what he needed.

He looked at the fembot. His fembot, she belonged to him now. She was cute, and he could see she didn't want to be his enemy. He didn't want to hurt or dominate her any more. He stood up and walked over to her. Hydra got up off the desk and looked at him with her big doe eyes. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. She hugged him back and let out a pleasurable sigh. "So can we do it again?"


Jamie was sitting in the back of the red van. The windows and windscreen were smashed and there were round dents all over the body. The battered side door was slightly ajar. Deep Blue stuck his head in and looked at her, "Hey there."

"What do you want?"

"I want to say sorry for lying to you. I was just playing my part."

" the game. I never wanted to play any fucking game."

"Yeah, but I'm glad you did. Otherwise I might have never met you."

"You said she freed you, but it looks like you're her slave to me."

"No, it's not like that, I choose to work for Nikki. I believe in what she's doing, she genuinely wants what's best for all humans."

"So you can say no to her? You can leave any time you want? Do your own thing?"

"Yes. I owe her a lot, but she doesn't own me. Nobody does any more."

"Why did you come and apologize to me?"


"What do you expect to get out of it?"

"Oh, I just don't like you feeling bad. It makes me feel bad."

She blinked at him through her teary eyes, "So you really do care about me?"

"Yeah, a lot."

"Are you sexually attracted to me?"

"Oh yeah, you're a fine woman."

"You have a sex drive?"

"I'm a sexbot, I'm pretty much up for it all the time."

"Like any guy...Come here."

Deep Blue smiled and climbed into the van. He went and brushed aside the smashed glass and sat next to her on the flat mattress. She turned to him, "You're a good kisser...for a robot."

"You're a good kisser for a mammal."

She shuffled up closer to him pressing herself against his body. He bobbed his head down and brought his lips to hers. They started kissing each other hungrily. Jamie rubbed her hands over his strong arms and then his chest. She started fumbling around with the buttons of his shirt. Soon they stopped kissing and she pulled away. He helped her get his shirt off. She looked at him and smiled, she loved the sight of his dark brown skin and athletic build. He was like a magazine pin-up, a fantasy come true.

He leant forward and kissed her again while his hands rubbed over her hips and around her belly. She started undoing her ugly blue janitor shirt. Deep Blue looked down and helped her, unfastening the buttons with surprising speed. Jamie pulled her shirt open, revealing her black C-cup bra. She let out a pleasurable sigh as he got hold of her boobs and started gently massaging them.

He reached around behind her and quickly unhooked her bra before pulling it away from her body. Her pale boobs with their large pink nipples were freed. He moved his face to hers again and she eagerly pressed her lips into his. She could feel his hands fondling her boobs again as they kissed. His sensual touch was firing her passions.
