Sub-Miss Ch. 03

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Bad girl makes a mistake.
5.5k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 04/09/2003
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The answering machine is blinking, as I enter the house, after a tiring day of work. I hope it is my husband, Richard, calling to say he is picking up something for our dinner. It is Richard, but he is calling to tell me he is tied up in a meeting, and will call back.

I change out of my suit and put on sweats, returning to the kitchen to start supper. I’m just putting the chicken breasts in the broiler when Richard calls back. The meeting has just broke up and now they are going to take the clients out to dinner and drinks. Richard tells me that they might be quite late, and he will stay in town, since he wouldn’t want to drive home after drinking. I glance at the clock, after seven already.

As I hung up, I knew I should call my Master Lonny, and tell him I’m free for his sexual desires this evening. I have been told to call whenever my husband will be out for the night. Almost, without fail, I would be visited by at least one horny man (sometimes many more), and fucked to near exhaustion. I was already tired, and only wanted to curl up with a good book, then sleep. I decided not to call Lonny ... he would never know.

I cleaned up the kitchen, turned off the downstairs lights and went up to my bedroom. I got into bed with my book, and must have dozed off. When the telephone awakened me, the bedroom lights were still on and my book was lying beside me.

“Hello?” I said sleepily.

“Yes, is Richard there?” A slightly familiar voice asked.

“Uh ... no he’s not.” “Can I take a message?” I mumbled.

“Bitch!” Screamed Lonny! “You were supposed to call me!”

“Oh, uh ... Lonny!” “uh...I was late.” I pleaded, with little hope of a pardon.

“You will be punished you worthless bitch!” He spat at me. “I will be in touch, concerning your punishment!” He said threateningly. “You have defied me, and need to be punished ... most severely!”

“I will do anything you say Master, please let me make it up to you!” “I won’t ever misbehave again, I promise!” I babbled, as the phone was hung up on the other end.

I was really frightened, Lonny had whipped my ass before when I had only failed slightly to please him. What would be the punishment be for this open defiance?

I didn’t get much sleep the rest of the night. And, in the morning I was almost afraid to get up, thinking Lonny might be in the kitchen with a bull whip or something. I glanced at the calendar, Wednesday, thankfully it wasn’t Monday, the day John, my neighbor, fucks me as I bend over my own picnic table.

I got dressed, went jogging, showered, and got ready for work. All the time expecting a phone call or a group of men to come walking across the back yard. I drove to work, fearing that my cellular phone would ring. I damn near had a heart attack when it did!

“O.K. Cunt!” “I’ve decided to give you one chance to make up for yesterday.” “Call work and tell them you’re having car trouble.” “Drive to the car repair shop on the corner of Third and Beech.” “Pull around back and park inside, leave your keys in the car.” “Go to the Ladies bathroom and change into the clothes I have waiting there.” “When you return to your car, there will be a note waiting on the seat.” “Follow all instructions exactly, one mistake and your sorry ass will be displayed all over town before noon.”

I almost started crying, as he abruptly hung up on me! I was actually trembling, unsure what was about to happen to me!

After I calmed down some, I called my boss Paul, and told him I needed to get my car worked on. He made some comment about how lucky I was to find someplace to take my car in so quickly. I didn’t tell him it was my chassis that was going to be worked over, not my car.

I had no trouble finding the repair shop, or the grubby bathroom. I saw nobody in or around the garage area, hopefully they weren’t in yet. A note was sitting on top of the clothing.

“Remove all your clothes and put them in the brown gym bag on the floor. Put on only the items you find on this shelf.” Not much on the shelf, a tube top and a short skirt! Didn’t take me long to dress, and wouldn’t take long to undress! I also found a pair of four inch black high heels, how classy!

When I returned to my car, there were three scruffy, dirty men in coveralls standing by my car. One of them, was leaning against the driver’s door, so I was unable to open it. I boldly walked to the open window, and tried to reach in to grab the note quickly. It was impossible, the note was almost on the passenger side of the car! I stretched to reach it, and felt one of the guy’s hands come to rest on my ass!

I couldn’t get back out the window now, while he held me, since my feet weren’t even touching the floor! Soon, I felt the all too familiar feeling of a stiff dick being jabbed inside my pussy! He finished quickly, with the next guy slipping into place. I realized that I still clutched the unread note in my hand. It was as the third man slid his prick into me, that I read the note.

“O.K. Whore” It started. “You will have this one chance to redeem yourself. These nice mechanics will fix the vibration in the front end of your car. But, they need to be paid.” With my ass I guessed! “The fucking you receive from them is only because they agreed to squeeze you in on such short notice. You will go and pimp yourself to get the 100 dollars for fixing your car. And, as punishment, today you’re on sale! Anyone asks how much, you tell them 50 dollars. If they ask what they get, you tell them anything and everything!”

I was stunned to say the least! I didn’t even notice that my naked ass was dangling in mid air, without a dick pounding away! I wriggled my way out of the window, then reread the note. There was a reminder at the bottom. “50 dollars, for anything and everything! Don’t screw this up!” Signed Lonny.

The mechanics leered at me as I stumbled to the bathroom to clean up a little. I then quietly slipped out the door to find my two `Johns’. I noticed that this was a run down area of town, mostly seedy looking bars and small businesses. I walked to the first bar and walked in.

The six men in the bar turned to look at me as I entered. I felt totally naked from their looks, instead of only half naked in my whore outfit! One of the guys at the bar approached me and asked if he could buy me a drink. I agreed, since I didn’t have any money with me, and he looked like he could afford a 50 dollar piece of ass! We talked a little, before he got down to negotiations.

“How much?” He asked.

“Fifty dollars.” I quickly replied. Maybe too quickly.

“What do I get for my money, honey?” He seemed to be well versed in Lonny’s plan.

“Anything and Everything.” I informed him, with a sickly smile. I thought I had a quick sale right there, until he asked his next question!

“Well ... what would it cost for you to bend over this table, and let everybody in here fuck you?”

I was speechless! What should I do? I knew that Lonny had set me up! He was going to punish me by arranging at least two gang bangs for me! I sighed and told him the good news. “Fifty dollars, for anything and everything!”

He smiled and pulled a crisp fifty from his shirt pocket. Standing, he motioned to the table. I stood, taking the money, before laying my ass on the table! A line quickly formed, as I was fucked by all of them at least twice. Some gave my pussy a rest and used my mouth for their second round! I walked bow-legged as I staggered from that bar, rubbing the come off my face!

Half way done, I thought, still clutching the magical fifty! I walked back to the garage to clean up, and hide my money. A whore had to be careful. The men had my car up on the hoist working on it, when I walked in. “Done already?” The one asked me. I just shook my head, as I scurried into the bathroom. I was so shamed, he knew what I was doing to get the money! I felt sick! I reread the note, then hid my money behind the sink, before leaving to find my next party.

I walked past the bar I had just left, I wouldn’t find any stiff dicks in there! I was about to enter the next one, when I heard someone whisper to me!

“Hey lady, over here.” I turned to see a boy of about 16 peeking around the corner. I was about to rush into the bar, when he asked the golden question! “How much, Whore?” I stopped and gave him the reply to his password.

He seemed put off by the amount and I hoped he would pass, instead he asked me more. “What do I get for my money?” “Can I tie you up and spank you?” Damn that Lonny!

“Yes, you can tie me up and spank me...Anything, ...and everything.” I told him. “Great!” He said. “Come back here.” He led my deep into the alleyway, where he cleared off an old beat-up kitchen table.

“Take off your clothes, and lay on top.” He directed, as he searched for a suitable switch from the pile of trash. I felt even more exposed to this young lad, than I had in the bar room full of horny men.

He was making me remove everything, and preparing to whip my ass, all for fifty dollars! I demanded my money before allowing myself to be tied over the table. He was very good with the strips of rope, and soon I was securely tied naked and vulnerable!

He was also very good with his piece of thin wood! He smacked my ass cheeks and inner thighs with abandon! I was crying openly, from the pain. He even snapped the sides of my tits, mashed against the rough wood of the table!

“Lift yourself from the table!” The little tyrant screamed. I did as I was ordered, allowing his blows to land on my dangling breasts! He didn’t stop, til I was crying uncontrollably.

Then he crawled up on the table, sitting in front of my face. He pulled my face up and placed his dick into my mouth. As I sucked his surprisingly big dick, he continued to lightly slap my ass with his switch! He pulled my mouth away from his organ before he came, and scurried off the table.

The little urchin pulled a milk crate up to the table allowing him to push his erection into my pussy! I was close to coming, when I felt him tense and shoot his load!

He pulled his half hard prick from my vagina, and laid it in the crack of my battered ass! It hardened slightly, as he rubbed it across my bung hole.

At first, I was afraid he might want to fuck my ass. Then, I received my biggest shock and humiliation, when I felt him start peeing on my butt and lower back! He raised his dick, causing his stream to land in the middle of my back, as I screamed and cursed him!

Before he finished voiding his bladder, he forced it back into my pussy! I received a urine douche from this rotten little bastard!

His dick hardened as the pee ran from my crotch. Soon, he was again fucking me, as I laid in the cooling piss on the table! I hardly noticed when he withdrew, until I felt the switch smack my soaking wet ass! After only a few swats, he walked to the side of the table to look me directly in the face.

“Well, my little pretty!” He giggled, as he closed his pants. “You earned your money, I think.” “Of course, I could take it from you and make you start over with someone else!” He threatened as I savagely clutched my money!

“No, I’ll leave you here, someone will let you go, maybe.” I was very concerned by his talk, I could be mutilated, killed, at the very least raped repeatedly! I decided to beg for my release.

“Please, you can’t leave me here!” “Let me go, I won’t tell anyone!” I yelled.

“Oh, keep your shirt on...Ha, Ha!” He teased. “I’ll release you, but first I want a souvenir!” He said, as he produced a pair of scissors from someplace. He moved to my crotch and I could feel him grab a bunch of pubic hair then clip it off! He did this several times till he had a sizeable handful of my formerly, carefully trimmed pussy hair!

Holding his prize in front of my face, he said. “Thanks for the donation, cunt!” Then he sniped the cord holding my right wrist, before fleeing up and out of the alley. I quickly freed myself, glanced quickly at my now nearly naked, abused pussy then clothed myself. I reeked of piss and sex, as I staggered back to the garage!

I quickly entered the bathroom, and noticed my clothes were missing! I checked for my money. It too was gone! I stormed out into the garage, only to be met by three grinning mechanics! One of which was holding the brown duffle containing my clothing. Another was waving my fifty dollar bill!

“Give that to me!” I demanded, as I rushed toward them.

“Hold on there... Whore!” Said the man with the money. “What can I buy for fifty dollars?” He asked, looking me straight in the eye. “How much will it cost to put you on the lube rack, and let us all grease your rear end?” “Huh?”

I stood there and shamefully told them the price. “Fifty dollars, for anything and everything.”

Soon, I was naked and tied to the car hoist. The leader walked forward and jabbed a power grease gun nozzle up my ass! Thankfully, he only shot a little grease into me. He lowered his pants and worked his stiff dick into my lubed ass hole.

I experienced considerable pain, as he fucked my anus hard and fast! The wet sloppy noises were quite loud, until he buried his prick deep in my ass, as his come pulsed into me.

No sooner than one guy pulled out, the next one was there! The third guy’s entrance into my ass was completely painless, and I even started enjoying the feelings from my anal cavity.

When the last guy finished, the hoist was lifted higher, till my ass was about six feet off the floor! I was completely helpless, unable to get free or cover my nudity! At this time, one of the guys brought out a Polaroid camera, and snapped several pictures of my grease smeared ass end!

I was then lowered and released. In the bathroom, I washed away the come, grease, and piss! I struggled to straighten my make-up and clothing, so I wouldn’t look like I had spent all morning being fucked like a whore! I walked out to my waiting vehicle, and three smiling mechanics!

“Stop back, anytime!” One said. “We do oil changes too!” Another piped in. “You’ll need another lube job in about ten thousand miles!” The last one laughed.

I sped out of there, surprised that it wasn’t even close to lunch time yet. I hurried home and showered, and still made it to work, as if I was returning from lunch.

When I got to my desk I buried myself in work, trying to forget my ordeal. Carl, a guy who had made no secret he would like to have sex with me, stopped by at about 2:00.

“Hi beautiful, I missed you this morning!” He leered. “Did you miss me?”

“Hi Carl, no I didn’t miss you.” I woodenly replied, wishing he would just disappear and let me work in peace. I didn’t need any sexual innuendoes, especially after this morning!

“You seem to be glowing, sexually radiant!” He said. I might have become flustered by his comment, except he always talked to me like that. I just glanced up at him, and asked him if he didn’t have some work to do.

“Oh, yeah.” He snapped out of his leering gaze. “I almost forgot, you got some messages while you were out.” He said as he handed me the stack of notes.

Carl stood there, staring down at me as I read my messages. All were regular business, except two, one from Richard saying he was going out of town to finalize the deal from last night. The other was from Lonny!

He just wanted to remind me that the ‘special’ was for all day today. That really shook me up, what did that mean? Did Lonny have more in store for me?

I noticed Carl still standing there, looking me over, so I asked if there was anything else.

“I noticed that your husband will be out of town tonight, would you like to go out for dinner?” He asked. I was not surprised by his question, Carl had asked me out at least a hundred time before.

“No, thank you.” I answered mechanically. “I will be going straight home tonight.” I added, thinking that Lonny would have something for me to do later.

“You know, I might think you don’t like me.” “Except, what’s not to like!” Carl said, as he rested his hand on my shoulder. “I bet if there was a business deal to be made, you would go out with me.” He said, just a little coldly.

“Carl, I’m a married woman, who’s not interested in having an affair!” I stated, stronger than I had planned.

“What would it take to get you to go out to eat with me ... huh?” He asked, not quite exactly like I would expect one of Lonny’s friends to ask. I remained silent, hopeful that he wouldn’t say the magic words that would bind me to obey him totally!

“What would it cost...” Carl started!

“NO!” “Shut up!” “I don’t want to hear anymore!” I snapped out at him!

Carl looked startled, I had never berated him like this before. Not even when he had mentioned specific sex acts he wished to perform on me! He turned away, glancing to see if anyone had seen what had happened, before meekly returning to his desk.

I was ashamed, and shaken by my outburst. Quickly, I scurried to the restroom to collect myself. I was sure that Carl wasn’t part of my punishment ... wasn’t I? As I left the ladies room, I stopped at an unoccupied desk to call Lonny.

When I informed him I would be available tonight, he said he was busy. Then he reminded me that the sale was in effect until midnight. I was about to ask him to explain, when he asked if I had been approached by anyone at work.

Now, I was worried that Carl was part of my punishment! I had better make up with him right away, before he called Lonny! I got off the phone and returned to my desk to think. I sat there for a minute, before noticing a note tucked under my desk blotter.

“Sorry I upset you.” “Please accept this flower as a token of my affection. Carl”. At the bottom was a crudely drawn picture of a flower, inside a heart. How sweet, I thought.

I walked up to his desk, leaned over and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for the flower, and I’m sorry I snapped at you.” “I was just upset about Richard not coming home tonight.”

“Really?” “The offer of dinner still stands.” “Just what would it take to get you to accept?” He asked, smiling.

I lowered my eyes, taking a deep breath before softly replying. “Fifty dollars.”

“What?” He blurted! “Hell, for fifty bucks I can get a whore downtown!” He stared into my eyes, seeing the tears forming. “You willing to put out for fifty dollars?” He asked. I nodded weakly. “What do I get for my fifty bucks?”

Again, I took a deep breath, and told him. “Anything, and everything.”

We just looked at each other for what seemed like a minute, before I told him to stop by and pick me up at quitting time. He nodded dumbly as I turned and went back to my desk.

I hadn’t even had a chance to sit, when the phone rang. It was Carl! “Are you serious?” “Fifty bucks, and I can do anything I want?” I made an affirmative sound at the end of each question. “We can have sex?” “You will suck my dick?” “Let me fuck that stuck up little ass of yours?” “How about a few pictures?” That did it! I was mad, but not about to lose my control!

“Carl!” “I told you the rate, we can discuss this all later!” “Now really, I have work to do, goodby!” With that said, I hung up. I turned to see Carl put down his receiver, looking my way, with a far away but lustful look on his face.

Carl couldn’t wait any longer than necessary, he was at my desk at 4:55, to help me leave on time. We walked out the door at 5:00 sharp, and were fortunate to get an elevator right away.

I was almost to Carl’s car when I remembered that I hadn’t stopped by my boss’s office like I normally do before leaving. Oh well, Paul might not even notice, he had never needed anything before.

Carl was babbling about ordering Chinese ... later. He was intent on getting me to his house and naked, before I changed my mind. While he drove, I told him Polaroid pictures were O.K., as long as my face wasn’t showing. He happily agreed!

We had to go over the rules again at his apartment, to reassure him I was totally at his command, for the amazingly low price of fifty dollars. He paid me, then ordered me to start stripping! I put the money on the kitchen table, and placed my blazer on top.