Subject Line: Rope-Fun NSFW


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Time passed and the waitress had served a number of other people. Both of them watched her to get the water they ordered, but also to see if there were any after effects of being so presumptuous and forward. Finally after an uncomfortable amount of time passed, she appeared from the hallway with a bottle of water atop her serving tray. She slinked her way through the crowd and came up to the two of them.

"I'm sorry it took so long," she said as she handed the water over to Michael. She eyed Christina and then said, "I think since I've been late with your water that if she would like to give me a spanking, it might make me learn my place."

Both of them were shocked as the waitress, top buttoned down and her pale chest heaving looked between the two of them expectantly. Michael regained his composure first and turned to Christina.

"Would you like to teach our little waitress a lesson?"

Christina was speechless. She hadn't anticipated this! "I...ummm..."

Michael reached out and pulled the metal ruler slowly off the tray. He hefted it as if he was testing the balance and weight of a weapon. "I think you should, my dear. After all, she was late with our order."

Christina, still in a daze found herself standing up from her tall chair. The ruler had somehow appeared in her hand. The waitress was standing watching her, awaiting instructions. Her breathing was ragged, and somehow Christina knew that hers was as well. Michael of course guided things along.

"Please place your hands on the chair in front of you, my wench," he firmly pushed on her back to force her willingly to bend over at the hips. Her behind raised up and outward and her tight black pencil skirt rose up her stocking covered thighs. "Oh!" she whimpered, but Christina could see there was no fight in her.

"And how many do you think you deserve?" Michael sternly asked her.

"F-f-four..." she managed to get out.

Christina could feel a number of eyes on her and the scene that was transpiring. The older men with full gray beards in the front row, the ones wearing the heavy leather jackets were keenly interested in the growing development behind them. Christina glanced over and saw the couple they had chatted to at the bar watching. The woman with her beret had an excited look on her face.

"I think two here," Michael brought Christina's focus back to the task at hand with his voice, and she saw him rubbing the waitresses right buttocks. "And the other two spanks can go on her left side."

He shifted his hand over to that side and rubbed her. Christina spotted the waitress push back against Michael's hand in sexual anticipation. A low moan was just barely heard from her. The room had grown quiet as Christina could feel all eyes on her. She was shaking and unsure of her voice. Could she go through with it? She slowly perceived that Michael was speaking to her.

"Do it," he said.

She hesitated. The waitress held her pose, frozen in time, awaiting the strike from the metal ruler that was sure to come.

"Now!" Michael ordered, and Christina took aim and swung the ruler squarely onto the waitresses proffered behind.

"Smack!" rang out the ruler. A gasp and then a sigh came out from the ruby red lips of the waitress.

Christina was at first startled by the loud sound, worried that she had struck too hard she checked the girl for signs of distress. The waitress in turn shifted on her feet, which swayed that lovely, shapely target, in hopes of rubbing her desire between her thighs.

"Count it out!" Michael sternly told the waitress.

"One!" she cried out.

Michael nodded to Christina and she wasted no time in striking the waitress again.

"Two!" she screamed. Her body was shifting back and forth.

"Now the other cheek."

Christina aimed for the further cheek and swung. "SMACK!"

"Th-three," the waitress lurched forward and one of her ample breasts fell out of her shirt. The pale globe swung below her unassisted as she kept her hands firmly grasping the chair during her punishment.

"One more," Michael reminded. "And make it a good one!"


"FOUR!" she cried out, yet she still held the chair.

The crowd erupted in screams and applause. Michael rubbed the girls behind and then whispered into her ear. The waitress pulled herself up. Her hand slowly made its way up her body and she grabbed her free breast and poured it back into her shirt. Michael was checking her to make sure she was alright. Christina noticed that she seemed to be more than alright. There was a rosy flush on her face and exposed chest. She seemed a little scattered and momentarily lost her balance in her high patent heels.

Michael caught and steadied her. His hands lingered as he made sure that she was stabilized before handing her back the tray and reaching out for Christina to give him the ruler.

Michael placed it on the tray and smiled. Abruptly he turned and focused his attention on Christina, pulling her to him and embracing her. The waitress adjusted herself and as the crowd's attention parted, she continued on with her job, dismissed as the help.

"That was so hot and sexy!" Michael whispered to Christina. She smiled and nodded back at him. She had not been able to find her voice yet, but she did recognize the growing itch deep within her. She playfully ran her fingers down his chest, past his belt and over his crotch to find out that he was indeed just as excited as she was! A few of the couples sitting close by gave them knowing smiles and nods. Christina just smiled and Michael nodded back. Minor celebrities for a moment of time.

The next act was two girls. Dressed in plaid school girl skirts and white button up shirts, the taller and more dominant one of the two asked for our attention. She went on to explain that her partner was in fact a virgin to bondage and that tonight we would be proud witnesses to her de-flowering.

The crowd cheered and the shorter black haired girl dropped her gaze down to the floor. The tall girl took to her task and quickly had the other's arms tightly behind her and attached to the ring in the ceiling. Roughly woman-handling her, she pulled down the bound captives panties and displayed the blushing girls shaved sex. The crowd clapped in encouragement as the tall girl hammed it up for the audience.

She roughly twisted the girl around and exposed her behind to the crowd. Licking her palm she smacked the girl's cheeks until a healthy glow was visible. Moving her hand slowly between the girl's legs she stroked the helpless vixen until the girl convulsed in passion. The crowd roared with approval and the music cut off. There was a few moments of awkwardness as the tall girl untied and led the other off the stage and behind the curtain, leaving the room open for the audience to get up and stretch their legs.

"Thirsty?" Michael asked Christina. There was a wicked gleam to his eyes.

"No!" Christina said. Who knows what he might think up this time?

Leaning back in the chair, Michael scanned the room. It was an odd crowd. People were dressed up in kinky twisted costumes, yet seemed to be acting normally. Everyone was accepted and no one seemed to stare or gawk at anyone else. It all seemed normal until he realized that each group of friends pretty much kept to themselves. Wrapped up in their own little scenes and worlds, there didn't seem to be much friendly intermingling between guests. Pulling his phone out he noticed that it had been two hours since they had arrived, and interestingly enough, there seemed to be new guests just now arriving.

Michael had an uncanny knack for reading people and their power dynamics. It had helped him at work where he was able to recognize the important power players that he needed to win over, and it had translated over to his social life as well. A new couple came in and they seemed to be struggling to find a pair of seats.

The woman, long black hair and slightly older than Michael and Christina, was searching when she made eye contact with Michael.

"Two chairs?" he asked her as he motioned to a spot just in front of them.

The woman followed his motion and recognized what he was pointing out. She threaded her way through the crowd with her man following behind. Again, Christina noticed this older woman squeeze her way past Michael. This time she was face to face with him, and as they passed, there seemed to be some sort of recognition between the two. Her red painted lips smiled as she thanked him and made her way to the chairs in front of them. Behind her, her man followed. Actually his wrist was held firmly by the woman as she pulled him to his seat. He was but a mere boy, early twenties; his face seemed only to have just been cleared of acne. He had tried to grow a mustache but only a few light hairs had come in. His hair was long and tied in a ponytail behind him. He was also much shorter than the woman. Just as he arrived at the chair, his foot kicked someone's empty glass that had been sitting near the chair. The glass rattled but refused to shatter.

"Be careful!" the tall woman ordered her charge.

"Yes, Ma'am," he quietly responded back.

"Wait!" she said as he began to lower himself down. "My coat."

He rose back up and efficiently took her coat off and placed it behind her on the chair. She nodded to him and he sat down. She watched him and then regally lowered herself down afterwards. Once settled, she shifted in her chair a little and turned her head back to see both Michael and Christina watching her. She smiled knowingly, and Christina glanced quickly over to Michael's face to see that he returned the smile of recognition.

"Is she..." Christina started.

"Yes, she is." Michael affirmed.

The tall woman proceeded to ignore her boy while everyone waited for the final act to come on. She pulled out her mobile and started playing poker on it. The boy, tried to look at everything and nothing at the same time. His hands stayed on his lap, and he did not engage with anyone else. Every so often, the tall woman would lean over to him and whisper something. Sometimes she would show her poker hand to him before going back to ignoring him.

The waitress was doing her rounds but now Christina noticed that every time she would pass between the two of them, she would extend her behind out to Christina as well. She would pause and linger an uncomfortable moment in front of Christina, before continuing on with her task. Once things had slowed down, and the anticipation of the final act was near, the waitress stopped in front of the two of them. On her tray was a napkin with writing on it. She moved the tray forward towards them.

"If Sir and Madam feel that perhaps I need a follow up correction..."

Her name and number had been hastily scrawled on the napkin offered before them. Michael reached out and took the note.

"Perhaps we will be in touch," Michael said. The waitress curtsied and with a seductive smile to him and a hungry look to her, she was gone.

Michael pocketed the napkin.

They recognized the skinny brown haired girl that they had spotted from off the street in the final act. She was a school girl putting up a home made poster for some sort of school club. The hipster guy from the first act now returned as the school janitor, and when he saw what she was doing, he grew angry and decided to teach her a lesson. Taking her down from the hassock, he quickly stripped her of her clothes and once again arms were tied behind her back. The suspensions for this act were quite complex and exciting. At one point, her arms and both legs were dangling from the ring in the ceiling. The naked girl was helpless dangling face up, when the janitor raised her body over his shoulder and in one fluid move flipped her over so that now she was helplessly hanged face down. Her body and sex exposed for all to see.

She writhed in the bounds, moaned and sighed and protested. It was to no avail as the janitor took out a phallus and proceeded to take this girl on "a magic carpet ride" just as the very same song of the same name came over the sound system. Once she had climaxed, the janitor took out bubble-gum pink bandaging and wrapped the poor girl's entire head in it, only leaving her nose free for breathing. The bound, helpless girl, now gagged and blindfolded by the pink ace bandaging, was gently lowered to the ground. Still tied and helpless, the janitor picked up his victim, threw her over his shoulder and marched off the stage and behind the curtain to savor his helpless victim.

The crowd applauded and all too soon, everyone realized that the show was over. They didn't see the waitress again as they left. During the ride home Christina was excited and let out all the thoughts and observations she was too embarrassed to verbalize during the show. Michael was glad to know that she had not only liked the show, but that it had excited and turned her on.

That evening, after they had grappled with each other from the entryway all the way into the bedroom, Christina kept replaying the show over in her head. She had marveled at the design and creativity of the suspension work. The girls looked so pretty and vulnerable swinging up there. She imagined herself in those very positions, with Michael, her master ropesman twisting and turning her. Exposed to his roving strong hands, he could do anything to her and she would not be able to stop him. A mild protest from her could very well threaten him into gagging her. Perhaps he would take her soiled panties, the ones she was wearing when she had gotten excited and use those to keep her protests mute.

They had cuddled post-coitus, stroking each other and panting to catch their breath. She had thanked him for the exciting night out. Michael had thanked her for telling him her fantasy. "Did that work for you? I figured we could always go somewhere else to see regular sex if you like."

"How about we try that as well?" she asked.

He squeezed her tightly. "I'm fine with that."

She stared at him as he slept. The satisfied fulfilled man.

Her man.

She had gotten a taste of her fantasy: to see a live sex act. She had enjoyed it. She touched herself as she imagined what they might do next. He had mentioned going to see a regular couple have sex. Maybe they would see another bondage show. That did excite her. Her thoughts drifted to the waitress and the spanking that she had given the wanton girl. At first she thought it out of character for herself to be so aggressive, so...dominant. But quickly she realized that it was Michael that had guided things. It was Michael that instructed her to take the ruler. It was Michael's firm voice commanding the girl to bend over the chair and offer up her luscious backside for punishment. He was the one touching her cheeks and commanding Christina to spank the girl. It was, of course, Michael who took the phone number offered by the blushing waitress.

It was eight months before this evening that during an overnight stay in a strange room; the two of them had made love in front of a floor length mirror. It was exciting, and Christina wondered if that was the moment that planted the seed in her mind of watching another couple. She was a little sensitive about her body. Michael loved her and could find no flaw, but as she stared back at herself in that mirror she was brought out of the moment. He had agreed to move to another position and the matter was closed. Afterwards he had told her how exciting it was to watch them together. It was exciting to her, to see her man in his passion and fury.

She thought of the waitress again, and of her man. She trusted him completely. They had been together forever. He loved her like no one else. Her hand drifted down to her rosebud as she pictured the waitress in her school teacher outfit, bent over with Michael behind her. He growled a command and she whimpered beneath him. She was unable to escape his clutches, and he slowly turned his head around to see her, Christina, sitting next to the bed watching with that very same hand between her legs. Christina shuddered both in her fantasy and in real life. The bed shook and Michael stirred a little in his sleep. Christina clamped her other hand over her mouth so as not to make a sound, as she sped up her rhythmic touch between her legs. Her breath drew shallow and her nostrils flared out as she pushed herself over the edge, and into ecstasy.

After recovering, she snuggled up next to her man. Drifting to sleep, she knew that a lifetime of adventure still awaited her, and him!

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