Submitting to Dominance Ch. 02

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Perry gets pushed further.
6.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/31/2020
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This is chapter 2 in the Submitting to Dominance series where our heroine Perry has some alone time with the man who will take her for himself. I welcome all comments, criticisms, suggestions, and feedback, but in general I just write these stories for fun so please take that into consideration. Thanks and I hope you enjoy!


The drive to Perry's was excruciatingly awkward.

Perry did not want to give Jamal his address. This was taking it too far. He had enough of this sick game and decided to stand up for himself.

"Enough is enough" he said to Jamal before he was shushed.

Jamal had put his index finger over Perry's lips as if he were quieting a child. There were no words exchanged, just the action. Strangely enough, that's all that was needed as Perry closed his mouth as a reflex, not wanting Jamal's finger in it.

"I just moved here a couple of weeks ago and have been looking for a good place to workout and play ball. It's taken awhile to get used to the area especially with me working so much" Jamal began to explain calmly as if he hadn't even noticed Perry's little outburst.

"Work is actually why I moved to the area. Got a big raise too. I read online that this place had good reviews and the courts were some of the cleanest in the city for hooping on. If I'm being honest, I had no intention of finding myself a sissy until later on when I was more comfortable in a new city like this, but I just couldn't contain myself when I saw you" he continued.

Perry remained silent other than to point Jamal towards his apartment building. His mind was too preoccupied with Jamal's comments.

"There's that word again. Sissy" he thought to himself.

"You looked so cute with your short shorts" Jamal said as he made a right turn.

"They're not short shorts, I just don't like to play in long shorts. They get in the way when I run. They're only an inch or so above the knee" Perry tried to explain so he could take his mind off of being called a sissy.

"Maybe, but they were riding up as you were playing. They hug your ass well too" Jamal said with a smirk.

Perry had never even thought about what his ass looked like in the shorts. He had always just worn them because they were the most comfortable to play in. He started to think about all of the other clothes he wore regularly and imagined what his ass looked like in those. Did other people think the same as Jamal?

The thought made him uncomfortable in his seat.

He returned to being silent. Wallowing in his thoughts. Nothing else at that moment mattered. He slowly drifted into his own mind. Now, more than ever, he was questioning himself, his sexuality, his whole life.

Why was he going along with this?

Where was his voice?

What's wrong with him?

Is this who he really was?

"Hello? You there? Where to now?" Jamal questioned before eventually tapping Perry on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Huh, oh. Um" Perry stumbled to gather his thoughts again.

"Take a left at the lights here and then it's at the end of the street" he responded before attempting to return to his thoughts.

The rest of the ride was short. Jamal found the guest parking area easily enough, and Perry was too busy being lost in his thoughts to tell him that he actually had a parking space for himself.

Without even thinking, Perry got out of the car and started to walk towards his apartment. He didn't even seem to care about anything else.

Jamal followed quietly.

Once inside, Perry pressed the button for the elevator and waited in silence.

"So this is your building huh, not bad" said Jamal as he stood beside Perry.

Once on the elevator on their way up to his apartment, Jamal began to reveal more of his intentions for Perry.

"I'll be honest with you, sweetie. I wasn't expecting it to turn out like this. I thought it'd be a bit tougher to get you to play along and realize what I already know about you" he started off.

He took a step towards Perry.

Perry backed up slightly towards the corner of the elevator.

"Not always, but in my experience cocky and arrogant boys, like you, act that way because they're hiding something" he continued.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Perry finally asked.

"There it is, now that I mentioned it, you're acting up. It's okay, you can pretend to be tough. I actually think it's more fun that way. I enjoy a little bit of a fight, makes the breaking process that much sweeter" was all Jamal had time to say before being cut off.

"Man, this has gone too far. You're not coming into my apartment. This is too weird for me. I don't know you or what you want, we literally just met. We know nothing about each other and if you keep acting like this, I'm gonna call the cops" Perry yelled.

"You can call the cops. What are you going to tell them? That I blackmailed you? What did I blackmail you to do? Nothing illegal. Besides, I'll just tell them that we're a gay couple and it's your fetish to pretend you're in an abusive relationship. Then I'll show them these texts right here. The ones where you so graciously call me daddy. Do you really wanna go through all of that? You're alright with the cops knowing about this? What about your friends?" Jamal calmly retaliated.

Perry was about to explode with anger, but the elevator door opened to the floor of his apartment and there was an elderly man waiting to take the elevator downstairs to take his dog out for a walk.

Jamal tucked his phone back into his pocket so that the man wouldn't be able to see the embarrassing photo of Perry in panties at the mall.

"Let's just go into your apartment, you can get me a drink and we can talk this through" Jamal calmly stated as they exited the elevator.

Perry was trembling trying to get the key into his apartment door. He almost dropped it and it took two tries before he got the key into the keyhole.

Finally inside the confines of his own apartment, he tried to relax himself by grabbing a beer for Jamal and pouring himself a double shot of whiskey.

"Woah, slow down there" was Jamal's reaction to seeing Perry down the double shot.

"Why didn't you offer me some of that?" Jamal asked.

"Fuck you" was all Perry had to say.

The alcohol hadn't quite kicked in yet, but he felt more at ease after the drink anyway.

"I don't appreciate that tone of voice" replied Jamal as he twisted the cap off the cheap beer.

"You said you wanted to talk. So talk and then get out and leave me alone" Perry said.

Jamal sighed and took a deep breathe to gather his thoughts. He wondered why he was so calm, but quickly remembered the last time he had been in this situation. This outburst wasn't new to him and he knew it wouldn't be the last one. So, he took another moment to think of the best way to proceed with Perry.

"Well? Any day now. I don't want you here any longer than you need to be. Say your piece, finish your beer and get the fuck outta my apartment" Perry said impatiently.

"Listen. How about this? I'm going to say what I have to say. Uninterrupted. Once I'm done, you can decide for yourself if you still want to kick me out and if you do I'll leave. No questions asked. I'll even leave the team" said Jamal.

"Really? Just like that?" responded Perry who now had his arms crossed standing in a defensive position.

"Yes. Just like that, but I am going to say my piece. All of it" Jamal said before taking another sip of his beer.

"Alright. Go ahead" Perry relented.

"Earlier tonight I said you're going to be my sissy. I can say that with confidence because I can see it in you. It's the way you act. Unnecessary bragging, putting down your friends, acting like you're the man all the time. I can see it's all just a front. You may not see it yet, but I'm going to show you why you act that way and then I'm going to break down that behavior as I make you my sissy" Jamal calmly told Perry.

There was a bit of silence between the two as Perry was processing what he was hearing and Jamal took another swig of beer.

"I don't just make these claims without proof either. In fact, I've seen all of this exact behavior before. You're not the first sissy I've taken control over" continued Jamal.

"Please don't interrupt, you agreed" said Jamal as he noticed Perry was about to say something.

"You can't deny anything I've said about the way you act. I've seen it with my own eyes at the gym. I'll admit, you're a pretty good player, but all that trash talking you do, especially to your friends, isn't helping anyone but yourself. You're insecure about some aspect of yourself so you take it out on others. You've also never been challenged on it before which is why you have no success against someone willing to call you out on it, someone like me. That's also a fact. You haven't won a game against me since I stood my ground and even gave you some of your own medicine on the court" he continued.

Perry's body language was starting to become less defensive as the reality of that fact began to sink in. He hung his head slightly as he realized he hadn't won a single game against Jamal yet. Of course, it was a small sample size, but even then, his performances in those games was nothing like how he played against others. He couldn't reasonably refute Jamal's claim.

"Again, when I stood my ground in the change room after you challenged me physically. I'm sure if it was Ryan or Donald who approached you like I did, you'd feel more than confident enough to fight back. Instead it was me and what did you do? You surrendered even though you're the one who initiated the shoving" Jamal went on.

Perry's arms were no longer crossed and he was quieter than ever.

"When I put my hands on you. Shoved you. Pinned you against that locker. How did you react? Your little dick got hard and you got scared. That's why you didn't fight back. I'm sure you wanted to fight, but deep down inside, you knew that you've finally met your match. You've finally found someone superior to you. Someone you could look up to and submit to. That's why you got scared. Your body knew it right away and it scared you knowing how much a man like me turned you on. We just need to help the rest of you catch up to learn what your dick already knows" Jamal said with a smirk.

He was beginning to become more assertive in his tone. When he started this speech it sounded as if he was trying to persuade Perry as he calmly spoke, but now there was a certain confidence that you could hear in Jamal.

"It's like you said, you can call the cops. You haven't yet and it's been days now since that happened. You were so scared about your friends finding out about your little dick getting hard for me that you went out and bought panties like a little girl. You know why? It's because you've worked so hard to build your image as an alpha male and you're terrified that your friends will find out it was all just a show. So, you ran off and did just as I said to keep your little secret. That little thing between your legs doesn't compare to a real man. It excites you knowing that you've finally met someone that sees through it all" Jamal said as he finished his beer.

"You know everything I just said is true. Even if you don't know it yet, that little thing between your legs knows and it's responding accordingly. You don't have to pretend to be the man around me" Jamal said as he got up and walked to the fridge to get himself another beer.

There was no protest from Perry. He couldn't even stand anymore. He was seated in his kitchen with his hands in his lap, quietly processing everything he was hearing.

He looked devastated. Someone had finally provided some answers to the questions he'd been asking himself all week. As ridiculous as it sounded, deep down some of it made sense.

"I bet you're hard right now, sissy" Jamal said to finally get the attention of Perry.

Perry looked down into his lap and sure enough, he was hard. He had actually started to get hard when Jamal reminded him of what happened in the change room. It's why he took a seat, so Jamal couldn't see it. It didn't matter though, Jamal knew.

"You're secretly loving this. Being told what you are by a real man" he heard Jamal say.

Perry was too embarrassed to even look up. He just remained seated and stared at his lap.

"Now, what'll it be? Should I leave like you wanted before? If I do leave, just know you'll never know what it's like to finally submit to someone who knows what you are. You'll never get to experience the pleasures I can give you. That little boner of yours is just the tip of the iceberg" Jamal went on to say.

He finished his speech with, "I'm not staying unless you look me in the eye and tell me that you're my sissy."

Perry was silent. Thinking to himself about everything that was just said. He couldn't help but remember what Julie had said to him in the lingerie store.

"Maybe you're one of those people that likes be to dominated" was what she had said.

It certainly felt that way right now. It's the only explanation he could give himself for how he could be this hard after hearing what Jamal had to say.

It embarrassed and humiliated him beyond belief having that thought cross his mind.

He finally mustered up the courage to look up at Jamal, but he was not expecting what he saw.

"W-what are you doing?" asked Perry softly.

"Answer my question" was all Jamal said.

Perry couldn't think straight. Somehow, in the middle of his self-reflection session, Jamal had unzipped his pants and taken out his cock. It was just hanging out as Jamal stood there enjoying his beer.

Perry was fixated on it. How did he whip it out without me hearing? Why was he just standing there with it out? He was filled with questions about what was happening in his apartment.

However, what really frightened Perry about the situation was the other thoughts and questions that began to fill his mind.

"I wonder how many inches it is?"

"It looks really thick."

"It hangs lower than mine."

"He's bigger than me."

"U-uhm" stuttered Perry as he tried to say something. Anything.

"Look at you. You can't even think straight. You look mesmerized. Hypnotized even. Yeah. I'm going to have a lot of fun breaking you" said Jamal.

"W-what?" Perry finally managed to say.

"Get up, come over here and tell me what I want to hear so we can start your initiation" commanded Jamal as he pointed to the empty space in front of him.

The floor. He was pointing at the floor in front of him, between his legs.

Perry gulped.

He could feel his mouth starting to get dry.

His cock straining against the fabric of the thong he had on.

Almost as if his consciousness had separated from his body, he watched himself slouch out of the chair and onto the floor. On his hands and knees he crawled toward Jamal. Lead there not by his head, but something else.

When he finally got to the spot between Jamal's legs, he sat back on the heels of his feet, placed his hands in his lap and looked up at Jamal. Or, at least he tried to look up at Jamal. His view was impeded by what seemed like a long, black, one-eyed snake hanging from his groin.

Jamal quickly finished his second beer as he looked back down at Perry.

"Well. I was not expecting this" he said with a grin.

Perry didn't know what he was doing or how he found himself on his knees looking up at Jamal like this. It's like his body was being controlled by someone else. His mind was telling him to get up and tell Jamal to leave and stick to the agreement they made before his speech, but he couldn't find his voice all of a sudden.

"I guess I did say to look me in the eye. I like your interpretation of this situation. Now say it" Jamal commanded once again.

Perry felt his mouth open, but again, he couldn't find any words. So, instead he just knelt silently with his mouth gaping open.

"That'll happen later, bitch. Right now, I want to hear you say the magic words" Jamal teased.

Perry immediately closed his mouth, but only after the thought of himself sucking on Jamal's manhood popped into his mind. His own cock twitched.

"You can stay if you want" Perry said meekly.

"Thanks, but that's not quite what I was looking for" Jamal said as he stepped away from Perry to place his empty beer bottle down.

He then tucked his cock back into his pants and proceeded to walk towards the door.

"Wait!" Perry found himself shouting from his knees.

Jamal stopped for a brief moment and then said, "As much as I love seeing you on your knees like that, I already told you what you need to do for me to stay."

He continued to walk towards the door.

Step after step, he made his way closer to leaving Perry's apartment. Possibly leaving his life too.

"I'll be your sissy" Perry reluctantly said.

His heart was racing now. The adrenaline was flowing. Part of him tried his hardest to keep quiet and let Jamal leave. That's what he thought he wanted. Instead, he was now trying to rationalize why he gave in and said what Jamal had asked him to say.

"...the tip of the iceberg" were the words that kept coming to mind.

Maybe he did enjoy submitting to Jamal.

Jamal's hand was on the doorknob when he heard the words come out of Perry's mouth.

He slowly turned around and made his way back to where Perry was still kneeling. He then pulled his cock back out, but this time he let his pants fall to the ground.

Jamal's eyes met Perry's again as he looked down at his soon to be sissy.

Perry remained silent. Waiting in anticipation for Jamal's next move.

He had said the words and now he had to deal with the repercussions.

Jamal grabbed hold of his lengthy shaft.

Perry, now having had time to get a better look at it, estimated it was about 5 inches soft. Another humiliating thought when compared to Perry's 5 inches hard.

Continuing to look up, Perry could now see Jamal lightly stroking his shaft to life. It began to grow slowly.

From where he knelt, he had a very good view of Jamal's balls as well. They seemed to hang quite a bit lower than Perry's did.

"This must be what a man's balls look like" he thought.

"Oh my god" he thought to himself.

"Why would I even think that? What's happening?" he continued to think.

He was disgusted with himself, but could do nothing to stop the thoughts from populating his mind.

This was also the hardest he's ever been.

Jamal then pointed the head of his cock downward towards Perry.

"You are my sissy, not you'll be my sissy" he said to correct Perry's earlier statement.

Perry nodded his head in agreement.

Perry's own cock twitched yet again.

"Take off everything but that cute little thong and say it" Jamal said as he took a step back to give Perry some space.

Perry slowly got up and began to undress to just his nude thong. The same one he had bought from Julie's store. He could feel the sweat from the basketball game drying as it continued to hug his crack.

They made eye contact once Perry was done and Jamal had the biggest grin on his face.

Perry couldn't bare to look into Jamal's eyes anymore and he hung his head in shame as he made his way back onto his knees.

Despite the feeling of shame, he continued on.

"I'm your sissy" he whispered, his head still hung in shame.

"What's that? I'm gonna need you to speak up" Jamal said.

"I'm your sissy" Perry now said in a louder tone.

Just as he finished saying this he felt Jamal's hand on his chin guiding his gaze upwards. Looking up he was greeted by an up close view of Jamal's cock head. It was being held firmly and pointed directly at Perry's mouth by Jamal's other hand.

"Now, time to start your initiation. To seal the deal, I'd like for you to kiss the tip on my cock to show your appreciation for me" Jamal said before he stood straight up.