Succubus Rising Ch. 02


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It wasn't long before the door opened and Asher slid into the back compartment and sat on the bench along the back. I jumped when he spoke as the truck began to move, "Come over here, girl." I hesitated and anger spread across his face making his lips twist, and I moved toward the seat.

When I was close, he reached out and pulled me onto his lap. His hands bruised my upper arms in their grip and I gasped. "I am not as kind as Chaz, girl," his voice was growling with a rage that was so sudden his head probably should have exploded. "Do not hesitate when I give you an order. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," I said through clenched teeth. His hands relaxed and moved to my shoulders before sliding to the front of the uniform I was wearing. The fabric slid over my breasts and I moved to cover myself. I never saw the blow that knocked me out.


I was swaying slightly and wondered if I had drunk too much the night before. That's not right, the thought hit me and my eyes flew open. My feet were inches above a white stone floor and I looked up to see a hook similar to the one Chaz used in his office. I was facing a door and couldn't tell much about the room I was in other than that it held a fortune in marble tile below me.

Asher stepped into my view, nude and very happy to be there. I couldn't remember anything after leaving the laundry room. When was that? It couldn't be a good sign that I didn't even know how long I had been here, but at least I knew the name of the man standing before me.

The hook lowered suddenly enough that I wound up on my knees in front of him, crying out at the pain in my shoulders that told me I had been hanging there for a while. His hand tangled in my hair and lifted me so I was kneeling before him. When I stopped swaying, his hand tightened and he lifted me to my feet. I groaned at the pain, but it was only a slight discomfort beside the pain in my shoulders and arms. Not letting go of my hair, Asher pushed me backward until I came against something and was forced to sit.

"Lay down," I did as I was told without a fight. His hands pushed my knees apart before he climbed onto the bed over me. Something stirred inside me as he looked down at me, and the corner of his mouth twitched. Moving too fast for me to try to resist, he lifted my hips and pushed himself inside me.

I tried to move away from him, but whatever had woken inside me took over then, and I let it. We looked down where our body met his and moaned. Our back arched to deepen the angle that he entered us, and then we felt his power. He tasted like honey in the back of our throat. I snapped back into myself and felt something open deep inside me and soak his power into us. The feeling made me buck my hips against him and take as much of his length into me as deep as I could. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I should be afraid of this man - that he would hurt me - but the front of my mind was too preoccupied to worry about it.

Asher let go of my hips and put his hands on the mattress above my shoulders, pushing himself into me as fast as he seemed able. His power filled me, and we pulled it into us until his eyes fluttered shut and he was buried inside us. The muscles in his chest strained above us, and we pulled a little tighter on his power. He crushed himself into my hips and I felt the first jerk of his climax deep inside just as my own power receded and my own orgasm broke around me. He moved inside me a few more times before sliding out and falling onto his side.

His eyes were glowing white when I looked over at him, and part of me wondered what he could do with that power. Another part of me worried about enjoying this so much while the rest of me wondered what the hell had just happened. Deep inside me I could feel my power now, completely sated even as it looked up at me and promised great things in my future. I looked back down my body and saw the hook hanging from the ceiling and hoped I never had to return to this room again.


Since that first day with him so many weeks ago, I hadn't felt the slightest stirring inside me from the power I knew was there. I had tried to will it out, but it just sat there curled in a tight ball and refused to wake again. Finally, I had started to feel crazy thinking I had actually felt something inside myself that day, but it didn't stop me from hoping it would change things now.

Asher walked up to me as I hung from a hook in his bedroom. Like Chaz during his punishments, Asher was completely nude and erect. Unlike Chaz, he didn't use his power to cause harm, and after the first few hours I was beginning to wonder if his power worked that way. He used a knife to pull screams from me that never should have been inside a person, and when I thought he was done he just kept going. This time he had nothing in his hands as he walked toward me, and I didn't know what to expect when the hook started lowering and I could finally touch the cold tile.

He didn't even untie my hands before he shoved me backward onto the bed just a few inches away. Using the cuffs he jerked my hands above my head again and secured them to a metal circle I hadn't seen embedded into the head of the bead. In three hours he had taught me not to say a word or to struggle, and I did not want that knife to come back out again. He climbed onto the bed to straddle my legs and used my hips to turn me onto my stomach and then raised them so I was on my knees. Chaz had made certain I was ready for him, but Asher just shoved himself inside me until I screamed into the pillow. His hands bruised my ass cheeks as he pumped into me, and something in my body must have still been working because eventually I could feel myself grow wet and his thrusts became smoother. Even without the slightest twinge from my power that I knew was still there somewhere, I could feel him pulsing and twitching inside me, but I knew he wasn't close to the end. Under different circumstances, this might have been enjoyable, but I was too hoarse and hurting from Asher's earlier attentions to pay much attention to the way he completely filled me.

Asher pulled back from me and turned me onto my back before climbing up my body. He slid his knees beside my shoulders and braced himself on the headboard before sliding his penis over my lips and cheek, "Open, girl, or I'll bring out the knife again."

I opened my mouth for him, not wanting to know what he would have done to me if I hadn't obeyed. My body bled and I cried as the head of his dick slid past my mouth. "Make it good, and I might bring you back early. You don't scream the way I want you to." I had never given head before, so I didn't know what I was doing. He shoved himself into my mouth, and I had to open my jaws as far as possible just to avoid biting him. The prospect of possibly getting away from this man before morning made me move my tongue along the bottom of his dick until he pushed too far and I couldn't breathe. He reached down and held the back of my head with one hand as he continued to push his dick into my throat, and I writhed underneath him until I realized that was what he wanted.

Finally, after weeks of urging and trying, that deep well of power inside me looked up and I felt it fill me. We took him in our mouth, using tongue and teeth to make his eyes start to glow white. Then we started to pull his power into us, taking as much pleasure as we were giving. The salty taste of him grew stronger on our tongue, and we moaned around him. He shoved himself to the back of our throat again, but there was no struggle to breathe this time. We took him, and with a final press of our teeth we felt him release. This time, though, I felt the power feed on his release and it was disconcerting enough that I began to struggle against his hands in my hair.

Once again, the power receded as he collapsed beside me on the bed. But this time he didn't let me stay there, "You don't get to enjoy the afterglow, girl. The bed is only for me." He stood and pulled me to my feet by the chain between my wrists and attached it to the hook and raised me up until my toes barely grazed the floor. His hands were rough against the flesh of my breasts, and he squeezed tighter and tighter until I could see the skin bulging between his fingers and I screamed in pain. The bruise was immediate, and I hung my head in relief when he stopped. He walked away and I didn't even try to see where he went until he came back. The knife was in his hand again, and I passed out before he got more than a couple cuts in.


I woke in the car with Asher beside me and one of his own slaves driving. My body was sore and I could still feel the cuts, but when I looked down I didn't see a single mark. "Oh good," he said when I moved. "You're awake. I was hoping you'd want a little more before I sent you back to him."

I didn't try to resist as he pulled me up into his lap, but this time when my power looked up at him I swatted it down. He held my hips above him and ground himself as far into me as he could, and his thrusts came faster and faster as we drove through the night. The driver pulled up to Chaz's house just as Asher reached his climax within me. He opened the door and shoved me out onto the gravel, and my legs were too weak at first to hold me. He stepped over me and shut his door, and I knew nothing good would happen if I didn't walk through that house on my own. I got to the door just in time to see him disappear into the office and Chaz looked at me from the door.

The stairs were horrible, and Asher must have done something to my back because it screamed as I went up to the attic. Even Kenzie didn't have a snide remark as I stumbled through the attic to the bathroom, but I heard Kelsey whisper, "Asher." just before the door to the bathroom shut behind me. As much as I hurt, I was surprised that only dirt and semen followed the water down the drain. I made sure to leave the bathroom as clean as it had been when I entered it before falling into bed and blacking out.

My alarm was screeching and someone was shaking my shoulder to wake me up. I let out a small yip and jumped to the other side of the bed before realizing I was in my bunk in the attic.

"Wow, Asher must have done a number on you," the voice was soft and that kind of feminine that romance novels called a bedroom voice. I opened my eyes to see Sophia standing over me. "You need to get up for muster. I let you sleep a little later because you took a shower last night. So get up and fix your hair or you'll be late."

I sat up and blinked around at the room as Sophia went back to make her bed. Her hair was up in a tight bun, but mine was sticking out in all directions and sometime in the night I had lost the elastic band that I had started with. My feet hit the cold floor and I went through the motions of making my bed, even sorer today than I had been when Asher brought me back. I made my way to the bathroom to brush my hair and had just gotten it up when the door at the bottom of the stairs shut. Looking at the clock I cursed and went down the steps as I pulled a uniform over my head.

The large man from the auction was at the bottom of the stairs and watched as I pulled my dress down over my ass and all but ran to the stairs. I stood in line next to the others just as the clock struck six. Kenzie was sent to the garage, Ferrel was sent into town, and Kelsey was sent to the kitchen. Me and Sophia he told to wait in his office.

We stood side by side as he walked in, "Since you're both here while we have guests, I have allowed a few of them to take short contracts with each of you. Sophia, you will spend today with Thom in the blue room. Jezza, you will spend the day with Larian in the yellow room." I felt Sophia tense beside me and wondered if she recognized the names. "You will both come back here to the office at six."

He dismissed us and we left the office. At the foot of the stairs, Sophia grabbed my arm, "Larian has a bad reputation among the other slaves, Jezza. Just..." her voice trailed for a moment. "Don't try to fight him off. Kelsey told me you came here with a lot of anger. It's not going to get you anything but pain if you haven't figured that out yet." With that, she glanced back at the office and then set off up the stairs. I looked, but no one was there and I followed her. She stopped at the first room, which was decorated all in blue, and I went to the room farthest from the stairs and walked into a drop of sunlight caught in hell.

The room was all white and yellow, and did not fit the large man sitting at the desk to one side. His computer was open, but he was reading a book and didn't move when I shut the door quietly behind me. Not knowing what I was supposed to do, I stood by the door and waited for him to acknowledge me.

Finally, he shut the book and stood from the chair. He was taller than I had realized at the auction, easily more than a foot taller than me. His shoulders were broad, but he had the narrow waist and hips of someone who had worked for those shoulders. I wondered what he did to his own slaves to make them hate him enough to buy him such ill-fitting pants, but then shoved the thought from my mind because I probably didn't really want to know.

"I do not keep slaves, girl," his voice sounded like it came from somewhere near his feet, and then it clicked what he had said and I stared at him. "Yes, your thoughts scream across your mind and they are very loud. Chaz must get some sort of amusement out of it, or you'd be much worse off than you are now. As it is, I'm surprised he lets you wear his uniform over those magnificent bruises." I looked down but my skin looked whole. "Then they are not his work. Who has he sent you to, girl?"

"He sent me to Asher yesterday, sir," I said.

The man cursed colorfully enough that I wished I could have taken notes, and then pulled me by the hand to the bed where he sat so he was closer to eye level. Suddenly the room was full of a choking power and I felt that twist somewhere deep inside that told me my own power had taken notice, and wouldn't turn a taste of this one away. Larian felt it, too, and he dropped my hand. "Please tell me he wasn't stupid enough to send you to Asher a virgin."

I shook my head, remembering a boyfriend during my first year of college who had taken care of that. His power probed mine and it rose up inside me like I had wanted it to in the last few weeks with Asher. It always made the times with Asher just a little more tolerable, but this was different. We knew this man wouldn't hurt us like Asher did, or like Chaz did. He would be fun and we could feed on him. I came back to myself in Larian's lap, with his mouth on my throat and my hands in his hair. What is happening to me?

"You are a succubus, and your power will seek what you need," he answered the thought and pushed me a little down his thighs so I wasn't pressed against his chest. When his hand slid across my side, I winced and groaned in pain and the power sank back into the depths of my mind. "Let me heal you, and then you can sleep."

Sleep sounded good, but as soon as the pain faded a bit my power rose again and tried to pull his into us like we had done with Asher. But his power changed and we couldn't follow it yet, but the pain left my body and I slumped against his chest. When the pain was gone my power was back, and this time we weren't too hurt to pull him into us. He tasted clean, and his mouth was much softer than it had looked as he kissed up my neck and along my jaw to lick my lower lip until I opened for him.

We could feel him beneath his pants, but he wouldn't let us touch him. We reached, but somehow he blocked us and just stuck to making out. He fed some of his power into us, and we stopped trying to get into his pants. I heard myself moaning against his mouth before he broke the kiss and lifted me to stand before him again.

"You need to go now," but his voice didn't match the feeling of his power feeding into mine, and I tried to step closer to him only to have him stop me. "Go. You're healed, but Chaz doesn't have what I need to take you like this."

"What do you need?" the power made my voice sound husky, something I had never heard issue from my own throat.

He shook his head and pushed me toward the door, "Nothing you would enjoy."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I stuck with you this long hoping that you’d turn this around but it has gone too far down the road of misogynist behavior to continue to hope for salvation. You are now officially ‘off the island’.

RedMonkeyButtRedMonkeyButtover 3 years agoAuthor

The " many weeks ago..." is right after a break. That break spanned weeks.

When she's with Larian in this chapter and he's asking where Chaz has been sending her, she was sent to Asher the day before this question was asked. So "yesterday" was the last time she had been sent out.

This entire chapter spans roughly a year over the various breaks. You're seeing glimpses of individual days between the breaks because if I had to write everything Asher did to her most of this story would be in either Erotic Horror or Non-con, and the original story had a lot more of the Asher sessions than this has.

I am seeing a lot of places I need to go back and fix in these earlier chapters, but it will be a couple weeks before I can get the edits in my pending box. Thank you for the feedback and the comment!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I do not understand the timeline here

Most of the chapter seems to suggest that she only spent one night with Asher. For instance "He sent me with Asher yesterday, sir"

But in two paragraph it is written that she spent weeks there "Since that first day with him so many weeks ago, ..."

Did you change your mind at some point and did not change everything ?

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