Sue Ch. 01-04


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All in all it was an intensely physical holiday and by the time we had to leave for home my pussy was red, swollen and really quite sore - but like Richard during my erection-making trials, I wasn't complaining about that! Much more importantly, having had his cock inside me from just about every angle possible I considered myself to be sexually experienced and was looking forward to getting more and hopefully, even more varied practice in the near future.

Chapter 3


The last eighteen months at school was both a difficult and an exciting period - difficult because of the critical exams that loomed ever closer during it and exciting because of the new emotional and, often more importantly for me, physical experiences I went through. I 'fell in love' a couple of times, one lasted about three weeks, the other over three months but at the time I know that each seemed to be the most important thing in my life - but at least I managed to learn a lot more about myself from each experience. Funnily enough, when I was 'in love' I found the sexual aspect of the relationship became somehow less important than when I just 'had the hots' for some guy. In fact I didn't have sex with the three week love and even with the one that lasted three months it was ages before we actually 'did it'. When I compared that with the speed that Richard and I had got it off together it seemed very strange.

But though I enjoyed the sex I had, through all that time and activity I had the same nagging problem - the guys always came too soon for my liking. Some came so quickly I didn't even have a chance to get properly aroused but even those that seemed to know a girl needs time to get hot and did all the things a girl likes having done to her and then went on to actually give me a climax, even those, just couldn't hold on for as long as I would really have liked.

I wasn't truly frustrated, it was just that I always felt there was something I was missing, that there could be so much more, if only - if only what, I didn't know.

I didn't really want to go on to university, which was just as well because my exam marks weren't really good enough anyway but they were sufficiently high for me to be able to get into a good secretarial college and to take a course in Business Management and basic computer skills. I found I enjoyed Business, it all seemed logical and the objectives appealed to me, far more so than the stuff we had learned at school, none of which seemed to have much relevance to the world around us. But Business I could understand and, as well as enjoying the work I found that I was getting consistently good marks, which of course pleased Mum and Dad too!

There were only a few guys during that time, because I was enjoying what I was doing I was actually working really hard and most of the time I preferred to spend my evenings studying or practising on a small computer my father had bought for me, though every now and then a sufficiently good looking guy's proposition attracted me away from my books or keyboard. But though these guys were generally older than I was, when it came to sex I still found the same old problem of them not giving me enough time and I really began to wonder if it was something I was going to have to put up with for the rest of my life.

After I finished college my first job was as a sort of secretary to a secretary - the lady I worked for was secretary to the general manager of a company that made a range of spare parts for cars and we worked in a small administration office alongside the factory. But as part of my job was to help in preparing reports for the company's head office I often had to go into the manufacturing area to get information from the production manager and his staff.

He was always very nice to me, treated me a bit like his daughter or grand-daughter, unlike the men in the factory itself, to them I was initially just another stuck-up girl from the office.

There was a strong dividing line between the factory and the office - some reasons were obvious, we were clean and nicely dressed, they were in overalls and because of the kind of work they did, got dirty - and as a general rule the people in the office were better educated than the factory workers. But I found the division silly, people are people and they are not more or less nice just because they stay clean or get grubby doing their work or because someone did better at school than someone else.

So whenever I got the opportunity I tried talking with people, just being pleasant, trying to let them know I wanted to be friends and as the weeks went by I got to know some of the people who worked in the factory reasonably well. I think the production manager - Brian - noticed what I was doing and appreciated that someone from the office was making an effort to treat his staff decently. He didn't say anything but from time to time, when I was stopping for a chat with someone, I saw him looking down from his office which had been built up above, with large glass windows, so that he could see down over the production area.

I said he treated me like a daughter or grand-daughter and I suppose, if he and his son or daughter had married and had children quickly enough I could in fact have been his grand-daughter but he never gave the impression of being 'old' as some adults do, he never talked down to me, always treating me as an adult with views and opinions that were worth listening to. He was interested in what was going on in other people's lives, how they felt about things, what their problems were and no matter how silly he might have really felt them to be he always gave the impression of understanding the reasons for the person's worries.

I hadn't been aware of it but I must have aroused the interest of at least one of the men in the factory and one day, as I was on my way up to Brian's office he stopped me and wasted no time in asking me to go out with him. Although I didn't have a regular boy friend at the time he just didn't appeal to me in any way and I said 'no' as nicely as I could. He got very unreasonable and called me all sorts of things, implying that I only fucked blokes wearing collars and ties, like the men working in the office.

I got away from him but he had upset me and it must have showed because when I got up to where Brian and his secretary had their offices he called me into his and asked what was the matter with me. I didn't give any details and certainly didn't say who the man was but just said I had been upset by someone and changed the subject, thinking that would be the end of the business - but I was wrong.

Over the next couple of weeks or so, whenever I had to go through the factory I'd find the man waiting somewhere for me, the first time he again asked me to go out with him and again I refused, from then on he'd wait just to swear or make filthy comments at me. It began to upset me so much that I tried to avoid going there, making excuses to put things off and when I did have to go, tried to get to the stairs up to Brian's office as quickly as I could, not stopping to talk to people as I had done before.

Brian must have noticed the change in me but he didn't say anything - until one day it all came to a head. The factory people started and so finished work an hour before the office staff but Brian was often in his office long after the factory itself had shut down and so I had been putting off taking a report over to him, waiting for the man who had been bugging me to leave.

The factory always seemed strange without the noise and activity of the day, the various machines standing idle, most of the lights turned off and as I hurried through it the sound of my heels on the concrete floor echoed loudly. I don't know if he was just late finishing his work or if he had actually hung around in case I appeared but, as I was about half-way to the stairs, I was suddenly grabbed by one arm and spun around and found myself staring into the angry face of the man.

'Maybe now you'll talk to me, you stuck-up little bitch.' he snarled. 'What makes you think a man in overalls isn't good enough for you? I'll give you a fuck you'll never forget - not like those poofters in the office, all you'll get from them, if you're lucky, is a little wimpy poke.'

As he grabbed me I'd screamed, it was a reflex cry more than anything else but when I heard what he was saying and saw the violently determined expression on his face I began to feel really frightened. The place was deserted, he looked as though he meant exactly what he said and I couldn't see any way of defending myself against him. As my panic grew I must have frozen and he easily pulled me hard up against himself, his mouth clamping over mine, his tongue forcing its way roughly between my teeth.

Dropping the papers I'd been carrying I tried to push him away from me but he was far too strong and his hands reached around and his fingers dug hard into my buttocks. He ground himself up against me and I felt his cock hardening as it pressed up against my thigh and although under other circumstances that would have aroused both my interest and excitement - this time, with this man I just felt disgust - disgust and fear!

Then I felt his fingers relax and his as his mouth eased away from mine I saw that his face was flushed and there was a wild look in his eyes as he said, 'Now, let's have a look at your tits.'

I took a chance, pushed him away from me, twisted out of his grasp, tried to run and screamed again and again and, for a moment I really thought I was going to get away from him. But he was too quick and too strong for me and once again I was roughly grabbed and he silenced my shouting with one hand as the other groped at my breasts and as he did that I felt sure that within a few minutes I was going to become at very least, just another rape statistic, if not something worse.

But just then I heard someone running, then we both staggered, his grip of me loosened and as I fell I heard a hard thump as something hit the man and Brian's voice - as I had never heard it before - full, deep-throated fury, yet still controlled, still full of authority.

'Leave her alone Williams, you animal!'

There was another thump and as I turned and looked up from where I was sprawled on the concrete I saw Brian standing over the man, his clenched fists tensed at his side, the man, Williams, down on one knee, a hand held tightly against the side of his head.

'Get up and get out!' said Brian coldly. 'You'll come in tomorrow for your pay but if ever I see you again, or if you so much as look at this girl again I'll have you behind bars so fast you won't know what happened. Do you understand me?'

Williams didn't look at either of us, just sort of nodded, picked himself up and stumbled off out of the factory.

Brian watched him until he was sure he was gone then turned, looked down at me and bent down to help me up. It had all happened so quickly that I was still dazed but I couldn't help noticing that as he reached for my hand his eyes were suddenly drawn downwards by something. As I had fallen my skirt had been hiked up under me and I realised that he would be able to see all the way up my legs. It was only a second's glance but when I looked up into his eyes as he pulled me to my feet, I saw that the cold fury that had filled them had, almost magically gone.

'Are you all right Sue?' he asked, his voice now softer, full of concern.

'Yes, he didn't actually hurt me. I'm just shaken up a bit.'

'You're bound to be, come up to the office and sit for a while, I'll make you some tea, you'll probably be suffering from shock, then I'll run you home.' Almost to himself, he added. 'The bastard, what got into him?'

'He's been hassling me for a couple of weeks now, verbally I mean, he hasn't tried anything like this before.' I answered.

Brian stopped, turned to me and said. 'He's been hassling you, for two weeks - why on earth haven't you said something before?'

'I didn't want to cause any trouble Brian. I'm only an office girl, not very important around here, he'd probably have said it was all a joke, my fault, something like that. I'd end up just looking like a fool, or a trouble-maker. It just wasn't worth it - I just tried to avoid him instead.'

'So, that's why you've been different the last week or two.' he said, thoughtfully. 'It makes sense now - I was wondering what had got into you. You should have said something, if only to me, privately - I'd have fixed him.'

'I'm sorry Brian - I thought I could handle it.'

'No need for you to be sorry Sue. Just talk to me if there's ever a problem - of any sort, it's always best to solve things early in the piece, not let them get out of hand. Anyway, you won't have any more trouble from him, he's gutless underneath that tough talk.'

He helped me up the stairs to the office and while I sat quietly he bustled around and made the tea then, when it was ready, pulled out a chair and sat opposite me. We had a cigarette and I saw him looking at my trembling fingers as he lit it for me.

'You've had a nasty experience, I'd suggest you take a bit of time off, just take things quietly for a day or two, I'll fix it with the personnel people, so don't worry about that.'

'Please don't tell people what happened Brian, they'll think badly of me, people always think the girl's somehow partly to blame - I don't want to get that kind of reputation.'

'That's a very mature attitude Sue.' he said quietly. 'It's wrong but you're quite right. Only one person needs to know and she won't tell anyone, you can be sure of that, you've no need to worry.'

I knew that he meant Mrs. Morrisey, the woman who ran the personnel section and as I already liked and trusted her I also knew what he said was right and I felt myself starting to finally relax a little. Brian got us both another cup of tea, lit another cigarette and, feeling better by the minute we just quietly chatted. A little later, when he was sure I was recovered, he drove me home and as I got out of his car he said - 'Now don't forget, take a day or two off, I'll fix everything at work. And' he added, 'ring me if you have any problems Sue, O.K.?'

I thanked him and watched as he drove off, an odd, hard to describe feeling fluttering around inside me.

It was about my usual time for getting home from work so I said nothing about the business to anyone but told mum I had a bad headache, didn't feel too good and that I'd just have a light snack, a shower and go to bed.

When I was alone in my room and snuggled down in bed, I thought over what had happened, shivering a little at what might have been, warming as I thought of Brian's rescue and the way he had taken care of me afterwards. Again I felt that funny, fluttering feeling inside as I recalled the sight of him sipping his tea as he sat there with me. Then I remembered that brief moment earlier, when I had been sprawled out on the concrete floor, the second when he had been unable to stop himself from looking up between my wide-spread legs - and, to my amazement I felt myself starting to feel sexy!

Almost in disbelief I ran my hand up underneath my nightie, up to my breasts, their tips were sensitive, swollen, just starting to jut a little and as my fingers ran over them I felt a tremor of pleasure running through me. I tried to imagine it was Brian starting to make love to me, his hands on my breasts - and as I pictured his face above me, found the tremor increasing in strength.

I couldn't believe it! I was being made sexy by thoughts of a man more than 'old enough to be my father'. It was ridiculous! But it was nice!

I let my thoughts run free and though I couldn't really imagine what an older man's cock would look like I knew well, from summer days at the beach, how the rest of a man's body aged and to my surprise found that the thought of such a body making love to me was not, as I might have imagined, totally repulsive.

His authority, the look of concern I had seen in his eyes, his kindly consideration, all these things more than made up for his lack of a young body. Again the memory of seeing him take that quickly stolen look up between my legs returned, I felt sure it indicated that beneath his composed, fatherly exterior there was still an arousable, red-blooded male.

I had read enough about sexuality to know that as men age their sex-drive diminishes, that it takes more to arouse them, that they orgasm less frequently and that it takes them longer to reach it. The last fact was the one I was most interested in and I wondered if an older man's cock could be what I needed to finally experience what I felt I had so far been missing from sex. Then I found that the thought of that, having such a cock inside me, patiently, steadily fucking me was increasingly exciting and the fingers that had for some minutes been toying with my clitoris combined with the thought and the image in my head, to bring me to a shuddering climax.

As the pleasure waves slowly subsided I lay there thinking about the thoughts I had just had. Being aroused by a man of Brian's age - a married man with children, children who were I thought, probably older than myself! Still puzzled at my own reactions I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke once during the night, not, as I might have expected, from a nightmare about Williams' attack - I had been dreaming about Brian. His face, and his large, soft brown eyes had filled my head, his cock filled my pussy, he was making love to me, incredibly slowly and I was having climax after climax as he tirelessly rocked himself in and out of me. When I slipped my hands down between my thighs and felt myself I found I was sopping wet, my pussy lips swollen and pouting, my clit a rigid nub and closing my eyes, seeing again his eyes staring deep into mine, I let my fingers bring me a welcome surge of pleasure after which I again drifted back to sleep.

Chapter 4

A New Job

I woke at my usual time in the morning and felt fine, confused and a little bewildered but fine. After the strange dreams during the night there was nothing that would have kept me from going to work, I had to see what my reaction would be to seeing Brian face to face. My mother was pleased to see that the headache of the previous evening had been nothing to worry about and after a quick bite to eat and then taking care to dress particularly carefully, I left for work.

The lady who ran the personnel section had an office opening off the area in which I worked and when I arrived I saw that her door was closed, as she usually started at the same time as the factory staff I wondered if Brian was already talking to her, if so they would both be surprised to see me at work. I got started but kept an eye on the door and not long after, saw it open, it was Brian and I felt a shiver run through me as I saw him standing in the doorway, still talking to Mrs. Morrisey. As he turned to leave she followed him and they both happened to look in my direction and see me. I suppressed a grin at their similar expressions of surprise, saw them look quickly at each other, Mrs. Morrisey say something to Brian, to which he nodded, then he turned to look at me and gave me a puzzled smile before he left. Mrs. Morrisey beckoned to me and I got up and went over to her office, feeling the eyes of the other girls in the office watching me go in.

'Brian was just telling me, in confidence of course, let me assure you Sue that only the three of us need to know anything about this, about what happened yesterday afternoon. He told me that you would be taking a day or two off to rest?'

'I feel fine Mrs. Morrisey, I didn't see the need to take time off, there are a few important things I had to finish and, well, I don't want people talking - I didn't know if Williams would come in and make trouble for me, you know how the gossip gets around.'