Sugar Baby Daughter

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Daughter financially helps her bankrupt father.
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George Collins and Dean Johnson were next door neighbors who got to where they were on very different paths. George was always about prestige and status. He needed to have the best car, the fanciest clothes, and the prettiest women by his side. He married Lucy, a stunning girl he met in college, right after they graduated. George was raised in a wealthy family, but the family's business had diminished over time.

Lucy felt George had the potential to increase his family's wealth again by expanding the business his parents had left him, after they both got sick and passed away. Her goal was to marry someone who could allow her to live the life of leisure and luxury she felt she deserved by being so beautiful. She manipulated George with her cock teasing ways and rewarding him with sex if he bought her presents and took her out to fancy dinners and on exotic vacations.

After they married, they both got jobs and she insisted they buy the nicest house on the block to show to their neighbors that they were going to be wealthy, when that wasn't the case yet. She encouraged George that they should have a baby right away, so she would be guaranteed child support if he ever grew tired of trying to support her.

Their daughter Christine, who they called Chrissie, had Lucy's genes, and grew into a beautiful woman. She had long straight black hair and blue eyes and looked like she could have been in an Irish step dancing group.

George and Lucy's neighbor Dean took a different path. His family was poor, and he worked very hard to get himself through college with part time jobs and college loans. He dated different women, but they all grew tired of being second priority to his obsession of becoming wealthy. He was not materialistic, he just wanted to be successful in business to prove to everyone that put him down as he was growing up that he was as good as his friends who came from wealthy families.

He bought the house next to George and Lucy, which was the smallest and oldest house on the block. He always wore casual low priced clothes and drove an old car. But after hard work, some luck, and the connections he developed, he had quietly built and sold a tech company. He didn't have to work anymore but kept busy managing his investments and had an idea for a European based new company. No one on the street, including George and Lucy, knew that he had become independently wealthy.

As much as George tried to revive the family business, over the years it declined, through no fault of George, just brutal competition from larger competitors. Further hurting his finances was Lucy's spending habits. She had become a stay at home mother to Chrissie but wasn't much of a mother. She often left Chrissie to babysitters so she could go out and party, gamble, shop and have affairs with various younger men.

Lucy realized one day that George was broke and decided to take off with one of her lovers, a fellow alcoholic and drug addict. He left Chrissie with George when Chrissie was eighteen, which was devastating to her, as she mistakenly thought that her mother leaving had something to do with her.

George was protective of Chrissie, worrying that she might become promiscuous and a partier like her mother, so he had enrolled her in an all-women's high school. She graduated with honors, and he then sent her to an all-women's college, where she was studying computer science. Chrissie was also afraid of becoming like her mother, so she was monogamous with anyone she dated in college. George did spoil her though and she got used to having a lot of material things like her mother.

She became puzzled in her sophomore year that her dad seemed to be short of money all the time and was paying her tuition late and couldn't buy her the clothes and other things she was used to. She had a friend in school, Emma, who always seemed to have the latest clothes, a new car, lots of jewelry and went on exotic vacations, but came from a middle class family. She decided to ask Emma about how she got the things that Chrissie's dad couldn't afford anymore.

"Emma, how do you manage to always have such nice things and live so extravagantly? Did your parents win the lottery or something?" she smiled.

Emma looked at Chrissie with some hesitation at first about telling Chrissie about her secret life. "Chrissie, have you ever heard about sugar dating?"

"Yes, but I don't know much about it. I've heard of the terms sugar daddy and sugar baby."

"You date older men, who are wealthy. Sometimes they are married and sometimes they are single and just don't want the hassle of marriage or a serious relationship. They like the idea of dating a pretty young woman who would be out of their league if it wasn't for their money."

"Do you have sex with them?"

"Of course. Some women brag on social media that they can get men to pay them just to be platonic friends and not be intimate with them and they influence other women that any wealthy man would go along with that. But realistically how many successful men want to just be friends with a college girl?"

"So, what do you get from them in return for having sex with them?"

"Sometimes sugar daddies just take you to expensive dinners, concerts and sporting events and take you on vacations. They call those experience daddies. Others will also pay some or all your bills, including college tuition. Others will give you cash, based upon a PPM or a monthly allowance."

"What is a PPM or a monthly allowance?"

PPM means pay per meet. Every time you go on a date with them, they pay you. If they trust you, they might eventually pay you a certain amount each month in advance, with the understanding that you will go on a certain number of dates with them each month."

"Emma, this whole thing sounds like prostitution."

Emma looked at Chrissie and gave her the speech that those in the lifestyle tell others to convince them that it is not prostitution. "Prostitution, or escorting, whatever you want to call it, involves a payment based on an hourly rate, between people who are anonymous. Sugaring is basically dating with financial support. You want to avoid falling love with each other and have a no strings attached arrangement, but ideally there is an emotional connection and a mutually beneficial relationship."

"Don't these men worry about getting in trouble or getting scammed?"

"Sure, there are different terms used in the 'sugar bowl' about men's concerns. They can get someone pretending to be a young woman but is really a dude sitting in his mom's basement or in another country, trying to get money in advance. They can get 'catfished' or 'fat fished,' where the girl uses old pictures from when she was younger or much thinner."

"Wow, there is a whole set of terms in the 'sugar bowl,' as you call it?"

"Yeah, men are also worried about rinsers or ATM behavior."

"What's that?"

"Rinsers are women who have no intention of having sex with them, but just string them along, going on 'meet and greets,' where they want money to just go to dinner with them. ATM is when a girl acts like the guy has an unlimited supply of money."

"They also worry about starfishes."

"What's that?"

"Women who just lay there unenthusiastically while having sex, which is sometimes understandable when the guy is fat, ugly or really old, or all three!"

"Are the men sometimes a lot older than you?"

"Yeah, sometimes they are old enough to be your grandfather. Some women are attracted to much older men, some just try to fake it and act like they enjoy going to bed with them."

"What are some of the other things that women need to be concerned about with the men?"

"Well, of course you want to first go on a 'meet and greet' dinner or lunch with them, in a public place."


"You want to be able to see if you feel comfortable with them and that you have an agreement with them about the financial arrangement before you have intimacy with them. You should have a friend who knows where you are always on the meet and greet and the first intimate date. They could sexually assault or rape you."

"What else do you need to watch out for?"

"Well, the guy could be a 'salt daddy.' They could act like they will give you money but have no intention of doing that. Or they could act like they have a lot of money when they don't, and you won't get much from them."

"How do you know they won't go with you one time, like they would with an escort, and then not go out with you again?"

"Well, legitimately sometimes there is no feeling of attraction or connection on one side or the other, so you probably should not continue the relationship. But sometimes they could be a P and D."

"What's that?"

"A Pump and Dumper. They give you a high PPM to go out with them, acting like it will be a long term thing. But then after the first date they ghost you and you never hear from them again.

"So, Emma how is this working out for you?"

"I have two sugar daddies right now. I've had to weed through some men who were not very nice or didn't have much money. I don't depend on them for all my expenses, but relationships help me live a better life financially with exciting experiences I would never be able to afford. We keep the relationship light. It should be a 'no drama' fantasy for both."

"Do you like sex so that much that you would do this, besides the financial part?"

"Yeah, I love sex. It's like a famous guitarist once said. I'd play guitar all day long, even if I did it for free. But since I play guitar all day long, I might as well get paid for it!"

"How do you find these men?"

"There are a few sugar daddy sites where sugar daddies and sugar babies fill out a profile about what they are looking for. You can't talk about financial arrangements on the site, or you will get banned, because the government can go after the site for violating the human trafficking laws that were passed a few years ago."

Chrissie left the meeting intrigued by the idea of being able to have sex with a rich caring older man, have some fun experiences, and make some money to help support her shopping habits, which her dad didn't seem to be able to financially support anymore. She also could keep her studies her top priority since the relationship wasn't meant to be serious and time consuming. Many of the women on the site eventually leave the lifestyle if they get a serious boyfriend or want to have a family.

She posted a profile on the site the following week. Many men and women on the site post pictures hiding their faces for privacy reasons, and Chrissie did the same. She attracted a lot of responses anyway since men could see she had a smoking hot twenty year old body.

She thought she might have to put up with unattractive men in her dad's mid-forties age group. But many of the men were in their late fifties or even much older and it grossed her out. At the couple of meet and greets she went on, the men were wealthy, but also talked crudely about sex.

One day she overheard her father on the phone with a lender he was trying to get to loan his company additional funds. They were not enthusiastic about continuing to support his company, even after he pleaded with them that he couldn't even pay his daughter's college tuition for her junior year.

Chrissie now realized that becoming a sugar baby was not about being able to buy the latest shoes or handbags. It could help her dad stay afloat and help her complete her degree. She hoped the next meet and greet might bring her better luck. Emma had told her about trying to land a 'whale,' which is a very high net worth sugar daddy.

She successfully hid her activities from her dad, changing her casual clothes for evening wear at Emma's house before going on a meet and greet. She was excited about her next meeting. She didn't know what he looked like, just that he was thirty five years old and was a semi-retired entrepreneur who wanted to spend time with a college girl. They had great text conversations and he seemed like a nice guy.

As she walked from her car to the restaurant, her palms were sweating, and her long legs were shaky. She knew this was possibly the most important meeting of her life and maybe have the bonus of not having to date broke students her age.

Her date had described what he would be wearing, and as she approached the table, his back was facing her, but he looked a little familiar from behind. He stood up and turned to face her. Her jaw dropped and her face turned red. It was Dean Johnson, her next door neighbor.

Mr. Johnson was her favorite fantasy. He was tall, great looking and very athletic. Every time she would see him in his yard, she would purposely sunbathe by the pool, and would close her eyes and get wet thinking about what she would like him to do with her. She wished she was his age.

"Mr. Johnson, what are you doing here?"

"Chrissie, I guess I could ask the same thing of you. You seem to be my sugar baby meet and greet date," he chuckled.

"No, Mr. Johnson, it is not what you think!"

"Then what is it? You were clearly the person I was texting with and who came here to meet a potential sugar daddy."

"I'm so embarrassed. I'm not a whore like my mother, I swear it."

Dean Johnson was surprised and intrigued by the situation. He had watched Chrissie grow up into a beautiful young woman. After she turned eighteen, he would see her by their pool in a bikini and wish that he was her age. He was also devoted to his studies when he was in college and didn't lose his virginity until he was twenty years old.

"Chrissie, you're not a whore because you have sex with boyfriends at your age. I lost my virginity at the age you are now, and it was to a stupid obnoxious girl at a party when we were both drunk. You know I chat with your dad all the time and know about what your mother was like before she abandoned you, his overprotectiveness of you and his current financial problems."

"I don't understand why someone as good looking as you would need to have an arrangement with a sugar baby. How can you even afford it? I don't mean to sound insulting but it doesn't seem like you are that rich."

"Chrissie looks can be deceiving. It is sometimes not good to let people know what you have. When women I start dating find out I made a fortune selling my company, they become much more interested in my money than me and start talking about marriage and children. It is just a fake relationship. These women are whores because they act like they aren't trading sex for money and that they are better than a woman who is upfront that they see a mutually beneficial exchange of money for sex, which has been the case since the beginning of humanity."

"So, now that you know who your meet and greet date is, you're obviously not going to be interested in your twenty year old neighbor whose dad you are good friends with!" she laughed.

"Quite the contrary. You are exactly what I want. I've known you and your father a long time. I know you are in financial trouble and would feel that I wouldn't be buying you. It would be an investment in your future and would be helping your dad out. It is not his fault his business is failing, and he deserves success. You are not some cynical thirty five year old woman. Your youthful innocence is very alluring to me. You are so beautiful, and I have fantasized about being with you."

Chrissie started blushing again and looked down at the table. "You really think I am pretty?"

"Beautiful, very smart, great personality and very kind. I just need to mentor you to get in touch with your sexuality. I will be a good teacher and am sure you will be a great student and will enjoy your studies," he grinned. In return, I have sexual needs that are a little kinky, but don't want to create complications and drama with someone who wants a serious relationship."

"Okay, Mr. Johnson. If there is anyone I would ever want to be my sugar daddy, it is you. But how are we going to hide this from my dad?"

"We are not going to hide it from him. We'll tell him together about the proposed relationship and how it will benefit both you and your dad, as well as me."

"I think you are crazy, and he will not react well to your idea and will ship me off to a convent."

"Chrissie, I negotiate with people every day, but like to end up with a result where both sides feel like they got a great deal. I have an idea how to make this proposed arrangement look favorable to him."

"I can see how you made so much money. You must be great at business but convincing him will take a miracle."

Chrissie told her dad the next day that Dean Johnson wanted to meet with them both. George was puzzled about what Dean would want to talk with them about.

Dean walked into the living room where George and Chrissie were sitting on the couch. "Hi, George, thanks for meeting with me," Dean started.

"Dean, what do you want to talk to us about?"

"Well, George it is really what Chrissie and I want to talk to you about."

"Why would you be talking to Chrissie?"

"George, Chrissie and I accidentally matched each other on a sugar daddy site. She wants to help you financially, while helping the sexual needs of a caring older man. She wants to be my sugar baby."

George's face turned bright red. "Dean, you want to turn my daughter into a prostitute so you can satisfy your sick needs to be with a college girl. You want to her to become a wanton slut like her mother!" George bellowed.

"It's not like that. Chrissie is having sex with college boyfriends. Better for her to be with me than some young man who could become jealous and do her harm. She is a fine young woman and will not turn into a promiscuous woman by just exploring her sexuality. In the sugar world it is just dating with financial support, with an emotional connection."

George looked coldly at Dean. "You are so full of it, Dean. I guess you want to also convince me that escorts are not selling sex, 'you are just compensating them for their time and companionship and if sex happens it is between two consenting adults,' like escorts always put in their ads to avoid legal issues."

"In the case of your daughter my intentions are sincere. I would never hurt her or disrespect her. I know you are in deep financial trouble. I will pay her tuition for the rest of her education and take her on fun trips, out to fancy dinners and whatever other activities she would enjoy."

"Dean, I didn't know you were so wealthy. You never flaunt your wealth to anyone in the neighborhood. Even if I agreed to this crazy idea, that is not going to help us that much. I need to close my business and we are going to lose our house and what meager savings we have left and be homeless. Are you proposing we move in with you, so you can treat Chrissie like an unpaid wife and me like an unpaid guest to be your servant and run errands?"

"No, George it is not like that at all. I don't want Chrissie to live with me. That would be like having a wife and she needs to concentrate on her studies, so I don't expect her to be intimate with me every day, especially since I have a very busy schedule. She can stay in your house, and I will pay all the household bills, including food. You will be much more occupied than running errands. Your services are part of the deal."

George frowned at Dean. "So, am I going to be your sugar baby too, Dean?"

"No, don't be silly. I am starting a new company in Europe. It could use someone with your expertise. If it goes well, we could make a lot of money and even if it fails, I can use your skills to help me manage my other existing companies."

"How much would you pay me?"

"You would not just be an employee. I will give you part of the equity of the new company."

"Really, why would you do that?"

"I like to motivate my business associates and want you and Chrissie to both feel needed and satisfied."