Sultry Metamorphosis Ch. 01


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Casey was astonished by seeing that. Liam has a very big thick cock but his mom makes it so easy.

Lisa slowly bobbed her head up and down on his lap, getting her hands under him and squeezing his butt. Even Casey could hear Liam's breathing getting heavier; Lisa knew Liam was deeply enjoying his blowjob and very close to bursting out inside her slutty mouth.

Liam" Babe, I'm close, Huuhh.

Liam began to buck his hips up and down; Lisa stroked the root of his cock with her hands and swallowed his shaft again. Swirling her tongue wildly around the underside of the head of his cock, she drove him mad with desire. He was sweating; she could feel it on his thighs, brushing against her face. He kept groaning and moaning with pleasure as she became more firm with her sucking. She drooled and slobbered all over his lap, trying to make the blowjob as wet and messy as possible.

Casey already cum a minute or two ago from just watching his mother sucking like a slut in heat and those sexual sounds she was making. He's a virgin so he didn't know moaning can be this hot which will make him cum in his pants.

"Mmm...Oh...Mmppphh...UM!" Lisa moaned. It was hard to really say anything verbal with her mouth filled up. She swished his cock inside her cheeks, getting it as deep into her throat as possible while breathing through her nose. She was buried into his lap; his cock completely inside her mouth, his thighs pressed up against her cheeks, her nose poking his pubic area. Her eyelashes brushed up against his pubic hair.

Liam's groans were getting louder and his breathing more desperate. Lisa firmly grabbed his dick with strong suction by her lips as she fondled his heavy balls. His balls began to draw closer to his thighs, a sign that his orgasm was imminent. She intended to milk him dry; she sucked and licked him lovingly while stroking his balls. She looked up to make eye contact with him.

Liam: Here, aahhhh, hhaah.

Lisa didn't let him catch his breath; she just sucked him faster and made moaning noises as she prepared to finish him off. Her pace and intensity grew with each trip up and down his organ; she made loud slurping and sucking sounds with her mouth. His cock was rock hard and throbbing; she could feel it shaking. She visualized the hot white cum loaded up in his balls getting ready to squirt hard.

"OH! Fuck!" Liam groaned. The contractions began, and his erection flexed. Lisa focused the muscles of her mouth and tongue intently on the head of his dick while tightening her grip around his balls. She felt the pre-cum that she had been tasting all throughout the blowjob start to drip out even more. Then the explosion came.

Liam had a lot of cum built up, and the intensity and amount of cum were difficult to handle for her. He bobbed Lisa's head up and down and forced herself to quickly swallow it up, not wanting to lose a drop.

For a minute Casey wanted to stop Liam seeing his mom was not comfortable but it was so hot at the same time.

Spurt after spurt of hot cum shot down her throat. She was able to gulp most of it down quickly, but some of it filled her cheeks. His cum mixed with her saliva as she licked the tip of his shaft, valiantly swallowing it all down. She struggled to breathe through her nose, which was buried in his pubic hair, as she finished him off, milking, even more, cum out of his balls. Just when she thought it was over, his cock quivered with some involuntary aftershocks, and yet more creamy juice trickled down her throat. She kept his rock-hard erection in her mouth after the main part of the orgasm ended; there was drop after drop of cum still dripping out of the head of his dick even though the huge spurting phase had ended.

Liam collapsed on the couch. He was drained. Lisa lovingly stroked his thighs; his cock was still in her mouth, but she had stopped stimulating him as she knew his cock would be very sensitive. She slowly let him withdraw, and gave the head of his cock a soft little kiss, licking off the last remaining drops of fluid.

That's how Lisa made her son cum once again. That kissing scene, Casey never gonna forget.

Then Lisa sat back up on the sofa with him. Liam let her doze off in his lap while he had gone to heaven and enjoyed blissful rest. She looked at the screen to watch the rest of the movie.

As the movie comes to an end, the credits roll on the screen, signaling the conclusion of their cozy movie night. Lisa and Liam exchange a knowing glance, a silent understanding passing between them.

Liam: (smiling) Babe, Let's take the rest of it in the bedroom. It's more comfortable, and you deserve a very hard fucking until you fall asleep.

Lisa: (surprised, but appreciative) Oh, Liam. Kids are sleeping next to my room.

Liam: Not my problem.

Lisa: Alright I will keep my mouth shut, hehe.

They both get up from the couch, stretching slightly. Lisa leads the way to her bedroom, guiding Liam inside.

As the movie comes to an end, Casey, who had been peeping on Lisa and Liam's intimate time, realizes that it's time for them to leave the living room. Not wanting to get caught, he quickly ducks behind a nearby bookshelf, concealing himself from view.

From his hiding spot, Casey watches as Lisa and Liam stand up, their attention focused on each other. They exchange a few soft words and gentle smiles, completely unaware of Casey's presence.

Casey's heart pounds in his chest as he realizes the importance of this budding relationship with his mother. He wants to allow them to enjoy their time together without any awkwardness or interruptions.

Taking a deep breath, Casey quietly waits until he's sure they've left the living room and made their way to his mom's bedroom. Once he feels it's safe, he cautiously emerges from his hiding spot, feeling a mix of curiosity and contentment for his mother's happiness.

The sun rises, casting a warm glow into the kitchen as Liam quietly moves about, preparing breakfast for Casey and Emily. He expertly flips pancakes on the griddle and arranges a colorful fruit platter on the dining table.

Meanwhile, Lisa is still peacefully asleep in her bedroom, unaware of the delightful surprise awaiting her children in the kitchen. Liam pays her back with interest.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, mingling with the scent of pancakes and syrup. Liam sets the table with care, ensuring everything is ready for the family breakfast.

Just as Liam puts the finishing touches on the breakfast spread, Casey and Emily emerge from their rooms, drawn by the inviting smells wafting through the house.

Casey: (rubbing his eyes) Wow, something smells amazing. What's going on?

Liam: (grinning) Good morning, you two! I thought I'd surprise you with a special breakfast today. Sit down, and let's enjoy.

Emily: (excited) This looks incredible, Liam! Thank you!

They gather around the table, their stomachs grumbling in anticipation. Liam serves up stacks of fluffy pancakes, drizzled with syrup, and passes around the fruit platter, a vibrant assortment of berries and sliced melons.

Emily: (curiously) Where is Mom? Is she still sleeping?

Liam: (smiling) Yes, your mom had a long night and needed some extra rest. She'll join us soon, I'm sure.

Casey: (playfully) Maybe she's enjoying her beauty sleep after her date night with Liam.

Emily: (giggling) Oh, come on, Casey! Don't tease Mom too much.

Liam: (grinning) Don't worry, Emily. Your mom deserves all the rest she needs. We'll save some breakfast for her when she wakes up.

Emily: (nodding) Okay, I hope she's feeling refreshed. I can't wait to share this delicious breakfast with her.

As they continue to enjoy their meal and engage in light-hearted conversation, the family eagerly awaits Lisa's presence, looking forward to having her join in the morning breakfast together.

After a rejuvenating bath, Lisa wraps herself in a cozy bathrobe and makes her way to the kitchen, enticed by the enticing aromas that have filled the house. As she enters the room, a warm smile lights up her face, seeing her children and Liam gathered around the table.

Lisa: (grinning) Good morning, everyone! What a wonderful surprise to wake up to.

Casey: (teasingly) Mom, you must have slept like a princess. You missed out on Liam's amazing breakfast skills.

Emily: (giggling) Yeah, Mom, you better make up for it by eating twice as much now.

Lisa: (laughing) Oh, you two! I'm sorry for sleeping in. But I'm here now, ready to indulge in this feast.

Liam: (affectionately) Good morning, Lisa. I'm glad you're here. Breakfast wouldn't be complete without you.

They all gather around the table once again, this time with Lisa joining them. Liam pours her a fresh cup of coffee, and Lisa takes a seat, feeling grateful for the love and warmth that surrounds her.

Emily: (playfully) Wow, Mom, you're glowing! Did you have an extra special night with Liam?

Lisa: (blushing) Oh, Emily, you're such a cheeky one! Well, I must admit, Liam knows how to make me feel special.

Casey: (smirking) Mom, you're turning red! I guess Emily's onto something.

Liam: (grinning) Your mom is beautiful inside and out, and spending time with her is always a treat for me.

Lisa: (smiling) Thank you, both of you. I'm just happy to have someone as wonderful as Liam in my life.

Emily: (giggling) Well, you deserve all the happiness, Mom. I'm glad you found someone who makes you glow like this. (mischievously) Mom, that explains why you're walking a little funny this morning! Did you have a dance-off with Liam last night too?

Lisa: (blushing and laughing) Oh, Emily! You have such a wild imagination. Let's just say we had a lot of fun.

Casey: (grinning) Mom, are you secretly practicing your dance moves? You've got some skills!

Liam: (playfully) Well, your mom definitely knows how to light up the dance floor, even if it's just in the living room.

Lisa: (joining in the fun) Alright, alright, you caught me! Liam and I may have had a little impromptu dance session. It was a blast!

Emily: (giggling) I wish I could've seen that. You guys are too cute.

Lisa: (changing the subject) So, Liam, what are your plans for today?

Liam: (smiling) Well, I'm actually going to play tennis with my friends later. It's been a while since we've had a friendly match.

Casey: (interested) Tennis sounds fun. Do you play often?

Liam: (nodding) Yes, I've been playing tennis for years. It's a great way to stay active and spend time outdoors.

Emily: (curiously) Do you think you can teach us some tennis moves, Liam?

Liam: (enthusiastically) Of course! I'd love to show you a few tricks and help you get started with the game. We can have our own mini-family tournament someday. (smiling) You know what? Why don't you two come with me? Since it's Sunday, we can make it a family outing. What do you say?

Casey and Emily turn their gaze toward Lisa, seeking her permission and approval.

Lisa: (considering the idea) Going to watch you play tennis sounds like a fun family activity. What do you think, kids?

Casey: (excited) I'm up for it! It has been a long time since I played tennis.

Emily: (enthusiastically) Count me in too! It'll be great to cheer you on, Liam. You too, Casey.

Lisa: (smiling) Alright, let's do it. We'll come and support you both. It sounds like a perfect way to spend our Sunday together.

The family arrives at the tennis court, where Liam's friends are already warming up. The sun is shining, and the atmosphere is filled with excitement and anticipation. Casey, Emily, Lisa, and Liam find a spot to set up their chairs and settle in for the match.

Liam: (stretching) Alright, guys, get ready for some tennis action! I'll do my best out there.

Lisa: (eagerly) I can't wait to see you in action, Liam. Show us your skills!

Emily: (cheering) Go, Liam! You've got this!

As the match begins, Liam's graceful movements and powerful strokes catch the attention of his family. Casey and Emily are enthralled by the fast-paced exchanges, cheering for Liam with each point he wins. Lisa watches with pride, enjoying the display of athleticism and Liam's passion for the sport.

Lisa: (excitedly) Look at that serve! Liam's got quite the swing!

Casey: (in awe) He makes it look so easy. I definitely need to work on my tennis game.

Emily: (clapping) You're amazing, Liam! Keep it up!

During breaks between games, Liam takes a moment to join his new family and chat.

Liam: (breathing heavily) It's a tough match, but I'm giving it my all. I'm glad you're here to support me.

Casey: (admiringly) Your skills are impressive, Liam. Any tips for a beginner like me?

Liam: (smiling) Absolutely, Casey. We'll have a little practice session after the match. I'll show you some techniques to improve your game.

Emily: (excited) Can you teach me too, Liam? I'd love to learn!

Liam: (encouragingly) Of course, Emily! I'd be happy to help you both. We'll have our own family tennis matches in no time.

As the match progresses, the family's enthusiasm continues to grow. They cheer, exchange playful banter, and enjoy the competitive spirit on the court. The supportive atmosphere and Liam's impressive performance create a sense of togetherness and bonding. Whether it's applauding a great shot or sharing a laugh during breaks, the family cherishes this shared experience and the joy it brings.

Liam and Casey find themselves on a tennis court, ready for a practice session. The warm sunlight filters through the surrounding trees, creating a serene setting for their tennis lesson.

Liam: (holding a tennis racket) Alright, Casey, let's start with the basics. The grip is crucial for a solid stroke. Hold the racket like this, with a firm yet relaxed grip.

Casey: (eagerly adjusting his grip) Like this?

Liam: (nodding) Perfect! Now, let's work on your forehand. It's one of the fundamental shots in tennis. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and rotate your body as you swing the racket forward, making contact with the ball in front of you.

Casey follows Liam's instructions, mimicking the forehand stroke.

Liam: (encouragingly) Great job, Casey! Your form is looking good. Remember to follow through with your swing and keep your eye on the ball.

Casey: (focused) Got it. I'll try to keep my eye on the ball and follow through.

They continue practicing, with Liam offering guidance and Casey putting in his best effort. Liam demonstrates various techniques, such as backhand shots, volleys, and serves, breaking them down step by step for Casey to understand and emulate.

Casey: (excitedly) Hey, Liam, can I play a friendly match with one of your friends? It would be a great opportunity to test my skills.

Liam: (smiling) Why not play with me instead? We can have a fun match right here. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you.

Casey: (playfully) Oh, really? You promise to take it easy on me?

Liam: (chuckling) Absolutely! Consider it a chance for some friendly competition.

Liam looks around the tennis court, scanning the area for one of his friends who can join them for the match.

Liam: (spotting a friend) Ah, there's Mike. He's a skilled player and a great sport. How about you team up with him, Casey?

Casey: (eagerly) Sounds good! Let's give it a shot.

Liam approaches Mike, who seems open to the idea of playing a match with Casey.

Liam: (addressing Mike) Hey, Mike, would you be up for a friendly double match with Casey here? He's been practicing and wants to put his skills to the test.

Mike: (smiling) Absolutely! I'd be happy to play with Casey. It'll be a fun game for sure.

Casey and Mike exchange greetings and prepare to face each other on the court. Liam takes on the role of the referee and ensures a fair game.

Liam: (grinning) Alright, let's have a friendly match, guys. Play your best and enjoy yourselves!

As the match begins, Casey and Mike engage in energetic rallies, showcasing their newfound skills and competitive spirit. Liam watches from the sidelines, occasionally offering advice and encouragement.

In a lighthearted game of tennis, suddenly Casey found himself on the receiving end of an unexpected accident. His opponent, known for his powerful serve, miscalculated his swing, unintentionally sending the tennis ball in an unexpected direction, which unfortunately ended up in the vicinity of Casey's groin. The impact was more forceful than anyone anticipated.

A sharp gasp escaped Casey's lips as pain shot through his body. He doubled over, clutching his injured region, momentarily overwhelmed by the sudden impact. The surrounding players and spectators winced in sympathy, aware of the discomfort he was experiencing.

Liam rushed over to Casey's side, concern etched on his face. He crouched down, offering support and reassurance.

Liam: (worried) Casey, are you okay?

Casey: (grimacing) I'll be fine, just caught me off guard. It's a painful reminder to always stay alert on the court.

Emily and Lisa, witnessing the unexpected accident from the sidelines, rushed onto the court to check on Casey, their expressions filled with concern.

Emily: (worried) Casey! Are you okay? That looked really painful.

Lisa: (placing a hand on Casey's shoulder) Sweetie, are you alright? We saw what happened. Do you need medical attention?

Casey, still recovering from the discomfort, appreciated the support from his sister and mother. He managed a faint smile, trying to reassure them.

Casey: (grinning weakly) I'll be fine, Mom. It caught me by surprise, but I think it was just a momentary shock.

Emily: (sympathetic) That looked like it hurt a lot. Are you sure you don't want to sit this one out, Casey?

Casey, realizing the lingering discomfort in his nuts, decided it would be wise to assess the situation before continuing with the game. He turned to his mom and sister, expressing his need to address the pain.

Casey: (wincing) Mom, Em, I think I should take a moment to check on my.... The pain is still quite uncomfortable, and I want to make sure there's no serious injury before I continue playing.

Lisa: (softly) Liam, I think it's best if we call it a day and head back home. I'm not feeling good about what happened, and Casey's discomfort is making me worried.

Liam: (understanding) I understand, Lisa. Your family's well-being is important to me too. If you feel it's best to leave, then let's go.

Liam expressed genuine concern for Casey's well-being. Liam's caring nature shone through his words as he addressed Casey's condition.

Liam: (concerned) Casey, are you sure you'll be okay, or do you think it would be better for us to visit a doctor just to be safe? I want to make sure you receive the proper care and attention.

Casey, appreciating Liam's concern, took a moment to assess his own discomfort and responded honestly.

Casey: (considering) It's hard to say for sure, Liam. I think it's just a bruise from the impact, but if the pain persists or worsens, it might be a good idea to seek medical advice. I don't want to overlook anything that could potentially cause further complications.

Lisa, listening attentively, chimed in with her thoughts, also weighing in on the situation.

Lisa: (supportive) Liam, thank you for your concern. It's always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to our health. Let's monitor Casey's condition and see how he feels throughout the day. If there are any significant changes or if he continues to experience discomfort, we'll schedule a visit to the doctor.

Liam: (nodding) I agree, Lisa. Casey, just remember that your well-being is our priority. If anything changes or if you're feeling uncertain about your condition, don't hesitate to let us know. We'll take the necessary steps to ensure you receive the care you need.

Casey, initially hoping the discomfort would subside on its own, realized that the pain in his testicles was persisting and becoming increasingly intense. Recognizing the need for medical attention, Casey turned to his mother, expressing his concern and seeking her support after lunch.