Summer and Fall


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"Oh, stop being so sensitive. We're just glad to see you," Michelle said, "we've ordered a round of beers. KT's tending bar tonight by the way, give her some love -- she's heart-broken over Natalie."

"What? They broke up? They were together for forever!"

Annie shook her head in mock disapproval, "Happened last week, Alex. See what you miss when you make excuses not to come out with us?"

"Are you really as anti-social as I suspect you to be?" I teased. Alex was sitting next to me and I put my hand on her lap, caressing the inside of her thigh.

"I do spend time with my friends!" Alex said indignantly.

"Yeah, all five of them," Annie interjected.

"And that's enough for me. And by the way, I think bars are terrible for socialising: too loud, and too crowded, you wait ages for your drinks... speaking of which, I'm going to get our order and say hi to KT. Back in a bit."

Annie laughed, "She's such a misanthrope. She's great once she lets you get to know her, but she makes you work for it. I literally had to say to her during her sophomore year, 'I think you and I ought to be friends' before she actually started behaving like we were building a friendship."

I looked towards the bar to try and find Alex. She was standing by the bar chatting with the bartender whom I assumed to be KT, when I saw someone with a mass of blonde hair leap onto Alex from behind.

I looked at Annie, "Who's that with Alex?"

Annie craned her neck towards the bar. She shook her head and said, "Oh. It's Sienna."

I tried to place the name, but couldn't recall Alex mentioning her.

"They swam together in college..." Jo explained, "When Sienna was a freshman and Alex was a senior. Sienna has had a little bit of a thing for Alex ever since."

My heart started beating faster as I watched Alex turn around to give the gorgeous blonde a warm hug. I expected to feel some jealousy, but I found none. She loves me she loves me she loves me, my heart sang. I smiled.

Annie snorted, "Little? Sienna's got a big crush on Alex. But it's never been reciprocated. At. All."

Sienna was talking a mile a minute, touching Alex a little more than a casual hello would warrant: smoothing out the collar of her shirt, grabbing hold of Alex's arm as she talked.

Michelle giggled, "See, normal humans would be on the receiving end of that and think, 'huh, this person is touching me a lot! They probably like me!' Not Alex. Look at her, she could be chatting with the mailman right now."

I chuckled. Alex was friendly enough, politely nodding as Sienna talked, and turning her head towards KT every now and then to see if the drinks were ready. Eventually, the tray of beers materialized, which Alex picked up after giving KT a fist bump. Sienna was still talking. She then reached up to wipe something off Alex's cheek.

I lifted my eyebrows.

Jo cocked her head, "Jess -- Sienna hasn't seen Alex since you guys got together. I don't think she knows."

I shook my head, "Oh, it's not that. I'm more amused by Alex's reactions -- or lack thereof."

Annie nodded, "She's not very good at picking up signals."

I laughed when she said that, remembering my own failed attempts at flirting with her.

"What's so funny?" Alex asked, placing the tray of beers on the table.

"You," I said.

I stood up and extended a hand to Sienna, "Hiya, I'm Jess."

"Oh, how rude of me." Alex said, "Jess, this is Sienna, a friend of mine from college. Sienna, this is Jess, my girlfriend who's visiting from the UK."

Adrenaline pumped through my chest when Alex said 'girlfriend.' I loved it.

Sienna's face dropped for an instant, and I felt bad for the poor girl. "Nice to meet you," she said softly.

"Sienna and I were on the swim team together -- you're starting your.. junior year in September, yes?" Alex looked at Sienna for confirmation.

Sienna nodded, "Are you planning on attending homecoming this year? Just a subway ride away! The team would love to see you."

Alex grinned, "I'll check the calendar. Could you email me the invite? I don't think I have it."

Sienna brightened little, "Ok -- I'll send it to you tonight. Uh, I'm going to get back to my table over there."

"Yeah, see ya, Sienna," Alex said, returning to her seat beside me.

Annie, Michelle, and Jo started shaking their heads at Alex disapprovingly once Sienna was out of ear shot.

"What?" Alex asked, taking a sip of beer.

"Come on Alex, you could have been a bit gentler than 'yeah, see ya Sienna'!" Annie admonished.

Alex looked genuinely puzzled. "Huh? She was going back to her table. What are you guys on about?"

I chuckled and gave her a soft peck on the lips, "Honey, you kind of dropped some bad news on Sienna just now when you introduced me as your girlfriend."

"But you are my girlfriend!" Alex looked at me, "Why is that bad news- oh wait. No. Are you guys still harping on the thing? It's just not true."

Annie banged her head against the table, "Alex, you idiot, she was all over you at the bar. We all saw it. She even picked imaginary lint off your face."


We ended up having a nice time hanging out, after that nonsense about Sienna. Jess and I decided to walk home at the end of it -- it was a beautiful night.

I took her hand as we strolled and chatted. I had never enjoyed a summer night walk as much before.

"Your friends are hilarious," Jess said as we got back to the apartment, "They were right about the Sienna thing, though, Alex. You pulled the rug out from under her."

We settled onto the couch. I sighed, "Jess, I never did anything to ..."

"I know," Jess said, squeezing my hand, "But she was being incredibly affectionate, darling."

"I just thought that was just the way she is," I mumbled, "I'll apologise when I see her next."

Jess shook her head, "No don't -- she'd be mortified. Just be more, you know, aware of it."

"That's even more awkward! You see why I don't like going out?"

"Alex, you are part of the human race. You do need to have some human contact every once in a while. I just feel lucky that I didn't have to prance around naked in front of you to make you notice me."

"No -- I was the one who had to bombard you with letters and emails for years and years and years. I noticed you the first time I saw you, Jess." I said. "And you were fully clothed and not paying attention to me in the slightest."

"When was that, we met pretty early on at the beginning of term, I thought?" Jess asked, knitting her eyebrows together.

I shook my head. "Swim meet at Greystone Prep, you were student teaching there."

"I'm sorry honey, I just remember you being very fast, but not a lot else," Jess scooted down and stretched out with her head on my lap.

"See! Don't go on and on about me not being aware," I pouted.

Jess squeezed my thigh, "Sorry love, those are two totally different situations. I definitely would have remembered if you jumped on my back and pulled pretend lint off my face."

I ran my fingers through her hair, "You did had this bit of hair that kept falling across your brow. I remember I wanted to tuck it behind your ear for you. It was an impulse that I couldn't really explain then. Although now it's perfectly obvious what was happening."

"Do you still have dreams about me?"


"Do you?" Jess smiled seductively.

I nodded, feeling my face heat up.

"Tell me one," Jess murmured.

"Well, I already told you what they were like..."

Jess closed her eyes and started unbuttoning her shirt, "Talk me through one..."

The cogs in my brain suddenly found themselves mired in the high viscosity goo of embarassment. "Uh, Jess, they don't really make much sense," I said, stupidly.

Jess opened her eyes, "Alex, honey. I am trying to engage you in foreplay. Sexy dream. Go."

Jesus. I'm such a loser. "Uh. Right. Ok. Sorry."

Jess winked at me. Oh holy hell, that wink. It oozed sex and it cut right through me. I would gladly tell strangers in Times Square about those dreams if it earned me another one of those winks.

"Well, um, the one that recurs most often is the one in the Dark Room at Halsey where you're working late to finish off some project. It's warm in the work room, so you have your shirt off. You are wearing just a tank top underneath... I notice you don't have a bra on, and I wonder if you did it on purpose..."

Jess closed her eyes, her hands moved lower, unbuttoning her jeans.

"... and I can see your nipples through the fabric, and I keep trying to find a way to brush against them... because, uh, you know, they are irresistible."

Jess's hand was now in her underwear. Her other hand kneaded one of her breasts.

"You ask me to help you sort through the prints, so I sit down. That's when you lean over my shoulder to look, and I can feel your breasts brushing against my shoulder. I can't stand it anymore, so I turn around, pull down the front of your tank top, and start licking one of your nipples..."

Jess's hands were working faster now, and I had to remind myself to breathe as I watched her get off.

"You grab me by the shirt and pull me up. Then, uh, we kiss. A lot. And you rip my shirt off. I press one hand against your breast, and squeeze..."

Jess moaned deeper. She bucked against her hand.

"I undo your trousers and reach in, but you stop me. 'Dark Room,' you say, 'not out here.' You pull me through the curtains as you take your trousers off and then all of a sudden we are both totally naked. You start kissing me again, and I lift you up onto the counter. I slide two fingers into you."

I kept stroking her hair and stared in wonder as Jess writhed on the couch.

"I squeeze your breast with one hand while I am fucking you with the other. You are so hot, and wet..."

Jess's hand was a blur in her underwear. "Oh! AHHH!" She shouted as she came.

"Oh my god, Jess, that was incredible to watch," I whispered.

"Bed, Alex," Jess panted, "Clothes. Off. Quick."

I didn't think I could move as quickly I did.

--Chapter 3: The DC Trip--


Living with Jess was, for me, the easiest adjustment I ever had to make. I loved discovering her little habits and peccadillos (such as her penchant for taking her bra off the moment she got home and hanging it on the nearest receptacle: doorknob, drawer pull, chair. I didn't mind -- one fewer item to contend with in getting to those magnificent breasts of hers).

At this particular moment, Jess was trying to locate her favourite bra as we finished packing for a trip down to DC. My boss was on the host committee of the Pride Legacy Taskforce, a non-profit focused on at-risk LGBT youth. PLT was holding its annual black tie gala in DC, and Mona had -- as she did last year -- invited a whole bunch of us to attend.

"I saw it in the study yesterday," I told her.

She came back out triumphantly brandishing the item and stuffed it in the suitcase.

"So who's going to be there?" Jess folded a long black dress that I couldn't wait to see her wear.

"Mona and her wife... also Jared -- the VP at work I told you about. He might bring a date. Annie, Michelle, Jo, and some other folks. Olivia and Amy too." I dropped the last two names with a little trepidation.

Jess looked up, "Olivia... this is the rebound drama you told me about early last year?"

I had sent Jess several emails about my protracted break up with Olivia. "It was an unfortunate situation. Actually, it was around this time last year, come to think of it. Looking back, I probably should have extracted myself at the first sign of trouble. Olivia is still with Amy, by the way, so it all worked out in the end."

"Amy is her ex? So she was with Amy, then with you, then back with Amy?"

I nodded.

Jess arched her eyebrows and went back to packing, "I can't believe she didn't choose you. I'm very happy she didn't, obviously."

"I suspect Olivia started up with me to get Amy all jealous. I fell for it. Thankfully, we won't have to spend a lot of time with her. Amy is decent enough... I don't really get their relationship."

"She sounds like a piece of work," Jess closed her suitcase and sank into the couch next to me.

"Olivia -- I learned the hard way -- can go from charming to weapons-grade bat-shit crazy in an instance," I drew her closer, "But, as Mona likes to say, 'not my monkey, not my circus,' well, not anymore, anyway."

Jess snorted, "That's hilarious. I've never heard it put quite that way before." She placed her hand above my heart, "well, you and I are the only monkeys in this circus, and will be forever more."

My heart expanded several sizes. Jess had told me a little about how her last relationship ended, and I knew the idea of being in a relationship was a big deal for her. But in moments like this, with words like that, I couldn't help but allow myself a little mental cartwheel of joy.

I chuckled, "I like the sound of that. Come on -- let's go grab a bite to eat before heading to Penn Station."

"Oh, you read my mind," Jess whispered in my ear as she pushed me back onto the couch, "I was just thinking of having something tasty in my mouth..."

My body started tingling. Jess wants to go down on me? No objections. Whatsoever. I lifted my hips as she worked my jeans and boxers off. I leaned forward and reached for her, but she pushed me back again, "Nope, this is payback for you fingering me in the cab the other night and scandalising that nice cabbie from Haiti."

"He would not have noticed if you hadn't started squealing," I protested, "if I remember correctly---JESUS!"

Jess started sucking on my clit as she threw my clothes to the floor. All I could do was shut my eyes and absorb the unrelenting tides of pleasure she was creating. Jess's tongue and lips were aggressive and confident, and as always, she put me completely at her mercy. I felt my limbs flailing in a pathetic attempt to process the millions of explosions rippling through my body. Jess had the ability to make me come like no one else. Maybe my lovers in the past had been more passive -- or I had less of a connection with them -- regardless, Jess's abilities were without equal. She made me feel vulnerable, powerful, and sexy all at once -- and those were not things I usually felt... ever.

I was making incoherent sounds, but they somehow made sense to Jess, because she knew just when to kick it up a notch and thrust inside me, all while her mouth was doing what felt like a dozen different things to me as she teed me up for a massive orgasm.

When it cascaded over me, I was practically sitting up as Jess had chased me up along the length of couch. My arms were gripping the back of the couch, one of my legs was hanging off the edge, the other hitched up on some of the pillows. My shirt was twisted up around my chest. Jess looked up at me with what can only be described as a self-satisfied grin.

"Are we even now?" I croaked, sliding back down with blissful fatigue.

"Hm, temporarily," Jess rested her head on my thigh, "I could easily spend a lifetime doing that, and just that."

"I want a turn," I declared, "just as soon as feeling returns to my extremities."

Jess looked at the clock, "You'll have to prioritise getting dressed, darling, otherwise we'll miss our train."

I looked at the clock, "Bloody hell, Jess! We're late!"


Alex and I settled into our seats on the train, having made it with minutes to spare. We kept catching each other's eyes and smiling like idiots, our impromptu tryst still firing adrenaline through our veins. Alex attempted -- unsuccessfully -- to literally get into my pants on the way to Penn Station and it was exhilarating; I loved that she tried.

Being together, out in the world, knowing that I had this unseen connection with her was like sitting on a delicious secret that nobody could experience even if they found out about it.

As the train pulled out of the station, Alex whispered in my ear, "By the way, I'm really, really good at having hotel sex." She then nonchalantly picked up her book from her backpack and started reading.

Two can play at this game.

"Sweetheart, you have something on your shirt... right there," I said, as I brushed the front of her shirt, applying just enough pressure against her nipple to make her blush. She made a good effort to keep reading.

"Oh dear, it's on your trousers now," I swiped my hand along the inside of her thigh, hitting the top of her inseam forcefully.

"Okay! Truce!" Alex yelped and grabbed my hand when I feigned another swipe, "Jess, seriously."

I wiggled my eyebrows at her, picked up the newspaper and hid my grin behind the Metro section.

Some time after we passed Delaware, I started sensing that someone was staring intently at me every time he walked past. I looked up and froze as I made eye contact with the man, who was looking quizzically at me.

"Oh shit," I said, grabbing Alex's hand.

"What?" Alex looked at me with concern as the man made his way towards us.

Not letting go of her hand, I quickly said, "There is absolutely no way I can apologise enough for what's about to happen."

"JESSIE???" The man said as he approached.

"Hi Mateo," I replied.

"I thought it was you! What are you doing here in the U.S.?" He appeared to not have noticed Alex at all.

I looked at Alex, "I'm on school break, so am here visiting Alex, my gi--."

"Oh-ho! Is this your new boyfriend?" Mateo glanced over at Alex, "Let me tell you, Jessie, I have not given up on you yet."

Alex and I just sat there, dumbstruck. "Mateo, Alex isn't my boyfriend..." I started to explain.

Mateo interrupted, "That's even better! Look, I'm working in DC now. Call me. As I have always told you, I think we'd be good together." He handed me his card, winked, and sauntered away.

Alex put her book down and looked at me, a small smile creeping onto her face, "Please explain."

"We were set up on a blind date when I was at uni. Not surprisingly, it was a total disaster. I had to fake a migraine to get out of the dinner. He called me a couple of times after that, but I never went out with him again. Apparently, He hasn't changed."

Alex chuckled and gave me a quick kiss. She picked up her book, "If we see him again, I'm flashing him my boobs."

"Even though I would get a kick out of his brain melting if you did that, those are for my enjoyment only, please." I stared at her chest meaningfully.

"What? These teeny tiny things?" Alex mocked.

I felt the blood vessels in my cheeks expand as Alex's naked chest flashed up in my mind, "Yes -- those things. Along with your pecs and your hyper-sensitive nipples. The whole package. Mine."

Alex stared at me. The fact that Alex had no idea how hot she was made her even sexier. I gave her the most beguiling wink I could come up with.

"You drive me crazy, you know that?" Alex adjusted her jeans, "and now I have to sit with it until we get to the hotel."

I rested my hand on her thigh and felt it tense up in response, "Oh sweetheart, it's mutual."


Travelling down to DC with Jess was amazing for so many reasons, not least the fact that being together -- as a couple -- was starting to feel real. It was on the cusp of not being brand new anymore, but I still found myself giddy with excitement every now and then.

There were moments where I would be going about my day and remember that something awesome was happening, and then realise with amazement that the "something" was having Jess in my life.

Checking into the hotel together felt like a public declaration of our relationship. I was relishing it. Jess didn't give me much time to overthink it though. She pushed me through the door the moment the keycard beeped. She kissed me so forcefully I couldn't remember how we got onto the bed or where our clothes went.
