Summer Ch. 03


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We all followed his eyes and there, scattered at our feet was Sue's bra and knickers. Sue gasped and quickly went to reach forward trying to hold onto her blouse and skirt in the process. Dave held her hand and stopped her, "Leave them. It doesn't matter, he's seen them now."

The driver watched our whispering and shuffling with a smile on his face. Our discomfort at his discovery obviously amused him. "I don't blame you lads." He said addressing Dave and I, "Get it when you can I say. You're only young once." His eyes went back to Sue. "And you my Lass are beautiful. I really don't blame them one little bit."

Sue hung her head at the compliment and actually blushed a little. The driver swung himself down of the footplate and dropped down onto the track and we stiffened, poised between fright and flight; but he was a distance from us and there was a shoulder high wire mesh fence between us and him. He looked back down the train to the guards van; the guards head was hanging out of the window.

"Just stretching my legs," he shouted, "It's too bloody hot in there." He indicated the engine cab with a wave of his cigarette. The guard nodded and his head disappeared back inside the van. "Nosey bastard he is," said the driver, "He'd be down here in a flash if he thought there was anything to look at" he said, looking at Sue.

He casually took another drag on his cigarette and walked slowly down the gravel incline from the track. The side of the track to where we sat was overgrown with patches of weeds and bushes but most were only knee high and he worked his way through them with ease. He came closer until he reached the chain link fence marking the edge of railway property. He dropped his cigarette and ground it out with his heavy work boot.

Closer to us, under the dirt and coal dust, I saw that he was younger than I had first thought. He was of that indeterminate age bracket that youngsters have so much difficulty in working out. Not young but not old either. He leant casually against the fence and watching us all the time, he pulled out another cigarette.

There was no sense of danger with him; he was simply drawn to Sue, we could feel it. He could not take his eyes off her. He patted his jacket pockets for a match. As he did we could clearly smell, coming from his clothes, that peculiar aroma of coal dust that all mining village kids recognise. His hands were black with it and his face was smudged with black streaks where he had wiped the sweat away while working. His eyes however were his most striking feature; they were the most hypnotic, the palest blue, eyes I think I had ever seen. They stood out even more against the black of his dusty face.

As those pale blue eyes studied us he lit his cigarette and tossed the spent match in the weeds. He smiled up at Sue. "Yer've not had time to put yer skirt on properly have you?" Sue started and suddenly realised that from where he was standing he could probably a lot more than she had anticipated with her skirt simply draped over her knees. She laid her legs flat to the ground. He pulled a face. "That's a shame. You looked real good until you did that."

"You shouldn't be looking" she said quietly.

Dave and I continued to slowly stroke her back. We weren't quite sure what was happening here but we knew that Sue was in no danger and so we were quite willing to let things happen as they would for the time being.

The driver laughed quietly. "Why not? I don't get much chance to look at something a lovely as you very often." He looked at us. "She is lovely isn't she lads?" Sue looked at us and Dave and I nodded our assent.

"Really?" She said.

I stroked her back, "Absolutely beautiful," I said quietly. She looked at me for a long time before looking back to the driver.

"Are you naked under there?" He asked with a casualness that belied the question. He indicated the clothes that from this distance were so obviously just draped over her. Sue looked down the open neck of her blouse again but didn't answer. "Did they undress you?" He said, indicating us. She nodded slowly. "Did the fuck you?" he asked equally as casually.

Sue licked her lips, "Only with their fingers" she answered quietly. Dave and I looked at each other, the excitement clear in Dave's eyes. He raised his eyebrows in a question and I shrugged; I didn't know where this was going but it was Sue's clear that it was between Sue and the man and I sure as hell wanted to stay with it and see where it would end up.

"Are you naked under there?" The driver asked again. Almost imperceptibly Sue nodded. "If these guys don't mind will you show me?" Sue looked at me.

"This is your call." I said softly. "We're here; you're safe. Do what you want to do."

"'Course you're safe." He said, "I'm the other side of this fence." He shook the chain-link fence with his hand to prove his point. "What can I do to you? Go on, take yer clothes off, make an old man very happy. I just want to look at you."

Sue looked down at him. I could feel the indecision in her. He carried on talking. "I'll bet your nipples are pink." he said. "Are they pink or are they brown? No," he said after a slight pause, "I'll bet they're pink. You look like a pink nippled girl to me. I can tell you know; when you get to my age you become an expert on these things."

Sue laughed quietly and he craned his head as though to see further down her blouse. "I can almost see them from here." She looked down her blouse again but didn't move.

"Have they seen your nipples?" he asked indicating Dave and I again, "Of course they have, what am I thinking of? They've had you naked haven't they? You've just told me that. They've finger fucked you. And I can see for myself that you're still not dressed properly. Come on luvie, show them to me; I love nipples and I'll bet yours are absolutely fantastic. A beautiful girl like you is bound to have beautiful nipples, and tits. I just know that you'll have a fantastic figure. Come on love, just a little peek, show me yer tits. "

Sue said nothing; she just kept watching him, almost without blinking. "Your cheeks are flushed", he said, "and your chest is flushed as well." Sue looked down at the tops of her breast. "What else have these lucky lads been doing to you?" He asked. Sue looked at him but again said nothing. "Did they make you come?" he asked. Sue slowly licked her lips and cast a glance at us before looking down at the driver again.

"Come on," he said, "you don't need to be shy with me. You don't know me and I don't know you. I'm just looking. Just show me your tit's and I'll stop asking questions. You certainly are one good looking girl, and I'll bet your tits are the best in the world."

Sue watched his pale blue eyes as he took another drag on his cigarette. "I'll bet I can describe them" he said looking straight into her eyes, "I'll bet they are small and perfectly formed, with beautiful little pink nipples sitting right at the end. Lovely pink nipples that grow and stand out when they're touched, when they're stroked. Am I right?" Sue looked down her blouse again.

"Come on." He said. He indicated with his hands that she should open her blouse. "You know you want to show me don't you." Sue swallowed as if her throat had suddenly gone dry.

The driver looked over his shoulder at the signal. "Come on love, show me. I don't have much time. I'll have to go soon and then you'll never see me again. Just one little look at yer tits, what harm can there be in that? These lads have had them out today so what's wrong with giving me a little show?" He paused and then said quietly, "Please." Sue said nothing although the grip on her blouse loosened a little. She just stared at him.

"What's your name me lovely?" He said and waited for an answer; nothing came. "Come on, you can at least tell me your name can't you? That's not going to hurt you is it?" She blinked and quietly said "Sue."

He smiled. "Sue" he said as if trying the name on for size. "That's a nice name. It suits you. My name's Alan. Are you going to show me your tit's now Sue? Now that we know each other." Sue said nothing but she slowly let go of the front of her blouse.

The driver lent closer into the fence. "That's it Sue my love. Show them to me. Take the blouse off." As if lacking a will of their own Sue's hands fell into her lap and her blouse gaped open a little.

The driver smiled his appreciation. "That's a good girl" he said although I noticed that his voice had taken on a slight tremor. "Now, my lovely, take the blouse off so that I see them properly." Sue looked at Dave. "You'll do that for me won't you Sue? You'll give me a proper look won't you?" Sue continued to look at Dave. The driver's voice continued to plead and persuade. "Go on Sue. Take the blouse off."

Sue looked down at the driver. She slightly shrugged her shoulder and the blouse slipped a little, exposing more of her breasts. Sue looked down at her breasts as if in a trance and then back to the driver. "Just a bit more my lovely, let me see the nipples."

Dave took hold of the back of her blouse and gently lifted it clear of her shoulders "I said you were a tart" he said gently. Sue never took her eyes off the driver.

"That's better my lovely. Now open your arms and let me see you properly." Sue sat in the sunlight and looked down at her arms folded across her chest; as if in a dream she very slowly opened her arms.

The sunlight streamed down across her chest and face burnishing her skin with gold and she smiled. The red marks left earlier by our fingers stood out clearly on her white skin and her nipples were erect.

The driver stared at her breasts silently for a long time. The cigarette dropped from his fingers. "My God," he breathed, "They are the most beautiful tit's I have seen in a long, long time." He looked longingly up at them "And the nipples ...."

Dave reached across and silently took hold of the nipple nearest to him. Sue, sitting bare chested in the sunlight like some young goddess, looked down at his fingers and smiled again. She closed her eyes for a moment as we all watched Dave's fingers caress her breast.

The driver's voice broke into our reverie. "Show me the rest" he said. Sue licked her lips.

"The rest?" She asked distractedly as Dave continued to stroke her nipple. "The rest" he said indicating towards her skirt which had slipped down a little. Her navel and the soft down of hair leading down to her pubis clearly visible. "Show me between your legs" he said "let me see you naked." His voice sounded urgent, pleading.

Sue hesitated but the fingers on her breast were insistent, persuading. "Come on Sue." he said. "let me see you naked. Take the rest off. Please. It's only your skirt. It's almost off anyway. Come on love, show me the rest, open your legs."

Again Sue looked down at her legs as if seeing them for the first time. The skirt had again slipped lower and she was naked now almost to her hips, the first golden curls of her pubic hair clearly visible.

"Go on Sue," he said and she looked down at him, "go on love, open your legs and show me. You know you want to." His hand slowly went to the front of his trousers and for the first time I noticed his erection.

"Go on Sue," he said and he slowly began to unbutton the front of his pants, "you can't leave me like this can you?" He undid the last button on his pants and reached inside. After a moments fumbling he slowly pulled out his penis. "Look what you've done" he said presenting the penis to her.

Sue was mesmerised, his penis looked huge and very white against the black of his hand and the dark blue of his work pants, his fingers were leaving black marks where they touched. He pulled the foreskin back and exposed the bulbous head, its one central eye pointing straight at Sue.

Her eyes widened and she licked her lips. He slowly began to stroke the shaft, pulling the skin back slowly with each stroke. "Come on Sue," he said thickly, show me yours. Its only fair, I'm showing you mine" he said.

Without saying a word Sue slowly pulled aside her skirt and it fell to floor. She was naked. Without taking his eyes off her the man slowly continued to masturbate. "Oh my God," he said, "you are fantastic."

He looked between her legs and nodded. "Open your legs wider," he said "show me properly". Sue could not take her eyes of his hand that was gently stroking his penis backwards and forwards. "Show me" he said again.

Sue slowly opened her legs. I looked down. In the sunlight moisture clearly glinted between her finger marked thighs, her lips were red and puffy, her pubic hair matted and wet, she had obviously been well used. She llicked her lips again.

I reached down between her legs and opened her lips with my fingers. I could feel the slick heat emanating from inside her. I easily found her clitoris and slowly began to rotate my finger.

Despite the sharp intake of breath she continued to focus only on the driver and the hand that was slowly stroking his penis. He was watching my finger move between her legs.

Sucking his lower lip he began to increase the pace of his stroking. As if in a daze Sue looked down at my fingers moving over her clitoris and then to Dave pulling gently on her nipple and cupping her breast. She closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them.

Her eyes went back to the driver. His hand was moving faster now as her stared at the naked girl above him, his eyes followed my finger as it moved at the top of her open legs. Suddenly he groaned and his knees began to buckle. He leant hard against the fence and jerked as he shot out a stream of white liquid.

His face contorted as the liquid splashed down the fence into the vegetation at his feet. He spasmed again, lighter this time and a new, smaller wave of liquid ran down and over his hand. Sue opened her mouth breathing heavily as she watched him collapse against the fence, his hand still wrapped around his penis. Dave and I continued our ministrations.

In the stillness of the moment a shout came from down the track and the driver jumped as thought he had been bitten. "The signal!" came the shout again. Stuffing himself quickly back into his trousers the driver turned and raced back up to his train and swung himself aboard.

There was a grinding of metal on metal and with a mighty shuddering hiss of steam the train slowly began to move forward. The drivers face appeared at the window to the cab. He raised a hand and the train began to move away. "Bloody fantastic!" He shouted, "I won't ever forget that."

My fingers moved inside her while Sue watched the train slowly pull away. She looked at the fence where the driver has stood just a few seconds ago; moisture glistened on the wire. Dave let go of her breast. She looked at him as if seeing him for the first time.

He took her by her shoulders and pushed her down onto her back, "I said you were a tart" he said. He kissed her deeply on the mouth while his hands again cupped her breasts. Her legs opened wide as my fingers moved deeper inside her.

The train slowly gathered speed and as I looked up the end of the train rolled slowly past. Standing on the back platform of the guards van was the thin faced guard with a tin mug of tea in his hand. As he drew level with us he glanced up.

His mouth fell open and the mug dropped from his startled fingers. I smiled and waved at him with my free hand as my fingers delved deeper inside her. Sue began to moan loudly.

As the train gathered speed and pulled out of sight down the track I could see the guard leaning out over the back rail craning his neck to get a last look at the two young men making love to the naked girl on the embankment. Further down the train I could just make out the smiling face of the driver.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fantastic story. You are indeed a very talented writer!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

two young men making love to girl ?


it should be two men pimping out their friend

they displayed her to a stranger had he wanted to rape her i bet these 2 would have let and then joined in for a triple penetration gangbang

leaving sue bloody and injured and alone to die

they coerced her to show her to a pervert under the fake assurance of safety these two think she aint in danger ? i dont think they give a f*** about her to protect her from anyone

these guys are still virgins and claim to know what an exhibitionist is ?

hell i didnt hear the word exhibitionist till i was in college

sue is lucky there were no smartphones otherwise dave would have made her commit suicide post abandonment from her family

poor sue she likes dave but he just think she is a tart

sue not realising she is nothing more than a brutal joke for dave and pete

fuck dave

fuck realism

KojoteKojoteover 12 years ago

Fuck me! It's part 3 and the first cock wandered through the picture. And I didn't even miss one before...

That gives the phrase 'slow buildup' a whole new dimension...

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Hotter than July....most arousing series I've read here.

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