Summer Ch. 06 Pt. 03


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By the time they pulled into the pub courtyard she had already quietly climaxed, her legs tightly wrapped around the vibrating seat of the bike, but the bike was still sending hot and heavy sexual signals through her groin. She almost slid off sideways as Alan wheeled the bike to a standstill. He dismounted and turned and reached out a hand to steady her. Her legs felt like jelly.

He turned her around and pushed her, dazed and wobbly, towards the pub's main entrance. "Isn't it closed?" She asked.

"Not to me." He answered and pushed her forward. She wasn't sure that she wanted to go in but she had no strength to resist and she found herself standing in the cool, darkened interior of the main bar. The smell of stale beer and cigarettes wafted up from the heavily stained carpet.

She vaguely knew the pub, but mainly by reputation as she had only ever been once before. It was a biker's pub with a reputation for wild nights and violence. Alan pushed her up to the bar as a well built, middle aged man appeared behind the counter. He nodded to Alan and looked Jackie up and down with open interest. "You can't bring her in here in a bloody school uniform." He said as if she was not in the room. Alan looked at her as if seeing her for the first time, "She's legal." he said.

"Don't doubt it," the reply came back, "but I've got enough trouble with the Law without her. Take her in the back and get her out of here pronto if the cops show up."

"You expecting them?" Alan asked.

"Often call in for a pint at the end of their shift; or during it." he added with a knowing smile.

"She'll be no trouble." Alan said and dropped a note onto the bar. "Pint and a half." he said without asking her.

"She'd better not be." the barman said picking up the note and turning away to get the glasses and pull the beer.

Alan led Jackie through a door near the back of the bar into another, darker, much smaller room. A small number of tables were set around a few bench seats lined up against the walls. One wall of the room was a continuation of the main bar. Alan stood by the bar waiting for the beer to arrive. He watched Jackie as she looked around the room. "Take a seat," he said, "don't mind Stan, his bark's worse than his bite."


"That's me," said the barman coming around the corner and putting the drinks on the bar along with Alan's change, "and my bark's nowhere near as bad as my bite. Remember what I said; get her out if anyone comes in."

Alan nodded. "Stop fussing, you're like a bloody old woman."

Stan walked away. "You owe me" he said over his shoulder, "don't forget."

Alan took a long swig of his beer and smiled, "I'll think of something. Have I ever let you down yet?" Stan laughed and left the bar. Alan picked up both glasses and brought them to the table where Jackie was sitting. He set the small glass in front of her. "You drink beer don't you?" he asked. Jackie shrugged noncommittally but picked up the glass and drank slowly. Alan looked away, "I come here a lot, could call it my local. I run the 'footy' team for them."

Jackie looked at him in surprise "What you? Play football?"

Alan laughed, "Naw. Only if they're short or something. I manage it, set up the matches, organise the transport and stuff." Jackie nodded and Alan looked at her, "And I organise the prizes and the trophies and the like."

"Prizes? 'Man of the Match' stuff?"

Alan nodded, "Something like that."

The quiet of the bar was suddenly shattered by the sound of a couple of bikes arriving in the car park. Jackie knelt up on her seat and looked out of the window. "I know who it is." Alan said without looking up.

"How do you know?"

"Recognise the sound. Police bikes." He swung around and stood behind her and leaning in close he lifted the curtain at the window.

"Police!" said Jackie leaning forward for a better look, all the time aware of Alan standing so closely behind her. Alan placed his hands on her waist as if to steady her. She caught her lower lip in her teeth to steady her nerves. Without a word he quietly reached under her skirt cupped her bottom. Jackie continued to stare out of the window. Standing back a little Alan raised her skirt at the back and tugged at the waistband of her knickers. Jackie knelt in silence as Alan pulled her knickers down over her hips, gently tugging them down her legs to her knees. He lifted each knee in turn until he could slip them down her shins and off her feet. He turned as Stan coughed loudly from behind the bar. Jackie swung round in embarrassment but Stan appeared not to notice. "Police. Now fuck off." Alan nodded and slowly and with exaggerated care he folded Jackie's knickers and placed them into his pocket. "Let's go." he said and pulled Jackie to an emergency exit at the back of the room. He pushed the metal locking bars and the door swung open and suddenly they were standing outside in the bright sunlight in the beer garden to the side of the pub. Half blinded Jackie stumbled as Alan pulled her towards the car park only to suddenly push her up against the pub wall as he noticed one of the policemen walking around looking at his bike. Alan stood close, pressing her tightly with the wall against her back. "What's wrong?" She asked, "We're legal aren't we?" Alan was not sure if she was referring to the bike or herself but he placed his hand across her mouth to quiet her.

"Yes we're all legal." He hissed quietly. Jackie shook her head to move his hand and whispered back "So what's wrong?"

Alan looked down at her and smiled, "I hate Coppers. Don't mix with 'em unless I have to." Jackie turned her head to see the policeman bending over Alan's bike, obviously looking at the tax disc down on the front fork. Jackie suddenly felt Alan's hand at the hem of her skirt. "No!" she whispered fiercely but Alan just smiled.

"Hate to waste an opportunity." he said and his hand continued its journey up her thigh. Jackie tried to stop him but his hand was relentless and slowly made its leisurely way to the top of her leg, her skirt riding up, bunching on his wrist. As he slid his hand around between their two bodies Jackie saw the policeman turn from the bike and reach into his top pocket and pull out a pack of cigarettes. Alan's hand worked its way calmly down between their bodies and came to rest on her pubic hair. "Nice." he said, running his fingers through the soft, silky growth. Despite the presence of one policeman who could see them anytime if he looked in their direction and the unknown location of at least one more somewhere in the pub, Jackie began to respond to the presence of Alan's fingers with a growing urgency that she herself could not believe. His fingers slid slowly down between her legs and unconsciously she parted them slightly to allow him better access. Alan smiled and she suddenly hated him for his smugness, for knowing that he can do this to her, that he held this sexual power over her. His fingers move between her legs and she gasped as his fingers found her moist sex and slowly part her lips.

As Alan casually worked his finger along the length of her lips, slowly parting the folds, Jackie could see the policeman casually light his cigarette before flicking the spent match away across the car park. She began to tremble, partly with fear of discovery but mainly with excitement as Alan's fingers grew more insistent between her legs. The butterflies started deep within her stomach as Alan's fingers moved through the folds of her now wet lips. She groaned as he inserted one finger slowly inside her; her legs trembled and her head fell back against the wall. She knew she was powerless to resist. Alan leaned further in against her and his finger moved his finger deeper inside her and Jackie stifled a cry. His finger began a slow in out motion that caused her to follow his finger with her hips. She groaned as he slowly withdrew the finger and then gasped as he quickly pushed it back. He smiled down on her as his fingers began the age old rhythm between her legs, her hips responded and she rocked backwards and forwards on his fingers. The wet sound of his fingers inside her became clearly audible in the still warm air. Her juices ran down his hand and on down the inside of her thighs. Jackie bit her lip and rested her head on his chest as he probed deeper and deeper inside her. She moaned as she felt her climax beginning to build.

She couldn't stop it; his fingers were expertly moving inside her, taking her further away from reality. The only thing that mattered now was what his fingers were doing to her, all else was forgotten. She cried out as his thumb brushed her clitoris. She grabbed his upper arms as her climax began to wash over her, obliterating all sense of time and space. She was completely swept away in the all consuming rush of her first climax brought on by fingers other than her own.

She wondered at the complete collapse of her senses as he held her upright and continued to move his fingers wetly inside her. She could feel everything so clearly and yet nothing at all made sense. She was totally aware of his fingers still inside her, of her juices running down her legs, she could hear her own breath rasping in her throat and feel the tears on her face. She was aware that her insides had turned to liquid and her knees to jelly. She clung to him, trembling and utterly spent.

"Have you two finished now?" A voice quietly asked from behind them. Alan spun around so fast to face this unknown threat that Jackie almost fell forward. A policeman was standing, pint in hand, in the shadow of the open emergency door that they had used only minutes before. Almost without thinking Alan immediately placed himself between the policeman and Jackie; his fists were clenched, every line of his face and body indicated an immediate readiness for violence. The policeman smiled as Jackie, blushing furiously, quickly smoothed down the front of her skirt. "A little young for you isn't she? School uniform an all that?" The policeman asked looking at Alan.

"She's old enough." Alan answered, his aggression obvious. "Anyway, what's it to you?"

The policeman smiled mirthlessly and indicated his uniform with a casual movement of his hand, "Goes with the territory lad, it's my job to be nosey." A second policeman appeared in the doorway behind him. "You know it's an offence to have sex in a public place?" The policeman asked. Alan didn't answer.

"Problem?" Asked the second policeman looking over the shoulder of the first.

"Naw," the first policemen responded. "Just young Alan here fucking his girlfriend up against the pub wall." The other policeman looked Alan and Jackie over and then shook his head, snorted and disappeared back into the pub.

"How'd you know my name?" Alan asked warily.

The policeman shook his head, "Goes with the territory like I said Lad. I know all you fucking tearaways; I know your bikes, I know where you live and I know who you're shagging." He looked at Jackie who wilted visibly under his gaze; her head hanging down and her hair hiding her face. "But you're a new one on me lass," he said to her. "I don't think I've ever come across you before." Jackie looked up at him from under her fringe. "You're not his usual type love," he said causing Jackie to flinch. "Take my advice and get rid of him. He's no good. He'll do you no good either."

Jackie hung her head again and Alan turned and took her arm, turning her away towards the car park. "Take this as a warning," the policeman continued, raising his voice as Alan frogmarched her away. "Next time I'll book you and then you'll have to explain that to your Mum and Dad. I'll bet they wouldn't be chuffed to learn that their little girl is fucking in public car parks!"

"Fuck off!" Alan muttered under his breath as he pushed her around the corner and over to his bike. He sat astride his bike and kick it savagely into life. "Get on," he snarled over his shoulder as Jackie inexpertly swung her leg over the seat, she was frightened and flustered by their seemingly narrow escape from the law. For her authority figures were exactly that and represented power and establishment. The sixties attitude of rebellion and protest had not reached here yet and Alan's total disdain and disregard for the law shocked her. "I said get on." Alan snarled again as Jackie hesitated, confusion staying her feet. He pulled her towards the bike and as she swung her leg over the seat her dress billowed up revealing her nakedness beneath.

"Very nice too," she head the policeman chuckle. He was standing at the corner of the pub watching them go. She pushed her skirt down blushing furiously again as the policeman turned away laughing quietly and shaking his head. Alan revved the engine and the bike shot forward in a spray of gravel and dust but the policeman had gone.

Alan raced his bike hard down the country lanes for a few minutes, weaving around the bends with a recklessness that terrified her. She clung onto his waist as the bike banked wildly from side to side. Eventually he slowed. She could feel him trembling with anger under his t-shirt. She held onto him although who was drawing comfort from who she wasn't sure. As he slowed his trembling stopped and she began to try to take in what had happened, she knew he wasn't frightened of the policeman, that wasn't what was wrong. It was more the authority that they represented he seemed to hate. "Fucking coppers!" she heard him mutter.

The rest of the ride home was in silence. She sat behind him quietly, never moving, even when he eventually reached behind him and calmly reached under her skirt between her legs and ran his fingers through her still wet and open lips. She looked down at his hand between her legs and with one hand she held her skirt down as his hand and the wind threatened to billow it up. As his fingers casually explored between her lips she wondered what had happened to her, how much her life had changed in the course of one short bike ride. From demure schoolgirl to riding on a bike with no knickers and a man's fingers inside her. In one short afternoon.

When they reached home he bounced the bike up the kerb and into the woods behind their houses; eventually stopping at the gate to his back garden. She got off without waiting to be asked, afraid of her parents seeing her riding with Alan; especially after her Mothers explicit warning. Alan pushed the back gate open with the front wheel of his bike. "Wait a minute" he instructed over his shoulder and Jackie waited obediently as he wheeled his bike inside and opened the shed door. "Come in" he said and Jackie followed him and his bike into the cool darkness. He pulled the bike up onto its stand against the back wall and turned to face her. Jackie wondered what he was going to say. He took her knickers from his pocket and held them up to his nose, inhaling deeply "You smell good," he said without smiling, his blue eyes quietly fixing her to the spot.

He leant against the bike, turning the material between his fingers. "Can I have them back?" she asked eventually.

Alan shook his head and laughed. He turned away and moved over to the old chest of drawers that stood against one wall. He obviously used it as a toolbox and as storage for bits of his bike, cans of oil and polish and all the other junk that always accumulates in sheds and workshops; although she noticed that Alan kept the shed quite tidy, everything seemed to have its own allotted place, not at all like she would have expected. Alan opened one of the draws and looked inside; he reached in a pulled out a mass of brightly coloured material. At first Jackie took them to be rags or cloths for cleaning the bike but she suddenly started as he dropped them onto the top of the chest and she realised that they were pairs of women's knickers. Lots of pairs. "Whose are they?" Jackie asked when she eventually found her voice. "Who do they belong to?"

Alan looked at the pile and almost distractedly picked through the pile of underwear. There were knickers of all types, from the very plain to the obviously very sexy and expensive. Knickers that had been worn to be seen, to be touched. "These belong to a friend of yours," he said picking up a plain pair of white pants. Jackie looked at them as if they would somehow have a name stencilled across them. "Who?" she asked bemused. Alan laughed quietly, "That would be telling wouldn't it? You know her." He picked up another pair, "And that's her mother," he said quite nonchalantly, knowing the impact his words would have. Jackie looked incredulously at the two pairs of knickers dangling casually from his fingers. "Never fucked them both at the same time but I should have done, they were both dead willing once we got started."

Jackie looked at him and then back to the pile of knickers scattered across the wooden surface. She reached out and ran her fingers across the material, pausing slightly as her finger tips registered the feel of cotton and then silk and then a little lace. She wondered about the story each pair represented, of seduction and lust, of fucking and being fucked, of abuse and use; and eventually possibly of betrayal and abandonment. With a start she realised that he was probably still fucking some of the women that these knickers belonged to.

She looked up and was startled to find that he was still watching her. He picked up a brightly coloured pair of plain cotton kickers and held them to his nose. "Do you know these belong to?" He asked almost absently, breathing in their scent. She shook her head, her eyes on the material he was holding. "Do you know Mrs. Williamson?" He asked casually.

Jackie shook her head as she cast about for the name until her jaw dropped open in disbelief. "The schoolteacher?" She asked incredulously. Alan nodded smugly. "Led me a merry chase she did. Liked the bike. Liked her 'bit of rough'. Went like a rocket when I eventually got my hand up her skirt. Fucked like a rabbit." Jackie shook her head. "You've had Mrs Williamson?"

Alan laughed and casually discarded the knickers to pick up another pair. "Guess who these belong to?" he said and he held up a pair of satin French knickers, black and trimmed with ribbons and lace. Jackie shook her head as she stared at them, they were stained and crusty in parts, they mesmerised and revolted her at the same time. "I don't know" she said at last.

He flicked them at her and surprised she caught them. The material was soft and warm between her fingers. "She was a real prick tease that one. Always coming on to me and the lads in the pub. She'd show her legs and open a button or two to give us a flash of her tits. But she was always with her husband, the big drip, and always ran away whenever anyone tried their luck. But you knew she wanted it. She was dripping when I got my hands in her pants once at a dance. She struggled a bit but you can always tell."

Jackie thought of her own willingness to open her legs for him, she hadn't put up much of a struggle had she? "What happened?" She found herself asking.

Alan took the knickers out of her hand, "Me and a couple of my mates called round to see her when her husband wasn't there. She couldn't get enough after that."

"You forced her?" Jackie asked shocked.

"Forced?" Alan asked, thinking about the word. "She didn't need forcing," he said. "She knew what we'd come for as soon as she opened the door. Give her her due she did try to close it but we were ready for that. She struggled as the guys held her down and spread her legs but once we'd got her started she was as smooth as silk. Wanted it real badly, just needed a little coaxing that's all. Couldn't get rid of her in the end. Use to buy this fancy underwear to try to keep us interested."

"Who was it?" Jackie asked not really knowing if she wanted to know.

Alan smiled, "Your Mum's friend. Joan Baxter across the road."