Summer Ch. 06 Pt. 10


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She shivered as a wave of revulsion swept through her. His huge hand moved from her shoulder to the back of her head and he pulled her head forward until she was face to face with his penis. He began to stroke it erect with large easy rolls of his fist. The first drop of precum appeared on the end.

"Suck it," he said without preamble. Jackie became aware of someone sitting behind her, ostensibly holding her upright but she felt a hand steal around under her arm and cup her breast, immediately finding and pulling on her nipple. Stan pushed his growing member against her lips. "Open up Lass, do your job, I need to be hard to fuck you."

His groin smelled sweaty and his precum smeared her lips, she could feel tears beginning to well up in her eyes. The hand that had held her breast slid down her stomach and between her legs, quickly slipping a finger inside her. Stan was growing impatient at her lack of response and he pulled her head back by her hair, hurting her. "Come on now Lass, open yer mouth and give me a suck. There's others behind me and they're getting impatient."

He took the bottle of beer back and held the wet top against her lips. "Have a drink. It'll make you feel better." Jackie willingly took a drink and the bottle was pulled away spilling beer down her breast. "Bit of a waste that but I'll lick it off later," he joked with the others. He pushed his penis forward against her face again. "Come on now. I've been nice to you now be good to me and suck it."

Jackie opened her mouth and Stan fed his penis into it with his fist. Gagging on her revulsion Jackie began to suck on the bulbous end of his penis. Stand arched his back in contentment and patted Jackie on the top of her head like a dog. "That's better. I knew you'd like it once you started." He raised his hands above his head in an exaggerated and theatrical yawn, Jackie sitting before him, her head bobbing up and down as his shaft for all to see. "Life doesn't get any better than this does it?" He said to all around him, "Look at her, she's a real pro at cocksucking." He patted her on the head again, "God but you do do it well Lass, a real professional."

The fingers worked their further inside her and Stan's penis hardened in her mouth. Tears began to roll down her face. Stan pushed her head away and his penis fell from her mouth leaving a string saliva between the Jackie and the tip of his penis.

Stan laughed and wiped her lips with his thumb. He pushed her back down onto the seat forcing the body behind her to move and to withdraw his fingers from inside her. Stan laughed at the man who now sat at her head.

"Bit bloody cheeky that Lad, trying to cop an early feel. Wait yer turn like the rest of us. She's keen enough, there'll be plenty left by the time we come around to you. Give us one of those Johnny's," he yelled theatrically, "I've got some serious fucking to do." Someone passed him a rubber and he made a great show of rolling it onto his wet dick.

He fell forward, supporting his weight on his arms. He settled his hips down between Jackie's open legs, his penis nestling up against her vagina, his stomach resting on hers. He leered down on her, his spittle spraying across her face and down her chest. "Get yerself ready to be fucked by a man. Yer've just had little boys until now," he said and without waiting he pushed into her, burying himself deep inside her.

Jackie grunted with the sudden weight of him, a sound he mistook for pleasure. "See, now you know what it feels like to have a real man, didn't I tell you you'd know the difference?"

He raised himself back onto his arms and began to thrust into her. Jackie looked at the lights flashing across the ceiling as another hand crawled down her chest from somewhere above her head and fastened onto her breast and nipple. Stan grunted away between her legs, every thrust driving her back up the seat a little.

Tears streamed freely down her face but no-one noticed in the darkness and their eagerness to touch her, to feel her body, to get inside her. Drops of sweat began to fall on her as Stan continued his assault between her legs.

"Yer sweatin a bit Stan Lad," someone laughed from the side. "Yer a bit unfit to be on the team if yer sweatin already!" Stan paused and wiped his brow, the sweat ran in lines down his chest and onto her stomach. The pungent aroma of unwashed body filled her nostrils, she tried not to gag.

"I'm fucking fit enough to fuck this one, aren't I Love?" he asked her, patting her cheek as though it was a sign of affection. "She's never had anything like me I'll warrant," he boasted and Jackie wanted to be sick. He continued thrusting away between her legs.

"Come on yer big fat slob," someone called, "hurry up and come will yer. There's other's here waiting their turn you know." Jackie looked over Stan's shoulder as best she could. Expectant faces looked down on her and her heart sank.

"Plenty of time yet lad," Stan grunted. "We've got all night to fuck her. Don't want to rush it. Don't want a little beauty like Jackie here to think that we don't appreciate her now do we?" Stan grunted and pushed himself up on his arms, pulling his penis out of Jackie.

"About fucking time," voices muttered.

"Not finished yet," he said and he picked Jackie up by the hips and unceremoniously rolled her over. Pushing her up on to all fours he entered her again doggy style. Suddenly Danny pushed his way forward, he was naked from the waist down and erect his penis swung in front of him like a club. "Fuck this Stan, if you're going to take all day I'll keep myself busy," and he knelt down on the seat by Jackie's head.

Jackie looked wearily up at him; Stan was pushing and pulling on her hips to drive himself into her. Danny leaned forward and taking her head said, "Open your mouth love." Jackie looked up at him "Please," she said but before she could say anymore he thrust his penis into her mouth and began to fuck her face.

"Fucking magic," he said to his friends after a few seconds. "She's as smooth as silk. Alan was right, she sucks like a pro," he said smiling broadly.

They fucked her at both ends until Stan suddenly shuddered and fell forward. His weight took Jackie by surprise and collapsed under him. Danny howled more in surprise that pain as Jackie bit on the dick in her mouth as she fell. Danny hopped around inspecting his rapidly wilting penis in the half light. "Fucking stupid twat!" He yelled at Stan, who grinned inanely and climbed off Jackie who wearily pushed herself back onto her knees. "Bloody great oaf!"

Jackie sat back but the next in line were already pushing forward to take their turn and she groaned as the next man lay her down on her back and climbed between her legs.

The men came and went. She was manhandled into different positions and placed so as to be at the right angle for whatever the current man wanted. At one point as she was being moved into a doggy position so someone could take her from the behind

"Leave her arse alone," she dimly heard Alan say from somewhere nearby. "I haven't been there yet." Yet despite his admonition sometime later she felt a thumb slowly worm its way between her cheeks and work its way inside her while she sat on a lap with someone's penis buried deep inside her.

She was almost past caring now. It was all becoming a dream and still the fucking continued. No-one physically mistreated her or was particularly rough; in fact the men were surprisingly gentle, but they were out to fuck her and she was just being used as a warm body, something attractive to fuck.

At times she found herself laying flat on the back seat hanging onto the arse of whoever it was that was inside her as she came; all small little climaxes, tired responses to constant friction. They were all trying hard to make her come, a matter of male pride, but she was remote, watching them use her as the lights flashed on and off, lending a surreal air to the proceedings. Her breasts were wet with saliva and her nipples ached from too much attention.

Alan would come back every so often to see how she was doing. She felt his hand stroke the wet hair from her face and opened her eyes to see him smiling down on her. "Are we enjoying it?" he asked her at one point. "You're doing well, the guys are really enjoying it. You could take this up as a career, you've certainly got the body for it."

She didn't answer, just lay back as yet another man suddenly thrust deep inside her as he came. She later found out that Alan had only allowed six of the men to fuck her, his close friends, but there were many more hands and after the first round of fucking many hands mauled her breasts and found their way inside her and the fucking never really slowed. Six relatively young and fit men can keep coming, and they did, time after time, emptying themselves inside her and then sitting back to watch the others while they got ready to go again.


Alan walked her home from the pub where the coach dropped her off. She sat on the back seat numbly trying to find her clothes and slowly getting dressed. He was waiting for her as she got off the bus. Many of the guys had already gone, walking off into the cold, night. "Steve will take you home" he said to Sally.

"Why? Why can't you take me home?" She pouted, glaring at Jackie who she could see trying to straighten herself up at the back of the bus.

"Because I can't. Now fuck off!" He said and she reluctantly left with Steve. "You can fuck her if you like," he said to Steve as they walked away. Steve visibly brightened for a second, "Oh, OK! Thanks Al"

"Fuck off!" Sally said scornfully and Steve's smile faded.

Jackie was already quickly walking away with her head down and arms wrapped tightly around herself as if to keep out the night time chill. He had to run to catch up with her. They walked in silence, their breath misting slightly on the unseasonably cool night air. In silence he takes her arm and Jackie begins to cry, silent tears running down her face.

They get home and Alan pushes her gently up against the back gate under the trees and unbuckles the belt on her jeans. "Please no,." she says quietly, "haven't you done enough?" But he carries on without acknowledging her. He popped the stud at the top her jeans and pulled the zip down, pushing her jeans and her pants down over her hips and down her legs. He bent down and without untying the lace he pulls one of her shoe off and then pulls the leg of her jeans over her foot. He stands up and pulls open her jacket and pushes her clothes up over her breasts.

Strangely she does not feel the night air on her skin. She is too numb to feel anything. He released the clasp on her bra and frees her breasts. His hands are warm on her body and suddenly she begins to feel the dampness in the air. His mouth closes on her nipple and she holds his head to her breast, her fingers deep in his wavy hair.

He unzips himself and putting his hands under her bottom he lifts her up and gently lowers her down onto his already erect penis. She gasps as he enters her. He smiles and kisses her gently on her neck and face. Car headlights wash across them but he doesn't stop his slow thrusts and either the driver didn't see them or didn't care. She wraps her legs around his waist and feels his slow movements inside her, filling her up, touching the top of her womb. He kept moving, slowly and methodically, deep inside her. Slowly she could feel the tension building between her legs. She tried to contain it but it slowly built, each slow stroke stoking the fire in her loins. Resting her against the fence to take some of her weight Alan reached for her breast and without stopping his slow thrusts he takes her breast in his hand.

"You feel good," he said quietly, his mouth near her ear. His thumb rolled her nipple and he leaned back to look down the length of her body to where they were joined, groin to groin. She looked down and could his member gleaming wetly in the light as he moved slowly in and out of her and suddenly she finds it all too much, the act confusingly all too pure and too beautiful. "I'm going to come," he said quietly and suddenly tears well up and she cries out as her own climax floods through her.

She clasped him hard as, straining and pushing hard, he pumped his seed deep inside her. To keep from crying out as they both shudder to their separate ends she bit hard on his shoulder, still aware that her parents are probably still awake not far away.

In response he pushed hard into her, opening her wider than it seemed she had ever been before; touching her deeper and somehow softer than he ever has before. She climaxed hard and long, milking his penis with her hips, leaving her limp and hanging around his neck like a doll.

They stood like that for a few countless minutes, locked together at the hips, breathing slowly, neither wanting to move away. Slowly he pulled out of her and lowered her to the ground; her legs are weak and she has some difficulty in standing. He pushed her to her knees and presents his glistening still erect penis in front of her face, "Suck it," he says simply and she does, taking it in her mouth and holding his balls with her hand.

She can taste their combined juices and despite his having just come inside her he is soon erect again and she keeps working his penis with her lips. She looked up at him and found that he is looking down at her, kneeling half naked in the woods at the bottom of her own garden. He smiled and she can feel his penis stiffen. He comes and fills her mouth with his sweet/sour tasting seed. Swallowing, she keeps sucking until his limp penis falls from her mouth with a plop. He gently pulled her to her feet and wiped her mouth with his thumb. "There, that wasn't so bad was it? You liked that." She nodded dumbly, she knows her face is streaked with her tears. He wipes under her eyes with his thumb.

Silently he pulled her to him and stroked down her back, eventually resting his hand on the flank of her smoothly rounded bottom. He gently pulled her top down over her breast and bent to retrieve her shoe which he quickly unlaced. Putting her leg back into her jeans he then replaced the shoe on her foot and slowly pulled her jeans back up her legs.

She let him dress her like a doll. As he pulled her jeans and pants up her thighs he stopped and nuzzled his nose into her crutch. "Mmmm." He mumbles from between her legs. "Smells nice. Well used, but nice," and he continued to dress her. When she is finally fully dressed he held her again. "You'd better do your bra up before you go in. I'm an expert at undoing them but crap at doing them up. You're folks may notice."

"Not a bad day was it?" He said as he unlatched back gate and pushed her through. "See you tomorrow. I'll take you for a ride on my bike. I'll probably want to fuck you again. I enjoyed that." And then he closed the gate, leaving her standing there alone in the darkness. She heard him open his own gate and hears it close behind him. He paused and there is a brief flare of light as he lit a cigarette.

She watched his face in the soft glow of the match. He turns towards her and smiles at her over the fence. "Goodnight" he said as he doused the light, "Go home, you've had a busy day", and he walked off up the path to his parent's house, slowly disappearing into the darkness.

She heard the backdoor open and then close with a quiet klick. She can feel his sperm slowly running out of her and soaking into her knickers. She softly begins to cry again but she is not sure why. She stood there for a while until the cold began to seep into her through her light clothes and she slowly made her way back towards her own house.

Both houses are in darkness and she briefly wondered if he was watching her from one of his windows; but she knew that he wouldn't be.


Jackie made her way up to the bathroom and locking the door she used her mother's douche to wash away Alan's sperm. Although it was now many hours since he had first come inside her she fervently hoped that she could prevent a pregnancy; and it was only Alan she was worried about, the rest all used condoms.

As she sat on the toilet and sprayed the vinegar solution inside her she noticed that her hands were shaking. She put her shaking hands down to the fear of pregnancy, she certain did not want to be pregnant; but in reality she knew it was a reaction to the events of the day.

She undressed and slipped into bed. She avoided Sue's questions and soon Sue was fast asleep. Jackie lay quietly listening to Sue's deep rhythmic breathing. Lying in bed, through a gap in the curtains she watched the clouds race past the moon and her thoughts followed them.

Now that the fear and emotion had passed she had time to reflect.

She wondered in truth what had happened to her today? That she was used by at least half a dozen men was not in doubt; she could feel their hands all over her, her nipples and vagina lips were swollen and tender; she certainly felt abused, but she also felt something else and it took her a while to put her finger on it.

Then she realised, she felt alive! For one of the first times in her life she felt fantastic! Absolutely and totally alive! Somehow today she had broken the bounds that had held her in her place all her life; and suddenly she was living, she felt alive, life could never be the same again.

She now knew that she was capable of anything and the thought excited her. For the first time in her life she felt that nothing was beyond her capabilities. The bonds that held had been broken. She knew that she would never do it again, at least not without her full consent; but even being taken was exciting!

And she had lived through it; and what was it that they say? 'Whatever does not kill you only makes you stronger' and boy was she still alive!

In her head, with her eyes wide open, she re-lived the whole thing again; how they had stripped her, of their eyes and hands upon her body; she heard their compliments as they used her, as they felt her and took her, she feels their need for her as they entered her, again and again;.

And as she remembered her hand slowly crept down inside her pyjama bottoms and between her legs. She climaxed quietly as her fingers walked her through the day's events. She found that she could not stop and she came again and again, marvelling at her own as endurance as her climaxes flashed by like the lights in the bus. Eventually her fingers began to slow as exhaustion finally claimed her. She was drifting softly in and out of sleep when she felt the covers being gently drawn back and Sue slipped quietly into bed beside her.

"Sounds as if you've been having a busy time," Sue whispered.

Jackie grunted sleepily in response. Sue settled herself down into the bed and pulled her exhausted sister into the circle of her arms. Jackie snuggled in closer, already half asleep. Soon Jackie's breathing dropped into that deep rhythmic pattern which usually indicated a deepening state of sleep.

As Jackie slid into her deepening slumber Sue gently continued to stroke her hair and back. Sue listened quietly to Jackie's soft dreamy muttering and idly wondered who she is dreaming of. In her drowsy half state, hovering between sleep and dreams Sue felt Jackie's hand move up, under her pyjama top, blindly working its way to her breast.

Sue pulled her sleeping sister closer and held her as Jackie's hand moulded itself to her breast. The hand was comforting and warm and as she drifted off to sleep Sue inhaled Jackie's warm, slightly sweet scent and then drifted into a deep and strangely untroubled sleep.

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Xzy89c1Xzy89c1almost 7 years ago
Story of gang rape of a minor

Awful stuff. So she just had to think about it and decide she liked it?

magevmagevabout 8 years ago
Disturbing on so many levels and yet strangely compelling

I find this story disturbing on so many levels and yet strangely compelling. On the one hand, the lack of proper consent and the way the men (and the boys with Sue) just hold her down and take what they want is extremely disturbing, and yet I can believe that it has been like that for very many women in their life. I can also understand the sexual excitement that results from the feeling of being wanted. It's the men here that I find abhorrent, and even their attempts to make the women come do not absolve them of the fact that they should first get full consent and should respect the woman's rights to give or not give her body more than they are doing that in this story. But I also find the women strangely disappointing - why cannot Jackie stand up for herself, even if Alan is exciting her sexually, she should not allow him to basically use her as a doormat, from the lack of condom to the lack of regard to her free will. I would have respected him more if he had told her upfront that she was going to be used by the whole team and like it - she might have agreed, and that would have been much more acceptable. And I would have respected her more if she hadn't given in to all that shit from him and e.g. bit his dick off. Or Stan's, for that matter, or at least thrown up on him to show what she really thinks of him. Even in the context of sexual liberation, Jackie really should stand up more for herself and her right to have sex when she wants, not just the other way around. Not to mention zero chance for romance in this context...

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