Summer Ch. 16 Sue and I


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Sue smiled, "I don't think I've put on any weight there."

I squeezed her sex gently and pressed the length of one finger between her lips. "You can never be too sure," I said, "I think you need a thorough check out, just to make sure."

"I like the idea of that," she said talking hold of my wrist and removing my hand, "But perhaps when we are in bed. If I cum here I'll flood the room the way I thrash about."

I laughed and lay back putting on a hurt face, "I guess you're right."

"But you on the other hand," she said reaching down and wrapping her fingers around my penis, "cum very quietly with hardly any thrashing around at all." I nodded in quiet agreement. She squeezed gently pulled as though she was milking a cow, which in a manner of speaking she was. "And you haven't cum at all today have you?" she asked, her fingers stroking slowly up and down my shaft. This time I shook my head in quiet agreement. "And I don't think that's fair at all do you?" She asked and once again I could not help but agree.

She leaned forward and adjusted her grip slightly using her full hand to stroke him erect. "Up periscope," she said quietly as the head broke surface. "Full ahead both," she continued the nautical theme, lengthening the stroke to a steady rhythm. "Aye aye, Captain," she said, amusing herself. "I think he's at full mast," she said to me, my erection poking up above her hand and out of the water. "Does that feel alright?" she asked and I nodded, leaning back as best I could, luxuriating in the feel of her fingers wrapped around me.

"I love this you know," she said, suddenly serious and I opened my eyes and looked at her. "All this," she said concentrating on my penis so she didn't have to look at me. "You here in the bath with me, your penis, the sex, I love it all." She glanced up at me, embarrassed and then looked quickly away, her hand all the while moving up and down the length of my shaft. I reached over and cupped her breast, it felt strangely cold in the heat of the room. "How could you not love it," she said, more of a statement than a question. "All this," she said squeezing my shaft slightly without breaking rhythm, "how can you not love the feel of him? So soft and silky and yet so firm at the same time, all business and bluster, acting so hard and yet so gentle. The touch of skin on skin, your fingers on my nipple," looking down at my hand at her breast, "how can you not love it? All of it?" I looked at her in amazement, the sudden outpouring, the hard intensity of her soft words.

She fell quiet for a moment as she recognised the effect the motion of her hand was having and she could feel the tightening in me that heralds the first approach of a climax. "Here it comes," she said, her hand continuing to softly stroke me. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. "Do you love me a little bit?" she suddenly asked quietly, her little girl voice betraying her insecurity. I looked at her but she looked away, still concentrating on making me cum.

"I think I've always loved you," I answered hesitantly.

She smiled without looking up. "I know that you were the ringleader that first day in the woods." Her hand continued its work. "I probably wouldn't have let it happen if you hadn't been there." She looked up at me and smiled. "Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I didn't want it to happen, I know that I did, we'd been building up to it for ages; but at first it was more that I wanted you to touch me than the others."

"At first?"

"All I could think of was your hands on me; inside me," she added almost shyly. "But then the excitement got to me; the hands and the fingers. So many hands. I just fell in love with the sex." The pressure was building rapidly and I placed my hand on her wrist to stop her, I wanted her to keep on talking but she shrugged me off and continued her stroking.

"I'm going to cum," I said and began my climb to my climax.

"I know," she smiled and used her fingers to drive me over the edge.

I climaxed, my sperm running down over her hand and wrist into the water. She continued to milk me, gently stroking until I was finished. She smiled and sat back, holding her sperm covered hand up in front of her eyes. Turning it so that the light glinted on the strings of pearly liquid coating her hand. "I love this," she said again, almost to herself this time. "It's almost mysterious, mystical. How can this make babies?" I shrugged, the heat and the climax relaxing me beyond the need to speak.

She put her tongue to a strand and I watched it disappear into her mouth. She shrugged and smiled. "May well try that properly later; we'll see what happens."

I watched her rub the strings of semen between her fingers, dipping her hand into the water and watching the sperm float away. She caught at the floating bits again and rubbed them thoughtfully between her fingers until they also completely disappeared. Eventually there was nothing left and she took hold of my now deflated penis and inspected it, milking it almost sadly, looking for any last vestiges of the act that may have remained.

"All gone," I said as you would to a child and she smiled.

"Ready for bed?" She asked and I nodded.

"If you are," I answered gallantly, happy to be anywhere with this naked girl. She pushed herself up with her arms and rose from the water, rivulets of foam clinging to her skin and nestling in her pubic hair. "My God but you're sexy," I said appreciatively and she laughed, bending down to kiss me on my head.

"You are too kind, kind sir," she said stepping out of the bath and pulling a large white towel from the airing cupboard and wrapping it around herself. "Come on. Let's get dry. It's not as hot once you're out."

I reluctantly hauled myself out of the bath and she threw the towel around my shoulders. I pulled it off and wrapped it around her again, beginning to towel her dry. She laughed as I dried her breasts and between her legs, lingering with deliberate intent at her nipples and her sex, my fingers eventually slipping between her lips, all pretence of towelling her dry forgotten. "Save some for the bedroom," Sue gasped as my lips found her erect nipple.

"I think we'll manage," I said as my fingers slid deeper into her and Sue opened her legs and lay back against the wall. She cradled my head against her chest as I sucked deeply at her breast and my fingers sliding easily inside her. My thumb found her clitoris and she sagged against me. "Come on Sue," I whispered, "cum for me," and she pulled me tighter in against her. Her juices coated my fingers and she bucked against my hand, pushing back as my thumb moved over her exposed clitoris. It was an uneven struggle and over very quickly and she came, gripping my hand between her legs and hugging my head to her chest. She jerked as the climax washed though her in waves, each a little less intense than the last. When she was done I stepped back and pulled her into my arms and she curled into me like a child.

I held her for a long while until she stirred and pushed herself away from me. She looked up smiling, "I really enjoyed that."

"Which bit," I asked and she laughed.

"All of it," she said, pulling down an old pink towelling dressing gown from a hook behind the door. She shrugged into the dressing gown and handed me the towel. She twirled and curtsied in the limited space. She fingered a bit of the material, "Old but still serviceable. I shouldn't wear it really; you might not want to come to bed with me."

"Try me," I said and wrapped the towel around my waist. Sue pulled her sleeve up and reaching into the bath she pulled the plug and the water began to run away with a satisfying gurgle. I opened the door and stepped out onto the landing in a cloud of steam and walked straight into Jackie who was rushing naked up the stairs.

"Oops sorry!" she said almost knocking me over. My towel slipped and I had to make a grab for it. "Ooh look!" she laughed, "More naked men, I've just left one of those downstairs."

Sue appeared from the bathroom and looked her sister up and down, "Not doing too well on the clothing front yourself are you?"

Jackie laughed and spread her arms displaying her not inconsiderable charms, "As the day I was born. That's the way he wanted me," she indicated down the stairs, "and that's the way I am."

"Isn't he missing you?" Sue asked.

"I'm on my way to the loo," she said by way of explanation, trying to push past us, grabbing a handful of my towel as she went. "Is that the bath? Hold the water for me," she called to Sue who rushed back into the bathroom to replace the plug. Jackie disappeared into the toilet still holding my towel. Sue came out wiping her hand and looked me up and down. She reached out and took my penis in her hand. "Are we ever going to find the time to get to bed and enjoy ourselves on our own," Sue said loudly to the closed toilet door.

"Don't mind me," came the muffled reply, "I'm just passing through. You two go ahead and enjoy yourselves." There was the sound of a flushing toilet and Jackie reappeared. "I'll just throw myself through the bath; freshen myself up a bit, OK to use your bathwater? Not been doing anything naughty in there have you?" Sue smirked and cocked an eyebrow.

"Where's Dave?" Sue asked, changing the subject. "He's getting himself another drink, having a bit of a breather, I've been working him a bit hard I think," Jackie said laughing. "He wasn't complaining though, I think he's enjoyed it so far." She quickly pulled Sue's hand away from my cock and gave it a squeeze herself. "If you ever get tired of this old lady," she said nodding at Sue, "I'll be downstairs."

"God but you're sex mad," Sue said as Jackie let go, "at least let me have him first. Go on," she said, pushing her sister into the bathroom, "bugger off and have a bath. Hope you drown," she added for good measure and Jackie laughed as she dipped her foot experimentally into the bath.

"Look, can't a girl even have a bath in peace? Go on, annoy someone else," she said and theatrically closed the door.

Sue laughed and shook her head, "Come on," she said taking me by the dick again and leading me into the bedroom, "let's get out of here before Dave decides to come up and join in as well."

"Could be arranged," came from the bathroom along with the sounds of Jackie settling herself into the water. Sue laughed and closed the door behind us.

"Right," she said in the sudden silence of the room. She let go and looked around, looking at anything but me, suddenly and endearingly shy and embarrassed. Her eyes finally came to rest on the bed and she stood quietly looking at it, her head hung forward. I turned and flicked off the light switch and the room darkened. I heard her move across to the side of the bed and suddenly the room was bathed in the glow of a small bedside light. She stood there for a moment, her embarrassment lingering, playing with the fringing on the bottom of the old fashioned lampshade. "I've never done this before," she said quietly. I move over to stand behind her, putting my arms around her and holding her close.

"Neither have I," I answered and she smiled.

I bent down and picked her up in my arms and she laughed, "Oh my! How gallant." I laid her down on the bed and stood up, looking down on her. She look up and shyly smiled, nervously brushing a strand of blonde hair away from her face. I smiled and stroked the back of my hand down the side of her face. She caught it and held it to her.

"You seem to have me at a disadvantage," I said quietly.

"How so?" she asked.

"I seem to be only one with no clothes on." She nodded thoughtfully, "I was hoping that you might be thinking of doing something about that." I freed my hand and traced a line down her throat with my fingers. They lingered for a moment at the top of her breastbone, resting in the hollow at the bottom of her throat, before continuing down over her skin to the vee where her dressing gown met between her breasts. She lay quiet and watched my eyes watching the progress of my fingers. She laughed nervously as my finger dipped beneath the material and pulled gently, widening the vee, pulling the material away from her skin.

When the material had bagged enough I pushed it slowly to one side exposing the breast beneath. Her nipple puckered and hardened in the soft light. I touched it lightly, rolling it with my fingertip. Sue purred and stretched cat like, arching her back slightly at the touch. Her breast swayed softly with the movement and I caught the nipple between my fingers, holding it while her breast moved. She arched higher to meet my fingers and her robe fell open, exposing her long shapely legs to her thighs.

I moved to the other breast, drawing the robe aside, opening her up. I strummed her erect nipple with the back of my fingers and her breast moved softly, her skin glowing gold in the gentle yellow light.

With my fingers still at her nipple I pulled open the belt to her dressing gown and pushed it aside. She lay still, just the hesitant rise and fall of her chest indicating her nervous restrained excitement. She licked her lips and waited to be further exposed. Picking at the material with my fingertips I pushed one side of the gown away from her body. Under its own weight the tired gown gaped and then slid down off her hip to fold haphazardly at her side. I rested my fingers on the skin at her waist, she felt so soft, so warm and alive. I trailed my fingers across the flat plane of her stomach; she breathed in, a vanity that made me smile. Taking the other side of her robe I pulled it clear of her body and let it fall to her side. Standing above her I looked down at the body spread out before me. My eyes took in every curve and plane of her, every shadow and shape and texture; from the moisture glistening in the folds of her sex to the slight pucker in the soft brown aureoles surrounding her erect nipples. I knew that this moment was unique, that it would never come again with such intensity and I wanted to preserve it, to memorise her exactly as she was now; young, beautiful and ripe.

My fingers strayed over her skin, brushing her nipple, grazing the inside of her thigh. Goosebumps followed their progress, her nipples fully distended and hard. She shivered and her fingers gripped the bedspread, I could almost smell her arousal. I placed my hand flat on her breast, her nipple hard against my palm. My other hand stroked the inside of her thigh, my thumb occasionally brushing against the wetness between her legs. She shivered and started slightly with each brief contact, signalling her excitement. Her legs parted a little, offering a full and uninterrupted view of her moist and beautiful sex. My hand drifted up over it, my finger tips following the outline of her lips, discovering anew each whorl and curl of skin, exploring the moisture gathering there. Sue closed her eyes as my fingers moved leisurely, intimately, between her legs.

"It's being desired," she said quietly, her voice softly hoarse with excitement, throaty and intense.

My fingers paused, "What is," I asked quietly.

"That turns me on, turns me into jelly. I just can't resist it, knowing that someone wants me, it sets me on fire. When I see that look in someone's eye I feel my willpower slipping away."

"Like Superman with Kryptonite," I answered lamely.

"Except that I come alive when I'm like this."

"Like what?"

"This, me with my legs open again, desperate to cum, melting."


"Melting; whatever you want to call it. It's knowing that you want me that turns me on. It's being desired." She raised her hand and wrapped her fingers around my shaft, once again jutting proud and hard in front of me. She rubbed her thumb over the tip and felt the moisture gathered there. "Everything about sex is exciting. You opened up a world I never even dreamed existed when you took me in the woods that day. My world exploded, you opened the door to the most exciting thing imaginable, sex, and I threw myself in head first. Just cannot get enough." My fingers moved at her sex, opening her up, sliding through her wetness. My thumb found her clitoris and she stiffened, her hands falling to her sides, her breath suddenly withdrawn with a hiss.

"Time to shut up," I said quietly, "all this talk is making me horny."

Sue lay still and stiff as my thumb moved over the small, sensitive head of her clitoris, "Open your legs, let me in," I instructed and she did, her knees parting on command. "That's better," I said as my fingers slid between her lips, my thumb still drawing lazy circles at the top of her sex. Sue grunted, small soft sounds as my fingers slid deeper inside her. Her eyes were closed, her legs wide open. I knelt beside her, one knee on the bed, one foot on the floor, bending over her, pushing my fingers ever deeper. Sue groaned and balled the quilt in her hands, squeezing hard as her body rose to meet the demands of my fingers. Her clitoris was hard and wet beneath the ball of my thumb, her sex slick and open. "Wider," I instructed and she shook her head. "I said wider," and forced her legs further apart. She cried out at being so rudely used, the sinews in her legs strained, her sex gaped. I rotated my fingers inside her, placing my other hand on her pelvis, holding her down, my fingers spreading her sex, finding her clitoris again. She jerked as her hips rose up against me, shuddering into her climax. She grabbed my wrist trying to pull my hand away from between her legs. She groaned and closed her legs hard, my fingers still inside her. She curled up and rolled over towards me, foetal position, shuddering as each consecutive wave of her climax took her.

She lay quiet, her breath still coming in judders, winded by her climax. My fingers, still between her legs, played idly with her sex. She held my wrist with both hands but her grip was slack, her mind still filled with the lingering echoes of her climax and casual movement of my fingers. She shivered and her eyes opened, "Welcome back," I offered quietly and she looked up at me and smiled. She sighed contentedly and pulled my hand tighter against her sex.

"My God," she said quietly, "where did that come from? Almost blew the top of my head off." I slipped a finger inside her again and she groaned and closed her eyes.

"It came from in here," I said moving my finger slowly inside her, "and in here," touching her forehead with my other hand.

She laughed, "Getting inside my head now as well as my pants?"

"Always have been, or didn't you know?"

Sue smiled again and looked away, a slight sadness suddenly in her eye, "I always knew," she said.

I removed my hand from between her legs with a satisfyingly wet sound. Taking her shoulder I rolled her over onto her back. She was amazingly compliant. I pushed her dressing gown off her shoulder and pulled her arm free of the sleeve, "Time to lose this," I said and she half sat up and shrugged the gown free of her other arm. I tugged it from underneath her and she rolled over, away from me, to allow me to pull it free. I reached over and smacked her across her bottom and she yelped, "come back here, I haven't finished with you yet." She rolled back, moving over until she was close to me and lay there looking up at me expectantly. I reached down and casually fondled her breast, "Open your legs."


"I said 'open your legs'; I want to have a look at you."

She looked at me somewhat confused but slowly opened her legs. Her sex glistened, her lips puffy and distended. "Put your arms above your head," I said quietly and she slowly raised her arms until they were stretched out above her head. "Wrists together," I added and she crossed her wrists, her breasts moved enticingly. "Keep them open," I instructed as she made to close her legs and her legs crept apart again. I reached above her and took her wrists in my hand holding her firm.