Summer Employment Ch. 05


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Tuck called, and wanted me to take him to Tuck-South. He rode in the backseat, and kept asking if I knew who was fucking his wife, and I kept telling him that I didn't know. "I'd like to know who it s so I could thank him," he said. I considered changing my answer, briefly.

I declined his offer to have lunch at Tuck-South, saying that Betty didn't like being alone at the office. I don't know if that was true or not, but he took my word, and let me go back to the office.

We raided the refrigerator, and Betty divulged more. "I was very young when we got married, and I suppose I was frigid. That's what Walter always said. After I got pregnant with Carrie, I was horny all the time. But by then, Walter was convinced that I was frigid, and wouldn't touch me. Since then, I've had a few gentlemen friends, with long dry spells in between," she said, looking sad.

"How old is Carrie?" I asked to take her mind off of the dry spells she'd told me about.

"She's the same age as you, nineteen," Bettie said.

"Wow, you were young when you had her," I said, thinking how old my own mother had been when she delivered her first child.

"How old do you think I am?" she asked.

"Let's see, Carrie is nineteen and you were thirteen when she was born. That would make you thirty-two or thirty-three," I said, knowing I was off by a few years.

Betty blushed. "I was eighteen when she was born," she confessed.

"You could have fooled me. I would have believed that you are thirty-three if you hadn't told me," I said, and watched her blush again.

Betty stayed in her office the rest of the day, but when it was time to lock the doors, she became bold. "Would you like to drop by my house sometime, Victor? It would be nice to have company. My daughter's not there very much," she said.

"Thanks, Betty. I'd like that," I said as we parted.

Remembering that Tuck hadn't called to have me come after him, I drove by Tuck-South on the way home, just in case he was ready to leave. He wasn't there and I couldn't find anyone who knew where he'd gone. On the way home, I called Elizabeth to see if she knew where her husband was. She didn't know, and she didn't seem to care.

"Wash both cars when you get home," she said. "Make sure you do a good job, inside and out."

Why did I call her? I turned my phone off, vowing not turn it on again until I needed to make a call. Too many people had the number.

Missy came outside while I was washing the cars. "The missus says for you to turn your phone on. If Tuck calls she wants to be able to get in touch with you."

"Fuck the missus," I said.

Missy laughed. "I'll bet you'd like to fuck her, wouldn't you?"

"You're funny," I said, laughing with her.

"I'll bring your dinner to the cottage as soon as you're ready to eat," Missy offered.

"Thanks Missy. Maybe we can fool around."

"You know the rules, Brian...I mean Victor," she said, grinning at me as she left.

Reluctantly, I turned my phone back on.

Missy brought my dinner as soon as she saw me heading to the cottage. But she said she couldn't stay long. "I'll stay as long as you want tomorrow night," she promised when she left.

When it got dark, I went in for a swim and since I didn't think anyone else would have the same idea, I didn't bother to wear a swimsuit.

I don't' know how long it had been, perhaps fifteen minutes or a half hour, when I heard Elizabeth calling my name. She was knocking on the cottage door. "Victor, why didn't you answer your phone? There's an emergency. Victor, where are you?"

I hopped out of the pool and was right behind her when she turned to see me, naked and wet.

"There you are. Hurry, we've got to take some dishes to Tuck-mid-town."

I ran into the cottage and was stepping into my pants when I turned to see Elizabeth watching me. "Aren't you going to dry or wear underwear?" she asked.

"You said it was an emergency. What kind of dishes do I need to take to mid-town?"

"Never mind that, I'm going with you," she said.

"Mmmm," I said.

"Don't you dare look at me that way, Victor. Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"I was in the pool, and didn't hear it ring," I answered, calmly explaining the obvious.

Elizabeth stopped at the house to tell Missy what to do if Tuck called while we were gone. "Call Victor's cell phone and tell us where he is," she said.

Damn, now another person has my number, I thought.

Why was Mrs. Elizabeth Tucker going with me? I knew where the mid-town restaurant was, and I was perfectly capable of delivering the dishes. Elizabeth took her place in the front seat. As we drove to the office, she explained what had happened. An entire rack of dishes had toppled over, and most of the plates had been broken. The restaurant needed six dozen plates, six dozen glasses and six dozen coffee mugs to finish the shift and to open at lunchtime on Monday.

We put down carpeting in the back of the van and loaded boxes of dishes. I drove to the center of town as fast as I dared. Vera met us at the back door and called a crew to help me unload everything. Elizabeth remained seated in the van while Vera yelled orders for her crew to run the new dishes through the dishwasher. "Thank you for your help, Victor," she said, before whispering, "Thank Elizabeth for coming, too."

I waited until we were on the way back to the office to begin working on Elizabeth.

"You saw that I'm not wearing underwear," I said.

"What does that have to do with anything," she responded, using her Witches' voice.

"I was just wondering if you're wearing any."

"Don't even think of it, Victor. We'll park the van in the garage, and you'll drive me straight home."

"Your husband knows you've been getting laid."

"How could he know? You didn't tell him, did you?"

"I may be young, but I'm not stupid," I said.

"What are we going to do, Victor?" She sounded sincere, having lost her Witches' tone.

"Tuck likes to see you happy. He told me he'd like to thank the guy that's fucking you. I'll try to help you out as often as I can."

"You' impertinent...Bastard. I don't need...YOU to help ME," Elizabeth said, spitting the words out.

"This may be your last chance for awhile, Elizabeth. I'm going to be busy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Do you want me to pencil you in for Thursday night?"

"NO! I don't require your services," she said, sounding confident.

"I can't reserve Thursday unless you tell me now. A lot of people took down my number today."

I backed the van into the garage, and lowered the door. Except for the dim light on the door opener, it was dark in the garage. Elizabeth didn't make a move to get out of the van.

"Did my husband really say that he likes it when I'm happy?"


"He may be home on Thursday night. I wouldn't dare come to the cottage if there's a chance he would catch us."

The door opener light went out and it was completely dark in the garage. We sat in silence for a full minute. "I'm free tonight," I offered.

I heard her sigh. She heard me shift my weight in the seat.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Switching the cell phone to off," I said.

"Oh," she said, sighing again.

I waited in the dark, wondering if she wanted me to make the first move. Except for another sigh, we were silent for another minute.

"Where would you suggest?" she asked.

"Back there," I said, pointing to the back of the van, realizing that she couldn't see me point. Apparently, she knew what I meant because she squeezed between the seats and landed on the carpet. I followed her.

Elizabeth had already pulled her T-shirt over her head and was unbuttoning her jeans when I joined her.

I'd managed to get my shirt off when her lips locked mine, hungrily sucking my tongue into her mouth and rubbing her breasts against my chest. We groped each other in the dark and somehow, she removed my pants.

"I've been thinking about this all day," she said when she found my cock.

"Did you cause that cart to tip over?" I asked.

"I would have if I'd have thought of it," she said, pulling me on top of her and lining my cock up with her pussy.

"My God! This is good!" she exclaimed, "I can't wait until Thursday night. Are you sure you can't make time for me before then?"

I didn't even try to answer her because I didn't think she would hear me anyway. Elizabeth was too busy pulling me into her and screaming my name. I could hear the springs complain as we rocked the van.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, this is Good!" Elizabeth screamed and I knew she was having a tremendous orgasm. I stopped a few seconds for her to recover, until she prodded me with her heel. I resumed fucking, and she let me slow down so we could both enjoy it.

"I'm going to cum," I announced a few minutes later.

"Wait a minute and I'll be with you," she said, beginning to really push back to meet my hrusts. We finished about the same time. She held me close, and I could feel her breasts rub my chest.

"Did my husband really say that he'd like to thank the guy that's fucking me?" she asked.

I rolled us onto our sides and my cock came out or her pussy. "Do you think I should tell him it's me?"

"NO!" Elizabeth said. "You can't trust him. He'd kill you, and he'd kill me. Anyway, this is our last time."

"You just said that you couldn't wait until Thursday night," I reminded her.

"I didn't mean it."

"You could have fooled me," I said, and felt her shake, like she was laughing.

"Vera told me to thank you for helping tonight," I said as I rubbed her back.

"That was nice of her," Elizabeth said, purring.

I continued to rub her back, and moved my hand to her tummy, up to her breast. She purred again. I found her lips in the dark and she returned my kiss. I massaged her other breast.

"Damn," she said, jumping.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned that I'd hurt her.

"I'm leaking," she laughed. We've got to stop leaving stains on carpets."

I kissed her and felt her hand on my cock.

"Hmmm," she said, adjusting my cock in position as she brought her pussy forward.

"I thought you said this was our last time," I said, but I don't think she heard me. She was too busy pulling me into her with her leg around my ass.

Elizabeth rolled me onto my back and we soon had the van rocking again. "I can't wait until Thursday night," she said between grunts. "If he's out, I'll come to the cottage," she offered.

"What if he's not out?" I asked.

"I'll come for a swim. We'll do it again in the pool. Did you like that?"

"I hope he's out," I said.

"I do too," she answered, just as she fell forward, too spent to speak.

As we got dressed, Elizabeth lamented the fact that she was still leaking my cum on the inside of her jeans.

"I'll put some tissues in here for next time," I offered.

"There won't be a next time," she said, and that became the subject of much controversy as we drove home. I maintained that she'd want me to fuck her again, and she disagreed. I became so frustrated with the argument we were having that I turned on my cell phone. There were three messages from Missy.

"Tuck wants you to come pick him up right away. He's at mid-town," she said in the first message. The second message was more urgent: "It's after midnight, Victor. Where are you?" The third message was unintelligible.

Elizabeth demanded that I take her home before going after Tuck. I let her out, and rushed to the mid-town restaurant. It was in darkness. I found Tuck slumped next to some milk cases. Fortunately, he didn't know what time it was. I got him into the backseat, where he fell asleep. We were half way home when he woke up.

"I really fucked up, Vic," he said in a slurred voice.

"That's okay, Tuck, we'll be home soon," I tried to assure him.

"I've got one wife so mad at me that she wouldn't let me sleep it off at her house, and I've got another wife so bitchy that I don't want to go home."

"What did you do to make Vera mad at you, Sir?" I asked, hoping to draw his attention away from Elizabeth being bitchy.

"Oh, nothing really, she became enraged with me when I accidentally tipped over a rack of dishes. I don't see what all the fuss was about. She wouldn't let me go home with her, though. Do you remember where Ginger lives?"

"Yes, Sir, do you want to go to her apartment?"

"I can't go to Vera's house, and I don't want to go home," he said, making perfect sense to me.

"I better call Ginger to make sure her old man isn't there," I said, hoping her number was in my phone. It was.

"Hello?" Ginger said, answering on the fourth ring.

"Ginger, this is Victor. We met yesterday."

"Victor, what time is it?"

"I don't know, Ginger. I have Tuck in the backseat. May we stop by your apartment?"

"Now?" she asked.

"Yes, we won't be any trouble. Tuck needs a place to stay, just for tonight."

"Does he have any money?"

"I don't know. I'll check. Tuck, Ginger wants to know if you have any money with you."

"Tell her I'll make it worth her while if she lets me do my thing with her," Tuck said.

"Did you hear that, Ginger?"

"Yeah, I heard him, but I ain't going to swing my tits while he beats off."

"Please, Ginger. He doesn't want to go home because his wife is too bitchy. Won't you do it for me?"

"Okay, Victor. I'll do it for you."

"Thanks, Ginger. We'll see you soon. Your old man isn't there, is he?"

"Do you think I'd let Tuck come here if he was?"

We said goodbye and I gave Tuck the good news. "Ginger's going to swing her tits while you beat off, Tuck."

"You're a good kid. Liz needs to get laid. Are you up to the job, Vic?"

"I'll do my best, Sir."

"You'd be doing me a big favor. Do you think you can fuck the bitchiness out of her, Vic?"

"Yes, Sir," I said, so pleased with the way things were turning out that I almost lost control of the car. We stopped in front of Ginger's apartment and I helped him to the door.

"You've got the job, Vic," Tuck said, shaking my hand.

Ginger opened the door to her apartment and greeted us with, "Where's the money?"

I helped Tuck find his money and Ginger showed me where to dump him. She invited me to hang around and watch, but I couldn't get out of there fast enough. It was two-thirty in the morning when I knocked on the Tucker back door. There was no answer and I had to knock again before Missy came to the door.

"What are you doing here, Victor?" Missy asked.

"Where's Elizabeth's room. I need to see her," I said.

Missy was reluctant to let me in until I told her Tuck wasn't coming home. "It's at the top of the stairs, on the right. Don't get me in trouble for letting you in," she said. I assured that I wouldn't, and took the stairs two at a time.

Elizabeth was sleeping on her side, and didn't hear me remove my clothes, and get into the bed. I put my arm around her, and discovered she was wearing a short nightgown. She put her hand over mine. "What do you want, Frank?"

"It's me," I said, and felt her jump.

"Victor, what are you doing? He'll kill you if he finds you in bed with me," she said, alarm in her voice.

"No, he won't. He gave me the job of fucking the bitchiness out of you," I said, rubbing her tummy, and feeling her push her ass against my cock.

"Really?" she asked, moving my hand to her breast.

"He told me to do a good job, and I promised I would," I said.

"I'll be the judge of that," she said as she removed the nightgown.

I moved my hand to her pussy, and felt moisture already forming. She rolled onto her back and reached for my cock.

"I hope he remembers giving you the job when he wakes up in the morning," she said as I entered her.

"I do too," I said.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
This is like:

A sexual version of the the old Abbott & Costello routine: "Who's on First?" only it ought to be, "Who's IN First?" & any answer could be, "the Chauffeur".

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