Summer Intern


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I dragged Madeline along while I more-or-less hopped over to a nearby table, and then I bent her over it. I pulled up her dress finding only a small thong covering her pussy and ass crack. I quickly removed her thong and put it in my pocket. As I licked her labia and fingered her she moaned so loudly that had not the music been blaring and the lighting crackling she could have been heard 100 meters away. When I just touched her clit with my tongue she spasmed like she had just been hit by one of the lightning bolts energizing the night sky. I gently rubbed her labia and stroked the inside of her pussy the entire five minutes that it took her to calm down from her orgasm.

Once her shrieks and panting subsided I put my mushroom head in contact with her vaginal vestibule. She groaned like a Guernsey with increasing volume as I buried my cock in some deliberate time-consuming thrusts her pussy was so tight. "Doesn't Bill use this thing?" I cackled to myself as I penetrated. Once I was completely buried I started stroking like a pro on Pronhub relishing in her squeals, moans, and groans of pleasure. I know that Madeline came at least three times before I blasted her with a load of seminal fluid. She almost passed out from the sensory overload.

I was really proud of the number I had done on Madeline when even after I removed my slimy flaccid dick from her luscious pussy she simply spasmed once and then returned to la-la land. I wiped my cock off on her thong and then returned it to my pocket, pulled up my pants, grabbed a couple of bottles of wine and returned to the tasting room.

The party was still going strong. Only Traci asked me where Madeline was and I told her "She had to go to the bathroom," which seemed to satisfy her even though you couldn't access the bathroom through the storeroom. I danced with all of Traci, Jill, and Elle both individually and at the same time. All six female hands seemed to enjoy rubbing my bare chest and arms.

After about fifteen minutes Madeline came virtually stumbling out of the store room with a wicked grin on her face. While I was dancing cheek-to-cheek with Jill, Madeline and Traci were talking -- actually giggling more than talking. After I temporarily broke away from Jill Madeline came up to me and stage whispered "Give me back my thong you bastard."

"I will not," I replied. "It's a souvenir to remind me of one of the highlights of my life." Even though I had thoroughly enjoyed fucking Madeline I was gilding the lily with that statement but it had the desired effect. She smiled broadly, gave me a zealous kiss right in front of the other three women, and then again whispered "bastard" before she got herself another glass of wine.

Shortly after Madeline got her glass of wine before I could go back to dancing with Jill Traci approached me. "I need the same deal as Madeline," she slurred, also drunk but not past the point of consent. As surreptitiously as possible I followed her into the storeroom. This time I wanted to look my prey in the eye as I fucked her pussy so I lifted Traci up and planted her ass on the table. As we tried to tickle each other's tonsils I reached under her skirt, grabbed her panties, and literally ripped them off, causing her to giggle into my mouth as we were kissing. I broke our kiss, stared into her eyes, and said "It doesn't seem fair that I'm topless and you aren't."

She giggled some more as I pulled her top over her head, unclasped her bra, and tossed it to the side. I got a gleam in my eye when I saw that they were decent sized east-west tits; I was going to have to make sure that I fucked her doggy before we left the next morning to get a repeat of the tit-slapping sound I had gotten with Jen and was still the best audio experience of my life.

Once I had digested the joy of her likely C+ cup east-west tits I started sucking one of her tits in earnest as I lightly twisted the nipple on the other one with one of my hands while my second hand was under her skirt playing with her pussy. Wine obviously didn't adversely affect her climaxing ability -- maybe it even enhanced it -- because she had three rip roaring orgasms in succession just from my tit and pussy play. After she came down from her third orgasm she mumbled "Please just fuck me -- I can't take any more."

I was not inclined to disagree.

I dropped my pants and boxers to my ankles and then turned my rock hard heat seeking cock loose. It easily found her wet pussy, impaled it, and I started pistoning in-and-out with the speed of an internal combustion engine accelerating to 60 mph. Given that Traci was 37 years old and married I was surprised by how tight her pussy was. "Just like Bill with Madeline I guess that Jack doesn't fuck it enough" quickly passed through my mind, but I was having too much fun fucking to think much about it. When I ejaculated in Traci she screamed, scratched my back, shook, and then literally passed out. My joy in fucking her comatose was overwhelming. I stayed inside her limp body, massaging her tits and ass, until my cock became flaccid. By then she was also stirring. Her first words were "You fucked me unconscious," and then she immediately planted a kiss on my lips.

It was apparent that it would take Traci a while to recover, so I found some soft cloth in the storeroom, gently laid her on her back on the table, and put the cloth under her head as a pillow. "Stay here until you are fully with it" I smiled at her before quickly kissing her and licking her clit one more time before I left, with her ripped undies in the same pocket as Madeline's thong.

Apparently I had been fucking Traci longer than I thought -- time flies when you're having fun -- because when I returned to the tasting room Jill seemed to be concerned about Elle who was sitting on a chair. Madeline was swaying to the music while drinking some more wine.

I went over to Jill and asked "What's the matter?"

"She's incoherent; I don't think that she's used to that much wine," Jill responded. "Can you help me get her to her room?"

"I'll carry her," I smiled. I started to pick Elle up, but realized that she was too heavy for me to carry in my arms. "I have to do a fireman's carry," I announced to Jill. "Can you grab her purse and walk behind us to be sure that she doesn't get sick on me-- or at least warn me."

"OK," Jill chuckled as I bent down, pulled Elle's torso over my right shoulder, and then stood up. Fortunately I only had to fireman-carry her for about 100 yards and up one flight of stairs, because she was heavy. Jill got the key to Elle's room out of Elle's purse and opened the door. I placed Elle on her bed as gently as possible. Jill helped me position her so that she would be comfortable and wouldn't fall off the bed.

Once we had Elle positioned properly I went up to Jill, smiled, and started to take her into my arms. She smiled back but put her hand on my chest and pushed me away slightly. "Tonight you're only going to be able to fuck two of the wives of the guys who are screwing you," she cackled.

I was surprised by her comment. "What do you mean?" I innocently asked.

"I overheard Henry talking to Jack, Bill and Prentice about screwing you over with upper management because they're threatened by your ideas. I immediately suspected that you knew about their plan when the van driver for the resort suddenly turned up sick and you offered to drive us. I guess you really got lucky with the rain, didn't you?"

I was stunned. I decided to come clean. "Yes, I overheard Bill and Jack talking about it; screwing their wives was my revenge and I'll never work for PTW full time because of it. So why am I only going to get to screw two of the wives?" I wickedly grinned.

"Because Elle is past the point of consent and you won't rape her, and because I don't cheat on my husband. However, who knows what the future might bring if you're patient because things have been happening for the last year or so that makes me almost ready to jettison Henry -- but tonight you'll have to content yourself with those sluts Traci and Madeline" Jill smiled back, almost as wickedly as my smile was.

"If I give you my cellphone number and email address will you promise to contact me when you jettison Henry?" I excitedly asked.

"Sure will," she grinned, pulling out her smartphone. I gave her my information which she immediately inputted into her phone and she gave me hers, for which I did the same. After that she said "You probably need to put the sluts to bed," then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, pushed me toward the door, and said "Get out of here so I can undress Elle."

I squeezed her hand, smiled, waved my smartphone, and exited.

Since I was horny not only from my activities with Traci and Madeline -- but also because Jill is the most desirable woman I ever met and in view of her comments -- I got both of the sluts into their rooms and then spent most of the night going back and forth between them, popping little blue pills like they were candy, and getting more tit and pussy in one night than ever before -- or since -- in my life.

The next morning the rain had subsided and the roads were expected to be passable by 11 a. m. -- which happened to be checkout time.

Jill was bright-eyed and bushy tailed at breakfast when I dragged my ass there at about 9 a. m., my cock more red and sore than it had ever been in my life before. I had dried out my shirt and was wearing it which caused Jill to cackle "No Tarzan look today Kent?"

"Please don't hassle me," I moaned, "I had a hard night."

"Fucking sluts will do that to you," Jill whispered.

I ignored her and drank some black coffee. I got Madeline up at 10 o'clock and got in the shower with her to turn her back into a human. Fortunately she didn't try to fuck because I couldn't have gotten it up. After we both got dressed she asked "I don't suppose that you'll give me my thong back."

"Less chance now than the last time you asked after our gymnastics last night," I cackled.

"My pussy is still sore and even after the shower is leaking your cum, bastard," she fake snarled.

"I'll get you some Maxi-pads at the on-site store," I chuckled, and did.

I woke Traci up at 10:30. I got into the shower with her to in order to get her back among the functional. Unlike Madeline she did want to fuck again. "How can you still want to fuck after last night?" I asked her, incredulous. "Doesn't your pussy hurt?"

"It's a good hurt," she chuckled. "Plus I got more cock last night than the last month from Jack, so I'll take as much as I can get from you."

"I'm completely spent," I seriously replied. She grabbed my dick, saw how red it was, and when it didn't even flinch when she kissed it she let it go and said "You're no good, how can you be wiped by only fucking me four times last night and this morning?" and then laughed hysterically.

I was surprised that she was with it enough to count -- I also came up with four due to my consumption of more little blue pills than recommended. I didn't tell her "I fucked your friend Madeline three times," since as far as she knew it was only once.

"Can I have my panties back?" she inquired after we got dressed.

"Hell no, I need them as a reminder of the night of my life," I snickered.

"Asshole," she replied, punching me in the arm, but she was very pleased by my statement.

By the time that we got in the van for our drive back to the resort at 11:30 -- with two more cases of wine that I bought to split between the four lovelies -- everyone had rallied. The conversation was brisk, light, and humorous. The looks on the faces of Bill, Jack, Henry, and Prentice were none of those. "Where the fuck have you been?" Bill snarled at me.

I got in his face but in a voice no one else could here said "Madeline called you last night to tell you the storm made it impassable to return and that we were staying at a bed and breakfast. Now shut the fuck up because the next time you talk to me like that I'm going to humiliate you like you never have been before."

"You can't talk to me like that," he bellowed.

I picked him up, turned him upside down, walked him over to the fountain in front of the resort and dumped him in. Everyone laughed except Jack. The look I gave him told him that he was next if he opened his mouth so he shut up.

My plan had been to hand Jack and Bill Traci and Madeline's undergarments and thank them for acing me out of golf, but after having as much fun as I did fucking them there was no way that I was going to embarrass them, so I just went up to my room and put the stained undergarments into my suitcase.

Much to Henry's and Jack's consternation, at dinner that night I sat at the same table as them, Jill, Traci, and a couple of other people. They especially didn't like it that I sat between Jill and Traci. I think that I was subtly able to keep Traci's hand off my cock under the table, but maybe not; I won't lose any sleep over it. I believe that Henry was more pissed off than Jack, however, because Jill and I had really pleasant conversations with each other and others at the table. While I exchanged kind words with Traci too it seemed that she was more concerned about grabbing my cock under the table than having a fun conversation.

I finished out my summer internship and the last day went to see the upper management person (the only woman) who I had the best relationship with. I told her about the jealousy of her four middle managers and that if I was bold enough to presume that I would be offered a full time position after I graduated I would decline it -- because of them. She actually listened, took notes, and wished me well.


My senior year in college I basically only studied, worked out, slept, and ate. I wanted to get killer grades in my last classes, and after my interlude with Traci and Madeline and my keen interest in Jill co-eds simply didn't have any appeal to me. I did go to a couple of parties when asked by female classmates, but I made sure that my relationships with them didn't turn romantic or sexual.

I did talk with, or text, Jill about once a week. I kept the conversation and text exchanges light -- I just wanted to make sure that she knew that I was interested. I did tell her that co-eds had no appeal to me after meeting her; although she poo-pooed it, you could tell that she really liked hearing it.

About halfway through my first semester I got a call from Traci. I'm not sure how she got my number, but she is a finagler so I wasn't really surprised. She invited herself up for a weekend, "Unless you're too embarrassed to be seen with a thirty seven year old."

I'm not a saint, only a horny normal young male, and I knew how fucking hot she was (and hot at fucking) so I said "Yes." I followed that up with "Do you want me to get you a hotel room or are you willing to sleep on the couch in my off campus apartment -- which I live in alone?"

She cackled for a few seconds and then with a lilt in her voice replied "Your couch, as long as it's not too lumpy." I gave her my address and got her ETA.

I know that she's married and that I'm an asshole for fucking her -- almost as big an asshole as Jack is -- but I couldn't help myself. Since I had about two weeks advance notice I arranged my schedule so that I wouldn't have to study the roughly sixty hours that she'd be visiting, I bought new sheets for my double bed, fixed a few things around the apartment, and had it professionally cleaned the day before she arrived.

It was clear right from the start that Traci only wanted me for sex. I accepted that, and even though we had a good time, and got along well, the times we went out to eat and at the one party that we attended, our primary desire was to get between the sheets. By the time that she left I knew every inch of her body, had sucked her nipples about as often as a breast-feeding baby would have, and went through a supply of little blue pills and wore my dick out. I did get to revisit, more than once, hearing that awesome tit-slapping sound when I fucked her doggy. Despite my sore lips and cock I was really sorry to see her go, and she seemed to genuinely thank me and get a real tear in her eye when she left. I did make her promise not to tell Jill since I wasn't sly enough to hide my apparent desire for Jill from someone as observant as Traci. Her response to that was surprising.

"Jill and Henry are formally separated and she's moved to the same city that her parents live in," Traci said.

That stunned me because Jill hadn't mentioned it.

At the end of that week I had my weekly call with Jill. Our conversation was light and funny until when it was about the time that I would normally sign off I asked "So, how's your relationship with Henry? I talked to someone at PTW and was told that you had separated."

There was a long pause; I didn't fill the dead time. Finally she said "I didn't tell you because I don't want to see you until my divorce is final and I was afraid that you would put pressure on me to visit you before then and I probably wouldn't be able to resist."

That took me back. After a delay of my own I said "Jill, I really respect you. I'm willing to wait as long as necessary IF you promise to give me a chance once you are divorced."

This time without hesitation she said "I promise. Now no more talk until one day I show up at your door."

I liked the sound of that.

Jill didn't show up at my door by the time that I graduated college, but Traci did halfway through my second semester. I really wanted to resist her, but in the end I couldn't especially when she purred over the phone what she wanted to do to me, reminded me how much I liked her mammaries slap together when I doggy fucked her, and since I hadn't been laid since her last visit. Her second visit was as pleasant, exciting, and sexually fulfilling as her first one. Everything was roses until I told her just before she left that this would probably be out last time together since I was expecting to enter into a relationship with someone in the near future.

She obviously got upset and said "You'll never find anyone that fucks as good as I do."

I stared into her eyes. "You're probably right. However, I want a family and kids and that's not in the cards with you. You already have your family with a husband and three kids and I'm not breaking it up even if I don't like your husband."

She stared at me a while and gulped a couple of times. I didn't want a scene so I said "Please, Traci; let's leave on the best terms possible. You're an awesome woman in and out of the sack and I want to have only fond memories of you."

"Is Jill the one you want a relationship with?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied.

She sighed, we pushed our sex-chapped lips together one more time, and she got in her car and left.


After I had graduated and was closing up my apartment while considering three good job offers when I had my weekly phone call with Jill she was all bubbly. "I have good news Kent," she excitedly said, "My divorce from Henry came through this week. I know that I said that I'd show up at your doorstep but maybe it would be best if you showed up on mine. We can have a couple of weeks to get to know each other while you consider your job offers -- you don't have to go to work immediately, do you? Wouldn't you like to be a kept man for a while?" she chuckled.

I don't think that I had a better offer in my life, and I told her so.

I couldn't believe how well things worked out. Our two weeks together were the best of my life -- better than my time with Jen, better than my times with Traci. While the sex was not as wild or voluminous it beat every other sexual experience in my life because we had true affection for each other from the second that I turned up on her doorstep.

After the two weeks she gave notice at her job and apartment and followed me to the city where I had the best job offer. We're engaged and living the dream and even have the names of our future kids picked out -- all because some middle managers during my summer internship were assholes.

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JimQ2JimQ211 months ago

Been there, partly. The job internship with piss poor managers that is. Got rehired the next summer as an aide to the area warehouse manager and was basically just over the sub-managers that were so inept the prior year. Before the end of the summer 2 of the 3 were fired, one for theft, and the other for incompetency.

26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

Reminiscent of imhapless happy cheating stories.

amischiefmakeramischiefmakerover 1 year agoAuthor

I love it when people comment either without having read the story, or have no ability to comprehend what they read. That includes you, enderlocke77. Jill did NOT cheat, and that is who he ended up with.

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 1 year ago

good way to lose ur dick or life or both at least he ended up with someone he deserves, a cheat

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69over 1 year ago

Great story of revenge.

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