Summer of an Older Woman Pt. 06

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Living together.
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Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/24/2022
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The next morning, January 1st, 1986, Linda and I got up with the alarm at 10:30. It wasn't easy waking up; we had gone to sleep very late, after 3:30, and it took us both a long time to fall asleep. We didn't have a fight exactly the night before, but there was an incident that caused a problem between us for the first time since we started seeing each other six months before. After the New Year's Eve party, we went to, her friend Rona came on to both of us, and then, in the car, Linda told me Rona was an occasional lover of hers and had told her she wanted to have a threesome with us. Though Linda told me they hadn't been together since we'd met, and she promised she had no interest in sleeping with her again, I was really thrown for a loop. And the problem was there in bed with us all night long.

After using the bathroom, we sat in the kitchen having coffee, very subdued. It was a holiday, and we were going to my parents in a few hours for brunch, and right then we were barely on speaking terms. It was making us both miserable. Finally, Linda almost shouted at me. "Dennis, tell me what you're thinking already. We have to work this out or I'm not going for brunch, and you won't be moving in next weekend! You knew I had a female friend that I had an occasional thing with. It was never love, and we only got together when we didn't have men in our lives. I told you I wouldn't trade you for anyone, not ever. I probably should have just shut her down about the threesome, but I wanted to talk to you about that first in case you were interested. I could understand you wanting to experience something I had on and off for years, something fun and kinky, but I never would have said yes without your consent first. So you need to tell me what is causing you problems here. And we have to get it out now."

I looked at her and Linda was kind of furious with me. She was probably right; she was upfront with me about her past (VERY upfront, actually), and none of it ever gave me a pause before. So why this and why now?

"Linda, my Darling" I said as I took her hands in mine, "I had no idea the 'friend' you had your relationship with would be there last night. No idea this would happen. If we were just casual fuck buddies and you knew Rona, I would probably go for it and chalk it up as a casual sex experience, and a great one at that. But we're not casual, Honey. We're in love, moving in together soon. Knowing you have a long history with her kind of threatens me. I don't want to wonder if sometimes you're going to need to go out and hook up with Rona."

"Baby, that part of my life is over. Finished. You're the one I want every night and day, in my bed, in my heart, in all my thoughts. Except when I think about my children or dad. But in terms of a lover and best friend, it's you I want and need. Please, don't let this screw up such a good thing. Believe me and trust me. I love you completely."

I knew she was right. And she was right for me. What was past was past. "I believe you, Honey, and I completely trust you. If you say that's behind you, that's good enough for me." I stood up and gently pulled her up with me. "Come with me" I said simply, and Linda followed me as I led her into what would soon be officially OUR bedroom. We melted into each other, locked in a deep and loving kiss.

Before we got onto the bed, Linda whispered in my ear "What about your parents? They're expecting us at 1."

"I'll call them afterwards and tell them we overslept. They'll believe it. Probably. Let's start the New Year right, my Darling."

"I'm all yours, Baby. All yours." I hoisted Linda up so her ass was under my arms and her cleavage was even with my face. I started kissing all over her chest, working my way down to her delicious breasts. "Yes, Baby. Kiss me there. Devour me." She was urging me on, gripping my hair, pulling my face where she wanted me to go. I pulled down the straps of her nightgown and sucked hungrily on her nipples, switching back and forth from one to the other as Linda groaned and grunted with her building lust.

We fell on the bed and got out of what clothing we were wearing, which wasn't all that much, and with minimal foreplay, Linda mounted me. The lack of foreplay didn't hurt at all; I was hard and she was soaked. She grinded on my cock in circles, tossing her head back as I ran my hands all over her body. I touched her lips with my fingers and she sucked them greedily, each one in turn. When she started to ride me, I lifted my hips, meeting her, thrust for thrust. We didn't say a word, we just fucked with a desperate need. I tweaked her swollen nipples, making her cry out as a powerful orgasm shook through her. Then she fell forward so her tits were mashed onto my chest and I forced my tongue into her mouth. I say 'forced', but there was nothing really forceful about it. She wanted my kiss, we reveled in each other. Then I pushed her on her back and I was in charge and Linda went wild. Kicking my ass with her heels, clawing at my hairy chest as I pounded away. Then she issued the only word either of us spoke during that amazing fuck: "Harder!" I was bouncing on top of her body, the bed was protesting, and then when our orgasms came, it was like the floodgates opened. We were both soaking wet from our mixed fluids and the room just reeked of steamy sex. We couldn't even open the window since it was January, but at least the kids wouldn't be home for a few days.

We laid there, wiped out physically and emotionally. There was more pure heat in that amazing sex than we ever shared before. I covered her face in kisses which she returned with all her love. We stopped kissing after a minute or two and looked into each other's eyes. Linda caressed the top of my head and said so softly I could barely hear her, "I love you, Dennis. Always will."

I touched her cheek and nuzzled next to her ear, and I whispered "I love you too, Linda. Always. I promise." We kissed a couple more times before laying back together, enjoying the warm feelings that made us glow. Then I look at the clock, and it was after 11:30. "I have to call my parents and tell them we'll be late."

"MMM Baby, stay, just a minute longer. Stay with me." How could I resist? So I stayed there, holding each other for five minutes before I had to get up. I called my folks while she got the shower started. I told my dad we overslept, which he accepted with a decent amount of skepticism. I hurried to join Linda in the shower, which went faster than you might think due to an overwhelming amount of restraint. By the time we were ready and drove over there, we were 'only' a half hour late, earning me a dirty look from my mom. Otherwise, the afternoon went fine, a nice brunch and conversation.


That Saturday, the 4th, Michael and Sandy came back from their fathers' apartment, and after all the talk about their days there and how much we missed them (I missed them almost as much as Linda by then), we sat down with them and told them we had something very important to say. We started carefully, with Linda doing almost all the talking. Eventually we got to the important part. Linda said "Dennis and I want to ask you both a question. We want to know how you'd feel if Dennis moved in with us and lived here? You know Dennis and I are in love with each other, tight? I know that's not easy for you to understand. It's when you care about someone so deeply, your heart feels like it will break when they're not around, and that's how we feel about each other. That doesn't mean I won't love you both as much as I always have. I will always love you, more than anything, something that will never change. But we want to be together, but we won't do it unless you both agree with it."

Sandy, who was attached to me, immediately agreed. Michael, however, was a harder sell. His main worry was if I would try to take the place of his father. Linda and i were prepared for this; we discussed it the night before.

"Michael, your father will always be your father. I'll never try to take his place in your life. That doesn't mean I won't love you and care about you, because I will. And I'll be here if you have a problem you need to talk about, to play ball with, help with homework, whatever you need. I love your mother very much and we want to share our lives with each other, and that means the both of you as well. But your father is always going to be the most important man in your life, and I would never try to take his place."

I the excused myself into the kitchen to get dinner ready while the three of them talked things over. I admit, when they got to over ten minutes, I was getting nervous. This was one of those situations where the children had the veto power, reasonably so. Then, when I almost was to the point where I was about to go check to see if our plans were off, Linda called me back into the living room and I saw huge smiles on hers and Sandy's faces and a more reserved look on Michaels'. "Start packing tomorrow, Baby" Linda said with a big kiss. "Next Saturday, you move in!" I kissed her back, big and loving, then I gave Sandy a kiss on her cheek and I shook Michaels' hand, man-to-man. I understood his feelings. We'd make out very well over time.

Linda followed me into the kitchen so I could keep an eye on the baked chicken in the oven and she threw her arms around me and pressed the side of her head to my chest. I kissed the top of her head, and she said "Are you sure you know what you're getting yourself into? Helping to raise children, even someone else's, is a hard job, one of the hardest there is."

I lifted her chin and smiled at her with all my love. "Sure, try to talk me out of this. Linda, Honey, I love you, I love your children, and I'll help out as best I can. We're going to be a very modern family. And if this 'experiment' works out, one day we could have a child of our own."

She was smiling up at me, rubbing her nose on mine. "Deal. But I have a really good feeling about this. My love. My Baby."

"As do I, my Darling. As do I."


I didn't see a lot of Linda that next week before I moved in. I had a lot to do. Pay my fees for college and register for my classes, start packing my clothes and the personal things I needed to bring. And I had to find a part-time job. Fortunately, that ended up being pretty easy.

I called Sue, our director at camp, who was the full time Director of Childhood Development at the Y, and let her know I was transferring home and was looking for work after school.

"Why are you home, Dennis? Something wrong there? Do you need anything we can help with?" The Y was an entire social services agency, children, seniors, everyone in between.

"No, nothing's wrong. In fact, everything is great. I'm moving in with Linda. But I need a job to pull my weight."

After saying how wonderful it was for me and Linda, Sue said "You're very lucky to call when you did. I need a supervisor in the after-school program, which has already started. Can you come in today to talk?"

I was thrilled to do so. I went to see her, and after the hellos and how you're doings, we toured the various rooms for the 10-12 year old program. I knew what to do, how to deal with staff, some of which worked at camp as well, and how to work with the children. Sue offered a fair salary and I filled out some paperwork, and just like that, I had a job, starting the following Monday, just after I moved in with Linda.

By Friday I was all packed up, clothes, albums (I had hundreds of records, but I was only bringing about 100 to start), and some books and such. I spent as much time with my family as I could, soothing over any remaining hurt feelings with my mother. I also told my parents we'd have them over within a week, and we would never be strangers to each other. We could talk on the phone whenever we wanted, we'd see each other, etc.

Before we turned in for the night, I sat with Tom in my room and had a long talk, brother to brother. I promised him I'd always be available whenever he needed to talk to me. Advice or just to have some time with his brother. He needed to know I was always around for him. "But you have to do me a favor in return, Tom."

"Name it, Dennis. I'd do anything for you."

"I know you would, bro. All I need you to do is to be there for me as well. I still need my not-so-little brother sometimes. You're still my best friend, even more so than Chris. And take it easy on mom and dad, especially mom. This whole thing with me and Linda...she's still kind of on the fence about it. So try to be considerate around her for the next few months especially. I know you will anyways, but just try a little extra."

"No worries, Dennis. You can count on me. I just hope we can get together sometimes on our own."

"We will. Sometimes Linda and I will have you over for dinner, but we'll try to get together once a month, just you and me, go get a pizza or something. On me. It will be easier than when I went away to school. I'm just a few miles away." We hugged and slapped each others backs and we were good.

The next day, Tom came with me in my car, and my parents came in their car with some of my things, and they all helped me get everything into Linda's- no, OUR- apartment, the first time my family was there, and, after getting my things upstairs, I helped Linda serve lunch. The more my parents saw of Linda, the easier things got, as they got along very well together. However she felt about me living with Linda, my mom liked her a lot on a personal level. Time would keep making things better.

After my family left, before we started putting my things away, Linda and I shared a very long hug, holding on tight, and we shared some tender kisses. We barely saw each other all week, so we had been sorely missing each other.

"Well, Baby, it's official" Linda said with a big smile. "We're now cohabitating. Fully committed to each other. Not to mention how much I love you."

"You mean how much we love each other, Honey. I'm so glad we did this. It just feels so right." Another, bigger kiss. "Want to help me start putting my clothes away?"

"We don't have to do that yet, Dennis" she said suggestively. "No kids here now" she said suggestively. "We're all alone until tomorrow afternoon. We should take advantage right now, then we can start putting your things away. If you want to." She batted her eyelashes at me and we both chuckled.

"Sure, twist my arm." I held my left arm out and Linda "twisted" it as she led me back to OUR bedroom. I had to get used to thinking about how this was our home, that I had rights as well as obligations when it came to living together. I was helping to pay the bills, a quarter of my monthly income. Ideally, since Linda hadn't had trouble paying the costs before this, that money was to be set aside for our future so that if things worked out long term, we'd use it towards a down payment on a house. Plus, from the rest of my money, I'd help with buying food and other things, and save money myself. It was all part of sharing our lives.

We slowly built up our desire like building up a campfire, kissing with a mix of short and long kisses, pecks as well as deep smooches as our hands roamed over each other while our clothes were still on. Clothes that kept coming off until we were just in our underwear, as I kissed her shoulders and the sides of her neck, areas I well knew were very arousing for her. In turn, she was kissing the same areas on me, also turning me on more and more, then I went to her throat as she pushed her head back, giving me easy access to one of her most sensitive erogenous zones. "God, yes, Baby, keep doing that" Linda whispered gruffly as I both kissed and lightly bit her throat, not hard enough to leave marks, but she could certainly feel them.

I pushed back a little and, with a playful, perverted look, I said in a low growl, "I want to watch you. I want to see you touching yourself. And I'll do the same for you." I had a sparkle in my eye and Linda, my hot and sexy lover, smiled hungrily in agreement.

"Get on the bed but keep those briefs on. For now, Baby. You want to play? Let's play." Her eyes were glazed a bit, giving away how hot she was by the idea. I laid on my back in these blue male bikini briefs with thin white horizontal lines, tightly holding my package including my very swollen balls. Linda stood near the foot of the bed in a matching white almost gauze bra and tiny panties, so see through that they left almost nothing to the imagination. Her thick, brownish nipples and her dark patch of pubic hair were clearly visible as Linda started by slowly running her hands all over her torso, from her hips to her tits, her arms and shoulders, down her tummy to her crotch and then her thighs. The more she touched herself, the hotter she got and the more delicious she looked.

"You're amazing, my naughty love" I said with a touch of wonder in my voice. "So erotic and so fucking hot."

"Touch yourself as well, my dirty man. Don't take your cock out, not yet, but I want to see you touch yourself." My cock was engorged, fully, and my whole package looked like it wanted to escape from briefs so snug they looked like they were a size or two too small. I did like Linda; I touched my body slowly, but while I normally jerked off lying on my back, trying to give Linda a 'show' was not as comfortable in that position. I scurried off the bed and stood at the other end so we could see each other. Standing like that, about six feet apart, featured my cock more prominently as I touched myself lightly.

"Do you like this better, Wicked Woman? Can you see the curve of my cock better like this?" I was teasing her like she did to me.

"Fuck, you make me want to devour your cock and your balls, Dirty Man. But not yet. Watch this." Linda pulled her big tits from her bra cups and massaged them almost roughly, squeezing and pushing them with her hands. Then she used her fingers to tease her thick nipples. She wet her fingers from her pussy, then rubbed around those hard pebbles before she plucked at them harder. Her moans filled the room as did the scent of her aroused pussy.

I had to rub my hand along my cock, still in my briefs. As Linda's aroma kept getting stronger, I needed to squeeze my dick, bringing up a few droplets of precum, which made a small stain in my shorts. Linda gasped when she saw that, along with the clear outline of my cock, swollen like rarely before. And I groaned as I watched her slip her fingers under the elastic of her gossamer panties, saw her fingers ease through her deep bush, and disappear between the lips of her creaming pussy.

As if on automatic, I walked over to where she stood but Linda ducked away as I went to kiss her. "Not yet Dirty Man. Wait." Instead, she went over to her night table and from the bottom drawer she brought out a white, tapered vibrator. I knew she had that toy, I'd seen it before, but up until then, we'd never brought it into our playtime. She was in front of me again and she turned on the sex toy so it was buzzing nice and loud, an incredibly erotic sound. She gave me a quick kiss, then she slowly dropped to her knees right in front of me. I was trembling so hard I thought I was in resonance with the vibrator.

I looked down, unable to speak, as Linda gave me this loving, wanton smile. The perfect mix of love, lover and kink. "Close your eyes, my Dirty Man. My sexy, sexy love. Don't watch, not yet. Just let yourself feel." I did as I was told, closing my eyes as I felt Linda's hot breath through the thin cotton of my briefs. Then I felt her warm cheek as she rubbed her face all over my cock and balls, still contained in my underwear. I could feel her breath on my thighs as her hand crept along the back of my legs and over my ass cheeks. I could still hear the buzzing of the vibe, loud and clear. Then I felt it, along the top of my foot, over my ankle, then up my right leg in a slow and steady trail over my knee and up my thigh. I was whimpering as she climbed my ladder until finally that shaking toy was lightly tracing over my balls and my dick, just hard enough so I could feel it.