Summer Surprise Pt. 05


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Dianne giggled. "Georgina might not care if you licked hers too."

"If I had sex with Georgina, the only one of Matt's family I wouldn't have had sex with is Beth, well except for the asshole in prison now. How strange is that?"

"Pretty strange. What should we do with this?"

"I'm not sure. Probably have to unbox it to see how much actual space it takes up. Can't do that until tomorrow. Let's just shove it up against the wall for the moment. I put the next two plugs on my bed along with the lube. You'll need to put them in yourselves before you come to the show. Wash the old ones thoroughly with soap and hot water and leave them in my bathroom. I'll put them away later."

Between the two of them, they were able to shove everything against the wall quickly, then Chloe got dressed and went to the theater for some last minute checks on the preparations for the show.

Matt arrived a few minutes after Chloe left.

"Who is that stuff for?"

"Ethel sent it for Chloe. I don't know what most of it is at the moment. I recognize a couple boxes from Apple Computer, but unsure of the rest. We'll look tomorrow when we have time. What time is your family arriving?"

"Unsure. I'll text them."

Matt sent a group text and Elaine answered. We plan to be there about 45 minutes before the show. We'll pick you up, supper afterward.

"They'll be here around 6:15. They want to eat afterward."

"How are you handling the butt plug?"

"It's okay. I'm actually getting used to something being inside of me."

"Same for me. Chloe said she left the next largest size on her bed for us to put in before we go to the play."

"We'll have to put them in before everyone gets here," Matt said. "I certainly won't do it while they're here. That would weird me out no end."

At 5:30, they both took a shower, removing the plugs in the shower and washing them. Dianne got the two larger ones from Chloe's room and they took turns putting one in each other before putting on clothes.

"I wish we had time to screw around," Matt said, admiring his handiwork. "Fucking you last night with that plug in was fantastic and you look so damn cute right now, it's all I can do to resist your siren charms."

Dianne wiggled her butt. "So you like me with a plug in my ass?"

"It is erotic as hell to watch."

She wriggled again before standing up. "Has to wait until tonight, lover, then you can fuck hell out of me."

They both got dressed and had a seat in the living room while waiting for Matt's family. "This plug is a little more interesting than the last one when you sit down," Matt said.

"Tell me about it. The play tonight is going to be something."

Matt's family got there and needed to use the bathrooms before heading to the play. Beth and Ethel headed for Chloe's room and Elaine and Georgina went for Dianne's. Ethel looked thoughtful when she came out.

"Matt, could I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure." Matt joined her in Chloe's doorway.

"It doesn't look as though Chloe has slept in her bed for two weeks. Is she spending the night here?"

"How do you know that?"

"There's a very light layer of dust on the bedspread. If you pull it down every night, it doesn't collect like that."

"Ethel, can you keep another secret?"

"How many do you have?"

"A few. I don't know. Chloe started sleeping with Dianne and me after Monica died. She was just lonely, but last Friday night, we all ended up having sex together. More like Dianne and Chloe had sex and Dianne and I had sex, but it's gotten more complicated than that since Monday."

"All three of you? You're now having sex with Chloe?"

"It's pretty much a free-for-all at the moment, yeah."

"Does that mean Dianne is bisexual?"

"I think she's more Chloe-sexual. I don't think she's interested in other women. It's just a Chloe thing. I think Chloe's a little self-conscious because it's so soon after Monica, but even though she's not really in love with us, she does love us and wanted some closeness. I don't think it will last. Either Chloe will find someone else or move away."

"Does anyone else know?"

"Only Elaine because Chloe told her at your house."

"Yes, I thought that was going to turn out to be a thing."

"I don't think Elaine is all that interested in women either. I think it's more like Dianne. Kind of an 'I'm interested in men but if you need someone, Chloe, I'm there for you'."

"Goodness. She's a force of nature. I can't keep up with you young folk. So what's it like?"

"A lot of fun, actually. All three of us are enjoying it."

Ethel shook her head. "Well, you're all theoretically grown-ups and capable of making informed decisions. I've got to say, this is a doozy."

"Yes, ma'am."

"What are you guys talking about?" Beth asked coming out of the bathroom.

"All the things I bought for Chloe," Ethel said, "trying to decide if it will all fit in here or have to go out in the living room."

"What's the verdict?"

"We'll have to see how large the desk is when we put it together," Ethel said. "We're spending the night in a local motel and coming over tomorrow to feed you and put everything together."

"Thanks for that, by the way," Matt said, hugging her. "You're the world's best stepmom and fairy godmother, all rolled into one."

"We'd better get going, or we will miss the beginning."


The play was titled, 'Monica Franklin and the Madison Massacre'. It was more focussed on Monica since she'd gone to school at La Crosse and the first thirty minutes were about Monica growing up, and how Chloe and Monica had met and fallen in love with one another after a previous production here at the Community Theater. There were large screens on either side of the stage for showing pictures as Chloe narrated, with some vignettes thrown in which Chloe acted from their year together.

Then came Monica planning the Madison Rally and asking Chloe to go.

"I can't, babe. My next play opens in three weeks. I need to work on it, but I'll be with you in spirit."

The parting kiss the day Monica left. "Go get 'em, tiger. Show the world we're just ordinary people too. I can't wait until you get back."

Chloe was crying up on the stage. Not fake tears, but the genuine article.

"She never came back to me."

The screens going dark, then flashed bright with the footage from the rally. The sound of the reporters replaced by the sounds of a big engine revving, people screaming and gunshots. Chloe let it play to the end, then backed it up to the point where the truck hit Monica, and followed her body as it flew through the air.

"My fiancée, the love of my life, went from this beautiful woman," flashing one of the last good pictures she had of Monica laughing in a restaurant on a date, "to this." Chloe showed the crime scene photo, a battered, bloody thing lying in a heap. A collective gasp, half scream, in the theater. "This is what happens when you're struck by a one and a half ton truck at sixty-five miles per hour and fly 163 feet through the air and land on the ground."

Then she detailed the major broken bones, accompanied by gruesome images of what those things looked like individually, a loud snap with each one.

"My friend, my lover, my reason to get up in the morning, was buried in a cemetery overlooking Lake Michigan in Milwaukee this past Saturday, April 20, 2019 at the age of 22."

"If that was the only loss that day, it would have been bad enough, but twenty-four other people lost their lives, another one dying this past week. Three remain in critical condition. This is also their story."

A picture went up on the screen, someone stood up in the audience and read the lines which went with them, then left the theater. When they'd finished, there were a lot more empty seats.

The spotlight went back to Chloe.

"There is so much useless hatred in the world. So many people dying just trying a live a normal life filled with love and happiness. None of these people deserved to die. Since it was primarily a student rally, most of them were in their late teens and early twenties, but it ranged from one child of nine months, up to an old woman, age 62. Why? What did they ever do to hurt anyone? We're not monsters. Please support gay rights and education. The next life you save may be your children, your brothers, your sisters, your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins.

"We're doctors, lawyers, nurses, military, police, business men and women, actors, musicians, grocery store clerks, students like Monica Franklin who would have graduated this June if her life wasn't cut short. If you have something to say in respect for the dead, please tell everyone."

Ethel stood up and said, "My name is Ethel Thornhill. I'm a lesbian who came out of the closet this past Monday. Monica Franklin helped me make that decision."

Every other one of Matt's friends and family stood up and announced why they were there. Then others in the audience stood up. A lot of the people in La Crosse had known Monica or heard of her; some other students, some faculty, some other lesbians or gays whose lives she'd touched. Then people who knew someone who was not heterosexual who they voiced support for.

When they were finished, Chloe took a bow, said, "Thank you for your support for all those who died or who struggle with their sexual identity. Thank you, Monica, for close to a year of love and fantastic memories." She blew a kiss up to heaven.

The theater went dark. It was quiet for several seconds, then the clapping began, finding a rhythm. Just clapping, no cheering. The lights came up and people began to file out.

"Let's go find Chloe," Dianne said. "She's probably pretty wrung out after this."

They made their way backstage and found Chloe crying with her head down on a dressing table. Georgina and Ethel went to her and gathered her up.

"Poor baby. Let's get out of here and put some food in you," Georgina said.

They went out to eat a quiet meal in one of the quieter of La Crosse restaurants. It wasn't fine dining like the last time, more like a diner. Marty and Yolanda went with them since they'd both participated in the play. Marty was more subdued than usual.

"I didn't get the full effect when I was running around out there on the field smashing things. Did a lot of that really happen to you and Monica?" Marty asked.

"Every word. If people know you're a lesbian, about one out of 500 will say something shitty to you. Dyke is the least offensive thing they say."

"That's a bitch. I wasn't aware shit like that happened. I'm sorry. I guess I don't pay enough attention to things like that."

"Thank you, Marty. I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. I promise I won't turn Yolanda into a lesbian now."

Yolanda laughed. "You wish, sweetheart, though I do have to say you're a swell kisser."

The tone lightened up for the next fifteen minutes. There was a lot more laughter and pleasant conversation. It took a sudden turn.

A rough looking young man with a swastika tattoo and some scuzzy, dirty looking clothing came up to the table.

"Hey, are you that lesbian chick who just lost her fiancée in Madison?"

"That's me," Chloe said cautiously.

"Good riddance! Too bad Harley didn't kill the whole fuckin' lot of you."

Marty leapt to his feet and smashed a heavy fist into the guys nose, breaking it and spattering blood everywhere. The guy landed on the floor like a load of bricks. Marty looked down at him, waiting to see if he'd get back up. Matt was beside him in an instant, looking around for anyone else who might be with him.

"You're talking about my friends," Marty said. "She may be a lesbian, but she's ten times the human being you'll ever be, so fuck you. Anyone else in here have something to say about my friends?" He was looking around. "Good, keep your God damn mouths shut." He looked back down at the guy on the ground. "Get the fuck out of here or I'll kick you half to death."

The guy got up slowly, then scrambled away, holding his face.

"Wow, Marty! You are so going to get laid tonight," Yolanda said.

"Can I come with?" Chloe said. "I've never had someone defend me physically before."

"Are you still trying to get into my knickers?" Yolanda asked.

"Yes. Is it working?" Chloe smiled in answer.

Yolanda grinned. "Almost."

Matt patted Marty on the back. "Wow, buddy. You took a stand on something besides sex. Marty with a social conscience. Will wonders never cease?"

"He pissed me off." Marty said, sitting back down. "I'm sorry, Chloe. You don't deserve that."

"Nobody deserves it, Marty. It's eventually going to happen to Ethel and Georgina too. They don't deserve it either."

"Shit! I guess that's true. I didn't even think. You're just normal guys...well, women. You're Matt's Mom. I guess that's all you'll ever be to me, but now you'll be married to Ethel."

"I hope someone sticks up for us the way you stuck up for Chloe," Ethel said.

"Me too," Marty said. "You're good people."

"So are you, Marty," Georgina said.

They broke up soon after; Matt, Dianne and Chloe walking back, Marty and Yolanda heading to their place and the others driving to their motel after telling Matt they'd be over around ten.

Before Marty and Yolanda left, Chloe gave Marty a soft kiss. "Thanks for sticking up for me."

"No problem."

"Yolanda, fuck him once for me," Chloe said.

"I think Marty is going to get all the sex he can handle tonight," Yolanda said, holding his arm. "I'm so proud of the big guy."

"You should be. We'll see you tomorrow night."

Walking back to their apartment, Chloe said, "Is it okay if we don't have sex tonight. I'm exhausted. Maybe just a cuddle and we'll see how it goes in the morning."

"That's fine. By the by; Ethel figured out you weren't sleeping in your bed. A fine layer of dust apparently on your comforter, apparently. She now knows you're sleeping in Dianne's bed with us."

"What did she say? Dianne asked.

"Not much. Figured we're all adults and able to make adult decisions. When Beth asked what we were talking about, Ethel said 'where we were going to fit all that stuff that got delivered'."

"I really like Ethel," Chloe said.

"I do too," Matt said. "As Marty would say, she's good people, someone to go camping with."

"Huh?" Chloe asked

"It's something his dad told him once. Take a woman camping and you can figure out if they're the right person to stand beside you all your life. Roughing it brings the worst out of people, and the best too. He brought all of his girlfriends camping to see if he was interested in them."

"And here I always believed he thought with his dick."

"If he was that shallow, I wouldn't have remained his friend for so long. He just hides it well."

"He sure showed his colors tonight, that's for sure."

"He sure did," Matt said. "Yolanda wasn't the only one proud of him tonight. Would you have gone with them if Yolanda said yes?"

"You don't think you and Dianne are enough to handle me?" Chloe laughed.

"If anyone can be said to be handling you. You're the most independent person I think I've ever met. Makes you fascinating and frustrating all at once."

They arrived and immediately started stripping off their clothes. "Maybe we should alternate beds," Chloe said. "Avoid dust build up and hide our relationship a little better."

"Maybe tomorrow," Dianne said. "We'll wash all the bedding and start fresh. A layer of dust scares me." She kissed Chloe. "Come to bed and we'll give you all the cuddle you can handle."

"Fine, you take the middle. Matt will probably wake up with a hard-on tomorrow."

Dianne laughed. "I know. It's so much fun."

They snuggled together and were soon asleep.


Matt did wake up with an erection the next morning, draining it in his girlfriend's tight pussy while she and Chloe played together. It was so snug in there with the plug taking up a large chunk of the adjoining space.

When they finished, all were sated, lazing on the bed in a glut of satisfaction.

"Theoretically, you and Dianne could get fucked with a strap-on tonight," Chloe said. "The nice thing about a strap-on is it never loses it's erection. I could fuck both of you."

"Are you going to be up for it after another performance?" Dianne asked.

"I don't know. It's probably iffy for more than one, if that. Sunday night is probably the better night, especially as we don't know when Matt's family is going to leave."

"I know Mom and Elaine have to work tonight, so probably no later than one or two," Matt said. "I wonder who will start off the audience participation segment tonight without Ethel and Mom to get things going?"

"Someone will pick up the slack," Chloe said. "I feel it in my bones."

"What time is it?" Dianne asked.

"Shit! Nine forty-five," Matt said.

"They're going to be here in fifteen minutes. We don't even have time to shower the sex stink off. Chloe, take your clothes out of our room and toss them in the dirty clothes along with the bed linens. Matt, strip our bed. Damn! We should have set an alarm or something."

Chloe was up and out of bed on the echo, grabbing her things and streaking for her bedroom. Dianne went digging through some of Matt's clothes and found a pair of jeans, jockeys and a t-shirt for him, and fresh clothes for her. She hated to put them on her sweaty, smelly body, but there wasn't time for more. She'd be lucky if she got her teeth brushed. Matt had stripped her bed and was washing his pits and groin with a washcloth. He handed it to Dianne. At least she was lucky Chloe hadn't left Matt's sperm to leak out of her pussy. She hit her pits and groin with the washcloth and put it with the bed linens while Matt got dressed. Then she did the same while Matt took all of the laundry from their room and put it in the washer. She just barely had time to brush her teeth before there was knocking on the door.

"I'll get it," Matt called out.

Matt opened the door and let his family and Ethel in. "We just got up," Matt explained when his mother said it didn't look as if he'd showered. Ethel smiled, knowing it for the lie it was.

"Well if you just got up, we can make some breakfast. We haven't eaten either," Georgina said, "well at least, not food." She blushed as she said it.

Beth said, "Mom, quit bragging about your sex life. You're having sex all the time and neither one of your daughters is, so can it."

"Your time will come," Georgina said. "I just hope it's someone who you love and respect a little bit who makes you happy, like Ethel makes me."

"Hey, gang," Chloe said, coming into the room from her bedroom carrying her bed linens. She'd had time to take a shower and her hair was damp and tousled. "Good to see you again. Give me a minute to unload and I'll give you all a proper hug."

She walked into the laundry closet and dropped everything on the dryer until Matt's load was done. She returned and gave everyone a big hug and Elaine a light kiss.

"So what are we doing today?" Chloe asked, leaning against a counter.

"After our late breakfast, we thought we'd help you put all your new toys together," Georgina said, mixing pancake batter while Ethel started frying bacon. "Once we know how big it is, we'll know where to put everything. Then we need to leave around one, one-thirty and get back to Madison so Elaine and I can get to work. Saturday night is a big tip night, so we can't miss another one. Perhaps you can start opening boxes and sorting out what's what."

"Oh, goody," Chloe said. "I have no idea what you sent me except I see some boxes from Apple Computer."

So while Georgina and Ethel cooked breakfast, the rest of them started opening the boxes stacked against the wall. There was an iMac Pro with an 18 core Intel Xeon processor, a 16 inch MacBook Pro, a 38 terabyte raid hard drive, a desk, printer, an 8 disk DVD or BluRay reader/writer, loads of software and some other things they could only guess at until they read the instructions.