Summer Surprise Pt. 12


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"If you wish someone younger, I suspect Alice might be willing to become your Dominant. She's already exhibited the requisite behaviors as you should know from your time with her last night. She might require more Dominant training, but after meeting with the Dominants in New York, I intend to spend as much time as I can with Alice and Sophia to ensure they're well qualified to take care of a submissive slut like you. If you choose Alice as your Dominant, I'd expect you'll wind up with tattoos or piercings like Dianne has, proclaiming your slavery. As part of your conditioning to accept either as a Domme, you will now address them as either Miss Alice and Miss Sophia, or ma'am.

"Or since you were a practicing heterosexual before I turned you into my slut bitch, Sophia will help you find a suitable male Dominant. Even if you find one, you can expect to lick lots of cunt as most Dominants will want you to reward guests or perhaps business associates or clients with their slave's services. Since I was the one who turned you into a slave slut, I still feel responsible for you and I'd like to find someone who will treat you with a modicum of care. That's why I want to rely on Sophia's help to find a good one for you. If you have no questions or comments, we'll go to Sophia's dungeon and whip your slutty tits and cunt for cumming without my permission."

"Mistress, can't I stay with you?"

"No. I'm committed to Dianne as my first slave and I can't handle more than one long distance slave, nor will I drag you all over the country with me. You're still in school and I can't support you. You can always go back to what you were, just another college student, but you can't remain my submissive. You have a few weeks to decide what you're going to do."

"Could I be her Dominant?" Todd asked.

"Perhaps eventually, Todd," Chloe responded. "Not now. You've spent too much of your life being a timid geek. While I've seen you blossom a little the last couple days, you're not ready to be anyone's Dom. If you had submissive qualities, someone might have turned you into their bitch. Perhaps after Ray has worked with you to improve your self image, you might be able to do so, but now, you're still the skinny geeky guy on the inside."

"You're not that big."

"It's not size on the outside. It's confidence and presence on the inside. You're gaining confidence, but you're not there yet. I'm a Dominant because I have more confidence and presence in my little finger than you currently possess in your whole body. You have the ability to gain it, but you don't have it."

"Mistress is right," Dianne said. "Part of the reason I chose you as a guardian, is despite your interest in what I was showing to everyone, I knew you would never push for more than I could give you. I chose Ray because he was Matt's teammate, and I expected he wouldn't go after Matt's girlfriend. Magnus, I was somewhat limited in choices in his class, but he seemed civilized. Bree and Fiona because even a female could be a guardian if they stayed with me all the time. If I'd even thought you were Dominant, I wouldn't have chosen you."

"Come along, Slut. It's time for your punishment. Sophia, you'll be doing the honors today, just like we talked about last night and Dianne received this morning." Sophia nodded.

"Yes, Mistress," Rosilyn said, shivering.

Everyone went with to witness the punishment. Chloe and Sophia fastened Rosilyn onto the St. Andrews cross and blindfolded her, then Chloe asked Todd, "Would you like to lick Slut to two orgasms before we start her whipping? We have to build up the endorphins in her body. Perhaps we can build up your pussy connoisseur skills."

Todd eagerly dropped to his knees in front of Rosilyn and attacked her pussy with a vengeance. He wanted to do anything which resulted in more sex. He was either getting better, or Rosilyn was on a hair trigger after her morning of deep submission. She climaxed within a few minutes and it wasn't too long after, she enjoyed a second one.

"What are your safe words, Slut?" Sophia asked.

"Sprinkles to slow down or ease up. Chocolate Sprinkles to stop, Miss Sophia."

"You can always stop this, Slut. Remember your safe words. I'm going to give you fifteen swats to your tits, fifteen to your slave cunt. I want you to count out each one for me and thank me each time."

"Yes, ma'am." Rosilyn waited. She heard the whip strike, but didn't feel anything. Two more times she heard it strike without feeling a thing. She didn't realize Sophia was testing it on herself to find the proper stroke. The fourth time it struck, it landed on Rosilyn's tits. She had relaxed as none of the others had struck her so it was a surprise when it did. Rosilyn gasped. Then nothing.

"I'm waiting, Slut."

Waiting for what, Rosilyn thought, then remembered. "One, thank you, ma'am."

The whip struck again. Different breast, same result. Instant fire. "Two, thank you, ma'am."

Thirteen more falling, with enough time between for the fire to dissipate and a dull throbbing burn to remain, and for Rosilyn to use her safe word if necessary. She never felt compelled to use it, the pain remaining on the safe side of intolerable. Rosilyn dutifully counted each one and thanked Sophia. When the strokes reached fifteen, the lashing stopped and someone's tongue started licking and sucking her painful nipples. It felt good, but also caused her nipples to swell with blood and need, making her want to cum again.

"A pinch now," Sophia said.

Rosilyn wondered what she meant until the nipple clamps closed over her painfully taut nipples. She groaned. It felt horrible, yet good at the same time. How could something be both painful and pleasurable at once? Sophia kissed her and finger fucked her to another orgasm, Rosilyn groaning as she climaxed. After her orgasm, Sophia stepped away and Rosilyn trembled, thinking of what was coming next. Swat, across her bare mound. Not horrible, though it stung briefly.

"Sixteen, thank you, ma'am."

The next blow landed, a slightly different spot, on the edge of torment, but bearable. Rosilyn counted. As each one landed, she counted again, thanking her tormenter for the privilege of being whipped. How odd she'd be thanking someone for it. Some hurt worse than others, depending on where the lashes fell. Her mound better than her slick folds, better than her clitoris. She noted that her arousal didn't dissipate despite the flicking leather strips landing on her cunt. It might even be increasing her arousal, which again, confused her. The last couple Sophia sent between her legs from the rear of the cross. The second to last caused an explosive orgasm which caused her to scream in pleasure, shaking on the cross as it swept through her like an avalanche. When it started, Sophia tugged the nipple clamps off her nipples, and her orgasm accelerated as the blood surged back into the tortured buds.

It was a couple minutes before she could gasp, "Twenty-nine, thank you, ma'am."

"I won't give you the last one, Slut, since it would be a tease after your climax."

"Thank you, Miss Sophia."

Sophia kissed her, then her Mistress kissed her. Her blindfold was removed and she blinked owlishly. Sophia released her and held her, telling her how strong and brave she was and what a good girl she was. Rosilyn felt loved and wanted in addition to the tingling warmth on her breasts and sex.

"Dianne, your stripes are faded now. I'm going to give you another twenty," Chloe said. "I won't blindfold you for these."

"Yes, Mistress."

Chloe fastened Dianne back on the cross. "Matt, Rosilyn, I don't know if you've had a chance to admire the new jewelry Pet is wearing since you've returned. Sophia purchased it and gave it to me in return for the future services Dianne will be rendering to her and other females of her acquaintance. Why don't you both take a close look at it before I remove it for her next whipping. If either of you wants to give her two orgasms while you're down there, Pet will appreciate the gesture before she's whipped."

"I'll give her one," Matt said, kneeling to look at the jewelry descending from his girlfriend's pussy. "Slut can give her the other."

Matt read the engraving on the pretty gold jewelry, proclaiming Dianne to be Chloe's property. In a way, she was. But Chloe's property or not, he knew she would also forever be his, never able to refuse him sex again. No more stroking one off if she wasn't "in the mood". She couldn't refuse. What he didn't know yet, was the depth of Dianne's intended submission, though Chloe planned to tell him.

He started licking Dianne, quickly giving her one orgasm. He gave way to Rosilyn, who also inspected the jewelry. She'd seen it more distantly when she'd been tongue fucking Dianne's ass, now she could see what it said, and it made her jealous her Mistress had given Dianne such a gift, but was refusing to keep her as a slave.

"May I refuse to give Pet an orgasm, Mistress?" Rosilyn asked, having inspected the gold jewelry.

"Why is that, Slut?"

"I'm jealous you're willing to keep Dianne as your slave, yet unwilling to keep me, Mistress."

"You weren't here this morning when I talked to Dianne, so I'll forgive you your jealousy. Dianne and Matt saved my life, Dianne more so than Matt, but both played a part. After Monica died, I wanted to die too. I thought, just get me through her funeral and the Memorial, and then I'll join her. I couldn't sleep, I could barely eat. I was ready to go. Because I couldn't sleep alone, they welcomed me into their bed so I could be with someone. Then we started having sex together, and it was enough to get me through a few more days. Then Dianne wanted to experience submission and I had something to keep me busy for another week as I investigated how to Dominate her. When she asked if she could be my permanent slave, it as as if a huge weight were lifted and I suddenly had a purpose again, a reason to live.

"If not for Dianne, you'd never have had a Mistress. I would have given up on life. I can't ignore what she did for me by giving me the spark I needed to go on. As I told you, I can't do two long distance submissives, but if I'm going to do one, it's going to be her. Not only was she my friend before her slavery, who could ignore my sexual orientation before she knew she was bisexual, she's my best friend's friend and lover, and he was gracious enough to share her with me when I needed something to cling to.

"It has nothing to do with your service to me or whether she's a better slave than you. It's because she's always been a better friend, and more tolerant of my sexuality than you were, who criticized women for their perceived sexual orientation. You could never be first considering your respective positions in my life. Dianne will always be first because she earned it, long before you discovered your own slut slavery. If you have a problem with that, we can sever our relationship now."

"I'm sorry, Mistress, I didn't know."

"I didn't know either," Matt said. "Chloe, please tell me you wouldn't have taken your own life."

"I can't tell you that, Matt. In so many ways, life has been hard on me since I came out. Part of it is my own fault, as once I decided I was a lesbian, I didn't try to hide it or downplay it. I played lesbian to the hilt, and it pisses people off. You kept me alive before when my family rejected me, and helped keep me alive now when I lost everything Monica meant to me. Despite the show I put on, I'm frail. I feel everything so deeply; love, hate, despair. It might be part of what makes me a good actress. I feel everything. But I wouldn't have survived without Dianne's submission.

"There's something else I need to tell you. It's not decided yet, but I've asked Dianne. I want her to surrender her womb and ovaries to me."

"What does that mean?" Matt said. "You need body parts?"

"Not in the physical sense, but emotionally and metaphysically. I want to determine when she has children. I will wait until she's graduated from college and you two are married, if that's what happens. But once you tell me how many children you, Matt, want, I want both of you to cede control to me. If you want ten children, Dianne will have ten, no matter how many she wants. If you want three, she'll have three. I will tell her when to get off birth control and when to get on it again. She could have a child six months after your wedding or three years later. You won't know when. Dianne will know because she'll know when she is on or off her birth control, but it will be my decision and you won't know until she's pregnant. To me, it's the largest act of submission she can give to me. I'd planned to have children with Monica. She was going to carry one of my eggs for me. Her brother would have provided the sperm for artificial insemination so both of our genetic lines would continue. That's gone now. I don't know if I'll ever find anyone else to replace her, but your children, the ones I give you, will be partly mine in the sense Dianne is partly mine."

"What the fuck!" Matt said.

"I know. Obviously, Dianne may use her safe word and this will never happen, but I don't want her to use it."

"Mistress, would you like me to carry one of your eggs like Monica would have done?" Dianne asked. "If you'd be willing, Matt could provide the sperm."

Matt shot Dianne a look. Holy hell! What was Dianne thinking? What was Chloe thinking?

"I'm not asking it of you. That's too much to ask, though I'd be incredibly grateful if you did. It was one of the things which bothered my father the most about my being a lesbian; that he might not have grandkids."

Was this one of those unforeseen consequences Dianne had talked about when he suggested she have sex with Chloe? He certainly hadn't seen this one coming, that's for damn sure.

"Matt, I know I'm asking a lot from you," Chloe said. "There's no rush on a decision. Dianne has to graduate and you have to end up getting married. Dianne can give up her submission at any time. It won't happen for a couple years at least. All I'm asking is for both of you to consider it."

Matt's emotions were a complete mess. He'd gone from learning he'd almost lost Chloe, to her deciding when he'd have children, and his potential wife offering to carry Chloe's child. And what would happen if she did? Would the child be given to Chloe to raise? Would it still be theirs, but made of Chloe's genetic material? Would they tell Ben and Mary Jane they had a grandchild, and Dianne had it? His mind was going to explode.

"Dianne? Is this something you want to do?" Matt asked.

"Like Mistress said, it is an act of great submission and it does make me feel like I'm more hers than before, which is exciting to me. I would never do it without your permission, though. It's like having sex with another man. You'd have to approve. I'd never do it without your okay, but I'm willing, I think. I'd like to think it over some more and consider the implications, but I'm leaning yes."

"Is this one of those unforeseen consequences you said we might face when I told you to have sex with Chloe?"

Dianne smiled. "I suppose it is. I certainly didn't see it coming."


"Given this discussion, Slut, are you now willing to give Pet an orgasm?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Give her two since it's been so long since the last one."

"Yes, Mistress and thank you for explaining your reasoning to me."

Rosilyn considered the submission required for Dianne to surrender reproduction to her Mistress and even suggest she'd be willing to carry her child. She couldn't fault her Mistress for choosing Dianne, because she didn't think she could do the same. She lapped eagerly at Dianne's cunt until she had two more orgasms. Then she backed away and her Mistress removed Dianne's jewelry and administered the lash to Dianne's front twenty more times, leaving red streaks all over her tits and stomach. Chloe put the jewelry on again and kissed her, hugging her close.

"You'll have to excuse us," Sophia said, "I'm taking our little group out for supper tonight, and then to go pack whatever you might need for a week in Madison and New York, including going out on two dates on Broadway. The rest of you will have to shoo for the time being. Expect to see one another again in the future if you're not graduating. I've enjoyed out little party immensely and I know my girlfriends did too."

"There are a few changes coming for you both. I want anal plugs in you at all times unless you're being fucked in the ass. Both of you slaves will be wearing a Lush tonight at dinner," Chloe said. "Expect to cum when I want you to cum, and to be whipped again if you cum without permission. Dianne, you'll be wearing a miniskirt so short, the end of your new cunt jewelry will be visible to everyone. If anyone should ask about it, you're to tell them it's your slave jewelry and you belong to me, voluntarily of course."

"Yes, Mistress." Dianne felt her pussy flood again, imagining her embarrassment walking around with jewelry dangling between her legs and cumming in public again.

Todd, Fiona, and Bree all left. Chloe pulled out a knapsack she'd packed on Friday and pulled out the two largest anal plugs, the clothing they'd be wearing, and their Lush vibrators. She began by lubing the plugs and having them bend over and grabbing their ankles, then pushing the plugs in their asses. Chloe then inserted the Lushes in their very wet cunts. Both of the objects together made them feel so full, a feeling which they'd have all through their dinner.

What Rosilyn got to wear was similar to what Dianne had worn a couple Fridays ago, a top which had one tie going across her breasts holding the top together, and a short skirt. Not nearly as short as the one Dianne got to wear which left two inches of her cunt jewelry hanging down below the hem. Dianne's blouse was translucent, showing her dark areolae and hard nipples poking through the thin, silky material. Matt, Chloe and Sophia dressed in nice Sunday dinner clothes.

They climbed into Sophia's SUV and she drove to the Waterfront Restaurant. Before they got out of the car, Chloe pulled two leashes out of her backpack. She clipped one to Dianne's collar and handed the end to Matt, and clipped the other to Rosilyn's, taking the end herself. They went into the restaurant led like dogs. Between her overall arousal level, her clitoral hood piercing and the jewelry, touching her thighs and jingling musically as she walked, Dianne almost climaxed on the walk from the car to their table. She could feel her fluids running down her legs. Both of the slaves were conscious of the looks they were receiving from the other diners as they were led past their tables.

Andrea was waiting for them at the hostess table. "Your table, Miss Sophia, Miss Chloe, Master Matt. Would you like me to take your pets for you?"

"Please do," Chloe said, handing her leash handle to Andrea and directing Matt to do the same with Dianne's. Andrea led them to a large table in the middle of the window overlooking the Mississippi River. She wrapped the leashes separately around the top of a chair, which by default, became theirs.

"I'll have water for you momentarily. Your menus are at your places."

Matt sat on one side of Dianne, Chloe on the other. Dianne was conscious of the plug filling her bottom, the metal suspended from her pussy and the shortness of her skirt which rode up to her crotch when she sat down. Rosilyn was seated between Sophia and Chloe. She was conscious of how much of her breasts were visible. If she was lucky, the nipples were covered, but not much else was.

"Tell me, Matt," Chloe asked, as she browsed the menu, "how did the breeding program go? We haven't had a chance to discuss your last day with you. Do you think it was successful?"