Summer Surprise Pt. 16


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"Was it everything you hoped for, Ann?" Chloe asked. "Do you regret your decision to join us tonight?"

"Yes to your first question. No to the second. It was incredible."

"We're glad you enjoyed yourself. We should rejoin the others for a bit. If you want, you can join one of the others tonight. I can safely say that Monique is the very best cunt licker I've ever run across. Alice is a joy to be with and Sophia is splendid. We normally spend the night with her when we're here. She can fuck us all under the table, but the choice is yours. If you want to sleep alone, that's no problem either."

"Can I sleep with you three again?"

"Of course. All three or any one or two of us. We can find other partners if you want. We're quite flexible in our sleeping arrangements."

"All three of you if I can."

"I wanted to spend a little time with Brianna, but if you can give me an hour, I'll rejoin you later," Chloe said.

"Fine. I'm sure we can find something to do while you're gone."

"Like wash your face or take a shower," Chloe laughed, licking some of her fluids from the corner of Ann's mouth. "Sophia wanted to see the clothing Dianne got in New York. You might enjoy it as well. It's all quite sexy. Perhaps with another glass of wine."


Ann was up with the others, totally nude and unconcerned to be so. Everyone was naked, from Alice's tattooed skin to Chloe's milky white complexion. Everyone was at ease, sipping more wine while Rosilyn and Dianne modeled the clothes Brianna and William had purchased for them in New York. All of them were scandalously delicious and Ann had a hard time comprehending someone wearing them out in public.

"Dianne could get away with wearing a couple of them in Wisconsin, but we thought two of them might get her arrested unless they were modified," Chloe was explaining to Sophia. "Evelyn mentioned putting a body stocking or lacy underwear under the sheer black number. I'm not sure what we could do with this red dress which is just the two panels front and back and all slit other than that. Underwear would look atrocious."

"I see what you mean. She's stunning in it, but essentially, she has to remain nude under it. The white dress was a sexy dream. She looked like a vanilla ice cream cone I wanted to lick. They're all lovely outfits. I've heard of new bikinis and underwear where the the straps holding them together are thin, clear plastic so you can't see them. I've also heard of some stick on underwear which has no sides or strings at all. I'll check to see what I can discover."


Matt got a phone call. Seeing who it was, he asked everyone for silence.

"Coach Miller, how are you? Why are you calling?"

"A little birdie told me you were looking for a job in Physical Therapy. Is that right?"

"That was my degree," Matt confirmed. "Seemed like a good choice, considering."

"Have you ever considered working as a Sports Trainer? It would involve a lot of the same education and skills? I might have something that would fit you."

"Isn't that position filled? What about Schweisshoffer? He's been doing that for the team forever."

"He has. His wife took ill. He took a job on the West Coast closer to a clinic that specializes in treating her condition, leaving the position vacant. I'm going to need someone. You were always a workout junkie and a good football player. I could also use you as the conditioning coach and Intern Linebacker Coach. You'd be pretty damn busy during football season between the three jobs, probably be putting in close to sixteen hours a day, but the rest of the year would be pretty normal. Everyone needs to rehab injuries or surgeries in the off season and work out all year round if they want to get any better. Pay's not great for a small school like ours; maybe thirty to forty thousand to start, at least until we see how it all works out. Have you found anything else yet?"

"I've interviewed at a few places in Madison, no job offers, but I've got interest. Interviews tomorrow at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and a half dozen places in the Twin Cities after that."

"I probably can't pay what you might earn at a good job in a top end place in one of the big cities, but I've worked with you for four years, so I know what I'm getting, which is a damn hard worker with a good head on his shoulders. Obviously, you'd have to put in an application, but I think I could almost guarantee the job, considering your skills. What do you think?"

"I think it's an intriguing offer, Coach. I've made commitments for these interviews, so I think I need to keep them, just in case and to see what they might be offering, but I can come in on Friday afternoon. I'll pick up the application form on my way to Rochester tomorrow and fill it out in my spare time. I can drop off the application on Friday, around three PM, say."

"Football season doesn't start for another couple months. I think I can give you until Friday."

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate you thinking about me."

"Not at all. You're a good kid, Sanders. I'd be lucky to have you."

"Goodbye, Coach. Take care."

Matt hung up. "Wow, that was strange."

"What was it about?" Dianne asked.

"The head football coach said he might have a job for me as the team trainer, strength and conditioning coach and an intern linebacker coach. Wouldn't pay much, I'd be busier than a one armed paper hanger during the season, but I'd get to stay in La Crosse except for away games."

Chloe smiled to herself. Way to go, Bill, she thought.

"That sounds wonderful, Matt. We'd get to stay together."

"Yeah. I didn't even think of applying there. The staff has been together for a long time, low turnover, but the current trainer's wife got sick and she's getting treatment out west somewhere so he got a job out there, the opening came up and he thought of me. Talk about luck."

"Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, Sanders," Chloe said. "Hope it turns out. Brianna, would you like to spend a little time together this evening before I go to bed with my peeps? Hang up your new clothes, Pet. Don't let Matt fuck you in them."

"Yes, Mistress," Dianne replied.

"Sounds lovely," Brianna responded. "Monique, join us please."

"Yes, Mistress."


While Chloe was gone, Ann, Alice, Adele, Rosilyn, Sophia, Matt and Dianne were all enjoying more wine while sitting outside by the pool. Alice, Adele, Matt and Dianne were in the hot tub. Matt had Dianne in his lap, lightly caressing her.

"Matt, if you took the job here, does that mean Dianne wouldn't be moving in with me?" Sophia asked. "I'd like to suggest you stay here as well. We get along well together and I enjoy your company. I admit I was intrigued when Dianne suggested you might be willing to give me the opportunity for a child like you did Gretchen. I've thought about it the whole time you were in New York and I'm tempted to take you up on your offer. I'm going to be forty soon and if I'm going to have a kid, it needs to happen soon. If you're all still willing, I'd like to give it a shot."

"Since you're going to be Chloe's surrogate Dominant for Dianne, I imagine she'd be here frequently anyway. I have no objection to staying here, but we'd want to pay you for doing so. If I have a job, we can definitely kick in for room and board. I'd like to talk about the whole children issue a little bit more since it is a big decision and we really haven't had time to discuss it, but if Dianne is still game, I'd definitely consider it."

"Wait a minute," Ann said. "You gave Gretchen a kid and you're willing to do it again for Sophia?"

"We don't know for sure Matt gave Gretchen a child. It hasn't been long enough to determine if she's pregnant yet, and he was only one of four who were trying," Dianne said. "The men were all college students and Gretchen accepted all financial responsibility. She just wanted a baby badly and she was fertile. Sophia is in the same boat metaphorically. She's got money enough to raise a child, but not a sperm donor. We're having sex with her. I don't really see the problem with Matt giving her his baby makers to give her what she wants. She's been a very good friend to us. She paid for my slave jewelry, loaned us her vehicle, had us to her home, paid for dinners in restaurants. I'm inclined to give her what she wants, because we certainly can't pay her back for her generosity."

"You don't seem very jealous," Ann said. "It was your hand sticking Matt's cock in my pussy earlier, wasn't it?"

"It was," Dianne laughed. "Mistress has control over most of my sexuality now. She reserved Matt's rights to fuck me whenever he wanted, and except for men, who've been excluded from having sex with me, can pretty much make me have sex with anyone. If I'm having sex with multitudes of women, it seems ridiculous to object to or feel jealous of Matt having sex with others. I think once our relationship became polyamorous, the idea of clinging so tightly to monogamy went out the window. If he's regularly having sex with Mistress, what's another woman or two or three. I'm having sex with them too. I feel confident in his love. We intend to marry at some point. He surrendered a lot allowing me to submit to Mistress, so he has to trust me and her both to look out for his sexual interests. If instead of spending the night with him, Mistress has me spending the night with you or Alice or Sophia, she needs to make sure his needs are taken care of, or this won't work for us. Usually, Mistress herself has sex with him, but if he wants to fuck you and you're willing, why should I take exception?"

"You have to admit it's an unusual relationship?"

"You don't know the half of it," Dianne said. "Mistress offered my services as her submissive to all of the female members of his family, his mother, two sisters, and his mother's lesbian fiancée. I've had sex with all of them now. Since Mistress doesn't expect me to do anything she won't do, she also had sex with all of them, as did Sophia, and I think, Rosilyn as well, though she might have skipped his oldest sister."

"Oh my God!" Ann said.

"Mistress enjoys pushing my buttons and making me have sex with his family certainly did. Surrendering control to her is part of what makes my submission so exciting to me. They could have refused sex with me, but they wanted to see what sex with a sex slave would be like and since Matt had no objection, I was on my knees with all of them.

"I've also had sex with relative strangers such as you and waitresses we've met in restaurants. Mistress gave me a twenty swat bare ass spanking in the store where those dresses were purchased in front of the store manager and a clerk because I orgasmed without permission. It is an unusual relationship and I love it."

Chloe, Brianna and Monique rejoined them, Monique with cum on her face.

"Alice, would you like to join us tonight?" Brianna asked. "Have sex with some of the people you'll have sex with if you join us."

"Are they any good?" Alice asked Chloe.

Chloe laughed. "Better than you and that's saying something; years more practice. Monique is the best rug muncher I ever met and that's my cum on her face."

"Thank you, Mistress Chloe," Monique said, a big smile on her face. "You're not half bad yourself."

"Sophia, I'll leave Rosilyn with you in thanks for your hospitality," Brianna said. "Chloe said Ann was spending the night with her bunch. I wouldn't want you to be alone."

"My thanks."

"Speaking of spending the night," Chloe said. "Andrea is coming over fairly early tomorrow morning for her ass fucking with Matt. I think we should go to bed if we're going to do any extensive fucking. Come along, Ann. You'll enjoy the next time as much as the last."

Ann blushed, but quickly joined the three of them. She had no doubt but that Chloe was right.


It was ninety minutes before they called a halt to the sex. It was gender bending, mind blowing, sex and if not for how much she loved Matt's thick prick in her pussy, Ann might have thought she'd been turned into a lesbian. She could no longer call herself a pure heterosexual. She knew she'd be muff diving again in the future. She thought of a couple of her close girlfriends, the ones who might be open to non gender specific sex, someone who might be willing to explore the way she had. The last time, she and Dianne had been in a sixty-nine while Matt gloriously fucked her and she was cognizant of how easily Dianne could witness her boyfriend's prick plunging and pulsing in her sloppy pussy while she licked her clit, then cleaning his sperm from her cum soaked cunt.

Dianne seemed completely unconcerned that her boyfriend was fucking her, and her other lover had sucked Matt's cock to get it hard enough to screw her. Jealousy and possessiveness didn't seem to exist in their world, not like it did in everyone else's. Matt slept between his two lovers, and Dianne pushed her butt up against Ann when they settled in to sleep.

Ann was kissed awake by Dianne the following morning, as freely giving and friendly as she'd been the night before.

"Please tell me you don't want sex now," Ann said sleepily. "I need caffeine."

"I don't have Miss Chloe's permission to cum," Dianne replied, "but you'll miss out on a good, hot breakfast if you don't get up now."

"Fine. Five minutes in the shower and I'll be awake enough to face the day."

Dianne gave her another kiss, then disappeared.

Ann didn't bother with clothes at the end of her shower. No one else seemed to give a fig for attire. She hadn't seen a thread of clothes since everyone got here. Surprisingly to Ann, she didn't care. She was as comfortable naked as if she were dressed. Perhaps it was knowing how easily sex could occur if she were nude, and how much she'd enjoy it if it happened.

When she joined the others for breakfast, Chloe and Sophia were dishing up scrambled eggs to everyone sitting at the table. The persons she now recognized as submissives were kneeling besides the chairs of the others. Two plates of breakfast meats, one bacon and one sausage patties were on the table. It was more than Ann usually ate for breakfast, but she realized she was starving after all the sex the previous night. She took a chair and grabbed some bacon and sausage. Chloe kissed her neck and asked her how much eggs she wanted, stopping when Ann said enough.

She was surprised, but no longer shocked when Brianna fed Monique, Alice fed Adele, Sophia fed Rosilyn and Chloe fed Dianne. After sitting down, Chloe had Dianne sit between her legs and she caressed and stroked her all breakfast long as she gave her bites of food and sips of orange juice.

Dianne had to ask for permission to cum three times during their meal, once getting permission and twice not. Alice was doing the same to Adele, though Adele got permission to cum each time. The other two were fed and caressed, but never to orgasm and they remained kneeling beside the one feeding them, which may have been the difference.

"What are you going to do when Andrea gets here?" Chloe asked Brianna.

"Test her submissiveness," Brianna said, giving Monique a bite of bacon.

"How do you do that?" Ann asked.

"Give her orders and see how she obeys," Brianna replied. "If she responds relatively quickly to the first few, she'll be given other, more humiliating tasks."

"I'm going to give her enemas before Matt fucks her so she can go ass to mouth afterward," Chloe said.

"She already knows that's coming. She needs something different, something she's not expecting."


They were waiting in the living room when Andrea arrived and rang the door bell. Dianne answered it naked and Andrea came bouncing in.

"I missed you guys. I'm so ready to get fucked," Andrea said.

She saw the four new people sitting there about the time she said 'fucked' so that word died as she said it, and was about half the volume of the rest of it.

One of the strangers said, "She's exquisite. You have good taste, Chloe."

"Thank you."

"My dear, why don't you strip off your clothes and let me take a look at you."

"Who are you?" Andrea asked.

"The person who gets to decide if you get fucked and get to orgasm if you do. Kindly remove your clothes."

Andrea looked at Chloe, who didn't say anything.

"I heard you say you were ready to get fucked," the stranger said. "You're not ready unless you're naked. Strip."

Andrea began to take her clothes off, wondering what was going on. No one was saying anything. They just watched her strip off her clothes. She suddenly felt much shier than the last time she'd been here, covering herself when the last of her clothes fell to the ground.

"Take your hands away. Let's see what you've got," the stranger said. She twirled her finger around. "Turn around and show me your ass as well."

Andrea timidly removed her hands, then slowly turned, showing herself to the strange woman. She looked to be in her mid-thirties, slightly younger than Sophia. If everyone else wasn't naked, she'd be scared right now, but no one else had any clothes either.

"Very good. You're lovely. Now kneel down with your knees far apart so I can see that delicious looking cunt. You can sit back on your heels if you wish."

Nobody else was saying a word. Andrea didn't know what was going on and it was creeping her out a little, but no one was the least bit threatening, so she knelt as instructed.

"Good girl. Now masturbate for me. I want you to orgasm."

Andrea looked at everyone else. Dianne had gone to Matt after letting her in and was sitting on his lap. He was idly stroking one of her breasts.

"What's going on?" Andrea asked.

"We're waiting for you to masturbate to orgasm," the stranger said. "You've done well so far. Don't disappoint me now."

Andrea started stroking her pussy, surprised to find out how wet she was when she touched herself. She was panting rather quickly, surprisingly close to a release.

"Alice and Chloe told me you spent some time with Alice learning how to become a better pussy licker. Is this true?"

"Yes," Andrea gasped.

"Why did you want to be a better pussy licker? Was it because you wanted to be more pleasing to women?"


Andrea spasmed, cumming surprising fast. She could never remember being able to cum so quickly masturbating before. She did plan on letting Matt fuck her ass though. Perhaps she was excited in anticipation of his big cock in her ass.

"Let's see what you learned," the lady said, spreading her legs and showing Andrea her bald pussy. "Come over here and lick my cunt."

She looked around again. No one else had said a word, just watched and waited. They were watching and waiting now. Andrea started to stand.

"Don't stand. Remain on your hands and knees and crawl over here."

Andrea paused halfway up, then lowered herself back to her knees. She looked around again. No one offered an explanation, just observing her like she was an exhibit at the zoo. She crawled forward and the stranger moved closer to the edge of the couch and opened her legs wider. Her pussy fluids glistened in her sheath. Andrea expected the stranger to grab her face and push it into her pussy, but she just leaned back and waited. Andrea tentatively leaned forward and licked the strange cunt and the woman moaned.

Andrea didn't know what she was supposed to do. Should she use her fingers the way Alice had shown her, or just use her lips and tongue. What did she want? She didn't give her any guidance, tell her what she wanted Andrea to do, just lick her cunt. Maybe that was the clue. She had only told her to lick. So Andrea kept her hands on the floor and licked the pussy in front of her.

"Very nice," the woman said. "You're doing very well. I'm going to cum fairly soon. Try not to let a single drop escape your tongue, dear."

Ann had been amazed. This woman had walked into the house, stripped, masturbated, and was now licking Brianna's pussy without even knowing who she was. She was obviously confused. She'd kept looking around at the others hoping for some explanation, none was forthcoming, but still she did what she was told.