Summer Valentine - Day 01

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Not a stroke story, a tale of a chance meeting with a friend.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/22/2022
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An icon in the erotic poetry genre, she needed no introduction. Although we had never met in person, I was expecting them and recognized her immediately, standing away from the airport carousel The chocolate-brown curly locks cascading over her face told me it was her and other had to be her cousin Eva. As I strolled over to greet two ladies. I saw them whispering in each other's ears. Big brown eyes opened wide in surprise, then her lip turned up to join her visual appraisal of me.

There was a brief verbal exchange and she turned to flash daggers at her companion. "Oh no!" my inner voice told me, "She's dissatisfied with me." The long-awaited meeting with my pen pal, my friend, would be profound disappointment. She must have seen the expression on my face as her hand covered her mouth in surprise. White teeth flashed a wide smile as kind eyes reassured me.

A tall young man strode towards her, paused, and then kept walking, the height contrast exposing she was a little lady. Good things come in small packages. When a guy sees a petite woman, his instincts kick in to protect her. In his eyes she is more feminine, and he will feel stronger and more appreciated for taking care of her. But small girls are fierce, she could be intense if you crossed her. I know that.

First impression? Maria did not look as I had pictured her. For one her skin was a warm Mediterranean tone, smooth without blemish, not quite olive but certainly not the Nubian trace I expected. Her eyes revealed a maturity that belied her young appearance. A well-defined face accentuated plump lips.

"Maria, I always knew you were more amazing than the shy girl you saw in the mirror. My head cannon was a spicy Chiquita, beautiful, brilliant poet/temptress. In person you are striking! That 19-year-old diva grew into a radiant woman, wife, and mother. The years have been a friend to you," I had not expected to speak so boldly.

I wasn't sure if her look was doubt or gratitude. She stared in amazement, as though I was a talking animal. I realized she had never heard my voice. Cousin Eva began to explain: "he knew nothing of the phony encounter. God's truth, Maria. I have known your secret for years, but never told anyone, did I? I saw you had a friend, or should I say follower in California. When you found out about the Writer's Guild at the San Diego Comicon, you looked so animated. I thought I could hitch a ride and get a fresh start on the West Coast. But I didn't know anyone, and you wouldn't take this step on your own."

"I began to write Martin pretending to be you. At first, he was a little suspicious of my style, so I kept the messages brief. He seemed like a decent, dependable guy and never pressed me, especially after I told him about the trip. He was excited about the chance for me (you) to explore my (your) true passion to be a writer,' Eva defended.

I broke in, "Now I understand your panic, Maria, you thought this was all a ruse."

"And you Eva, this is wrong! Even though I'm delighted to meet Maria in person, there are potential consequences. We are both married. I never even considered we would hook up, and I know she didn't want to cross any barriers. What do we do now?" my face flushed as I searched for an answer.

Some explanation was in order. We were more than pen-pals but had drawn a bright line to avoid becoming friends with benefits. Our personal lives were an open book, but there were unwritten rules not to talk about our marriages and not give out photos or contact info. And not try to meet-up.

Maria's focus was her little family of three and was she very close to her parents, even though she was a grown woman. None of them had any inclination she was a successful, self-professed 'popular porn playwright.' She once penned to me, "you must know that I'm very shy and a major introvert. If I had a choice, I'd never leave my house."

I broke the rule about discussing family life when I wrote Maria to tell her about my wife's affair. I decided not to kick her out because of the three children. I couldn't bring myself to talk to my friends and Maria helped me get through a difficult time. Maria also suffered from bouts of depression. Resisting the urge to "fix the problem" like a leaky sink, I did my best to support, encourage and remind her she was not alone, that we all had seasons, spring, summer, fall and winter.

"Well Maria, what say you?' a phrase familiar to us.

"Let's start by saying, hello, hello, it is nice to finally meet you" Maria's voice melodic and sweet. And the way her tongue flicked the roof of her mouth when she pronounced 'hello' drew my eyes to her full succulent lips.

"You are the siren in the poem I shared with you "I stammered, "that voice, that lovely voice. You could read the phonebook and knock me off my feet."

"I don't know about that," she giggled sending shivers up my spine. Maria smiled and held out her arms to welcome me. Indoor air conditioning at the San Diego airport at mid-morning was cooler than outside. We had dressed suitably for July, her in a tank top and both of us in shorts. I lifted the five-foot one dainty into a warm hug, large soft breasts flattening against my hard chest. First contact was satisfying for both. She made no attempt to break away as her hands clasped around my neck.

Ironically, she never corrected me when I had written that the stories about babes that always had mammoth breasts were not realistic. Maria guessed what I was thinking as she giggled, "yes 36DD's," My ears burned with embarrassment, Maria never let on that she was aware of my secret fascination with big sloppy naturals.

Mustering my will, I stepped back and threaded fingers through her ringlets, turned our heads down slightly, and drew our foreheads together, her legs wrapped around my hips.

Finally pulling us apart I took both ladies by the hand to lead them to collect the baggage. Maria may have thought I was being macho picking up all the luggage, pulling four on rollers and carrying others. Truth-be-told that brief body to body connection gave me an embarrassing erection which I was trying to hide. Even when I broke contact, I drew in the fragrant strands of her almost waist length braids, one perfectly out of place, and drank the minty scent of her breath. I had to get a handle on myself.

The encounter reminded me of my very first experience walking through the gates of the Magic Kingdom when I was a boy. Recalled were the wonder and explosion of smells, sights, and sounds. Those fancies were stored in a remote area in my brain. As an adult I had never expected to behold the real Maria, much less have a chance to be with her for a few days. Fantasyland indeed, my senses were overloaded by her womanhood. If I had to combine everything into one word, it would be magical.

The exertion of struggling to balance the bags and not make a fool of myself brought oxygen into my brain. "Keep cool Marty, don't blow this," I told myself. Fortunately, Maria displayed her usual unflappable composure, so I didn't read anything into her coy smile. I must have looked ridiculous, that was all.

Our procession led to the curb where my friend Jim was waiting in his Kona Blue 2011 Mustang, convertible, top down. He jumped out to help me fill up the trunk, Maria and I climbed into the back seat of the coupe, bare legs touching. "Which way to the Casbah?' questioned Jim without turning.

The girls made a reservation at Hotel Pacifica one block from the ocean and nearby the venue. When we went to check them in, the office was packed with a crowd of people shoulder to shoulder. Row by row of flustered tourists closest to the desk were being turned away. Hotel had been ridiculously overbooked. Eva pushed herself to the front only to find the situation was hopeless. Lodgings in San Diego usually fill up in the summer, but the present-day overpopulation was more like Spring break.

Maria stewed, "What are we going to do? Is the same thing going to happen at Comicon? I have been waiting a year since they announced a literary faction would become part of the festival. I always make the sacrifices, for my family, my career. When is my turn for fun?"

" I thought you were attending writing seminars. Show me your tickets, see, you have number 50 for today. I don't expect the mass numbers because your interests are quite different than the comic crazies. If you are not attending the main events, then there won't be a horde of people."

"A mutual friend owns a quaint house, a block from the beach a short drive from here. I know for a fact that they are away and I also know where the key is hidden. I have crashed there many times, for every problem there is a solution, I reassured her."

Climbing into our ride, I cheerfully spoke out, "let's drop our stuff off there and head to Seaport Village. The seminar doesn't start for a few hours. You need bikinis to be blend into the scene."

Maria was dubious, said her frown. "You know I haven't worn a bikini in years, especially since kiddo was born. I love to swim, or used to, but I wear shorts and a T in the water."

Eva changed the subject, "I want to see the ocean first, let's go for a drive" After we passed through downtown, the highway headed south, skirting a body a water on the right. "That doesn't look like the sea, where are we?"

"Actually, that is the San Diego Bay, we will make a big loop and you can see the sea." The stereo speakers boomed out 'Bohemian Rhapsody' as Jim called out, "I'll crank it up, no road trip is complete without music."

The ladies got their first view of the Great Blue Pacific on the return trip north. Jim parked by the highway facing Strands Beach. Looking out across the coast, we couldn't see the divide that separated water from sky. Far off clouds had the appearance of ghosts hovering above the waves. Jim pulled a set of binoculars from the glove box, and coached "If you look carefully, you can see a pod of blue whales two miles out on the horizon."

"Yes, I think I can see their fins, they look smaller than expected," Eva proclaimed, "here Maria."

"Not too small at over 100 tons," I corrected. "Maria, try to be still and train your eye on the spot, you should be able to make out the humps when they surface."

Maria's call of 'magnificent' signaled she had located them. She handed to spyglass to Eva, who opened her mouth in awe.

Jim broke in, "this will be the best 'fishing trip' we ever had." Back at the port parking lot Jim changed the game plan, "We don't need any fancy fishing gear, but we could use a new cooler. Marty let's split up. I'll drop you and Maria off at the entrance to save time looking for a parking space. Call me when you are ready to be picked up."

When we reached the entrance to waterfront shopping at Seaport Village, Maria and I leaped out of the car without opening the door as Jim drove off.

"I will try to make this day about you," I put forward. "There's a nice swimwear shop here with all kinds of high-end form fitting choices.

"I didn't bring enough money," Maria was without blame for her objections. She had been swept away in an adventure over which she had little to no control.

"You would never buy one for yourself, this is my treat. I saved up happy money, enjoy yourself,' I beseeched her.

Maria caved in, "what the hell, I might as well. I haven't done anything for me in so damn long. What's the old saying, in for a penny in for a pound?"

Wary I was pushing my luck I asked, "Is it OK to hold your hand? I don't want you to be uncomfortable"

"Sure, by now I should know you have earned my trust, I can let go and be free," Maria snickered.

"Your trust will be put to the test. It's one thing to write 'dirty talk' 1300 miles apart. But to see you in the flesh and hear your enchanting voice is more than a temptation, even for a Christian," I confessed. I hope my brief shake of the head in disbelieve did not actually show.

Maria put my worries to rest," Relax. Let's make a couple of rules. Anything covered is off limits to touch. We keep our privates hidden for a reason. I'll let YOU know when you reach a danger zone. I don't have to tell you, no means no. Let's have some fun, I haven't ventured out in a long time." I was pleased with her reply.

We strolled through the open mall, Maria chattering along the way, random thoughts while taking in the open marketplace. I had a little bit of difficulty following her as what I heard was the song of a nightingale. Feeling my cellphone vibrate in my pocket, I looked to see Jim's name light up. I put him on speaker as I answered.

"Change of plans, man. Eva wants to get away on an excursion. Can you handle it?" Jim's words reflected in Maria's glower.

Maria heard everything, "Martin, what are you guys up to?"

"Let me call you back," I quickly ended the call.

"Houston, we have a problem. Little problems often lead to bigger ones and soon the mission is out of control. First there was your surprise appearance, then the hotel debacle and the unanticipated availability of the beach house. Now we are splitting up before we even had a chance to get to get comfortable with each other," Maria laid out what she thought was a secret plot.

"I didn't plan anything. Jim was brought along so that Eva wouldn't be a third wheel. We knew nothing of the identity switch. He has been my best friend since high school," I championed.

Maria interrupted me, "what about me? Aren't we best friends?"

"Jim was my best man. You are my best woman. He knows nothing of our situation. Sometimes, coincidences happen for a reason. A chance meeting has brought us together, for a friend please show off that bright smile of yours."

Maria didn't like surprises, "I suspected Eva would try to ditch me, didn't think it would be so soon. Frankly, I been fretting how things would work out. Eva is wild and bound to get me in trouble. And I couldn't bear to listen to her moans and screams keeping me awake if we were in the same place."

"I came here to study new writing skills. I have always wanted to be an author. Do you know that I started out penning anonymous romance novels, the cheesy paperbacks you see in the stores? My niche became erotic stories and finally adult fiction. With the little one wanting my attention and the boring job to help pay the bills, I rarely have time, and when I do, I'm exhausted. I'm sorry for being such a drag but these changes have thrown me off kilter"

"Ground control will make your trip a well-deserved vacation, while learning along the way. Do you have everything you need today? Our gear should be safe and I can retrieve my ride so we won't be stranded," I had to be careful how I phrased the next sentence, "Maria, I hadn't planned this properly, but frankly three days with you are more than I ever dreamed would happen."

She looked intently at me looking for any trace of deceit. "I'm losing my chaperone."

"You don't need one. Besides what you are losing is a gossip girl."

"Call him, tell him OK,"

I made the call brief, then spoke to Maria, keeping my voice even, "Let's go, the shop is this way." At first, she shook off my gesture to clasp hands, walking behind, studying the paving stones. Maria then doubled her stride to catch me. Grasping pinkies touched off little sparks. I know she felt them too. Never underestimate the power of touch, I would been happy with this skin on skin contact alone.

Sitting on the 'chair of shame' near the dressing room, I could not convince her to come out far enough to see what she was trying on. When she did venture out it was in a one-piece swimsuit with skirt, like my mother used to wear. Easing her into the deep end, I selected a tankini with two matching bottoms, a classic side string tie and G-string. The tankini had a demi bra and a cut out for side boob.

Her selection was a burgundy v-top and black high cut back and leg one piece with elastic shaping waist. I selected a cross over white halter with more than a hint of breast and butt cleavage.

I also handed her a gauze cream beach dress, the color contrasting her complexion and eyes, the sheer lace suggesting a hint of what was hidden beneath, "try these on and don't make me come in there." Because of her petite frame, a girls large should fit perfectly just above knee length.

"Oh, I like this," she smiled, "here goes!' she laughed aloud.

Like a model on a runway, Maria strolled out and strutted, wearing her choice "What do you think?"

"Wow, wow, wow," was all I could say. I acted nonchalantly, not knowing where to gaze as she turned around. As if she read my mind, Maria crossed her arms over her chest. "Please don't do that, put your arms down, let the world see you in your glory," I implored as I gazed into brown eyes, the color of coal, moments before the earth turns it into a diamond. I closed mind to call up the image of the almost perceptible outline of her nipples, elongated like udders pushing out from rounded crinkly areola.

Dropping her arms and showing off her chest proudly, all the while holding eye contact, Maria beamed, "you were right, these are very flattering. I was terrified about looking like an old mom. I feel sexy and why not? Wanna see the other two, help me decide?"

"Show me the Tankini and G-string. There's nobody here but us," I advocated.

Maria treated me to a private show interrogating as she spun around, "doesn't this make my ass look too big?"

"Too perfect, you mean," was my honest appraisal, "you can always put on the dress if you are feeling self-conscious. But as they say, if you've got it, flaunt it."

A red hue on her face activated by blushing, she glared at me, "I think you're biased, but I can tell by the gleam in your blue eyes that you approve, and the praise is sincere."

Surreptitiously I had returned the contoured suit. Her body was exactly right and needed no sculpting. "It's us, let's be playful, try them both on again." I goaded.

Unlike other women I knew, Maria didn't waste time slipping in and out of her outfits. She gave a repeat show. She danced and pranced around, feeling free and delighted with this side of herself. I did not join her dance but sat sidewise to hide my growing appreciation for her sexy shape.

"OK, I cannot decide, which one?"

By this time, I couldn't stand up without revealing the obvious. My throat was tight as I formed the words my mouth, "try this one for me." I sent her in with the white halter and summer dress, while telling the clerk to wrap the tankinis in tissue paper at the bottom of a large bag. The cup of icy slush placed on my lap reduced the swelling.

Making a grand entrance, Maria looked both adorable and bootylicious. Her street clothes went into the bag to hide the bonus bikinis. After exclaiming "I can't go there dressed like this," the clerk smoothed her summer dress and reassured her that her outfit was suitable.

"Come-on, enjoy yourself, I hear there are some great speakers at the sessions. After class we'll take a walk along the beach, and then you can turn heads," I encouraged.

The street fair was held in the famous Gaslight District, several parallel streets with many shops, restaurants, bars and venues. Riding the C Street Trolly and walking four blocks, voila, there were crowds of people, electronic billboards, life-size comic character cutouts. Eyes big as saucers, Maria took in her first Comicon extravaganza. Standing under the arc at the Westin Hotel Plaza, I told her to meet me there when the first day events were over.

On the way over I had her write down my cell phone number in case of separation. "When you call me, dial 'Star 67' before my number and your caller ID will show up as restricted. I don't mind you having my number. If you decide someday to give me yours, you will know the right time."

Retrieving my vintage 1992 Teal Accord Coup, I picked her up after the show and drove directly to the house. The sun was still brilliant at 3:00 p.m. I waited outside as Maria shed the overgarment and we made our way to the boardwalk at Coronado Beach. With the sand still too hot for our feet, I laid out the towels and backpack, while hoping from one foot to the other. A quick beach shower to cool off and christen the new suit, we strode out to find admirers.