Summertime, and the Livin' Was Easy

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Jimmy's elder cousin and young wife graduate him to Jim.
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My name is Margaret, Marge, Margie, or Maggie. I suppose which someone chooses says something about how he or she relates to me. I choose my given name, Margaret, for business relations. As I recall from high school American history and movies, cultures like the Native Americans, earn their names after a trial when they reach puberty. In my culture, at least, puberty is a trial in itself. We seek our identities but also want to be accepted into a group of our peers. The big challenge is from our sex hormones. Does a girl give in to an insistent penis, or save herself for the One and Only? Preserving virginity is now old hat. The double standard between male and female has crumbled, but a desirable girl can earn a name for herself, even well into her womanhood, like "prick-tease" or "slut." I can't think of a name for those of us who are neither. I guess "frigid" or "nice," will have to do, according to one's point of view. Although I never played football, I knocked down many a pass, so I was either frigid or nice.

I attended the local junior college and earned an Associate of Arts degree in business.

I was 22 when I got a job as a receptionist for a local chiropractor. Over the next two years, Don taught me how to assist him with his treatments. I had married at 20 and gradually realized my ignorance of my husband Tony's character. I was unable to persuade him not to drink so much and get arrested for driving drunk. When I learned that he was tom-catting about, it was the end, and I filed for divorce. Don was nice to me. He had the experience of his own divorce, which he called "acrimonious." His ex-wife had custody of their two children and moved them far away. Being 12 years older than I, he had more experience of life.

One day, when patients took us overtime, instead of rustling up something at our separate domiciles, he suggested that we dine out together. I had never been to such a good restaurant. Don introduced me to fine wines. We even danced. I was impressed by the number of people whom he knew. He was well-respected in the community. Perhaps it was his age, but not everyone matures emotionally because they have grown older. As he drove us back to the office for me to get my car, I told him my troubles. I literally cried on his shoulder.

Both of us tend to be good-natured and easy-going. That made for good working relations, and it wasn't a big transition to apply it to our personal relations. Don was slim, about 5' 10" and kept his blonde, thinning hair cropped short. He did not smoke and drank in moderation. He took good care of his health. He helped me to quit smoking.

I always liked to read. Don encouraged me to read more than romance novels, so I included nonfiction: history, psychology, biographies and politics. I also added some classic literature to my fiction.

At 5' 4", a shapely blonde with a pretty face, I appealed to him physically. I enjoyed socializing and enhanced his social life. I laughed away many a flirtatious male. We married and I moved from my apartment into his house in town. Business was good, especially with keeping his employee in the family. After a few years, we were able to afford to build a house on the lakeshore, and what a lake it is! Sprawling Rainy Lake stretches along nearly 50 miles of Minnesota's border with Canada. It has many bays and islands, a fisherman's paradise. He taught me fishing, but I was not an enthusiastic angler. For Don, the beauty of nature, in the lake and forests, was as enjoyable as fishing--especially when they weren't biting! He went with his brother and a friend or two from time to time. We enjoyed boating together, exploring the lake, seeing its resorts and visiting some friends who lived along the lake. Ours was a popular place to visit for people who loved the woods and waters.

When Don's mother and her husband, after her retirement, moved from the Twin Cities to be near her younger sister and closer to her sons, which was about 75 miles south of us, we met and got to know his young cousin. Don's mother was 8 years older than her sister. She and her husband had waited until they were 29 to have their son. Because of the difference in ages between the cousins, we called James Jimmy, which made probably made him feel that, for us, he was stalled in boyhood.

Blonde, blue-eyed, slender, and about 5'8", Jimmy did look related to Don. We invited him to visit the following spring, after his graduation from high school. Don treated him like family, enlisting his help with domestic tasks. He was shy but smart. When he did talk, he often said something witty. He had a serious, studious side and was bound for college. We liked him a lot. He seemed to be smitten with me. As an older woman, I felt complimented. When we were at the office, he took our outboard and fished. He cleaned his fish, too.

Next year, Jimmy's mother called. His parents were going on a trip out west in a camper with another couple. She wondered if he could visit us for a week or two. We not only agreed, but planned to take some vacation time while he was with us.

I drove to the bus station to get him. I gave him a warm hug, oblivious of my ample boobs pressing against him through my thin blouse and his thin shirt. As he sat beside me, I became aware of the sleeveless, low-cut blouse I wore and how my shorts had hiked halfway up my thighs. I do have nice legs. I fill a C-cup, so there was plenty for Jimmy to see if I leaned over or we stood together.

"So, how old are you, now, Jimmy?"


"God, I'm closer to your age than to Don's!" Why did that pop out, I wondered.

"Are you leaving a girlfriend behind?"

"I'm afraid I haven't a girlfriend. My cousin took me out with her girlfriend, but she liked being with my cousin a lot more than with me. I asked her out, but she was busy. My cousin said, 'Bernice doesn't seem to like men much. I thought that both of you not being the usual types, might hit it off.'"

I concluded, my god, he's still a virgin! Well, it's none of my business, unless Don and I can find him a date.... As far as my own romance, our sex lives were becoming somewhat routine.

The day after Jimmy's arrival, I suggested that he go for a swim. We have a fair beach. He said he had never learned how to swim!

"Why it's easy! Even I can teach you, I think."

I asked Don if a pair of his swimming trunks would fit Jimmy. They would.

"Oh, what about me? All I have are some bikinis, thanks to you!"

"What's wrong with them?"

"I thought, as an older woman, I would sedately wear a one-piece."

"You're 30."

"But you know about boys and their raging hormones!"

"If you don't want him to see that you're shapely and sexy, I suppose you could wear a raincoat, or a wetsuit."

"Funny man!"

So there I was in my bikini, waist-deep in the lake with Jimmy lying face down on a rectangle of Styrofoam, my right arm under his thighs and my left arm under his chest to buoy him up.

"I could never seem to coordinate moving my arms, legs and head!"

"Okay. While I hold you, reach out with your right arm and stretch your left leg out. Pull water back with your hand and kick water with your leg. Now do that with your left arm and right leg!"

This time, as I leant forward to hold him up, his left arm brushed my breasts. I felt a sensation down to my toes!


"That's okay. I guess I'm not coordinated enough myself to be a good teacher. Let's walk out a little deeper. Now, just lean into the water, move your arms and legs going to shore. You can't drown if you can stand up with your head above water."

Then we slogged back to the deck and flopped onto lawn chairs to dry in the sun. I noticed that my nipples were erect and the wet bikini bottom molded my thickly haired mound rather graphically! I looked over at Jimmy, who quickly and guiltily looked away to the lake. Jeez, maybe he'll fantasize about me and masturbate. I dreaded finding telltale stains on my sheets!

The next morning, the guys were up at dawn to go bass-fishing. I wanted more beauty sleep, but I hauled myself up to make breakfast. Wrapping my usual mini-robe over my briefer negligee, I thought it would serve them right if I didn't bother to dress.

"Sorry I'm not dressed guys, but after I feed you, I'm going back to bed!"

"You look beautiful, darling! Doesn't she, Jimmy?"

"Oh, yes, she does!"

Oh, boys, I thought! When I sat at the table, across from Jimmy, my eyes kept wanting to close. When I opened them, Jimmy had disappeared. Then, he surfaced.

"I dropped my napkin,"

I realized that my legs were spread enough for him to have seen between them all of the way up to my pussy! Wait, didn't I put panties on? I clamped my thighs shut, closing the barn doors after the pussy had gotten out. This boy is not as nice and is naughtier than I thought! I guess it's true to watch out for the quiet ones. They may be quietly preoccupied with imagining how we look naked! In my bikini, I hadn't left much to his imagination.

When I lounged languidly in back in bed and finally got up, my question was what to wear, what to wear. Look attractive but not too sexy! I chose a sundress. They returned with fish and smelling fishy.

"You look too good for us!" Don said.

He asked Jimmy to clean them while he took a shower. I fried the fish while Jimmy took his shower.

At bedtime, I felt horny for some reason. The guest bedroom, containing Jimmy, shared a wall with ours.

As we lay in bed, I said,

"That cousin of yours isn't quite as shy and nice as I thought. He has an eye out for the main chance, a look down my blouse or up my skirt!"

Don grinned. "Well, do I need to tell you how we males are at that age? He doesn't seem to have a sexy girl of his own, so it's natural that he enjoys looking at you."

"It doesn't bother you?"

"I'm pleased to have a shapely, sexy wife and flattered that he appreciates you. Aren't you flattered?"

"Yes, I guess I am. I'll just have to be careful how much I show. Wow, you do like that another guy finds me sexy! That's hard evidence!"

Don removed my negligee and his undershorts. He caressed my thighs, squeezed my breasts and nibbled my nipples.

"Do you think we ought to, while Jimmy is here?"

"He's here for two weeks, darling!"

When he nudged my thighs apart and busied himself kissing and licking my pussy, I lost my inhibitions. The addition of some finger-fucking brought me an orgasm. I tend to be a screamer.

"Shhh, you'll wake Jimmy!"

"Then fuck me now!"

We were mating, more feverishly than usual, when I saw that we'd left our door partly open. What's more Jimmy was up, peeking at us, and with his hand down where his cock was probably up, too! How embarrassing! Still, we couldn't stop now; only a bullet to the head would stop Don from shooting his tiny bullets of sperm into me. Best to pretend I didn't know he was watching. Don was fairly pounding me now. I covered my mouth to scream into my hand. I glanced at the doorway again. Did I see a shadow flit away?

We lay together kissing and caressing as we prolonged and savored our union. Then Don dismounted and lay prone beside me. From under my eyelashes, I looked to the doorway. Jimmy was ogling me naked, my legs still spread, my well-fucked pussy inflamed, swollen and oozing sperm!

How could I tell my husband? How could I face Jimmy? I chose to pretend not to know that he had seen us. If Jimmy knew I'd seen him watching, I'd have to confront him. I chose to take precautions by making sure that our bedroom door was shut from then on. If I began dressing to conceal my body, he would know why. He was a normally lusty boy, or young man. I would just avoid sexy situations for him to see too much of me or touch me. The next day, I behaved as normally as I could and so did Jimmy.

The next night, in the intimacy of our bedroom with the door firmly shut, Don wanted to make love again. I decided to confess my cautionary tale.

"Don, last time, you'll remember worrying that I was so vocal that Jimmy might hear."


"He must have heard, because I saw him at our partly open door watching us have sex!"

"You did! He did?"

"I felt that we were too passionate to stop before we had consummated, so Jimmy probably saw and heard our orgasms!"

"Wow, he really got some sex education!"

(This story happened before personal computers with access to porn on the internet.)

"That's not all. When I looked again, I didn't see him, so I thought he had returned to his room. However, when we uncoupled, I saw him again, and he saw me naked, my legs still spread, the aftermath of passion still showing on my face and the rest of my body! I'm sure that he masturbated while he watched us and probably finished up back in his room. I felt too embarrassed to confront him the next day. I thought it best to pretend I didn't see him. I'm very sorry that he saw us having sex and saw me naked. I hope you aren't too upset. I don't want to alienate you from him and send him home."

"This boggles the mind!"

Don quickly stripped me and himself. His cock was rigid. He found that my confession was making my pussy wet. Eagerly, he got me on my back, spread me wide, and mounted me. He fucked me hard and fast, alternately caressing my thighs and clutching my breasts. His arousal aroused me as well. Soon, I felt his cock jerking as he pumped his sperm as deep into me as he could get. He lay on top of me, retaining possession.

"Obviously, you got very excited about Jimmy watching us and seeing me naked and panting after sex. Why? I thought you'd be angry and feared that you would kick him out."

"I guess the image of you looking and being so sexy aroused me as much as it did him."

"He probably wasn't expecting us to entertain him with a live sex show!"

"I think an amateur sex show is more exciting than a professional one. I noticed that you seemed to have gotten wet while you told me."

"How often does a man his age want sex?"

"Every day, probably."

"As long as he's here, I'm his sex object, his fantasy woman."

"Exactly! I seem to recall that in some cultures, it is acceptable for a mature, sexually experienced woman to initiate a young virgin male member of the family."

"My god, do you mean mothers and sons or sisters and brothers?"

"I don't know, probably less closely related kin."

"Jimmy and I aren't related at all!"

"So there's no taboo in your case."

"Just adultery! You don't want me to initiate Jimmy, do you?"

"It is a stimulating fantasy. In reality, letting him have you once would be like trying to put out a fire by throwing gasoline on it. He'd be after you every day or night!"

"You nasty men! I'm afraid it would be difficult to fantasize that you were Jimmy between my legs!"

"It's not necessary. I would just do this."

His cock was hard in me again!

"And say this: Jimmy would love to see you like this, feel you up all over, and fuck you like this!"

Don began fucking me vigorously. His fantasy unexpectedly excited me. I wrapped my legs around him to pull him deeper.

"Fuck me Jimmy! Give it to me!"

"You can satisfy two men and enjoy more sex!"

My confidence about how desirable I was felt a tremendous boost, as Don boosted his cock up me. I was now sure that I could easily satisfy two men, even if one fucked me daily. It was just an exciting fantasy, too dangerous to realize. After Jimmy went home, even the fantasy would cool off. I pulled a pillow over my face as I sounded my orgasm, imagining Jimmy with his ear to the common wall.

The next morning, I felt more at ease, knowing that Jimmy could not see through the wall. Nevertheless, I donned a form-fitting body suit that was sleeveless, cut low, and snapped together at my crotch, leaving my legs completely exposed. The remedy was a wraparound miniskirt held together by 4 snaps. This outfit got me appreciative looks and compliments from my admirers.

Don decided that we give Jimmy a tour of the lake. He owned a cabin cruiser in partnership with three other men. I was going to need sunscreen. I went up to Don holding the tube.

"Let Jimmy do it. He needs practice."

"Practice applying sunscreen or feeling up a woman?"

"Practice touching a woman. Let him do the parts you could reach yourself, like your legs."

"Jimmy, I need you! When you have a girlfriend, she may invite you to do this, and you will enjoy your work."

I lay prone on a chaise lounge on our deck.

"Wait a minute!"

I got up and stripped off the skirt. I think I hear Jimmy gulp.

"You don't mind a little more acreage to cover, I hope."

"Oh, no! It will be a pleasure!"

"Just massage my feet first. Most women love it. Ohhh! That's it! Good job! Now you're ready for higher things."

He applied a generous amount of lotion to my ankles and calves. When he reached the backs of my knees, an erogenous zone, I felt weak there. He spent a lot more time on my thighs, outside and inside. As his touch neared my pussy, it moistened. I hoped he couldn't smell my sexual scent! He stopped just short of my buttoned up sex. Then he skipped to the small of my back.

"Unfasten my bra. Slide the top part to the left and the bottom part to the right. You will need to know this. Fumbling with the clasp marks you as an amateur."

I got shivers as his hands caressed lotion up my back. This was innocent fun for both of us. He did my neck, shoulders and arms, sending more shivers of pleasure through me. I turned over. I saw what he wanted and was ready to do to me. It IS fun growing penises, but when they're ready to be transplanted, outside of marriage, we face being either a prick-tease or a slut. So, after a satisfactory check, I feigned innocence. Jimmy certainly enjoyed feeling up my thighs! I pretended not to notice that he gave them extra time. He paused, looking at the bare part of my chest.

"Yes, that needs protection, too!"

But not protection from his fingers. I put my cheaters on to give him a little false privacy to feel the tops of my breasts. Then I sat up, removed my sunglasses, and cast an evaluating gaze at his rampant cock.

"I'm sorry!"

I waved that away.

"Women get used to having that effect. It's natural for a normal male. I guess it's a compliment. Some of us will probably be disappointed when we no longer have the power and regret that we didn't appreciate when we had it. Dancing close sometimes does it. Some girls are naughty enough to think it's funny when the guy has to walk back to their table with his penis in the lead!"

"I suspect you're one of them!"

"Who, housewife me?" I permitted myself a smile.

I left my skirt off in the boat but kept it handy. We showed Jimmy the rocky outcropping with a little tower on it, with an upstairs. The famous sculpture of a mermaid on a rock in the middle of the lake, the island with a rustic cabin where Sinclair Lewis was said to have spent a summer, and places of exceptional natural beauty. The guys stopped in a bay and fished. Proud of living off the land or water, they caught us fish dinners.

I put my miniskirt back on for cooking and dining. We were in good spirits, more so after a glass of wine. If one made me high, I thought I'd go higher on another. I forgot about men being able to handle twice as much alcohol as women, but I was floating on distilled spirits, good food, and being the center of attention, if not for my wit, then for my cheerful banter, my hot body and my increasingly sexy behavior.

We ended up on the couch with me between them, feeling like the meat in a sex sandwich.

Don asked, "Marge, have been giving Jimmy lessons?"

"No, we haven't tried swimming again."

"What about how to make out with a girl?"

"Oh, he did rub sunscreen all over me."

"Did that please you?"

"Yes, I guess it did. It certainly pleased Jimmy!" I giggled