Sun Hee's Cruel Tease Ch. 02


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She was having fun and feeling more relaxed. I was even starting to show her some trick shots, when she interrupted. "What's that?" Sun Hee asked, pointing not at the pool table but across the bar.

"That's a jukebox," I explained. It was an ancient piece of crap, one of the old kind with the levers like in an old cigarette machine. At one of those new "retro" diners so popular downtown it would have been kitschy and fun, but in this dive it was a dirty and forgotten relic. I wasn't even sure it worked.

"Can I try?" Sun Hee asked brightly. She practically bounced up and down with excitement, her loose dress rising and falling around her hips, every movement threatening to reveal a peek of her precious panties. With her knee socks and closed toe shoes she looked like an excited little girl, but the way her jumping made her perky tits bounce and sway made clear she was very much a woman.

I only had two quarters on me and told her I'd go get change, but just as quickly five different hands shot out offering my Korean girl quarters to work the machine, including Cree who offered to go with her to show her how it worked.

"I want to do it myself," Sun Hee insisted. She stuck out her tongue and twisted her hips with such a cute little flourish, before sashaying over to the jukebox, her dress billowing behind her almost like the train on a gown, except short. So short.

Sun Hee was definitely starting to feel more comfortable in this place. She wore a giddy smile, and her hair was allowed to escape from her yellow ribbon in an increasingly casual mess teasing her slender neck and shoulders. Probably twenty pairs of eyes followed her across the dirty bar, including not a few of the locals. With her bright colors and bright energy she could not have looked more out of place in this dingy bar. Even the old regulars, those creepy old men who always sat at the same spot at the bar slumped over their beers, even they looked up. Their eyes followed this young, pretty little thing with a blank, dead-eyed stare.

Sun Hee's hips danced side-to-side as she flipped through the pages of the jukebox, making the wide hem of her pink dress float and sway. She liked to dance, and clearly she was excited to try this new little device. Her face was scrunched up in concentration, her tongue held between her teeth, as she tried to figure out how it worked, when one of the local guys sauntered up next to her. He was older, maybe 40s, with long, ratty hair and graying stubble along his loose chin.

He set his beer on top of the jukebox and "offered to help" in that way that couldn't be more obvious. I thought for sure this would send Sun Hee running. She always complained how guys in Korea would hit on her in public and act really patronizing toward her, and I figured this grungy guy creepily hitting on her would scare her off.

Sun Hee stiffened, definitely. That awkward nervousness around strangers was plainly visible, but Sun Hee kept smiling and looking up at him and then back down at the machine as he pointed things out. She nervously raised her hand to her hair, letting the bell-shaped sleeve of her babydoll dress slide down her arm, and glanced up at him shyly with her big brown eyes.

Standing there watching from across the room made my arms itch and my cock swell painfully in its cage. It wasn't just the sexual implication of this guy's come-on that upset me, it was the way he was taking advantage of her foreignness. Sun Hee had so much trouble saying no or being rude to strangers. She couldn't even hang up on a telemarketer until they finished their spiel. So instead of seeing the obvious way this old guy was just trying to perv on her, Sun Hee was standing there and listening to him with the deference she was taught to always give her elders, and somehow seeing her made so vulnerable and helpless by this guy made me feel even more helpless. My body trembled and my penis strained for an erection. The fact an erection was utterly impossible only amplified my sense of helplessness as I watched him with my girl.

She just kept looking up at him, eyes bright and eager. Whatever he was saying, she found really interesting. Sun Hee kept nodding her head, making her hair dance and sway across the back of her pink dress. Her cute little mary janes heightened her girlish innocence: the thin little strap of her yellow patent leather shoes across her clean white socks - next to this guy's scuffed and dirtied work boots.

I should go over, I kept telling myself. I should go over. I should see if she needs my help.

But Sun Hee had trained me to submission. Her own vulnerability only made me more submissive. My cock stiffened in my cage, and my face flushed from a helpless jealousy. But I couldn't deny my arousal, frustrated and pent up sperm gnawing and burning inside me as I stood by, watching her smile and flirt with this stranger in a bar.

Adding to my humiliation was the simple fact that I wasn't the only one watching this. "You ok with this guy hitting on your girl like that, bro?" Cree looked both confused and outraged, like he couldn't believe I was just standing there, and somehow Cree's outrage only left me more paralyzed.

That's when I noticed that the guy had his hand on her lower back. His fingers were splayed apart, dirty and calloused, against the soft pink of Sun Hee dress, and my girl was just smiling up at him and listening, this creepy old guy, ratty hair and in his forties! Worse, she even let him draw her closer, her cute little shoes only inches from his hulking boots, dwarfing hers.

My swollen balls ached still more intensely the closer she drew to him. I couldn't believe it!

Just then, Sun Hee waved thanks to him and half ran, half shuffled back across the floor, her yellow shoes seeming to float across the bar. "I didn't recognize any of the songs!" she giggling, burying her face into my shoulder. "Everything was old. Nobody I recognized. I know K-pop, and we have lots of new American music in Korea, but I don't really know what I picked out." She laughed again. "But he knew everything and taught me so much, and he helped me pick some things."

She was breathless as she spilled her adventure into my ear. Sun Hee's breasts pressed against me, warm and soft. But her nipples were hard. I could feel them like little nubs pressed against my chest, and her breath was hot against my ear.

Sun Hee was turned on too!

"Aw, did somebody get jealous?" Sun Hee smiled up at me, reading my jealousy with ease. Maybe more than the way she kept flirting with other guys, it galled me the ease with which Sun Hee recognized the effect her transgressions had on me. Somehow, the more she got me worked up, the more it amused her.

That's when the first song clicked on. The instantly recognizable cords of Def Leppard blared out, loudly interrupting everything and filling the bar.

Sun Hee clapped her hands excitedly, liking the new sound, and she started to dance. At first in a shy and restrained way, she couldn't help it, but soon the heavy drums and guitar had her hips moving more wildly, and she started to clap along to the rhythm.

Sun Hee had never heard the song before. As she said, older music was totally unknown territory for her, but before long, in white knee socks and mary janes Sun Hee was tapping her feet to "Pour Some Sugar on Me," singing along, and dancing happily around the pool table as Levi and I tried to resume our game.

"Dance with me," Sun Hee cried out as she skipped up to me, pulling my cue stick away and clasping my hands. At first she pulled me close, wanting me to dance along with her, but then just like that, was pushing me away and spinning off in a way that made her pink dress flare out, flashing her panties. And the way her big boobs bounced and swayed underneath the floaty dress was nothing short of mesmerizing. The fabric was thin enough that her bra showed through in the light, revealing just how hard the bra straps strained to hold up her pendulous tits.

She left me standing there, pulse pounding, as I watched her dance away, teasing me, and when the chorus kicked in again, it was nothing short of surreal to watch my girl sing along. Sun Hee held my eyes, bending forward slightly and shaking her hips side to side. Crooking her finger, she gestured me closer, but then smiled to see how she had rendered me paralyzed. Her long black hair, still tied in a yellow ribbon, was starting to shake and spill out across her shoulders as she threw back her head, her big, dark eyes looking up so eagerly, her full lips, painted red and open wide. All I could think about was exactly what the song suggested: painting Sun Hee's eager face with my load, hot and sticky sweet.

My cock surged in my pants. My balls swelled with a huge, pent up load like nothing I had ever felt before, and the way Sun Hee beckoned me seemed to draw all that sperm upwards, threatening to explode. It had been weeks since I had orgasmed, so long I could almost forget how it felt, and with an agony of arousal, I imagined my huge load blowing across her face, cum spraying on Sun Hee's cheeks and thick globs pooling on her painted lips, sperm shooting into her hair and eyes.

It was all so vivid in my mind. My hips thrust toward her helplessly, all that sperm trapped under her lock and key, but Sun Hee just smiled at me and blew a kiss as she danced away, her little pixie face all cute and innocent.

Of course, Sun Hee didn't have the cultural context to understand the not-so-subtle sexual innuendo, but the rest of us certainly did.

And the mood caught on pretty quickly. I was hardly alone in getting turned on by this cute little Korean girl unknowingly singing along to such a dirty song, and soon the other guys joined in, grinning and encouraging her. They sang along too, getting crazier and sillier, laughing and clapping, and the more they hammed it up, the braver and wilder Sun Hee started to feel. We must have looked like a bunch of obnoxious college kids to the rest of the bar. A couple guys started playing air guitar, and Sun Hee danced as they circled around. Her impossibly short dress somehow just barely covered her panties as she swung her hips, and her beer was empty again. No doubt that had something to do with it.

Without asking, one of my friends poured her mug full again, and everyone cheered when she took several long gulps. They liked my girl, and they liked seeing her get a little drunk and wild. God help me, I liked it too.

Sun Hee looked around with a broad, nervous smile, so cute in her pink dress and white socks, the only girl among a sea of horny men. She loved all this attention, and she was letting loose in a way she never did with her Korean friends. Knowing I was there behind her, locked and not going anywhere, fueled her daring.

That's when Levi danced up behind her and started to grind on Sun Hee. To my shock, she didn't push the pimple-faced jerk away but started to dance with him. She was rubbing her narrow hips against his pelvis in a way that surely was making Levi's little cock hard against her. Then she spun away, letting another guy move in behind her. Sun Hee wasn't a great dancer, a bit stiff and self-conscious, but she had some moves, and with her big tits and impossibly slender waist, she couldn't help looking sexy as hell. His hand rested on Sun Hee's hip as she grinded her pert little ass into his crotch, her pale pink dress pressing against his dirty jeans.

She was rubbing him hard too, and for a moment, as she bent forward, it looked like her dress rode up enough that her bare panty was pressed against him.

The agony of denial she was making me feel was almost unbearable. It had been so long since I'd even been able to get hard, and it was a strange thing to so acutely envy my friends' erections.

"Pour. Some. Sugar. On me-e!" she called out along with the chorus. Her enthusiasm was met with cheers and laughter from the group, and she giggled along with them, covering her mouth with embarrassment but still smiling.

Sun Hee was clearly getting tipsy, and seeing her swarmed with guys this way was making my cock swell painfully. But when I tried to take my turn and dance with her, Sun Hee spun around and playfully yet firmly pushed me away. She wagged her finger, with a broad smile on her face, and pushed her other hand against my chest. She kept smiling and wagging her finger. Fingers spread and palm against my chest, she walked me backwards step by step until she had pushed me all the way outside the circle of guys.

"Ooooh!" the guys yelled and hooted, seeing my rejection. They didn't understand what was going on, but they loved watching my sexy girlfriend boss me around like this: a tiny little Korean girl with her hand planted on my chest pushing me away.

Her saucy smile made it all fun and games, even as my face burned with an intense red. "No, baby, no sugar for you," Sun Hee called out, loud enough to be heard. Her eyes glanced down at my crotch significantly and patted my cage with her open hand, in plain view of everyone. Then, with a dramatic flounce of her dress, she danced away, a broad, shit-eating smile pasted on her pretty face.

Shit, maybe she did know what this song was about?

Sun Hee's rejection stung, but god help me it was hot too. Trapped outside the circle looking in, literally sidelined, my cock throbbed even more. Several of my friends shot me confused and curious looks. My face reddened, and I knew they would be talking about this in the days to come. I would be facing some awkward questions, and in the eyes of some guys at least, she had signalled she might be available.

That's when Cree made his move. He was really hamming it up now, standing on a bench and singing into his fist like it was a microphone with a charisma that really sold it. And when the chorus came on again, Sun Hee danced below of him, swinging her hips side-to-side and throwing her head back, mouth open as she sang along. She was caught up in the fun, more care-free than I'd ever seen before, and then she really stunned me - stunned everybody - by dropping into a full-on stripper move. She spread her knees wide and rocked her body side to side as she lowered herself down toward the floor, running her hands along the curves of her sexy little body - all while keeping her eyes locked on my roommate.

I had no idea Sun Hee had dance moves like that. And seeing this tiny little Asian girl in her babydoll dress dancing like a slut was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen in my life.

Sun Hee reached up to undo the yellow ribbon in her hair, letting her long black hair cascade down around her as the yellow ribbon fluttered to the dirty floor, quickly trampled under foot. Then she threw her head back, mouth even with Cree's crotch, and ran her fingers suggestively down the curve of her throat, inviting him - inviting all of us - to imagine blowing his load into her mouth and down her eager throat.

"I'm hot, sticky sweet, from my head to my feet," she mouthed along with the song, her lips red and wet.

Cree grinned down at her with a look of triumph, bucking his hips toward her, and my friends whooped and hollered their approval.

Worse, Cree's cock was plainly visible through his pants, a thick erection that bulged in his underwear, so big that it's tip peeked out over the top of his fly.

The look of triumph Sun Hee shot at me over her shoulder made clear she had seen it too.


The song over, things settled down again, but the ice had been broken. Sun Hee was now accepted as part of the group, and she had joined the circle of my friends, laughing and talking, as I was left to finish my game with Levi. Sun Hee was talking animatedly, gesticulating with her hands, as whatever story she was sharing the group sent my friends into peals of laughter. Cree slapped his knee, and the guy next to her cuffed her arm in a friendly way.

"I'm having so much fun," she had said before joining the guys. "I'm so glad I skipped the library tonight to join your friends."

For a girl so used to either being bullied or ignored growing up, this sense of inclusion must have felt really exciting, and it made me happy to see her getting along and having so much fun. Yet I felt jealous and excluded too. Levi and I were still mid-way through our game, but where I really wanted to be was by Sun Hee's side. Levi's obvious leering at my girlfriend sitting with the guys only made my sense of exclusion that much more acute. It was hard not to keep wondering what they were all talking about around the tables, and I kept glancing her way, visibly distracted. Perched on her stool, Sun Hee sat with her legs together in a way that left her loose babydoll dress covering only the very, very tops of her legs and made the enticing gap between her thighs plainly visible. Her white knee high socks looked innocent and yet kept drawing the gaze to her smooth and creamy thighs.

Each time she twisted to reach for her beer, her little white panties flashed into view, making me profoundly aware of her pussy. The certainty that I was not the only one aware of her pussy only intensified my distraction.

By now all of my friends must have spied the little white triangle of my girlfriend's panties, and Sun Hee either didn't know or didn't care.

On the floor by her feet lay her yellow ribbon, dirtied and forgotten.

I couldn't believe how much she was letting herself go tonight without Jin Sook and the other girls around, and as much as I was having fun, seeing the way she kept flashing her panties to all my friends was starting to make me uncomfortable. "You doing alright, baby?" I butted in. My eyes pleaded for her to stop teasing and come sit with me instead.

Sun Hee looked over at me from where she sat with my friends and smirked. The stool was so tall for her that it left her feet dangling about two feet from the ground, her cute little shoes and knee socks heightening her girlish innocence, but her expression turned dark and commanding. Calmly, Sun Hee tapped her fingers against her empty beer, her pink fingernails tickling against the glass. "My beer is empty," she stated. Then she shot a significant look at the empty pitcher on the table behind her.

One of my friends instantly jumped up. "Oh, I'll get some more," he said, his eagerness an obvious sign of his interest. One advantage of bringing your hot girlfriend to the bar, I laughed to myself, is that there was a lot less fighting over who would buy the next round.

"No, no, my boyfriend will get it." Sun Hee stopped him and coaxed him back to his seat beside her, stroking his arm solicitously. Then looked at me. "Won't you?" She asked the question with a wolfish smile, daring me to say no and knowing I couldn't refuse her, and her hand still rested lightly on his forearm. "Go get us all some more beer. Be a good boy."

I sputtered in surprise, feeling my face redden as Sun Hee bossed me around right in front of my friends. The way she had insisted my friend sit back down was brazen, and now she was sending me off like her little errand boy. The situation outraged me, yet at the same time her little cage around my cock made me feel so submissive and compliant, so eager to please her, and the way she dismissed me made my penis throb. "Yes, baby," I answered. "Of course, baby."

Sun Hee smiled knowingly. Sitting up at little straighter between the guys, my friend on one side of her and Cree on the other, she let her feet dangle from the stool, kicking her cute little yellow shoes back and forth in the empty air. She smirked and made a little dismissive gesture, motioning me toward the bar, prompting a chorus of snorts and titters as I moved to obey. The guy who had originally offered actually looked disappointed, but he liked the way Sun Hee leaned against him, her hair teasing against his shoulder. At the bar, waiting as the bartender filled three more pitchers of beer, I could see that Cree was telling some story now, one that had the group laughing and egging him on, though from over here I could only make out bits and pieces. Something about a blond girl. Sun Hee was sitting next to him, listening with rapt attention. Her mouth was open in shock, and she held both hands over her mouth to cover her teeth. Whatever he was telling, Sun Hee's mouth kept opening wider and wider, mirroring the shock in her eyes. The guys were smiling and laughing. One of them suddenly barked out a loud, hacking laugh, and he slapped his thigh.