Sunrise Sunset Ch. 02


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She smiled a knowing smile. "I was so horny from the session in the garage, I went up to your bathroom where it was quiet, and I could get myself off."

I gave a little chuckle and shook my head in mock disbelief. This woman's sexuality and openness was truly a joy for me. "I brought you another Christmas present," she added as she took my hand and pushed something soft into it. I looked. It was her panties that I recognized from seeing them in the garage. I quickly stuffed them into my pocket. She winked, and made her way back into the living room with the other women.

I knew I couldn't keep them in my pocket so I casually made my way upstairs to the master bedroom and into the master bath. I pulled out the panties, opened them up and brought the crotch panel to my face. Her scent was full and rich and filled my nostrils with enough pheromones to almost knock me to the floor. Oh Lord, why was I such a lover of women's sweet secret place? Why did it occupy my dreams and desires from the moment I first knew they were different from men? I stood there breathing deeply, drawing all the air I could through the damp cloth. Had I not just shot my load a half hour ago, I would not have been able to resist the temptation to drop my pants and pleasure myself. As it was, I knew I had to find a place to hide them. I went back into the bedroom and over to the closet that housed the stack of boxes containing shoes I didn't wear on an everyday basis. Finding the one for the black pair I only wore at weddings and funerals, I opened it, and took one last sniff before hiding my gift. After replacing the box, I want downstairs to again rejoin the other guys watching the game.

The rest of the afternoon was relatively restful and uneventful. Other than making periodic forays to the dining room for food or to the cooler for a beer, the guys stared at the TV, and made non-meaningful comments about this or that play or other general stuff. I noticed that Keith spent a lot of time working on his Blackberry. I couldn't believe that he seemed to be working even on Christmas Day. I was beginning to see for myself how frustrated and alienated Jennifer must have felt.

That evening, Jenny, Keith and the kids were the last to leave. As all were putting on coats and giving those last hugs and handshakes, Jennifer said, "Aunt Ellen, Uncle Mike, I really want to thank you for a wonderful day. I had a great time. I ate too much, but everything I put in my mouth all day was just so tasty." She gave me a furtive look, but never changed her facial expression. I had a hard time keeping a straight face. I was learning that she had a true way with words, and was a master at twisting a phrase. Ellen just responded, "Thank you Jenny." However, I had to be a little more of a wiseass and added, "Don't worry; you're welcomed to come over, and stuff your sweet smiling face with anything you want anytime you like."

Since Christmas had been on a Friday, I would not be going into the office for two days. On Saturday, I checked my anonymous e-mail account via my home computer. There was nothing from Jenny, but I left her a little message. "You can't know how happy you made me yesterday. Up until yesterday, the greatest Christmas I could remember was when I was 11 and got my ten-speed bike. Hugs, M"

On Sunday there was a message back from Jenny saying, "I loved Christmas at your place too. I have to admit that I had never seen that horn-dog part of you, but I loved it. It thrills me to know that I can drive you to such desire that you'd drag me off to your cave and ravage me. I hope you liked my other little present. What did you do with them? xoxo J"

I replied, "I'm pretty sure you knew what I'd do with them when handed them to me. I went upstairs, and after spending five minutes with them over my face breathing in your special perfume, I hid them away for future enjoyment. Thank you. Hugs, M"

A couple of hours later, I found, "LOL! I'm getting to know things about you I never, ever knew; things that I really find wonderful and sexy about you. Who would have known, my very own Uncle Mike.....a devout panty sniffer. Go figure. LOL! Just so you know; I love the new Uncle Mike I'm getting to know. Don't try to call me this week because the kids will be home from school. I'll try to call you if I can. I don't think Keith will be going out of town for another two weeks. That seems like forever, but it's the best I can do. I'll let you know. Take care of those panties, and don't wear them out. I have plans for them. xoxo J"

I didn't hear from Jenny for the rest of Sunday. Monday morning, there was an e-mail saying, "I hope you're thinking of me. If you start to forget who I am, you have those panties for a little reminder. The kids have been here all day and between Lisa and Tim, I can hardly get on the phone anyway. I'll try to call if I can. I think Keith will be leaving the week after next on Monday afternoon and not coming back till Thursday. Tuesday or Wednesday looks free for me, so let me know. Please tell me that you can get out of the office for some 'lunch'. Remember, I am holding a rain check. xoxo J" I responded that either Tuesday or Wednesday looked like it could be good at this point, but we would talk more as the time approached.

It was Wednesday before Jenny could call me. She told me that Tim was over at some friend's house trying out new video games. Lisa had gone to the movies with a friend. Jenny said that it was a delight to have the house to herself for a while, and had spent a little while with B.O.B. to relax. I told her that I wished she had called me while she and B.O.B. were having their relaxing time together. I said it would have been so nice to listen while she had her "date." "Damn!" she said. "I wish I had thought of that. Next time for sure. It's confirmed that I'll have the house to myself next Tuesday. Are you still ok with that day?"

I told her that it looked ok at this point. We talked about general things going on during her week with the kids. She said that she loved having them around, but they were both getting to ages where it was sometimes hard to take their know-it-all attitudes. Neither of them seemed to like having "mommy" around anymore unless they needed something. I told her to relax and accept that it was just normal.

Before we hung up, she said that she could hardly wait to be with me again, and she how kept thinking about the other times we had been together, even the time in my car on Christmas Day. I could tell that the tone of her voice was shifting from the "Mommy Jennifer" to the "Sexy Woman Jennifer". "Uncle Mike," she cooed. "I want you to do something for me before you come to see me again."

I replied, "Anything for you but robbing a bank."

She continued, "I want you to take the panties I gave you, and jerk off into them. Fill the crotch with your cream, and bring them with you when you see me. I want to imagine you doing it, and I want you to fantasize about me just the way I did about you when I did it in your bathroom on Christmas. Will you do that for me?"

"All I can say is that it would be a pleasure, Jenny," I told her, "even if it's only a self pleasure."

We had a few more e-mails for the rest of that week, but no telephone conversations. We talked on the phone a couple of times the following week, and Jenny even treated me to listening in as she "had a date with B.O.B" as she called it. I had shut the office door. Unfortunately, I couldn't do much more than listen and offer a few words of encouragement. It would be a major understatement to say it was erotic to hear that buzzing vibrator and hear her moan while I pictured her spread out naked on her bed. About an hour later, I got an e-mail from her with a picture taken just after her "date". I couldn't see all of her since she must have been holding the camera looking back towards herself. It was aimed only at the vital areas. B.O.B. was lying on the bed between her open legs, and the body of the e-mail containing the attachment read, "He's so tired. Hope you can come with reinforcements soon. xoxo J."

Our plan for the following week would be basically the same as the first time we had gotten together, but I wouldn't be able to get there until almost noon. That would still give us a couple of hours together.

It was about 11:45 the following Tuesday when I called Jenny from my car, and told her that I was down the street, I saw the garage door open as I approached the house, and just caught a glimpse of her as I drove in. The door closed behind me but I didn't see her waiting in the open door to the kitchen. It wasn't till after I stepped in and the door closed behind me that I understood why. All she was wearing was a red sweatshirt. She was naked below the waist. I chuckled as she put her arms around my neck to kiss me. "Surprised?" she asked.

"Surprised and definitely pleased," I answered as I put my arms around her. My hands went immediately to her naked ass cheeks, and then my fingers slipped between her legs from behind to find her wet slit. As my fingers started to work their way between her lips she pulled back a little. "Ok, Mr. Horny Man, time for that a little later," she teased as she led me over to the kitchen table. She had put out a tray of cheese cubes, crackers, some veggies and dip. There was also a bottle of wine. I laughed to myself as thought how she seemed to treat my visits like a little garden party.

"I knew you would be coming a little later and wouldn't have time for lunch, but I wanted you to have a little something to snack on, besides me that is. I know you think I'm tasty, but you have to remember that I don't have much nutritional value."

She slid the tray a little closer and filled two glasses with Chardonnay. We each took a cracker and piece of cheese, and sipped the wine. "Well," she said. "I'm curious as to whether you completed your little homework task with my panties."

I took them out of my pocket and handed them to her. She held them up, looked at them, and balled them up in her hand. "Ah ha," she said, "definitely lost some of their silky softness. It reminds me of something I might find in Tim's clothes hamper."

"Oh oh," I said. "Don't be too hard on him. It's all perfectly normal and natural."

I watched as she stepped into the panties and pulled them up, pushing the crotch panel right into her pussy. She gave a little, "ummmm, feels just right."

"Now that's sexy as hell. You're going to wear them?" I asked a little questioningly.

"Don't worry," she countered grinning, "not for long I hope. No need to be worry that I'm not going to take care of you in a very special way." She gave me a little peck on the cheek. "I'm sure my Uncle Mike will be able to have me out of them in a little while. Tell me, did my little request bring back fond memories for you from long ago? I suppose it was all normal and natural for you too?"

"Absolutely," I answered. "To further peak your interest about it, I might say that way back then, I made frequent use of my pillow for such purposes, even though in later years I had to be a bit careful about it so as not to be discovered too obviously. Does that sound too weird to you?'

"Not at all," she responded. "I had a few stuffed animals that were my very close friends back then too. Someday, after a few extra glasses of wine, we'll have to compare notes on technique. Tell me, did you have lots of girl friends around that time? Did you have any that were 'extra special'?"

"I had girl friends, but none that I had sex with till the summer before I went to college. I know you'll think I was a total nerd, but I was a pretty late bloomer and didn't lose my virginity till I was 18. Actually, I sort of think it was almost a birthday present for me from my girlfriend at the time. What about you?"

"Hell," she answered, "I was even older than you. I was a freshman in college when I was "deflowered" as they used to say in the Victorian novels. My friends used to laugh at me and call me the 'virgin queen', but that was during the days of women's lib. A lot of girls used women's lib as an excuse to do whatever they wanted, but for me, I figured it validated my doing what I felt was good for me, which for me holding off. I just didn't know any guys at that point that I liked that well, and I didn't want to do something just to do it. I think I made up for it during college. I learned a lot."

"So what did you learn that you're willing to tell me," I asked giving a little leer.

"At first I didn't learn much at all other than a lot of guys were assholes, and just wanted to get your panties off you and their dick into you. It was all a rush job for them so that they could get it in, get off, and get home before you changed your mind. I really didn't blossom till I started dating a certain upper classman that I met in chorus."

"Chorus?" I asked a little incredulously. "You mean like glee club? Somehow I can't picture you in glee club and dating a guy who was also in glee club."

"Well, for one thing it's not 'glee club' like you seem to imagine it. This wasn't like whatever stereotype you have in mind with a bunch of nerdy people. It was an acapella choral group that had a great reputation and won contests. It performed all over the country and around the world. In fact, one of the reasons I joined was because they did a fantastic trip every Christmas holiday to perform somewhere really neat. One year we went to San Francisco. Another year we went to Puerto Rico. Hell, I missed out because the year before I joined, the group went to London. It was all part of an exchange program where other schools would come to our campus and we'd go to theirs. The school paid for everything. I actually was afraid I wasn't good enough and wouldn't make into the group."

"Ok, I stand soundly corrected. I just didn't know you sang. So, tell me about this guy who opened your eyes as well as your legs."

"He was the first guy who really showed me how to take time and enjoy a lot of things about sex other than just fucking. He was the first guy who showed me how fantastic it was to lay back and be pleasured with just his tongue. Man, the first time I ever came on his face it was like heaven. He also taught me how erotic and intimate it was to suck a guy off. The first time I ever heard him yell out when he came while I felt his cock throbbing and spurting in my mouth, it was a total rush. A lot of my old girl friends used to talk about how they would never do that for a guy because it would taste horrible and make you gag. I figure I was abnormal or something because it turned out that I loved it. I still love it as you probably already know."

I did know that she was very oral, but she also had to know I was the same way. "I know how you feel, Jenny. I learned the same thing from a girl in college that was obviously more experienced than I was. She got me to do things I hadn't really tried before. All I can say is the first time I ever put my face between her legs and looked right into her pussy, breathed in the scent of her, and tasted her, I was hooked. It was like some sort of drug. I have been a devout pussy eater all my life. When she got me off into her mouth for the first time, I found another drug to enhance the first. I knew that it was something I had to have with any woman I would ever get really involved with."

"So does that mean that Aunt Ellen is good at using her mouth?" she asked. "It's funny, you always wonder about your friends and relatives. You wonder what they're like in bed, but you hardly ever find out."

"Ellen and I always had pretty good sex, or so I thought till the boys came into our life. Then, she seemed to evolve more into the 'protective mom' role. When we were first married, we used to have some marathon sex sessions. We even bought some porno tapes when they started being released publicly and we got our first VCR. Then that changed. When the boys got a little older, she insisted that I get rid of them because she was afraid they would find them. I was forbidden to bring any more into the house, just like I couldn't even bring in a Playboy or Penthouse magazine. She was concerned about what they would think about us if they found them. She said I needed to change my attitude about things like x-rated movies and magazines. She seemed to become more of the garden variety straight-fucking sort of woman.'

"Keith and I were wild people for a long time, but then he got so wrapped up in his career that I took a back seat. I guess things change," she said with a bit of melancholy.

"Yeah, so I was told by an older and wiser woman many years ago. But that's a long story and maybe I'll tell you about it some other time."

She slugged down the remaining half of glass of wine in her hand. "I think we need to change the tone of this party," she said taking my hand and leading me into the TV room. "I have a little game for you, Uncle Mike," she said removing the sweatshirt and plopping herself on the sofa. She lifted her feet back onto the cushion such that it opened her legs wide. "You can do what you want with me when you get my panties, but you have to do it with your hands behind your back."

"Hmmmm," I said, "sort of like bobbing for apples only it's bobbing for pussy."

I went directly to her panty-covered crotch. The aroma was pungent, exotic, a blend of her current moistness, the scent that was left from her Christmas Day adventure, and a hint of my own presence that seems to have been re-activated by her own body heat. I pressed my mouth to it and licked her through the fabric. She was tantalized by the feeling, but I knew I had to get direct contact, as much for me as for her. "Unless you want me to chew through these, you'll have to move your legs together so that I can get them down.

I backed up and she brought her knees together. I moved up and first kissed each of her tits, taking time to swirl my tongue around her now-erect nipples. He held my fact to her breasts for a moment and stroked my hair and back. "Before you do anything else, I want to watch you get naked."

I stood and removed my clothes as she watched. When I finally pushed down my jockeys and stepped out of them, she sat up and pulled me to her. Her mouth enveloped my erect member, and she just held still while her tongue moved over the head of it in her mouth. It was a brief tease because she sat back, and without her saying a word, I understood that I was to continue with her little game. Kneeling again, I leaned forward and took the waist band of her panties in my teeth and started working them downward. It wasn't easy with her sitting down so I told her that she had to stand. From that position, I could work my way around her, first pulling them down a little in front, then the sides, and then over her ass. Gradually, as I circled, I pulled them down to her feet. Holding on to my shoulders, he lifted each one at a time to step out of the panties. She spread her legs and by squatting a little, she provided access for me to maneuver my tongue into her slit.

She sat back on the sofa, perhaps assuming that I would return to oral attention of her sweet spot, but I surprised her a little by kneeling on the sofa, straddling her chest and putting my cock to her mouth. She offered no resistance as I held her head and fucked her mouth with slow deliberate strokes. Her hands were on my ass pulling me to her on each inward stroke. With my cock as hard as it would ever get, I moved back, rolled her onto her knees as her upper torso rested on the seat of the sofa. Moving up behind her, I penetrated her, pushing my rock hard member into her woman hole as deep as I could. I gave her right ass cheek a firm open handed slap that resonated through the room. She pulled forward a little in response, but didn't protest. Another slap found its mark on her left cheek with an equally resounding smack. "That's what happens to bad girls who suck the cocks of boys in the school chorus," I said, "and who suck the cocks of men that she makes use their mouths like slaves to undress her."