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Late in the afternoon we climbed back in the car and drove a short way down the shore to where we bought ice cream cones. We had originally planned on sandwiches for lunch and the hamburgers for supper but had changed our minds and cooked the burgers for lunch. Now while we were eating the ice cream, Tom asked if I still wanted the sandwiches or should we look for something else. I thought about it for a minute or two and suddenly an idea came to me. "Why don't we take the sandwiches out to the Point and we can eat them out there and then watch the sunset."

Tom smiled at me. "Then maybe we'd be able to spend some time doing some other things since no one else will be around?"

I smiled right back. We both knew we wanted very much to spend some time in some serious making out. "I have no idea what you could mean, but I'm sure we can find something to do."

Laughing, I gave him a quick kiss - butter pecan mixed with mint chocolate chip - and we got back in the car to return to the park.

We left the car at the edge of the county park. The state park closed at eleven but the county park didn't really have official operating hours since it hadn't been developed and was actually seldom used at all. We stuffed the food and a couple of sodas into a knapsack and took the old cotton blanket we used and headed out to the point.

It was still an hour till sunset but we spread the blanket on the ground behind the rock where we usually sat. Neither of us was really hungry yet since we had just had the ice cream, but we had a canteen of lemonade and some chips which we brought out and nibbled at a little. Then we began to nibble at each other. Soon we were stretched out on the blanket engaged in some serious kissing. I said I thought we could find something to do, didn't I? It was still quite warm and both of us had removed our shirts. I still had on my swim suit and we were both wearing cutoff jeans over our suits. Still this left a lot of skin to touch and touch we did.

Once, when we came up for air I noticed that the sun was nearly down. I love watching the sunsets here and, a little short of breath, I managed to get out, "Tom, let's stop long enough to watch the sunset." Then I smiled up at him. "Then we can definitely pick up where we left off."

He smiled back and, a little breathless himself, said, "OK, Lynn. Just don't forget where we were." We both laughed and moved over to our seat just as the sun was about to touch the water.

Tom pulled me to sit on his lap and I snuggled down against him. In the far west, there were a few clouds, now rapidly turning to molten gold and orange, but otherwise the sky was clear. The waves were not high but still provided a pleasant sound as they crashed against the cave like shore below. Now and then kissing a little, we watched the sun sink lower and lower until all that remained was the flame colored illumination outlining the dark centers of the clouds.

We remained sitting, arms wrapped around each other, sharing a few more kisses. Tom's hand was sliding over my bare flanks and back and then slowed to cup my breast. This wasn't the first time but through the thin material of my suit top it felt even more exciting than it normally did through my blouse and bra. I moaned into his mouth without breaking our kiss. Then my own hand went to grasp his and I think I surprised him - I know I did myself - when I tugged it slightly back and then pushed it under my suit.

I broke the kiss and sucked in my breath hard as his hand slid over the firm flesh and finally settled with his fingers caressing my nipple. "Oh, Tom, that feels so good. Don't stop."

He didn't. Instead his other hand went to my back and slipped the fastening of my suit top. In an instant I was pressing myself against him, my right breast pressed hard against his chest, the left trapping his hand between it and his body. Then we were again locked in a long, deep kiss.

We continued to kiss and explore like this for some time. Then I whispered, "Let's go back to the blanket."Tom made no verbal reply but stood and picked me up, still cupping my breast with his hand, and carried me back over to our cotton covered nest. In seconds we were once more engaged in some intensive petting, squirming against each other, hands sliding everywhere as our tongues tangled forcefully together.

This went on for a long time. Once I looked up for a second and realized it had become dark. However, there was a moon several days short of full, and with the clear sky the lunar light filtered through the leaves in flashes of silver mixed with jet. Out on the lake I could see the waves catch it and send it back in their own quick flashes of silver. A magic world.

Tom began to use his tongue and lips on my nipples and my moans became more frequent and intense. He caught a nipple between his teeth and I arched back, letting the sound of desire escape from my open throat. I suddenly reached for his belt and began to unfasten it. "Tom, I want it all. Now, tonight. No more waiting, Tom."

We had talked about this during the spring. Neither of us thought that we would remain virgins too much longer. But practical people that we are, we had decided to prepare for when we finally would change that status. Birth control pills existed then but were not nearly as easy to obtain. The university health center would not prescribe them unless you were married. But there were other organizations that would. As Tom knew, I had begun taking them in April. STDs were not nearly the problem then and since neither of us had ever had a chance to catch one, we weren't really worried about them either.

Tom released my nipple and looked directly into my eyes. "Are you really sure, Lynn?" he asked.

"Yes! Definitely!" I think I made this a little more clear by pulling open his cutoffs and sliding my hand inside the back of his swimsuit, cupping his ass. Whatever the reason, he seemed to understand my answer and within a few seconds both of our lower garments were cast aside out of the way.

Tom propped himself up on his hands and looked down along my nude body. "You are absolutely beautiful, Lynn. More lovely than I have even imagined."

I reached to grasp his now rigid cock. I had felt it before but always though his clothes. It seemed larger like this and felt burning hot as well as rock hard in my hand. I held him for a few seconds and then suddenly bent forwards and placed a kiss directly on the head. Tom sucked in his breath hard and then again even harder as I slid the head into my mouth and let my tongue swirl around it.

I knew, of course, that such things were done, but had never done anything like that myself. I had heard other girls discussing it. Some seemed to not mind or even like it but a number of them thought it quite gross and wouldn't even think of doing such a thing. Almost to my own surprise I found I immediately liked it. Even the taste of the slight bit of precum seemed good.

But I had no intension of providing too much of that kind of stimulation just now. I wanted that hard organ somewhere else.

I was already quite wet but Tom let his hand begin to slide over my mound and then his finger began to slip into my damp slit, spreading the lubrication all around and also driving me higher and higher. He fingered me for several minutes until I finally reached up and tugged on his shoulder. "Now, Tom. I want you now." I strengthened that reply by pulling his hand away from my crotch and then tugging his rampant organ towards it.

There was a bit of fumbling - it was the first time for both of us, after all - but soon he was above me with the head of that wonderful rod just sliding inside my soaking entrance., I think he was a little afraid of hurting me but I was so aroused that such thoughts never entered my head. My own feelings were more of impatience. I grabbed his ass with both of my hands and pulled hard. He got the hint and aided my movements with a hard shove of his own. I gave a small cry as I felt the slight resistance tear and then was instantly lost in such wonderfully intense feelings that I doubt I would have noticed anything short of major trauma.

We began moving together, a little disjointedly at first, but soon in a fairly smooth rhythm. Not surprisingly, Tom didn't last long and I soon felt him explode inside me, shooting spurt after spurt of hot fluid. I had experienced orgasms before - most self induced, some with Tom. I had been told not to expect one the first time, but I guess I was so aroused and excited that my body didn't know it wasn't supposed to respond and when Tom did shoot his load into me I felt myself also surge over the top. Not a true earth shattering one, true, but definitely a noticeable climax.

We lay together as our breathing returned to more normal. At last Tom said, "I hope I didn't hurt you too much, Lynn."

I laughed. "No, hurt is definitely not the word I'd use. Oh, Tom, it was wonderful! Better than I thought it could be."

We cuddled together for a while. Tom pulled out a small hand towel we had with us and I used it to wipe up a little of the fluids. In the moonlight I could see that there really wasn't much of any blood. I suspect that my hymen was at least partly gone before. I was a rather active girl, after all. For whatever reason I didn't really feel sore. If anything I felt eager to try it again. I said as much to Tom and he gave a short laugh. "I'll need a little time to recover, I think."

"Let's see if I can help that along," I replied. I reached for his semisoft organ and began to play with it and his balls. Then I leaned over and again applied a little oral attention and within a surprisingly short time, Tom was once again responding. Well, he was nineteen then.

We didn't get dressed again for several hours and managed two more times before we finally got our things together and Tom took me back home. Somehow we never got around to eating the sandwiches.

Over thenext five or six weeks we repeated our activities probably on a dozen or more occasions, often back out at the Point. Then it was time to return to school. This year we were each living in an apartment instead of dorms. True, we each had two apartment mates but also each had our own bedroom. That doesn't mean quite the same thing as it would today. People may have done as much in their bedrooms as now, but not when anyone else was in the apartment. Fortunately our apartment mates were from closer towns and often went home on weekends. At least two weekends out of three, we had one or the other of our apartments to ourselves. We rapidly discovered the joy of having a real bed for a playground.

We didn't totally limit ourselves to the apartments. There were a lot of times before it got too cool in the fall and after it warmed in the spring that we again took our blanket out into the woods. However, unlike the woods at the point, we never felt secure enough to really undress completely. In fact, often our activities were limited to some serious petting with no actual sex. Not that we minded - that was fun as well.

When school ended again we returned home once more. Both of us were still living with our parents but both sets of parents had realized that Tom and I were a serious couple and had no problem with our relationship. Of course, I don't think either had a real idea of just how far our relationship had gone. We were always careful, especially around our home town.

That's what made the Point such a nice place. No one ever came there and we always felt safe enough to do whatever we wanted. We did other things as well, but usually at least once a week we'd manage to find somewhere to actually make love. Probably eighty per cent of the time it was at the Point. We still loved to watch the sunsets there but now generally switched to more intimate activities when darkness finally fell.

Once that summer we managed to go on a five day camping trip up to the Upper Peninsula. There is a state park just across the big bridge and we camped there for four nights. Tom just listed his name when he registered for the site and the number of people as two. I will admit I turned my high school ring around backwards when we did register but no one asked if we were actually married or not. We did get to add a sunset over Lake Superior while we were there.

On the twelfth of August Tom took me out to dinner and then by unspoken agreement we headed out to the Point to watch the sunset. It had been one full year since our first time. We repeated our activities and as we lay together, naked and getting our breathing back to normal, Tom said, "Let's try to come out here on the twelfth every year we can. Would you like that?"

I pulled him over for a kiss. "Yes! That sounds like a great idea. Every year we can."

And we did. Not every year, of course. Some of them we were far away, but whenever we could we'd come out to the Point, watch the sunset and then spend several hours making wonderful love.

That yearwhen we went back to school, we each again were living in an apartment. I only shared with one other girl this time but Tom had found a small apartment just for himself. This made our activities a lot easier. I generally spent a couple of nights a week at his place. Now one would ask why we didn't just get an apartment together, but at that time such things were just not done. There would have been enough trouble if anyone had really noticed that I was spending so many nights at his place. I'm sure we weren't the only ones doing such things. I suspect that in general it was a case of just not noticing. Sort of, as long as we don't have to notice, we won't have to do anything about it. Altogether a rather silly attitude but it did allow us to continue to do what we were doing.

Why didn't we just get married? Mostly for financial reasons. In general most couples waited until after graduation before making the arrangements formal. I guess we were no exception along those lines. I don't think that either of us had any doubts that we were truly in love and that marriage was definitely in our future, but ... But we, like most everyone else in our situation, would wait a little longer.

As it was there was never any question that we were an exclusive couple and no one expected either of us to ever date anyone else. We had exchanged high school rings but a lot of high school students did that without a serious commitment. Since neither of us belonged to a Greek organization, there were no pins to exchange. Still, if we had ever put it into words we would probably have described ourselves as "engaged to be engaged."

The school year ended and we both returned to our hometown for the summer. Again we each found summer jobs but still managed to get together several times a week, although not nearly that often for sex. Not that we didn't want to ... There were a number of times, however, when we did manage, quite often at our favorite spot out on the Point.

When the twelfth of August was nearing, Tom and I made plans to celebrate it as we had the previous year. We both managed to get the whole day off and decided on a day at the beach at the state park followed by supper (and desert!) out at the Point. We went out to the beach about ten and spent the next two hours swimming and sunning. By then I had obtained a bathing suit which my parents would likely have considered scandalous if they had ever seen me wearing it, but which, by today's standards, would have been rather conservative. It was a weekday but there were still a fair number of people at the beach. There had been warm weather for several weeks and the water was actually quite comfortable. We saw several of our former classmates out there and, although I didn't really notice, Tom told me that the men were definitely giving me a good look over. He seemed rather proud of this fact.

This time, instead of hamburgers, we grilled a steak for lunch. It wasn't that our finances were that much better, but we were celebrating a bit. We were both twenty-one now and could legally buy alcohol. Neither of us were really interested in drinking and certainly not enough to get drunk, but the idea of some wine to celebrate appealed to us. Alcohol wasn't allowed at the park but we got a bottle of wine and poured it into a cherry pop bottle and had a glass with our meal anyway.

After lunch we lay in the sun, occasionally kissing a little but not really doing anything else. Well, Tom did rub some sun tan lotion on me but that was acceptable as long as he stayed away from certain areas. Even with avoiding these I still found his action arousing, as he did when I returned the favor and spread some lotion on him.

Sunset wouldn't be until after eight but we packed up things and moved the car over to the county park sometime around five. We had some sub sandwiches for supper and stuffed those and some soft drinks into a small pack. We also included our old cotton blanket and a couple of hand towels and then set off into the woods.

The temperature was still quite high - upper eighties - so we decided to just remain in our swimsuits. If I'm honest, probably the main reason we decided that, was that it seemed sexier even though we both knew that we would be wearing even less before too much longer.

We arrived at our place out on the Point and spread the blanket behind our rock seat. For the next hour and a half we lay on the blanket, necking and petting, until we couldn't wait any longer. It didn't take a lot to remove what little clothing we had, and long before sunset I was crying out in climax as Tom drove into me again and again. For twenty minutes afterwards we lay together, still naked, kissing and talking like lovers do.

Tom mentioned that the first time out here we had never gotten around to our sandwiches and suggested we might want to eat something now so that didn't happen again. I laughed but agreed, so we put our suits back on and moved to sit on the rock and eat our supper.

The sun was dropping into the west but was still above the horizon when we finished but we remained sitting there, bare legs touching, Tom's arm around my shoulders, to wait for sunset. But before the sun reached the horizon Tom got up for a second and went to the pack to get something. When he came back he once again sat beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. I turned to face him and we came together for a nice kiss. Not raging passion but definitely more than a brotherly peck. A lot more.

When we pulled slightly back he turned a little to face me and took my hands in his. "Lynn."

He stopped and I looked at him. He began again, "Lynn, I love you."

I immediately replied, "I love you, too."

He smiled and continued, "Then in that case, I would like to give you something." He reached for the small item he had brought from the pack and, as he pulled my hand up and placed it in it, he said, "Will you marry me?"

I looked down at the small box, a diamond solitaire catching the last of the sunlight, then back into his eyes. "Yes! Most definitely yes!" Then we met in a kiss both more passionate and more romantic that the earlier ones.

Between kisses, Tom slipped the ring on my finger. I held it up to catch the last rays of the sun and Tom pulled me over onto his lap. We sat like that, arms around each other, watching the sun slide on down into the lake. I know I was thinking - and I expect Tom was also - that this sunset was not the end of anything but rather the beginning of something really exciting.

We didn't leave the Point for another four hours. During that time we made love twice more and never bothered to replace our swimsuits until we were ready to leave. When we got back to the car I put on a cover-up but by the time Tom dropped me off at home my parents were already asleep so I didn't need to worry about them seeing my suit anyway. Not surprising, since it was one thirty in the morning.