Sunshine's Halloween Adventure

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Sexy wife and husband give new meaning to trick or treat.
5.7k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/17/2007
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(This story is the eighth episode in the "Sunshine," series, so if you want to know who these people are you may want to read the first seven. They include 1) Sunshine, 2) Sunshine's Needs, 3) Sunshine's Confession, 4) Sunshine at the Bachelorette Party, 5) Sunshine at the Reception, 6) Sunshine's Transformation, and 7) Sunshine's Realization. If you like those, you'll come back to this one. For those who've already read them, enjoy.)

Well, I've finally accepted the fact that my wife, Sunshine, has an exhibitionist side to her that turns me on like nothing in this world. I've also accepted the fact that her exhibitionism often includes some rather slutty behavior. I've stopped asking myself why; why she behaves this way and why I accept it. I only know that it works for us and we both love it. We've never even tried to explain our feelings in words to each other. We just express ourselves by having earth shattering sex afterwards.

I used to try to make some sense of our relationship, but I found that, as a result, it just made me think about it constantly. But every time I thought about it, I ended up with a full blown erection. I couldn't find any reason to change what was happening since we seemed to only derive good feelings from behaving as we did. Nevertheless, my search for a reason to explain her behavior has turned up some interesting facts. For example, I noticed that the moon seems to have an affect on her libido. Full moons produce copious amounts of white pussy cream, multiple screaming orgasms, and up to fifteen OMGs. Needless to say, I look forward to the ascension of a full moon.

Up to this point, I have not tried to influence any of Sunshine's activities, preferring instead to witness spontaneous episodes as they happened. But this time, I decided to act on my hypothesis. I decided to put us in a situation where Sunshine would have an opportunity to exhibit some particularly naughty exhibitionist behavior.

Each year for over twenty years, a local tree farmer with whom our garden center does much business has sponsored a vernal equinox festival of the trees. Sunshine's hippy parents used to attend this festival. It appealed to their reverence for the planet and the beautiful flora it produced. But that was before the Chamber of Commerce got involved, moved the date to Halloween, and turned it into a gaudy costume ball that offered a way to raise money for local charities. A genuine attempt to give back to the community quickly evolved into an opportunity for those business men who had been bilking the public all year long, to atone for their sins by purchasing a $500.00 ticket to attend the costume extravaganza and have their picture taken by the press. We had never attended this event in the past, not really wanting to interact with the people just described, but because those people would be there, I thought it would be a perfect venue for Sunshine to, well, shine.

Adding to the excitement that was growing inside of me as to how this whole scene may play out was the fact that the date of the Ball almost coincided with the rise of a full moon. According to my calendar research, the last time Sunshine had had an exhibitionist episode had been during her brother's wedding, and a full moon had occurred on that date. I remembered how hot she had looked in her bride's maid dress and my cock immediately stiffened in my pants.

I went to Sunshine's closet and retrieved the dress which had been hanging there since the wedding over a year ago. As I pulled the plastic away from the garment, a rush of memories overwhelmed me, and at that moment I had a wonderful idea. We would attend the Ball. With some minor modifications to this dress, it could be made to resemble the sexy little number worn by the cartoon character Tinkerbell. Sunshine could go dressed as that iconic wood nymph and, hopefully, mercilessly tease the arrogant clientele that attended that ostentatious gala. I would be dressed as Charlie Chaplin, complete with bowler and bamboo cane.

The tiny green matching g-string was draped over the hanger that supported the dress. I put it to my nose and inhaled deeply, savoring the faint aroma of excited pussy that still lingered in the fabric even after laundering. I remembered what a wonderfully poor job it had done in concealing her plump pudenda and meaty inner pussy lips. My cock throbbed achingly as I grabbed some sharp scissors and went to work. When I had finished, the hem of that sea foam-green cocktail dress had become the serrated fringe that one always associates with Tinkerbell's character. I couldn't wait for Sunshine to try it on.

"What are you doing?" asked Sunshine, leaning against the bedroom door frame.

Busted! I had to think fast.

"I'm making your costume for the Ball!" I explained with a smile. Sunshine didn't return my smile. I figured more explanation was necessary.

"I was plotting a way to get back at all those asshole business types that attend the Ball each year and expose them for what they are," I explained. "They always like to get their picture taken contributing to charity, but I want to get some pictures of them leering at you wearing this."

I held up the dress with a nervous smile. Sunshine stood emotionless looking back and forth between my face and the dress I was holding. Then she looked at my crotch and smiled. I looked down at my crotch and saw my cock tenting the material of my jeans.

"Well, I guess I'd better make an appointment at the spa," she said and turned and left the room.

On the day of the Ball, I struggled with my nervous energy. While Sunshine was at the spa, I busied myself assembling my costume. An old pair of gray dress pants, an old three-button black suit coat, and an old pair of dress shoes rounded out my ensemble. A square piece of black electrician's tape served as the iconic Charlie Chaplin moustache.

When Sunshine returned from the spa, she still wore the gray hoody and sweat pants she was wearing when she left. Her fresh haircut and manicured nails were the only evidence that she had even been at the spa.

"Let me hop in the shower and then we can go," she said hurrying off to the bathroom.

I couldn't wait to see what would emerge from the bathroom. Unfortunately, I had to rummage around in the attic before I found my bowler, and when I came down, Sunshine already had her raincoat on. She smiled at the look of disappointment on my face.

"It'll be worth the wait," she said. "Trust me."

I did, but I wondered what to do for an erection that lasted more than four hours without the use of Viagra. Actually, I knew just what I was going to do with this erection, and so did Sunshine. We drove to the ball in silent anticipation.

When we pulled up to the Governor's Club, two valets approached the car. One valet came to the driver's side to park my car, while the other opened the passenger door to let Sunshine out. Both were probably college kids earning a little extra money. I paused and watched the eyes of the young man as he opened the door and gazed into my wife's open crotch as she climbed from the vehicle. His eyes widened briefly as his mouth silently mouthed the word "Wow." I was impressed at how he maintained his professional poise as he continued with his duties as if he'd seen nothing.

As we climbed the stairs to the club, Sunshine slipped her hand into mine. It was hot and soft but her grip was firm.

"This is so exciting," she said, her eyes narrowed like some sort of primitive huntress. "I can feel myself getting wet."

At the coat check room the fun really began. Sunshine slid her raincoat from her shoulders and revealed her athletic form enveloped by that tight green dress. She pulled a diaphanous set of fairy wings from her coat pocket and put them on as one would do with a back-pack. Her costume was complete, and as I scanned the surroundings I found that all eyes, male and female, were fixed upon my Sunshine.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and set the timer so that my phone would ring every five minutes. That gave me an excuse to pull the device from my pocket as if to "answer" it, thus camouflaging its real purpose which was to take pictures of the lecherous stares on the faces of the drooling men as they followed her about the room like moths to a flame.

I witnessed women whispering to each other with daggers in their eyes as they watched Sunshine flit about the room. They couldn't hold their men's attention in conversation as any opportunity for these males to steal a glance at this sexy nymph overrode all other stimuli. I, on the other hand, looked like the stereotypical business man, incapable of putting down the phone long enough to give any attention to my wife. I looked like one of those guys who can't refrain from conducting business 24-7. They thought I was distracted by my phone calls and inattentive to my wife's needs. Many of them seemed more than willing to pick up my slack, much to the dismay of their wives and/or girlfriends.

My phone rang. I moved away from Sunshine and pretended to answer it. She scanned the crowd as she sipped her champagne. There were all kinds of outlandish costumes being worn, though all of them seemed to come right off the rack of famous movie sets.

Batman over there had quite a bulge in his tights and I think he chose the costume so he could show it off. Sunshine purposely walked between him and Captain Morgan, completely disrupting their conversation. I saw my first photo opportunity presenting itself.

Halfway to the food table, Sunshine dropped her cocktail napkin and bent at the waist to retrieve it. Slowly, the serrated hem of her dress crept up the backs of her creamy thighs until the smooth skin of her fat pudenda was clearly visible. The thin green string of her skimpy y-back g-string panties emerged from the cleft in her plump pussy and disappeared into the crack of her ass. Both men had tilted their heads sideways to take in the view, and I had the whole thing perfectly framed in my viewfinder. Click. I slid the phone back into my pocket and repositioned myself in the room for another shot.

I felt like I had the caffeine shakes. The excitement of what we were doing combined with seeing Sunshine expose herself like that was close to overwhelming. My rock hard cock pulsed in my trousers. I made eye contact with Sunshine from across the room. She blinked slowly as if in slow motion, and then she smiled sweetly.

Batman excused himself politely as he squeezed past Sunshine and the food table, pausing briefly to allow his erection to seat itself firmly in the crack of her ass. Sunshine stiffened in reflex and squeezed his bulge with her muscular butt cheeks. Then she stepped forward politely and excused herself for being in his way. They smiled at one another as Sunshine moved away. My phone rang.

I unlocked the screen on my phone and was greeted by the last picture I had just taken. As I switched back to the camera application, a hand smoothed the wrinkles on the back of my coat and then firmly gripped my shoulder with a force that did not feel particularly friendly.

"You're going to keep smiling and nodding your head as I talk to you," said Darth Vader without removing his mask. He continued.

"I'm employed by one of the gentlemen at this party to look out for his safety, you know, and I can see what you're doing."

I stared into the mask, unable to see his eyes or any parts of his facial features. His voice was nothing like the movie character; there was less James Earl Jones and more Sylvester Stallone in its timbre.

"So, it would be best for your safety if you and Tinkerbell over there would leave as soon as possible. Don't you agree," he asked. He extended his gloved hand and shook mine firmly and formally. I nodded and smiled in agreement. He slapped me hard on the shoulder and turned and walked away. I hurried to collect Sunshine so we could exit without incident.

Sunshine stood silently as we waited for the valet to retrieve our car. I assured her that I wasn't going to be beaten up. That helped to make her feel not so panicked. Eventually she smiled and said, "It's too bad. Things were just getting started!"

Our car pulled up and the two young valets emerged, except that this time, the one who had helped Sunshine out of the car when we'd arrived was now the driver. The young men exchanged broad smiles over the car before turning to attend to us. Sunshine tickled the palm of my hand with her nails before letting go and bouncing toward the car.

I slipped a fiver in the lad's hand and settled in the driver's seat to enjoy the show. Sunshine waited patiently as the valet held the door open as wide as it could go. She then dropped her wings and again bent fully at the waist to retrieve them. Our valet enjoyed the move then quickly repositioned himself near the passenger side mirror to catch a glimpse as Sunshine swung first one then another leg into the car. I caught their high five in the rear view mirror as we sped off.

"Where are we going?" asked Sunshine as I turned the car downtown, away from our house.

"I've got an idea," I said and winked at her. She reached over and caressed the bulge in my pants. I peeled the sticky tape from my upper lip and tossed it out the window.

Ten blocks later we pulled into a parking garage opposite the most upscale strip club in the city. Sunshine's mouth dropped open. She turned to me and her face blossomed into a broad, gleeful smile. I could feel her rapid pulse as we held each other's hand crossing the street to the club.

Outside the club a group of young men all wearing "Joe's Bachelor Party" emblazoned across their white t-shirts lined up to have their ID checked. The group was busy with the doorman and didn't notice Sunshine and me standing in line behind them. But their attention was diverted as three strippers strode confidently down the street and squeezed in behind the doorman who gave them a courteous nod of recognition. Acting instinctively and impulsively, Sunshine suddenly let go of my hand and followed the last girl into the club. The doorman never looked up.

"Christ! Now I know I'm getting' a lap dance tonight!" bellowed a member of the party as he turned to exchange high-fives with his buds. The guy in front of me stepped back after receiving his high-five, right on my foot. He looked at me through glassy eyes and staggered a bit as he looked me up and down.

"Oh, sorry man," he said, smiling sheepishly. "Hey, do you work here? You're not going to kick us out for being rowdy are you? Hey, keep it down guys!"

He turned away before I could answer. Eventually we all made it inside and it was at that point that I recognized that I was dressed like the male staff of the club. All of the ladies were scantily clad in very sexy costumes, all wearing heels. Many of the patrons were in costumes, but most wore business/casual. A gorgeous, huge-breasted blonde wearing only heels and a garter stuffed with money crawled around the edge of the stage, teasing those patrons who had gathered close to show their appreciation for her natural talents.

The music thumped loudly as I took in the place and its activities. Sexy women were everywhere, serving drinks, dancing on various stages, and walking off with customers down a dark corridor to the semi-private rooms to receive lap dances. I watched as one of the club's male employees who were dressed like me patrolled the corridors that held the lap dance rooms. He also patrolled a large open room filled with high-backed, upholstered booths where more lap dances were performed. I decided I'd better patrol as well lest I be considered an idle or lazy employee.

"And now on the main stage, it's your Halloween Honeys," said the DJ/MC. The music began to thump and I began my rounds.

The semi-private lap dance rooms were the size of small bedrooms, walled on three sides, but the front wall was glass, floor to ceiling, like a store front. The lighting was dim, there was a couch, a lamp, and other accoutrements that made them seem homey. Each room I passed had a man slouched on the couch with a sexy babe grinding on him in various positions. I snaked my way through four hallways with four rooms each. It was quite an operation they had.

After checking out the spacious bathroom, I returned to the front and gawked at fifteen beautiful women who had been gyrating around on stage, collecting money from the various men that now jostled for a spot up front. One of them was Sunshine. She too was wearing a garter on her left thigh and not only was it already stuffed with money, but so were the strings that held her panties in place.

I walked over to the edge of the stage closer to Sunshine as she gyrated past. She winked at me and said, "I've got close to a hundred dollars in my panties!"

"Your best trick-or-treat outing?" I asked sarcastically.

"It will be once I give Walter here a lap dance."

She bent and planted a kiss on top of the bald head of a short middle aged man wearing what looked like a rather expensive suit. He smiled innocently and blushed.

"Let me show you two to a room," I said as I helped Sunshine down the steps from the stage.

I had watched the other male employees escorting ladies and their "dates" to the private rooms and taking care of the financial portion of the transaction. I wanted to stick around and watch, but I didn't want to be caught loitering and bring attention to myself. What I hadn't expected was the $350.00 that Walter handed me before retiring to the couch in the room.

As Walter and Sunshine got comfortable, I continued to patrol the club with every intention of returning to this hallway at every given moment. On my way to check out the VIP lounge, one of the other male employees stopped me on the stairs and said, "Yo, boss is on dinner break! Let's go."

Not knowing what that meant, I followed him down a hallway on the second floor and into a large room full of closed circuit TV monitors. There, just about the entire male staff was crowded around the monitors, laughing and pointing to the action on the various screens.

"Put that big assed girl Jenny up on the main screen," said one.

The main screen lit up with a somewhat fuzzy image of what was happening in Room #5. The audio was surprisingly clear though the camera's point of view was from a fixed point on the ceiling. On the couch, a woman ground her very shapely ass into the crotch of the man who held on to it with an obvious purpose. She cradled his head into her barely covered bosom. The men in the room cheered on the action as the man on the couch ground himself closer to a happy ending.

"Yo, check out the new chick," said another directing everyone's attention back to the bank of small monitors.

Sunshine was standing with her back to Walter, hands on knees, and rolling her hips in wide, slow, circular undulations while looking back over her shoulder at him. Her lips were moving, but being on the smaller monitor, the audio wasn't available.

"Damn!" exclaimed yet another.

"Number 5's time is up. Whoever's got 5 better get down there and give him the bad news," said the man seated at the console who, I assumed, was some sort of floor manager.

He then pushed a button and the main screen displayed Room #7, the room Sunshine was in.

"That's what I'm talkin' bout," exclaimed a guy who looked remarkably like a very young Jimmy Stewart.

Indeed, Sunshine was putting on quite a show. There was silence in the room as the men strained to hear the dialogue that went along with the physical display. The floor manager turned up the volume on the main screen and then sat back to enjoy the show.

"Do you like my ass, Walter? Do you like the way my pussy lips peek out from behind my little thong? It seems like that bulge in your pants has gotten bigger! Oh my, Walter, you do have a big one don't you? I think it likes my pussy too, doesn't it, Walter?"