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For some reason I never stopped to think what the fuck I was doing in fucking my soon-to-be-ex-wife's sister two nights a week, and making love to her mother one night a week. Obviously any outside observer would think that I was nuts, but again I blame being young, dumb, and full of cum, for my actions. Then things got even fucking weirder.

While I'm my own boss so I don't "have" to do anything it was highly desirable for me to go to a five day, four night, conference in a city about 200 miles away. I had some good employees by then who -- if they could reach me by phone or text if there was an emergency -- could run things for a week, so off to the conference I went.

Imagine my surprise when I got to the conference and found out that one of the employees of the sponsoring organization was Gloria Jepson.

I had talked to Gloria on the phone several times since filing for divorce but had only seen her once about three weeks before the conference, and that only in passing. When I saw her at the conference I was surprised that she had redone her hair style and it was very attractive -- and she really rocked her business suit well.

Gloria wasn't that surprised to see me. After we exchanged hugs and kisses on the cheek she said "I saw your name on the participants list and I was hoping that you'd make it. Are you here for all five days and four nights?"

"Unless it turns out to be a dud," I smiled.

"I won't let that happen, buster," she laughed.

The conference was actually worthwhile and I made some good business contacts. Gloria was working during the conference but we did meet for drinks after dinner the first night and even danced a few fast dances in the club of the hotel we were staying at. The second night she was able to break away for dinner, joining me and three other conference participants that I had gotten to know and liked (two women and a man). The third night things came off the rails.

After dinner the third night I walked into the bar area adjacent the hotel's night club. I was looking around when Gloria ran up to me with a distraught look on her face, literally threw herself into my arms, kissed me on the lips, and in a stage voice said "There you are honey." After a second kiss -- when I hadn't yet pushed her away I was so startled -- she whispered "Please play along for a while. Some asshole has been hitting on me and I told him no, my husband was coming, but that didn't deter him."

"OK," I replied -- I mean was I going to feed her to the sharks?

She took my arm and led me toward the dance floor. On the way a large half-drunk guy stood in our way and slurred "Is this your husband darlin?"

"Yes, Mr. Ames, we're going out to the dance floor."

"I'd rather that you sat with me; I'm Jerry Ames," the asshole said, offering his hand. I had experience handling assholes like him so I took his hand but was prepared.

As expected Ames tried the hand crush, however I had slipped my index and middle fingers straight and past his palm so there was no crush behind the force he applied. When he realized that he momentarily let up, with a stupid look on his face. That was my signal to attack. I quickly moved my fingers and palm into a real handshake position and then squeezed as hard as I could. Given the fact that I have a very strong grip, and that I caught him unaware just like he hoped to catch me, the result wasn't good for him. He groaned as my crushing grip put him down on his knees. As I let up slightly, but still held him firm, I stage whispered "We don't sit with assholes like you, Jerry. Come near my wife again and you'll end up in the hospital." Then I gave one last squeeze, he let out a large yelp that drew the attention of everyone around, and I marched Gloria out to the dance floor.

Since what Gloria had said to me at my wedding reception I had always known that she was out-there. I didn't realize how much until the second song that we were dancing to was a slow one and she glommed onto me and while pushing her crotch against mine whispered into my ear "You're my super-hero. You've made me so hot; I want you to fuck me until I'm unconscious and then fuck me again."

I turned and looked at her and tried to hold her at arm's length although she was fighting to stay plastered against me. "Gloria, I don't have sex with married women."

"We need to talk; let's go to my room," she growled.

"You need to cool down before we do," I said still struggling to hold her at arm's length, afraid that if we went up right away that she'd rape me (lol).

We danced slightly separated until the slow song ended, then went and sat at a table and ordered two club sodas. I directed the conversation to innocuous things, like the conference, and she went along only because I promised her that we'd go up to her room for a serious discussion.

It took her a while to cool down, but eventually she didn't look like she'd rip my clothes off so hand-in-hand we went to the elevator and up to her room -- 616. She tried to kiss me in the elevator but I held her off.

When we got to her room she immediately started babbling. "You know that I have the hots for you and you have them for me too otherwise you wouldn't have given me this two thousand dollar broach at Christmas," she said while fingering the broach that was hanging on her neck. She must have looked the price of the broach up because the retail price was $1,999, although I got it with a $500 discount.

"Look, Gloria, I like you but I didn't give you any of the presents that I have because I've got the hots for you. I was madly in love with Marlene until filing for divorce three months ago and I would never cheat on her."

"But you can have sex with me now without it having any effect on your divorce," she plead.

"How do you know that?"

"Because I overheard Marlene tell Monty," she said, reaching for me while I parried her hands away.

"That is true, however I told you that I don't have sex with married women; I didn't like someone doing it to me and I won't do it to anyone else."

"But Monty has turned out to be a dud and I'm thinking of divorcing him."

"Let me know if you actually do, then we can talk," I said, getting flustered because for some reason with her pleading look and with the skirt of her business suit hiked way up her sculptured thighs she was really looking good to me.

"OK," she sighed. "However, there's one unrelated thing I want to talk to you about but I've had to pee for the last hour; can you wait a minute -- I promise that I'll be right out."

Since I had gently put her off I relented and smiled "OK."

She wasn't in the bathroom long; in fact, it turns out, only long enough to remove all of her clothes. As she exited the bathroom stark naked, except for the broach that I had given her and an ankle bracelet, my cock involuntarily instantly inflated -- and it hurt like a sonofabitch when my head impacted my zipper at what seemed like 50 mph.

"Are you sure you don't want this right now," she growled in a seductive voice.

Gloria was even better looking naked than I thought that she'd be. While she was always hot since the day that I met her it seemed like that she had been working out because she had a toned hard body; except for her big soft tits. I really like hard bodies (as well as others) with big soft tits. It was all that I could do to quickly kiss the back of her hands and then flee with the words "Let me know if you file."

I immediately went to my room and ferociously beat my meat.

I was able to get through the rest of the conference with only exchanged smiles and quick greetings with Gloria, but I did picture her naked under the business suits that she rocked.


It was five weeks after the incidents with Gloria at the business conference. I was still having wild overnights with Julie two nights a week, in addition to going various places with her on the weekends, and much enjoying her company. I was also enjoying having a home-cooked meal from Sharon one night a week, followed by a sleep over that night with loving sex. My divorce would be final in a couple of days and simply to buoy Marlene's spirits, since I couldn't imagine a scenario in the future where we could be anything aside from casual fuck buddies, I told her that maybe we could date after the divorce was final. It was a Friday night when I didn't have any plans when there was a knock on my door about 8 p. m.

When I opened the door there was Gloria in an outfit much too skimpy for the weather. "Hi Bryce," she sang. "Here's a court-stamped copy of my divorce petition," she continued holding a few stapled pieces of 8.5 x 11 inch paper in front of her.

"Come in," I said, "you look cold."

"Do I look good too?" she giggled. She really did but I didn't say anything except "Would you like a drink?"

"A glass of wine would be nice; if not a light beer."

I got us each a bottle of beer, no glass, and we sat next to each other on my living room couch. "Look it over," she said, pointing to the supposed divorce filing, just before she took a long pull on her beer bottle.

I did look the papers over. They were exactly what they purported to be -- a divorce petition (which is what it's called in our state) filed by Gloria Jepson asking for a divorce from Montgomery Jepson on the basis of irreconcilable differences, with a court stamp on it indicating filing the previous Monday.

"You did say that to let you know when I filed, didn't you Bryce?"

"Yes, I did," I chuckled, "but I didn't think that you'd do it."

"A promise is a promise so now you have to fuck me," she chuckled, "Unless you didn't like what you saw when I exposed myself to you in my hotel room."

I couldn't tell a lie so with a smile I said "I very much liked what I saw in your hotel room."

With that she carefully placed her bottle on a coaster atop my coffee table, then took mine out of my hand and placed it on another coaster. Holding my hand she stood up and said "I've already showered but if you'd like another one I'm happy to scrub your back."

We did shower together; in the shower she felt even better than she looked. In bed she felt even better yet. I initially tried to eat her but she would have none of it. "I've waited a long time to fuck you; lay on your back and I'll give you the thrill of a lifetime," she snickered as she pushed my naked body on my back on my mattress. She mounted me and then proceeded to ride me like I was a rented mule, seemingly trying to rip my dick off as she alternately held the back of my hands while my fingers were manipulating her D cup tear drop boobs with distended nipples, and rubbed her hands over my chest. After her second orgasm I felt Mt. Vesuvius coming alive, pulled her chest onto mine, bucked up as hard as I could, and fire-hosed her pussy with seminal fluid, causing her to go limp and for me to see a combination of Roman candles going off, and falling stars, pass through my vision.

After my night with Gloria I was more confused than a monkey trying to solve a calculus problem. I had thought that fucking Marlene or Julie, or making love to Sharon, was the epitome of sexual satisfaction. I was now questioning the truth of those conclusions. Gloria rang my chimes even more expertly than Marlene had, her tits were almost as big as Julie's and just as fuckable, and at times she had a tenderness and vulnerability that almost approached Sharon's.

My confusion apparently caused me to stare at the ceiling when we both awoke about 9 a. m. because Gloria poked me in the ribs and asked "What's on your mind; you look perplexed."

I was about to blurt out "I'm trying to figure out which of the four Jepson women is the best in the sack, but I'm not making much progress," but fortunately restrained myself. What I did say was "I can't figure out why you're attracted to me."

"Simple," she chuckled, "you have a quiet confidence, a great body, you're kind and considerate, you give me presents that are perfect for me without any hints from me, and after last night I know that you fuck like a lion. What's not to like?" After that she started playing with my balls.

My mind so wanted to fuck her again but my cock was done firing bullets for the time being, so I groaned "You wiped me out, sorceress. I won't recover until tonight."

"Is that an invitation to stay over tonight too?" she grinned.

I rolled onto my side, while playing with one of her nipples like I was trying to find the combination to a safe, I said "You didn't call ahead so I'm going on a bicycle trip late morning to mid-afternoon and then to dinner tonight. However, maybe after dinner I could come back here and entertain you until tomorrow morning."

I was meeting Marlene for a bicycle trip and Julie for dinner; I couldn't believe that I was going to beg off a slumber party with Julie for another night with Gloria but I just had to find out if last night was a fluke. I would have to get Gloria out by 10 a. m. on Sunday, however, since I was taking Sharon to brunch. Obviously the Jepson women were preoccupying me.

Gloria was fine with me meeting her at my house at 9 p. m.

Marlene and Julie were both fun, and Julie was surprisingly accommodating when I begged off spending the night with her using fatigue as an excuse. My excuse turned out to be a premonition since by Sunday morning Gloria had wiped me out even more than the night before. I was dragging when I took Sharon to brunch but perked up enough to have an afternoon delight with her before she went home Sunday late afternoon.


I'm not sure how long my state of confusion would have continued were but for a defining moment. I was certain that all of Marlene, Julie and Gloria would like to marry me -- although Marlene knew that there would be significant changes for me to ever trust her again, and Gloria knew that I was skeptical about her since she had fucked Monty when he was married to Sharon. Sharon would have like our relationship to continue as is; she knew that I badly wanted kids and she was not in the realistic position to provide them.

Gloria was sneakier than the others and had figured out that I was fucking all four Jepson women (she didn't change her surname after her divorce from Monty) and told the others. That resulted in a two week shit show before everyone calmed down. After that, however, their competitiveness reached a new level.

The defining event came one Friday night when Gloria was slated to come over. When she came in, after a hug and kiss, as usual I offered her a glass of wine or a beer. "No thanks, just club soda; I'm not drinking for at least the next eight months or so."

My eyeballs must have almost bugged out of my head when she said that. Not missing a beat she kissed me again then nonchalantly said "Don't look so shocked. You never asked me if I was on birth control nor offered to use a condom." As I apparently opened and closed my mouth without words, like a fish out of water, she chuckled then continued pulling two pieces of paper out of her purse. "Just to put your mind at ease the first document is a DNA test proving that the little boy in my belly is yours, and the second document is proof that I had an electronic tracker inserted subcutaneously in the back of my left shoulder so that you can monitor my location at any time."

I gulped and felt light-heated. "Why..." I started to say when she gave me a quick kiss, a crotch squeeze, and then continued. "I was competing against three other sexy women for your affection, I badly wanted to win, so I played dirty knowing that you'd never boot me out if I was carrying your child, especially when you want children so much."

"You manipulated me..." I started to say when she interrupted.

"So what; To continue my response to your 'why' question, obviously the DNA test was done so that you couldn't have any doubt about my fetus' parentage. As for the tracker, in view of my history of fucking Monty when he was still married to Sharon and then jettisoning him when I thought that I had a chance with you, you're not likely to trust me. With the tracker you can see on your phone where I am at all times and that, combined with me signing any prenup that you propose, can make you feel comfortable with my faithfulness. Now my pregnancy has made me very horny; let's have dessert before dinner."

It wasn't long after that that I was buried balls deep in Gloria's tight pussy while fucking her doggy.


I guess that many people will consider me a complete wimp because I went along with everything that Gloria proposed. We were married before two months before Alan was born. He was followed two years later by Alissa, then after another two years by identical twins Cheryl and Carol. Four kids fulfilled my need for a big family so Gloria had her tubes tied after that.

Gloria keeps the tracker in her shoulder charged by yearly visits to a clinic where they charge it with radio waves, and I do check her location on my iPhone occasionally.

I felt guilty about precipitously dumping the other Jepson women when Gloria announced her pregnancy. To assuage my guilt I almost drained m trust funds. I paid off Sharon's mortgage on her house and gave her an expensive piece of jewelry. I bought Julie a new car and pre-paid the insurance for two years. I bought a fitness studio (at a bankruptcy sale after Timmons left town) and gave Marlene 51% ownership of it and paid six months of expenses for running it. Marlene runs the business and is making a good living.

Recently "Aunt" Julie and her husband and "Grandma" Sharon and her boyfriend watched the kids for us while we went to the race track with Liz and Dan, good friends of Gloria and I.

The four of us placed fun bets for the first few races. When we got to the only Grade I race of the day Gloria and Liz snuggled up to me. With a big grin on her face Liz said "I want to bet a long shot bet for this race. Gloria tells me that you're an expert on Superfectas, having won the Jepson Superfecta by nailing all four Jepson women; so why don't you give me a hint on who to place bets on."

Gloria started laughing like a hyena while I turned beet red. "You'll pay for that tonight you evil sorceress," I fake snarled at Gloria as I pinched her ass. I don't think that scared her.

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Diecast1Diecast11 day ago

A good story, I enjoyed it. AAAAAA++++++

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyabout 2 months ago

Interesting and humorous storytelling! Well written as your norm and good characters and dialogue. Most importantly I was entertained.

Please do keep writing and I will keep reading.

Ganymede69Ganymede69about 2 months ago

The main character is an asshole but I really like this story.

mattenwmattenwabout 2 months ago

Seems like a dream for many men. Four women from the same family and all of them are good looking and are true artists in bed.

Nicely told, but just a dream!

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