Superheroines Bk. 01


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Blaze smiled in pride, ' yes they do, I am often asked to attend a serious fire if it is out of reach of their equipment. I really love helping them out, it is a positive act and has saved lots of lives,' replied Blaze.

Wendy stepped back onto the scales and asked innocently,

'Doe's it matter that I am dressed?'

'OK you caught me there sexy bum, I only told you to strip off so I could feast my eyes on your perfect little body,' admitted Blaze.

'Now to business, hold this ball again and squeeze it as you concentrate. Think of all those bad things that we were talking about and try and increase your mass as mush as possible, try and pull as much mass into your body as you can. Regard it as protection from those who would try and hurt you.'

Wendy used her fear as a tool and thought of making her body into a solid block of unbreakable steel.

She concentrated hard and suddenly the ball burst in her hand as she squeezed it.

'Woops, how did that happen?' she asked Blaze.

'Remember your science lessons about the effects of mass, go to the weights and see if you can lift any of them.'

Wendy giggled, she only weighed 140 lb soaking wet and had never been very strong.

However she walked across the gym and bent down.

She picked up a weight using one hand and turned it over to read the weight embossed on its other side.

She stared at it in disbelief, the weight was rated at 100lb and she was holding it as if it was made of cardboard.

'What the fuck? How can I hold this in one hand when it weighs almost the same as my whole body?'

'I think you must be many times denser than normal at the moment, consequently that weight in your hand is light compared to your mass. Try and bend the steel bar for me.'

Wendy tossed the weight to one side and jumped as it smashed against the wall of the gym gouging a hole in the plaster.

'Please be careful Mist, bend that bar for me and I will explain what is going on here,' said Blaze excitedly.

With a shrug Wendy picked up the steel bar that the weights were slid onto, and again it felt as if it were made of some light substance.

She bent it in half with no effort at all; it was as if Blaze had replaced all these items with toy props made of paper and polystyrene.

Blaze was inwardly ecstatic; this was the result she had hoped for when she pointed Mist along this path.

When a body gained mass whilst keeping the same overall size, it meant that it had become denser.

Denser meant stronger muscles, and it also should mean something else.

'Please stand perfectly still Mist and close your eyes,' ordered Blaze.

She reached into her utility belt and pulled out a switchblade.

This often came in handy for freeing people tied up with ropes.

She approached Mist cautiously and lightly poked the sharp blade against her arm.

It was like poking a statue made of steel. Mist obviously didn't even feel her doing it.

She decided to prove her theory and drove the knife hard into Mist's arm. The steel blade bent like tinfoil as it slammed into the super dense flesh of Mist.

'Whew, I'm glad I was right about that,' breathed Blaze looking at her ruined knife.

'Right about what? Can I open my eyes now please?' asked Wendy.

'Before you do that I want you to try and return your mass to normal,' asked Blaze.

Wendy tried to think about sexy things again and remembered the feeling of Blaze's fingers deep inside her.

Her body went back to normal and she opened her eyes to see Blaze looking at her with pride.

'Well done darling, I am very proud of you. I see you have the makings of a very powerful Super heroine.

Wendy beamed with pleasure at the genuine compliment from her new friend and mentor.

Her young and inexperienced heart had fallen completely in love with this beautiful woman.

All Wendy wanted was to please Blaze in every way she could.

'Thank you so much for your help and advise Blaze, I don't know how I can thank you properly,' she said gazing at her heroine.

Blaze was glad that she was now fully dressed; otherwise she would have been dragging this young girl into her bedroom and fucking her until she screamed in passion.

'Well we'll worry about that at some other time,' said Blaze gruffly.

'I was wondering if Mist is still the best name for you,' said Blaze seriously.

'Your ability seems to be the mental manipulation of the forces that bind your atoms together.

When you get stronger, you don't actually change size. That proves that you are not gaining any extra atoms from your surroundings.

What seems to be happening is that you are increasing the strength of the atomic force that holds your atoms together.

When you go misty you are relaxing those same forces to allow your atoms to slip through the atoms of the things you are moving through.

How about Atomic Kitten?' Blaze suggested.

'I agree with your logic Blaze, but I like the name Mist, and also it may give me an advantage that no one will know about my other ability,' said Wendy.

'Good thinking dear girl, I never thought of that angle, yes you are thinking ahead. Very few of the Super heroines are actually physically strong. I myself am only as strong as a very fit woman; there are those of us who are blessed with great physical strength. Amazon could bend that bar as you did, however she is built like a brick shithouse. Tall and beautiful, but bulging with muscles like a body builder with tits,' giggled Blaze.

'Shiva herself is quite a slim woman, she could bend that bar with her mind, but not I think with her bare hands.

Yes I agree with you, the bad guys will view you as simply a young girl who can walk through walls, very wispy and ethereal. Imagine their surprise if they grab you and you turn super dense. You will be able to incapacitate them easily.'

Wendy almost wriggled with pride at Blazes remarks, she had been a bit nervous about disagreeing with her but had thought this through and determined to keep her strength a secret for as long as she could.

'Blaze, I would like you to know my real name, we have made love and I know I can trust you,' ventured Wendy.

'I am honoured dear girl, however only tell me your first name, who knows that if I am ever captured and tortured I don't want to send the bad guys after you and your family,' replied Blaze.

'My name is Wendy, and I think I love you,' confessed Wendy looking into Blaze's red eyes.

'My name is Helen, my darling girl. Your declaration of love warms my heart, but you don't know me well enough yet to commit yourself. I am the first one to have made love to you, and although I won't try and diminish your feelings for me I would point out that this could be just a crush.'

Blaze was still thinking about a suitable costume for Wendy.

It had to be skin-tight to stay on her when she misted, so the cat suit was the best option. There would be no point having any kind of utility belt as that would probably fall off her.

Strangely enough what she was wearing now was going to have to be it.

Wendy had to agree but was determined to have a mask and a badge on her breast to signify her powers.

Blaze had a golden flame; she wanted a depiction of an atom embroidered in gold thread.

Blaze thought that this was a very good idea and told her of a lady seamstress who did a lot of work for Super heroines.

With a loving hug she kissed Wendy goodnight and after giving her cell phone number, asked her to come and see her when she had her costume made.

Blaze was on her way out to patrol the city, she was part of a federation of Super heroines and they took turns patrolling the streets after dark.

Some had sidekicks, but Blaze didn't think she needed any help and patrolled alone.

Tonight there was a rumour that the drug lord known as Coco was manufacturing drugs in a warehouse somewhere in the docks area.

Blaze was going to swing by and scout the area.

If she could locate him, then she would call for the rest of the team before going in.

Her team on call tonight consisted of Shockwave, Siren and Amazon.

She could think of no situation that the four of them couldn't handle.

The docks were dark and deserted just after midnight, and they smelt of foreign spices and diesel oil.

The freighters were moored and she could faintly hear the sound of the various crews living their lives aboard the sea going vessels.

It was a pleasant night, and she was enjoying the peace and quiet as she walked along the side of the river.

Blaze spotted a light in one of the boarded up warehouses and decided to investigate it.

This building was due to be demolished later in the year to make way for an extension to the Hospital that backed onto it and there should not have been anyone occupying it.

However she knew that the homeless didn't care about things like that and may well have taken shelter in such a shell of a warehouse.

She crept up to the rusted corrugated iron wall of the warehouse and looked through a rust hole.

She could see movement in the shed and suddenly a man wearing some kind of mask came into her field of vision.

He was carrying a bag of white powder, it could have been flour, but she was certain it was cocaine.

Dealers often wore masks to protect themselves against the airborne particles of the drugs they were manufacturing.

She wanted to make sure that this was indeed the drug lord's factory before alerting her team.

Before she went any further she slipped gas filters into her nostrils, they were state of the art.

Very small but guaranteed to filter out most gases.

'Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me,' she muttered under her breath.

There was a loose iron panel in the wall and she found that she could lift it sufficiently to slip under it and into the warehouse.

Voices came from inside an area that had been surrounded by plastic sheeting, similar to a clean room in a factory.

Blaze reasoned that here was the actual manufacturing equipment, and it had to be kept free of the dust of the docks.

There was no one about so she stole quietly over to the sealed room and looked in.

There were no tables or bags of drugs that she could see.

However there was a sort of pumping machine standing by the side of a vertical frame that had manacles attached to it at the four corners.

'OUCH, Fuck that stung,' she swore as she was bitten by some kind of bug on her neck.

She was rubbing her neck and looking around for the little fucker when the lights went out.

'Good evening Blaze, a real pleasure to meet you at last, please don't attempt to use your powers or the result will be catastrophic for the Hospital that backs onto this warehouse,' said a deep cultured voice.

She gingerly opened her eyes, and saw that she was strapped naked to the frame by the manacles provided.

Strangely her mask had not been removed.

Standing in front of her was a big man who she could only assume was the drug lord Coco.

'Why shouldn't I burn you and your henchmen to hell Coco?' she snarled pulling at the manacles angrily.

'Look around you dear lady; this warehouse is one of our explosive storage facilities. Those crates that we have stacked close to the back wall are only yards from the rear of the Dockland Hospital.

The crates are full of munitions and as you can see, my men and myself are all wearing explosive vests. True you could still burn us, but you, me my men and many of the Hospital patients would die in the ensuing blast. Do you want that on your conscience dear lady? I think not. No you will do as you are told and submit to whatever I choose to do to you,' he gloated.

Blaze realised that he had he trapped by her own honour.

No matter what they did to her she couldn't risk detonating this entire stock of explosives and wiping out the Hospital.

'Why haven't you unmasked me?' she asked.

'Lets just say that it turns me on to fuck a super heroine, without the mask you would be just like any other whore that I have fucked,' he sneered.

She looked around and was puzzled to see that there still didn't appear to be any drugs on view.

'Very clever Coco, but tell me, where are the drugs that you are dealing that makes it worth the risks you are taking,' she asked calmly.

'Why my dear lady, the drug of choice, the drug of fashion, the new drug that everybody wants and is willing to pay ridiculous prices for is at this moment safe inside your lovely full breasts,' answered Coco, caressing and squeezing Blaze's large naked breasts lovingly.

'Super heroine milk; the consumption of which confers that particular heroine's power for a short time. Looking at your lovely full breasts I think we will be able to extract enough to make me a rich man,' he explained.

'Rubbish, I doubt that I have a fraction of a pint in each of my breasts, that won't make you a rich man Coco,' she retorted dismissively.

'Oh very true my dear woman, but I know that the production of milk is a consequence of your allergic reaction to male semen.

Therefore once we have drained your breasts my men and I will amuse ourselves by filling your womb with our cum. I estimate that after a few weeks we will have gallons of your milk ready for distribution to those who desire it,' said Coco chuckling at the expression of shock and horror on Blaze's face as she realised that this had been planned from the start as a long term project to drain her of her milk.

Coco squeezed her breast hard and smiled as a drop of her milk oozed out of her nipple.

'I am very tempted to suck these lovely big nipples myself, but I am a businessman and every drop is precious,' he said motioning one of his henchmen over with the milking apparatus.

The man flicked a switch and a hissing sound emanated from the suction caps on the end of two hoses that led from the machine.

With callous indifference to her body, he placed the suction caps over her nipples.

The suction caused them to clamp hard against her breasts and she gasped as she felt her milk being sucked forcibly out of her nipples.

'Yes I have been told by my test subjects that it is a painful process,' said Coco. 'However after the tenth time your nipples will become hardened to the pain and your milk will flow more freely.'

Blaze watched in horror as a small jar on the side of the diabolical machine began to fill slowly with her warm white milk.

'Her tits need to be dangling, to aid the flow' said the milker gruffly.

Coco went to the side of the steel frame and operated a wheel; it began to bend the hinged frame in half forcing Blaze to bend at the waist until her breasts were dangling straight down.

This left her beautiful naked ass totally exposed to the lecherous gaze of the men watching.

With mounting horror Blaze saw some of the men unzipping their trousers and extracting their cocks.

She heard them arguing amongst themselves as to who would fuck her first.

'Now then gentlemen, there is enough prime pussy here for all of you. However as the boss I claim the first fuck, my balls are uncomfortably full of cum and I need to empty them into this young woman's tight little cunt as soon as the last drop of her milk is extracted,' said Coco firmly to his henchmen.

Blaze blushed red with shame and anger; they were discussing her as if she were a whore for their perverted pleasure.

Her position was perfect for fucking from behind, her legs were spread apart and her naked ass and cunt were totally exposed to anyone who cared to enter her.

She was burning with shame and embarrassment, as she felt rough hands parting her ass cheeks and a finger insert itself deep into her cunt.

'We may need some lubrication here dear lady,' commented Coco as he thrust his thick finger in and out of her cunt.

'Don't worry about that boss, after we have all fucked her she will be as loose and sloppy as the other whores we have captured,' said one of the henchmen staring raptly at Blaze's neat anus.

Blaze cringed as she realised the import of those words, she wasn't the first Super heroine that they had captured.

She wondered what had happened to the previous victims of Coco.

'Ah I see you are concerned about your predecessors dear lady,' said Coco as he positioned himself directly behind her rubbing his cock to get it as hard as possible for the rape.

'Rest assured they were all of far lesser stature than your good self, the price I can charge for the milk depends solely on the calibre of Super heroine from which it was extracted.

You dear lady are amongst the top ten, your milk is highly sought after. The only women higher than you are the super strong, and the most powerful telekinetics such as the lady Shiva herself.

The criminal fraternity want to try out your powers in the pursuit of crime in this rich and vibrant city of ours,' explained Coco as the milking machine sucked the last dregs of Blaze's milk from her empty breasts.

Gripping her naked hips firmly he positioned his cock between her tight cunt lips.

'Brace yourself dear lady' he growled with lust and drove his big cock deep into her defenceless cunt.

'AAAIIIIEEEEEEE screamed Blaze as she was violated, tears filled her eyes and she sobbed uncontrollably as his throbbing cock rammed into her body over and over.

His big hairy balls slapped against her naked ass as he fucked her violently.

Such was the strength of his thrusts that her breasts were swung about and the suction caps fell of her nipples.

Her once firm breasts were now drained and slack, as they swung to the rhythm of his fucking.

Wendy was terrified, she so badly wanted to be a Super heroine, but hadn't a clue how to use her powers to fight crime.

She had decided to follow Blaze tonight as she went on patrol to see just what it was all about.

She had no intention of interfering, as she was certain that Blaze would be furious with her if she knew she was being shadowed.

Wendy loved Blaze passionately and dreaded her being angry with her. Dressed in her black cat suit complete with a homemade black mask and practicing her misting skills, she had literally ghosted along undetected behind the red costumed woman.

She was just thinking how boring patrolling the docks was, when she saw Blaze head for the warehouse.

She watched excitedly as Blaze reconnoitred the warehouse, and watched with appreciation as she saw her don the gas filters.

When Blaze slipped into the warehouse through the confidently loose panel Wendy simply walked through the wall and watched from a distance.

She was shocked when a man in the shadows fired a blowgun at Blaze, and saw her drop to the ground unconscious.

Wendy thought the men were fools, as soon as Blaze regained consciousness she would burn them all to a crisp.

She watched with increasing trepidation as Blaze was stripped naked and shackled to the frame.

'Any minute now she will wake up and boy are you lot going to suffer,' she chortled to herself supremely confident in her lover's powers.

To her surprise and dismay when Blaze woke up and spoke to the leader of these men she didn't let loose the fiery hell that Wendy expected.

Wendy watched stunned, as Blaze allowed the men to milk her breasts without putting up a fight.

Wendy was torn in two, she wanted to storm in and rescue Blaze, but didn't want to spoil any plans that her heroine may be following.

She had to trust that Blaze knew what she was doing, and just watch and wait.

Apart from the obscene sucking noise of the milking machine, the conversations between Blaze and the Boss seemed civilised and almost courteous.

Wendy just didn't know what to do.

It was only when she heard Blaze scream in shock and pain, that she realised that something was badly wrong here.

The Big man was fucking Blaze and hurting her in the process.