Supernatural Ch. 11


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I don't know how to describe those first few moments, when a man is pushing himself inside you, before the excitement rises to a point where description is pointless.

There are a whirling confusion of thoughts and emotions. Your body, but not just your body, the very essence of yourself is being opened up. And there's the thrill of having this hot, hard, throbbing thing pushing deeper and deeper into the squelchy mush your pussy seems to have turned into. But even though it feels it might split you wide open you wouldn't have it any other way. You push yourself forward, trying to get more and more of it into you. You want it to go even deeper still, penetrate right into the very core of you. And as it does that you feel all the nerve ends firing, sending the first jolting thrills shooting up your spine, then triggering all the other even more thrilling responses.

Giani's cock did all that, and more. As I'd thought when I first touched it, it was magnificent, both long and thick, really thick, stretching me wide open and rubbing against the tip of my clit each time he moved. So even though that fuck was fast and furious, much, much too fast, because I'd got so fired up, and my clit was being so intensely stimulated, I reached orgasm too.

He went at it as though he'd been starved of any sort of sex for more years than he could remember, grunting loudly each time he pounded into me, the unyielding pew bruising my buttocks and the backs of my thighs. But I loved it and wouldn't have had it any other way. I looked down and watched it flashing back and forth, the shaft glistening with my pussy-juice, and dug my fingers into his arse, trying to pull him even closer, get that wonderful cock even deeper.

Unlike most times, when you can feel each other building towards orgasm, that time neither of us seemed to get any warning, one moment he was going at me like there was no tomorrow, the next, he was exploding inside me. And that first burst triggered the start of my own climax. I felt myself being lifted high by a series of rolling, boiling breakers. Felt my pussy flexing with each powerful contraction, as though it was trying to get an even tighter grip of his thrusting cock, so it could suck every drop of that hot creamy fluid from him. And at the same time tried unsuccessfully to stifle the screams of sheer joy that I heard echoing around us.

I've no idea how much semen he must have had bottled up, I wasn't counting the number of times he shot into me, but there seemed to be many more than I'd experienced before, and long before he had finished I felt the surplus dribbling back out of me, felt it trickling down the insides of my legs.

But even so, something told me he was, given just a little time, capable of producing still more, and right then I certainly wanted whatever he had left to give. So, when he slowed, stopped, and finally pulled back out of me I had one hand ready, taking the sticky, still firmly swollen length on its palm, then closing my fingers gently around it. With my other hand I took hold of one of his and while he was still gasping for breath I pulled him with me. 'Come back here Giani.' I said, ignoring the fact that we both still had clothes dangling around our ankles as I tugged him around into the space between the back of the pew and the rear wall.

Having kicked off my panties I knelt and got rid off his shorts, then remained on my knees, breathing in the headily musky smell of his sex and our co-mingled juices as I slipped my hands slowly up the insides of his muscular legs. Then, taking the weight of his large hairy balls on one, I lifted his dripping cock to my mouth with the other.

Just licking and sucking him clean was itself exciting, feeling the pulse of his cock strengthening as I did that was even more so. It confirmed the thought I'd had, that he was still capable of giving me more of what I had to have.

So I worked him over, using my lips and tongue on his cock, rolling and occasionally gently squeezing his magnificent balls with one hand, the other either stroking up and down the re-stiffening shaft or reaching around to grip and squeeze the cheeks of his arse.

And with all that going on it didn't take long to re-fire his interest, so to speak. Within a matter of minutes I'd given him an erection almost as strong as his previous one, and could tell from the tone of his low grunting moans that his excitement was re-building. But I wanted him at a higher pitch than that, and felt sure I knew just how to get him there.

With a last, much stronger suck of his cock I pulled my head back, reached up for his hands and tugged him down. 'Lie down Giani, let me do it for you this time.' I said, at the same time getting up and reaching up under the back of my top to undo my bra. Then as he did as I had suggested and lay down, I tugged the top and bra up over my head and then knelt astride him.

'Bella, bellissima!' He whispered as he stared up at my breasts.

I took his hands and lifted them. 'For you Giani.' I said as I pressed one hand against each breast and then shivering with pleasure as I felt his fingers automatically closing around them.

After the fierce, almost brutal fucking he'd just given me I was surprised, and delighted by how gently he caressed me. At first he used just his finger-tips, tracing the outline and shape of each, then slowly circling my still sensitively swollen nipples again and again. He murmured the words 'bella, bellissima' over and over, sometimes cupping their fullness and just staring at them, sometimes stroking them so tenderly I thought I would faint from the sheer joy of his touch.

While he was doing that I reached behind me for his cock, and, as I had expected, found it rearing jerkily, already as hot as it had earlier felt. And the combination of what he was doing to my breasts and the feel his throbbing hardness in my hand was more than enough to set my juices flowing again. I felt my pussy tingling expectantly, felt that familiar draining pull in the pit of my stomach, and knew I was soon going to give him, and myself an orgasm neither of us would ever forget.

But I was determined that in fact that was still some way off, I wanted to both give and receive much more pleasure before either of us reached that point. And so that we could make a start on that hopefully prolonged journey, while making sure my movement didn't stop him doing what he was with my breasts, I lifted my hips, then steadied his cock so I could push myself down on to it.

At first, having got the head firmly wedged between my pussy-lips, I held myself still for a while, enjoying the opportunity that gave me to take a really good look at him, and of course, also savouring the feel of having at least that part of him inside me.

His gasped as my pussy slipped down over the tip, then his face tensed when I did no more than just hold still. Then he gave me a look that told me he understood my intentions, and concentrated on what he was doing with my breasts.

While he continued caressing me his eyes flicked up and down, sometimes looking straight up into mine, but more often simply staring at my breasts. Whenever he did look up and I found myself staring down into those, dark, luminescent pools I experienced exactly the same feelings I had when he had first smiled at me. I knew exactly what emotions the writers of romantic fiction were trying to convey when they described the heroine as 'swooning at the slightest glance' from the hero.

But during the other, longer times, I had a chance to study him, the shape of his brow, the strong jaw line, the breadth of his shoulders and well-muscled chest. I combed my fingers through the rich mat of dark, curly hair covering it, then traced the narrowing line that extended down over his stomach, down to where it joined the even thicker mass immediately above the gorgeous cock that would soon be filling me.

But then I noticed something, just below his rib cage and extending around out of my vision, was a scar, a deep, still somewhat livid line of puckered flesh. I couldn't imagine what had created such a terrible wound and wondered if he would be prepared to tell me what had happened to him.

The sight of the scar only deepened the feelings I already had for him, as well as giving him pleasure I wanted to do more. Although the power behind the fucking he had already given me made it all too obvious there was nothing seriously wrong, I had the strong urge to care for him, to nurture him back to full health.

By then what he had been doing to my breasts had made them tightly full, and turned the nipples into jutting spikes, so, taking that plus the feelings I'd had as my cue, I bent forward so he could reach them with his mouth.

As though he had been waiting for me to do just that, he closed his lips eagerly around one and began licking, then gently sucking the stiffened nipple, and sending a new set of thrills shooting up my spine.

I continued to hold myself as still as I could as he suckled one, then the other, then returned to the first again, enjoying both the immediate thrills he gave me and also looking forward to the even stronger thrills that were yet to come.

But then the prospect of the reality of those outweighed the anticipation, and I finally pushed down, doing it slowly, and hearing the long, blissful moan I made as I took more and more of that truly massive cock inside me.

As his body reacted to my slow downward push his mouth clamped tight on my breast, sucking harder, and sending a separate wave of thrills through me. Thrills that added their force to those that were spiralling up from my cunt as I finally took all of him, his cock spearing me, reaching deep into the very heart of me as I ground myself down against his body.

Again I held myself still for a while, savouring the sensations that seemed to be coursing through every single part of my body. My skin seemed to have become electrified, responding to the slightest touch. I could feel my hair triggering little sparks each time it swayed back and forth. Feel his doing the same as my bottom brushed against those on his legs. Feel the grain of the wood beneath my knees. But overwhelming those tiny sensations were those I was getting from having his mouth sucking on my breasts and his strongly throbbing cock buried inside me.

So then I began to ride him, holding him still while I pushed up and down, and keeping to a slow, steady rhythm. I admit that was mainly because the feelings I got from having his cock driving up into me were just so wonderful, and that to make the most of those I was lifting myself as high as I dared to without taking the risk of him slipping out of me.

But it wasn't just sheer selfishness, I could tell from his reactions that he was enjoying what I was doing just as much as I was. Although he continued sucking on one or other breast he gave muffled grunts or groans each time I pushed down, and it wasn't long before I could feel his hips trying to thrust his cock even deeper inside me.

I kept to that slow pace for as long as I could and there were a few other moves I would have liked to have had time to try with Giani, but of course nature eventually took over. As what I was already doing had sent my level of excitement higher my body reacted by gradually moving faster and it wasn't long before I was fucking him almost as furiously as he had previously pounded me.

But that time he didn't come. Even though I felt my cunt gripping him tight as my orgasm literally ripped through me and he thrust upwards as fast and as hard as I was thrusting down on to him, nothing happened. As the blurring haze of my climax began to wane I felt a rush of devastated disappointment that I hadn't been able to give him another. But then that feeling quickly changed to one of excited delight when he literally heaved me up off himself, squirmed out from under me and flipped me over on to my hands and knees.

And before either I or my pussy had time to even start winding down, his cock was back inside me.

In fact my orgasm re-started the moment I felt the head grazing my clit as it pushed forward between my pussy-lips. The feelings grew stronger as he drove it deeper, then even more powerful ones came welling up from somewhere down inside me as he began thrusting in and out.

Being fucked that way has always stirred up a weird mix of feelings for me. There's a sense of vulnerability, that in that position I am helpless, don't have any control over what's happening to me. But that's also strangely exciting, as though the very position I'm in frees me of any responsibility, no, of any lingering sense of guilt for what's happening. And right then, in that place, in the church, I guess that deep down, at least subconsciously, I really needed to be freed of that.

So I knelt there, bent low, my forehead resting on the floor and my arse lifted high, literally offering my cunt up to whatever he wanted to do with it.

And he certainly made the most of it, unlike his first time, controlling, pacing himself, and quite obviously enjoying every single moment.

At first, just as I had, he began with long, slow but deeply penetrating drives, the bulging head opening me up, the rock-hard shaft scraping against my still rigidly swollen clit. And after just a few of those it felt as though the lower half of my body had been turned to no more than a mass of trembling, quivering jelly. But a jelly that continued sending shock-waves of delighted excitement back up through the rest of me as my continuing orgasm rolled on and on.

His control was truly amazing that time, although once he'd driven inside me my body seemed to cry out for a repeat of that first, furiously fast fuck, as he continued that slow but inexorable pace I realised just what deeper and even stronger responses it was capable of. And as each time he pushed forward he gave a low, sighing moan, knowing he was getting just as much pleasure as he was giving me seemed to add that much more to my own.

Although I knew it shouldn't have been physically possible it really did feel that his cock had continued to grow even bigger the longer he fucked me, its increasing length getting even deeper inside, and its much more massive girth stretching my body even more wide open. And that, coupled with the helpless vulnerability of that position, kept my senses at fever pitch.

But of course eventually, and after what had seemed an eternity of slow, absolutely blissful fucking, I felt the tell-tale signs that he was finally building towards his own climax. I felt his hands gripping my hips even more tightly than they had been, heard his previously soft moans turning to more breathy grunts, and felt the steadily throbbing pulse in his cock strengthening.

But then he did something I had never experienced before. Instead of speeding up, thrusting faster and harder, as I expected him to, he pulled his cock right back, leaving just the head wedged between my pussy-lips. Then he began moving it back and forth, really, really slowly.

After everything we had already done not only my clit but also my pussy-lips were super-sensitised, and the feelings I was getting from them were so strong that my brain must have sort of short-circuited. I got to think I could see what he was doing. Think I could actually visualise his cock-head as it pushed slowly back and forth. Both feel and also imagine I was actually seeing the massive, purple shape of it, its glistening, satiny skin stretched so tight it looked as though it might split open at any moment. Feel and somehow see my pussy-lips grazing the rim, then slipping down into the deep groove below it, automatically tightening as they tried to get a firmer grip of it.

But as well as all that, the physical effect of what he was doing was simply incredible and having it rubbing directly against my clit sent my own reactions soaring like rocketing fire-works. Yet even though the shock-like waves of excitement I was getting soon completely overwhelmed everything else, those images remained as he gruntingly worked himself slowly towards his own release.

Then I even imagined I could see it at the moment his orgasm started, see the eye at its tip gaping wide as that first explosive jet spewed out and splattered against the walls of my cunt.

But then, just as it appeared from nowhere, the image suddenly vanished. Then as his cock pumped that first searing gout and I felt his body heaving, lunging, finally burying it deep inside me, the thrills ripping up through my body must have grown just too intense - and as what seemed like an entire truck-load of fireworks exploded inside my head, I simply fainted away.

When I came to I was back where I had started, standing, feeling both dazed and bewildered, in front of that roadside shrine.

As my head cleared and my eyes regained their focus I found myself looking into the shrine, at the shelf and the badly wilted posy of flowers resting on it, at the framed picture above it. But I suddenly realised that unlike the other shrines I had seen, which had fairly rough paintings of local saints in them, I was looking at a photograph. It was obviously very old, faded and fly-specked, but when I looked closer I saw it was of a young woman, a young woman who, like the girl in the stained glass window, looked remarkably like me.

I felt my head spinning again, but then the sound of a car horn tooting brought me back to reality. I turned around and saw a car, a middle aged woman was driving it, she had stopped and was leaning out of the window and asking if I needed a lift.

I nodded, said thank you and grabbed my pack, and as I got in beside her I saw there was another person in the car, in the back seat, a very old lady, in very dark glasses.

Once we had introduced ourselves and established where they could take me, although still dazed and totally confused, I asked the lady if she knew anything about the little shrine where they had picked me up.

'Mama will, she knows all the old stories from hereabouts. In fact since she went blind her memory seems to have sharpened and she remembers so many stories that some prominent people will be relieved when she is gone.' She added with a mischievous smile.

She described the part of the road where they had picked me up to her mother and asked if she knew anything about that particular shrine. The old lady knew plenty, and although it took most of the rest of the journey for her to tell us the full detail, the gist of it was more than enough for me.

There were two parts to the story, one centred around the girl in the photograph, the other, which happened hundreds of years previously, involved a young woman in a small remote village up in the hills.

In both cases it was the girls' unusual beauty that was at the root of the problems, and in both it was the desire and jealousy that aroused in some men which ultimately caused their deaths.

In the older story the girl was married to a local peasant farmer, they were poor but happy, and already had two children. Like her mother and grandmother before her the girl was skilled in the use of herbs and was called on by the villagers to cure or ease many afflictions and diseases. Her reputation spread and when the son of a local lord was wounded whilst out hunting nearby she was taken to him. In the time it took her to prepare and apply her herbal remedy he became smitten by her, and as was common in those times, took her and raped her.

Her husband, who had accompanied her, heard her cries and guessing what was happening finally managed to fight off the lord's men who were trying to hold him, and went charging into the hut where they were. But being too late to save his wife's honour he ignored the inevitable outcome, and just slew the lord's son.

But of course when he heard the news of his son's death the lord flew into a rage and set out to restore his family's honour. He had the husband promptly killed and the woman tried, for witchcraft, getting witnesses to say she had bewitched his son with her potions, then seduced him for his seed.