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"Do you really love this man?" Carla asked.

"I do. I know I do. And I know it sounds crazy but ..."

"Then just tell him. Tell him he can fuck around. Trust me, any guy would do that at the drop of a hat. If he's like any other male, he's probably fucking around behind your back already."

"I can't just tell him. I can't do it. I tried but then what would he think of me?"

"He'll think you're the most amazing woman to ever live because he won't have to sneak around anymore."

"He's too good. He's too much of a gentleman. I've got to find someone to seduce him."

"Easy enough. Put a naked girl in his apartment and he'll fuck her without even asking her name. Men can't help themselves. They're all horn dogs who have no consideration for others. The only way that he might not cheat is if he thought he'd get caught. Then and only then would he not cheat."

"Oh but I wish he would. I just want to catch him and then tell him I know and tell him it's ok. I want him to know that he can do that and I won't be mad because I'll never leave him."

"Aren't you worried he'll leave you for some other piece of ass?"

"Not really. I guess I don't see it that way."

"Well, you should worry about it. A guy with permission to cheat is a guy who can audition a replacement for you. And then, think about if he brings an STD home. What are you going to do then?"

"I know. That was why I was thinking that I could go on the dating sites and meet a nice woman for him. I sort of planned it out where I could introduce him to her after I've checked her out to make sure everything is safe, you know."

"Well, that's a better plan than just giving him free reins. If you're serious about letting him fuck other women, then they can only be women that you approve of. And ... you know ... ok. I'll do it."

"You mean it?"

"I'll seduce your boyfriend for you."

"You will?"

"I will, but it means I get a night with you."

"Oh. I see."

"And if I try and get your guy and he just proves too scared of getting caught, then I still get a night with you."

"What do you mean?"

"If I do this, you're putting out for me even if this guy doesn't take the bait."

"But ..."

"Those are my terms. If you don't like them, then we can call this off."


David looked at the email and scratched his head. Oh, this must be another fucking test. Who the fuck was Carla? David had never heard of her before but Gwen was claiming that she was good enough friends with her for this woman to move into David's apartment.

He wanted to say no. He didn't care what sort of trouble the woman had with her landlord. Why couldn't she stay at Gwen's place? It was fucking HUGE. David's entire apartment would fit in just Gwen's living room. But he relented. Ok, if this will help prove that he won't cheat on her then ok. But this bullshit better not go on for too long.

David noticed the sexy smile that the woman gave him when he met her outside the building. He was thankful that she had packed light and put the rest of her stuff in storage somewhere.

"You're cuter than I expected." she said to him as he picked up her bag.

"Thankfully I at least have the Phantom of the Opera beat on looks."

The woman giggled. "You're funny, too. Gwen got quite the catch."

David ignored her and just carried on.

In the elevator she was making sexy eyes at him but he ignored her. When he got her into the apartment he got out his phone to call Gwen and ask what the deal was with this girl again while the girl was making herself comfortable and getting ready for a shower were David could see her undressing.

"It's just for a few days. Please. I'll owe you big. BIG!" Gwen said.

David was annoyed but he stuffed it down. Ok. It was a test and he had to pass the test. Easy enough. He would just be himself and wait this out. There was nothing special he had to do. It was just a time inconvenience. That was all. He loved Gwen. He hadn't told her that yet but he loved Gwen and she made him happy so he was willing to put up with this for her.

After the woman's shower she came up to David wearing only a towel. "Can I use your wifi?" she asked.

"If you're going to stay here, knock yourself out."

"I need the password."

"It's taped to the wifi box."

"Here?" she asked as she poked her ass out at him and the towel wasn't covering it all the way. So that clinched it for David. This was a test and he was annoyed. Silently he told himself that this had better be the absolute last fucking test or he was going to ... he was going to ... Something. He was going to do something. He had no idea just then of what exactly he was going to do but he was going to have to do something to put a stop to this.

It started with the towel thing but Carla's antics didn't stop there. She went out of her way to wear skimpy revealing clothing and more than once she let her boob hang out of her top or she'd flash him her cunt. She knew she was doing it too because she'd look at him and smile with a 'come get me' look on her face. If he ignored it she would always get close to David and hug up against him.

When it was time for bed, instead of sleeping on the sofa like she had originally agreed to, she came and got into bed with David in the middle of the night. David woke up and discovered her trying to snuggle up to him while she was naked. David didn't touch her. He got out of the bed and went to sleep on the sofa.

First thing in the morning when David woke up she was right there in front of him doing some kind of Yoga that was really her doing sexy poses. When David was getting ready for work in the bathroom she came in and dropped her panties right in front of him so she could sit on the toilet.

"Have a nice day at work. I can't wait for you to come back." she said.

Then when David got home from work that woman was in just underwear and she even came up to David to ask him how he liked it. The thing that was actually sort of amusing for David was that while she was clearly trying to make it look to an outside observer that she was coming onto David, he could actually see in her eyes that she wasn't really attracted to him. He didn't know how exactly he knew but he knew. This was all fake and that woman had no intention of ever actually doing anything with David.

Around dinner time Gwen called and even though it was just her voice as usual she stuck out as the one and only classy thing in David's otherwise dump of an apartment.

"So, she's really sexy, isn't she."


"Have you touched her at all?"


"Have you thought about it?"


"Not at all?"


No, he did not think this Carla was sexy. No, he did not want to spy on her in the shower. No, he did not want to invite Carla to watch him and Gwen have sex. No, no, no, no, no.

When Gwen brought sex up David had a good mind to put Carla out for a few hours so Gwen could come over and they could get it on but Gwen said she couldn't make it so David dropped it.

"But you can watch Carla in the shower later." she suggested.


After Gwen hung up for the night David was again stuck with Carla. She was doing her pre shower aerobics and then announced that she was just so hot she had to take some of her gear off. David was actively ignoring her so he didn't notice right away when she was topless bouncing her tits all over in front of him.

"Put something on at least. Cheese, man."

Later when she took her shower she had tried to leave the door open but David closed it. Then she called out to him to invite him in with her because she didn't want to give him a high water bill. David ignored her. Then when her shower was finished she opened the door to the bathroom and she was standing there in front of David fully naked.

"I think I forgot to bring a towel in with me. Can you get me one?"

David averted his eyes and ignored his dick. He got her a towel and then asked her to "Please cover up in front of me. You know I have a girlfriend."

Four days this went on. It was four full days of Gwen keeping away and not fucking him while Carla teased him to no end. Finally, mercifully at the start of the next week the guest moved out and David could feel like himself in his apartment again.


Gwen had felt really bad about what she'd done. She was ashamed that she had put David through all that and on top of it she was even more ashamed of what she had promised to Carla. She had successfully avoided both of them going on the fourth week. She just couldn't face either one of them. When Carla had finally been able to get in touch with Gwen luckily for Gwen she was able to get out of it. She was tormented by the promise she gave and the fact that her plan had failed. Yet she was also inspired to love David even more. He was worthy in a way that no other man was worthy and she wanted him so much but now Carla was threatening to ruin everything.

Why couldn't David just fuck her and make Gwen's fantasy come true?

"Look, bitch." Gwen heard as she was putting her key into her door. Gwen cringed and turned.

Before she could even get sight of Carla the other woman was right there on top of Gwen and had a fist full of Gwen's top. Carla pulled Gwen to her and Gwen almost lost balance.

"Who the fuck are you trying to scam here? Huh?"

"Carla, hi."

"Don't Carla Hi me. I put my fucking life on hold for a week trying to seduce your male and you kept fucking it up."

"If he wasn't going to cheat he wasn't going to cheat."

"No, you're not going to make me believe that you magically found the one and only male on the entire planet who knows how to keep it in his pants. He didn't cheat because you didn't listen to me and you kept calling him to check on things fucking everything up. Well, now it's time for you to fuck me."

"But ..."

"No buts. We had a deal."

"Now's not a good time."

"When it comes to getting my pussy licked, it's always a good time and thanks to you I haven't had sex going on a month now. You promised to put out and you are putting out."

Gwen knew the truth of what she said. She just wished things had turned out differently. "He didn't cheat on me. I shouldn't cheat on him."

"You don't know anything about men, do you? You're so smart and yet you're so stupid. For one, he is cheating on you. The only thing that holds a man back from cheating is the lack of opportunity. Every man on the planet is willing to stick their dick into anything. It doesn't matter how ugly or diseased the girl is, the man will fuck her anyway even if she's saying no the entire time. They're all rapists. All of them. The scum of the earth."

"David's not like that. You know he's not like that."

"I'm not buying it at all. He wanted to look even if he didn't and that's just as bad. Men will fuck anything with a hole, even other men in the ass if they can get away with it. Your David is cheating on you whether you want to recognize it or not. Any one with a dick is a cheater. PERIOD."

"NOT DAVID. You proved he wasn't a cheater."

Carla sneered. "Well, let us just suppose for one small, tiny second that, for the sake of argument ONLY, that David isn't a cheater, which he so clearly is because he has a penis but anyway let's just imagine a fictional world where there happens to be one mentally retarded man who hasn't yet thought up the idea to cheat. Ok. Fine. And let's say that David is that mentally retarded man. Ok. And so then the best we can say is that we don't currently have any proof that he has cheated yet. It still doesn't matter. You promised me and now you're going to pay up and you're going to like it, bitch."

"If David didn't cheat on me then it's not right for me to cheat on him."

"But you're not cheating. You agreed. That's not cheating and I bet your little David would even agree with me. Men don't think of two women fucking as cheating. Go ask anyone. Go ask David. He'll be fine with it. Trust me."

"I... I don't think he'll really be ok with it."

"All the lesbian porn is made for men, not women. Men watch that shit including your beloved allegedly non cheater David. The only porn he has in his house is lesbian porn. I asked him to watch it with me."

"You did?"

"Yeah I did."

Gwen became weak at the thought of David and Carla watching porn together. Carla sensed this and pushed past Gwen's defenses. "We watched porn together all night long."

Gwen bit her lip and got her door open. The two women stumbled into the apartment and Gwen got the door closed behind them. As soon as she turned around Carla was on top of her forcing herself into a kiss. Gwen didn't know what to do and a part of her wanted this to stop. Carla was putting her hands on Gwen and exploring her body.

"What else happened?" Gwen asked when her lips were free.

Carla smiled because she knew she'd won. She pulled back from Gwen and gracefully spun so she could head for the bed room. "Come with me and I'll tell you."

Gwen followed Carla to the bedroom. Carla was making herself comfortable on Gwen's bed and beckoning Gwen to her. "You want to hear about how he kissed me?"

Gwen found herself nodding as she hypnotically got closer.

"You want to hear about how he touched my breasts?"

Gwen was getting hotter and hotter in her clothes.

"You want to hear about how I sucked his cock?"

Gwen threw herself onto Carla so she could again kiss the lips that sucked David's cock. This was crazy because she knew these things not to be true but she was in the moment and she wanted this to be true. Carla told Gwen of how David had pinched her nipples and Gwen would suck on those same nipples. Carla told Gwen of how David had put his tongue on Carla's cunt and just like that Gwen the straight girl had lips and tongue all over Carla's pussy. She didn't know what she was doing but all Carla had to do was instruct Gwen by saying that David had done it first.

"That's it. Lick me like he licked me. Put your fingers in me where he put his fingers. Yes, right there. More. Don't stop. David didn't stop. Faster. Fast like David was fast. Yes. Lick all of David's cum out of me."

That last statement, the very idea that David's cum was in another woman, that sent Gwen into an orgasm of her own and she wasn't even undressed yet. Carla didn't want to lose out on her climax so she rubbed her pussy up against Gwen's tongue when Gwen locked up and she was able to finish.

Afterwards Gwen laid there next to a naked Carla wondering what she had just done. She was the cheater now. Her. She felt terrible despite the fact that she was still shaking from her orgasm. Then before she even had time to catch her breath the other woman had her tongue again in Gwen's mouth.

"I love tasting myself on you. You're so worth it."

Gwen pushed her off. "I appreciate the complement."

"I can't wait so show you off."

That got Gwen's attention. She sat up and looked at Carla. "What do you mean?"

"You're mine now, bitch."

"The deal was for one time."

"Night's not over. You agreed to spend the night with me."

"Ok. Do you want to go to dinner?"

"You're so naive and it's so cute. I love that about you. You know that you just cheated on your boyfriend, right?"

"Could you not remind me? Thanks." Gwen said as she reached for Carla's clothes to give them to her but Carla grabbed at Gwen's hand and brought it to her chest.

"I know you love him but maybe you don't love him as much as you think you do because you were looking for an excuse to cheat on him."

"I was not."

"Please. I know what you are. I get it now. You don't tongue a girl like that if it's your first time."

"I don't know what you're implying but I love David. I really and truly love David."

"You wanted to watch the man you love fuck me so that you would have cover to fuck me. But babe you don't need to worry about his opinion. He's just a male. If you want to fuck, then fuck. He doesn't have to know."

"That's not what this was about."

"Well, then I'm making that what this is about. Maybe you'll think that I'm being a bitch and totally unfair but this will actually be good for you. See, you need to know about everything that you're missing. And whatever is going on between you and David, you need to learn how to talk to him better than you're doing now."

"I appreciate that maybe there's some kind of good intention mixed in there but you're scaring me and I didn't agree to anything other than just tonight."

"You don't have to agree with words. You agree with your body. Let me lay it out for you. One of three things is going to happen. One, you're going to be an adult and you're going to go tell David that you want him to fuck me. You're going to tell him about our deal and about the fact that we slept together. You're going to tell him. Or Two; I will tell him but I'll leave out the fact that we had any kind of deal or anything. I'll just tell him you cheated on him and we'll see how he takes it. Or Three; if you can't tell him and you don't want me to tell him, then you're going to lick my pussy whenever I ask you to. This is not a one night thing. You're my new little straight girl that I get to show off to all my friends. Now if you ever want number three to stop, then by all means, choose either numbers one or two. You're move, bitch."

Gwen hung her head. "David can't know."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't. Just give me a heads up if you have him cum in your cunt cause I don't like that stuff the way you do."

Carla smiled and made her mental plans. She was going to enjoy her new toy. The next day she found a way to have lunch with Gwen, and by lunch she meant eating pussy. The day after that she found away to convince Gwen to go shopping with her, and by shopping she meant eating pussy. The day after that she found a way to convince Gwen to go and see a movie with her, which they did actually do. And then they had a coffee afterwards. And then when Gwen wanted to part ways Carla first got in another round of Gwen eating her pussy. Carla loved this new relationship so much.


David had honestly forgotten about that Carla woman. It had been about a month since he'd seen her. Gwen was still great and thankfully for David her constant testing to see if David would cheat had piped down and practically stopped. It still wasn't completely gone but it was down a lot. But with it being down came warning signs.

David wasn't sure how he knew or why something in him was raising the alarm but he had a feeling. He started to suspect that Gwen was cheating. She hadn't had time to see him or even talk to him over the phone except for the most brief of conversations since Carla moved out. They hadn't had sex even since before the whole Carla thing happened. If she wasn't having sex with David then ... He did not want to complete that thought.

After work one day he was finally able to meet her face to face and David was really hoping she'd want to go back to his apartment for some sex. However, when he brought it up she became very distant from him and wouldn't even look at him. Then abruptly she announced that she had to go. David felt a big warning sign but he told himself that it couldn't be true. Gwen would never cheat on him.

For a few days after that he told himself that it didn't make any sense at all. Gwen felt about cheating the same way he did. It was totally unjust for him to suspect her of it. And yet the feeling was there and it was getting bigger and bigger. It was completely illogical. He had no proof. Oh, but if proof was really needed it would mean that you could get away with it so long as you were just very good at hiding evidence.

David decided to do a long weekend of overtime at the office and so he wasn't going to be able to spend any time with Gwen. This would be good, he told himself. He wanted to check his own feelings and get clear. He had Tuesday off as a substitute weekend so he spent that day resting at home and sleeping for most of it.
