Surprise! Ch. 07

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Cash-starved coed meets pornographer.
2.5k words

Part 6 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/04/2021
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Chapter 7: Academic Relief

A week later, Kelly's tuition came due. She handled it badly. Normally, her parents would have already paid it, but they couldn't or wouldn't. At least, they weren't. This was the final notice, all in pink and red. She had been too anxious about paying the large sum to preview what it would do to her bank account. After paying it, her bank balance was three dollars. Well, at least it wasn't overdrawn.

Kelly tried to think clearly about how to fix the problem. She couldn't afford tampons, anything. She had no money to buy lube, and they were running out quickly. She figured she could get the girls to cover that. But she couldn't even afford to eat breakfast the next morning.

She wasn't going to call her parents. She was too proud for that. She was way too proud to call Scott and ask him for money, though she knew in her heart he would give her anything she needed with no strings attached. No. And she would not mooch off her friends like a vagrant. Another girl in the dorms did that for only a couple of weeks last year. She was still a pariah.

That left only one choice. She called the office of Biff Hutcherson, the Dean of Mathematics, and reached his secretary. "I need to meet with him urgently about my finances," she said.

"He's almost out the door," said the lady, "But I'll ask if he has any time this week." This week! Kelly began to panic.

A minute later, the lady returned to the phone. "The Dean will see you as soon as you can get over here. Be quick about it, please."

"I thought you were going to close," said Kelly.

"Well, I'm leaving," said the lady, "but he's staying late to meet with you. Great lengths and all that. Would open a vein. Heh. Don't be concerned. He doesn't mean it literally, remember that."

"That's a load off my mind," joked Kelly. The woman had already hung up.

Kelly was completely out of breath by the time she made it to the Dean's office. The Dean answered the outer office door all by himself, and then locked it behind her. "Come in! Come in!" he enthused. "Catch your breath. My you look so sanguine... and vigorous." Full body check.

Well, he could ogle her all he wanted as long as he solved her cash problem. "Dean Hutcherson," Kelly began.

"Biff! Please call me Biff," he soothed. "My friends call me Biff. I consider you a friend, Kelly." Another full body check. "Can I get you a glass of water or anything?"

"No, thank you," she said. Kelly told the Dean about her money problems. "So you see, I don't even have enough money to buy breakfast tomorrow morning."

The Dean opened one of his desk drawers, pulled out a document, and signed it. "This is a dining contract. It's a gift to you from the School of Mathematics completely free of charge. You can present this temporarily at any cafeteria on campus. I believe the larger ones always have three choices each for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You'll get a laminated card to replace this in about a week. Problem solved!" Biff smiled broadly. He was his own cheerleader. "And might I say Kelly," he said, doing another full body check, "your teachers all rave about you. I'm proud to help such an excellent student."

It was so kind and generous, but not nearly enough. "Thank you so much, Dean-"

"Biff! Call me Biff. B-i-f-f." he chortled.

"All right... Biff... your gift is kind and generous, but not nearly enough," Kelly informed him.

"What do you mean?" he asked, genuinely confused. "You have a roof over your head, tuition all paid, three meals a day. Covered!"

"But I need money for toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, you name it," argued Kelly.

"Ho ho," said Biff, "students today. Couldn't conceive of roughing it. Can't you borrow such things from your friends?"

"Yes, but only temporarily," said Kelly. "It adds up, Biff! Feminine products."

"Perfume?" he asked.

"No, tampons!" said Kelly. "Unless you want me to leave drops of menstrual blood all over the math department."

"Hah hah! What a joker!" said Biff. "I wasn't saying that at all. I wasn't talking about things coming from your..." He swallowed hard, loosened his necktie, and undressed her methodically with his eyes.

"My cooch?" suggested Kelly.

"Hah hah you're such a forthright young lady," he declared, wiping his brow with his handkerchief. "Now Kelly, let's be serious for a moment." His expression was grave. "It's very difficult for the school to give you any cash. Dining services are no problem. The fact of the matter is, many of the students that have come before you have gotten by with less."

"Sure, in the Middle Ages!" Kelly argued. "I guess that wasn't a problem then, because women weren't allowed to go to university!"

"Hah hah! Oh you're such a lively girl. So witty and lively," Biff praised with twinkling eyes. "I could talk to you all night, ahem, all day long. All the time! Hah hah!" Then Biff sobered up. "But I see your point. The world is always, heh, updating. Modern times require modern thinking. Although the department itself can't give cash..."

"I'm listening carefully," said Kelly.

"Well, it's true, of course, that a girl, a woman, should be able to afford nice things, should she not?"

"I don't need nice," said Kelly. "I need survivable."

"And you have more than a full load of classes, difficult classes," said Biff. "It was the right decision for you to give up that low-paying part time job of yours."

"You HAVE been checking up on me, haven't you," Kelly said.

"I hope you're not offended," said Biff.

"Is this leading somewhere?" asked Kelly.

"Oh yes," said Biff. "There's only one logical solution. What you need is a job that pays you handsomely for little or no work."

"No duh!" said Kelly. "But this is starting to sound like the work we're trying to keep me away from."

"Oh! Hah hah!" chortled Biff. "It's true we have to keep you far away from cameras, don't we? Hah hah! Away from the limelight. But I do have another idea. I'm not really sure I should mention it, though."

"What, is it illegal?" she asked.

"It doesn't have to be," said Biff in an earnest tone.

"I'm not sure I like the sound of that," said Kelly.

"Well, that's why I was so reluctant to mention it," said Biff.

"C'mon," said Kelly. This was the point where he was going to ask her to blow him, or make wee-wee on his face, or some other perverse old man activity. "Spit it out," she dared him.

"No," Biff moaned. "It would be wrong. You're a student, such a promising student, in my charge, in my care. I would rather open this vein-"

"I'll come over there and open that vein myself if you don't spit it out!" hissed Kelly.

"Okay, if you insist," said Biff. If he were a cat, he'd be purring. He'd make a good cat. "I understand that many actresses involved in the adult industry make a lot of money simply by accompanying a man to a party. These men will pay hundreds of dollars, you see, to be seen in the company of such an attractive woman. It helps them in business dealings and so forth. Completely worth it to them. Lucrative for the girl, excuse me, woman! Hah hah! All she has to do is wear a revealing but not immodest dress, have a lovely dinner, and perhaps attend a boring but alcohol-fueled party afterward. You're underage, so you could drink sodas. I'm sure they have them. I'm sure they do."

"I'm trying to think," said Kelly. "How would I ever find any of these men. Do you know any?"

"Indeed I do," said Biff. "I'm well-connected in such circles."

Kelly mused, Biff the procurer, who would have thought?

"As it happens, I'm in need of an escort this very evening for a trivial affair," Biff said. "It wouldn't take even an hour, I'd expect."

Now we'll see how real this is, thought Kelly. "How much will you pay me?"

"That depends on what you're willing to do," said Biff.

"What do you mean exactly?" asked Kelly.

"I'll pay you a thousand dollars," Biff blurted.

"I'm in," said Kelly. "Who do I have to kill?"

"Oh, hah hah! Oh, you're such a delightful joker, Kelly!" chortled Biff. "All you would have to do to earn the thousand dollars is take the first step in getting ready for any fancy dinner or party." His voice softened, "But here, in my presence." He slid an envelope that was conveniently already on his desk out to the front toward Kelly.

Kelly stood up and walked over to Biff's desk. His lustful eye-raking of her body was completely unrestrained now. She picked up the envelope and counted the money. Indeed, it was a thousand dollars. Ten Benjamins. She set the money back down on his desk. "What exactly do you mean by 'take the first step'? You're being cryptic again."

"Undress for me," Biff said.

"That's it?" asked Kelly. "Just undress for you?"

"Yes, and," Biff pointed his index and middle fingers down towards the surface of his desk and spread them. "Like you did in the video."

"Sounds like a deal," said Kelly, nodding and smiling. "Wait a second. No cameras in here, right? Because if it turns out there are, I know where your veins live."

Biff looked back at her with great earnestness. "My precious young lady! Didn't I say that I'd do whatever it took to keep you far away from the harsh glare of cameras?" Excitement was raw on his face. "This is only for me and my own private memories." Shifting to a more professorial tone, he said, "Having such a thing exist would be a constant risk to my career. Either morally or in terms of the risk to me, I simply wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I did such a thing. I would open this vein-"

"Save your blood," interrupted Kelly with an nasty look and grin. "You're going to need all you've got for your dick." She grabbed the envelope, went back to her chair, and stuffed it into her purse. She shucked her coat and started unbuttoning her blouse, getting undressed for the man.

"Wait, wait wait," said Biff.

"Getting cold feet?" asked Kelly. "No refunds."

"Far from it," Biff husked. "Would you mind coming over here and sitting in front of me?" He rolled his chair back from his desk until he backed into the wall behind him with a thunk. His right hand was stroking his penis through his slacks. Now that she thought of it, she hadn't seen that hand for a while.

Kelly strode over to Biff's desk like a porn star, 'cause she was a fucken' porn star. She sat down right in front of him, hiked up her skirt, and spread her legs. There was a very good view of her panties and the dent where her vulva lay.

"Oh so good," Biff groaned, stroking the front of his pants faster. "Now slowly my dear, slowly, remove your clothes. Please, it will only take a few minutes more."

"Sure thing, Biff," said Kelly, slowing way down. "Now I want you to do something for me."

"What, my sweet darling?" Biff moaned, halfway to rapture.

"Repeat after me: I like watching the naked pussies of my young students." He did.

Kelly slipped off her blouse and said, "I get hard and touch my dick when they show me their pretty pink titties."

Biff repeated the phrase, and then asked in a quiet voice, "Angel, may I take out my thing and stroke it openly? I don't want to offend."

"Why Biff, I never thought you'd ask," Kelly said. She stood up, naked from the waist up. Her pert titties bounced. "By all means. And don't use that scratchy zipper hole. I want britches and undies down to your knees, mister."

"Ohhh," said Biff, thrilled beyond speech by her nasty talk.

"Here, let me help," she said. She walked right up to him and helped him struggle to his feet. Her nipples teased his, as they were about the same diminutive height. She knelt and slipped down his pants and underwear. He was not bad. She'd seen smaller. It saluted her rigidly as she addressed it. The head was dripping wet with precum. She could suck him, but he hadn't asked for that, hadn't paid for that. She stood up and backed away, sit and spread on the desk again. He was standing, showing his penis to her now, stroking with great excitement while watching her.

She kicked off her shoes and went to work on her socks. "Your dick is beautiful, Biff."

"Th-th-ha-honey," Biff said, stammering with excitement.

Her socks removed, she unbuttoned her skirt, stood, and slid it slowly down her legs to the floor. "Now it's just my panties, deanie-weenie."

"Please don't call me that," groaned Biff.

"Sorry," said Kelly, "just an experiment. So would you like me to pull them down slowly? Or would you like me to maybe bend over your desk and slide them down? You can see both my naked holes real well that way."

"Oh, the latter! The latter!" Biff enthused, stroking, stroking.

Kelly could hear Biff's huffs of increasing excitement as she bent over his desk and slid her panties down. "Now Biff, don't be a stranger. Come over here with that big dong of yours and spank my ass! Spank it!" A moment later, she felt Biff's hard penis and its wet tip stroke excitedly up her ass cheek.

After three or four strokes, he spanked it once, then backed away. "Thank you," he whimpered.

"Would you like the front view now?" Kelly asked.

"Oh, yes!" was the reply.

Kelly turned around and sat back on the desk. She spread her legs. Her vulva lips were already parting, engorged with excitement. Not bad for just being watched by an old man! She was proud of her responsiveness. She stretched her lips out tight with a pair of fingers, fully baring her glistening vulva. "Look what you've done to me Biff," she said. "Look how wet and horny you've made me."

Biff groaned with growing excitement. Shaking with ecstasy, he panted, "Angel, can I ask just one more thing?"

"Of course," Kelly said.

"Can I... um... put my... uh... product on you?" Biff panted.

"On, not in," said Kelly. "Maybe... yes get in really close here... maybe next time, if you're a good boy, I'll let you fuck me in the ass. You didn't see that on the video!"

"Oh! God!" cried Biff. A nice big thin squirt splashed all over her vulva and vaginal opening. He leaned in close, and another, thicker emission dribbled out and ran in rivulets from her bare shaved pudenda down her vulva and pooled in her ass crack. Biff was a very excited old man.

They laughed together then, he with joy, and she because he was so joyful. "You're not half bad, Biff." said Kelly. That was by far the easiest and most fun grand she'd ever made. Well, the easiest. She tried not to think of Scott.

(To be continued)

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KSweetumsKSweetumsover 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the stars! I am currently distracted by NaNoWriMo, but will add more chapters to this story in December.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Getting so much better, and hotter too!

Orally pleasuring older men is almost always a pleasant experience. 5 stars


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