Surviving an EMP Ch. 01

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Stepmom and stepson must survive after an EMP.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/10/2023
Created 11/08/2023
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I've always been into watching survival videos, especially the ones that deal with living off the land in extreme situations. So I have decided to do a series on surviving an EMP, also known as an Electromagnetic Pulse. I don't know how long the series will be, if it doesn't get much interest then I'll chunk it to the side. But I do know that all the characters in this story are eighteen years old and over. So join me in my little post apocalyptic adventure.

Most people can tell you where they were and when and what they were doing when a major event takes place. But I can tell you exactly what I was doing the day the world ended. It was spring break and I was on my way home from college. My stepmom Lilly had driven down from Hendersonville NC to Miami to pick me up. It was around nine o-clock at night and we had just crossed out of South Carolina and into North Carolina.

I was driving while mom was catching a nap in the passenger seat with it laid all the way back. She was dressed in a blue turtle neck sweater while sporting a black pair of "come fuck me" yoga pants. Mmmm yeah! I love it when she dresses in tights.

I thought my dad would be coming to pick me up, but as usual something came up and he was called away for some emergency meeting in Europe. To tell the truth I was pleasantly surprised to see that Lilly was still taking up my dad's slack at being a parent even though I was now twenty one.

My dad had been 31, when he married Lilly who then was just nineteen years of age. Me, I was ten when she stepped into my world. And for her to be so young I think she did a very good job at being a step in mother to me. She was patient with me even as I turned into a little shit in my teenage years. Gosh I put her through Hell too, which I'm sorry about now. I think it was because I had all these pent up sexual urges, I mean I was going through puberty at the time and yes I lust after my sexy stepmom so very much. And I still do.

Even at thirty six she's still fine as hell, with her shoulder length blond hair and blue eyes. And thanks to her palates and yoga she still has that perfect little five foot one inch body. And she only weighs a hundred pounds and I swear most of that has got to be her tits and ass.

On the night of my eighteenth birthday I made a pass at her. It was right after the pool party and all the guests had left. Mom and I were just chilling by the pool in a double chaise lounge. She was dressed in one of those tiny black euro bikinis, you know the ones that are just three triangles of fabric held on by some dental floss. All my buddies were lusting after her during the party, and some of them would hit on her with these stupid pick up lines. Lilly would just ignore them and sip her vodka and club soda. I think she secretly enjoyed being the center of attention and she certainly wasn't getting any of that from Dad.

Well like I said I made a pass at her and I shouldn't have done it since she was two sheets to the wind. But lust will make you do some stupid shit. I reached out and put my hand on her left tit. Her eyes went wide and she turned her head to look at me. "Mason?!" she gasped and shoved my hand away, "What on earth?!! Oh my GAWD!" and with that she got up and hurried into the house.

I felt pretty damned stupid and embarrassed the next morning at the breakfast table. Dad had come home sometime during the night and he was sitting at the table reading his newspaper. I thought for sure that she would have told him what I'd done, but apparently she did not. In fact she walked around like nothing had even happened.

For years afterwards I couldn't help but wonder, why she never told the old man what I did? I mean she'd been so pissed! But the next day she acted like nothing ever happened. Like I'd never touched the softest tit I'd ever felt in my fucking life! Even driving right now I'm getting a hard on, just thinking about it.

Well anyways back to the event in question. The night sky suddenly turned a bright orange. And I thought for a moment that the sun must have exploded on the other side of the planet. But I didn't get to ponder the question for at very second the Suburban I was driving, (Lilly's vehicle) suddenly shut off. I mean the engine, the lights, everything just shut off! I fought the steering wheel and tried pumping the brakes but as you know if the engine isn't turning, those features are hard as hell to use. But I did manage to pull the big SUV into the emergency lane.

The sound of the tires hitting the rumble strips awakened Lilly and she wakes up in a panic and she screams and rightfully so because I steered the side of the Suburban against the guard rail to help stop us. Sparks were flying up from the right quarter panel along with the screeching sound of metal on metal but thankfully the big vehicle came to a stop.

All around us were the sounds of crunching metal and breaking glass as vehicles started slamming into each other. A semi truck careened into the guard rail right behind us and turned over narrowly missing us. The entire rig rolled over the guard rail in a hail of sparks and disappeared into the night. I didn't know how long the drop was but it had to be horrific for the driver and most likely fatal.

Lilly cried out and grabbed my arm and pulled herself against me as if I could protect her from the chaos.

"What's going on Mason!" she screamed.

I didn't get a chance to reply before something big slammed into the back of the Suburban. The force of the impact threw me against the steering and I cracked my head against the front windshield... and it was lights out for me (and no I wasn't wearing a seat belt).

I awoke to someone calling my name, actually they were screaming my name and shaking me by the shoulder. I opened my eyes to find that it was Lilly. It was daylight or morning, I didn't know which but I knew it was no longer night I felt dizzy and disoriented and it felt like the sun was stabbing daggers into my eyes.

"Oh thank, god!" she gasped and laid her head against my chest. "Oh Mason I thought you were dead!"

I sat up to find that I was still in the front seat, I looked at Lilly, "Mom?"

"Yes Mason it's me, honey." she said pulling my head against her breast and stroked my hair.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked.

"We were hit from behind. I was knocked out and so were you. "Oh god I thought you were..."

I pushed off of her and as nice as it was to have my face against her 38 DD tits, her pulling on me was seriously starting to hurt my neck. I took a breath and looked at her, "I know you thought I was dead." I placed my hands to my head and tried to get my bearings. Slowly the events of the previous night began to come back to me. I remembered the bright orange glow in the sky and how the vehicle lost all power and then the sound of all the wrecks taking place around us.

"Oh baby, I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Tell that to my head." I groaned. "Where's my phone?"

Lilly took it from her purse, "I found it on the floorboard. It doesn't work."

"What do you mean it doesn't work? I charged it before I left the dorm!"

She shrugged, "My phone is dead too." Lilly proffered by holding her phone up for me to see.

I pressed the power button on my phone and sure enough the damn thing wouldn't even power up. "Shit!" Did it break in the accident? I wondered.

I reached into the side pocket of the door and took out my charging cord and I plugged it into the USB adapter...Nothing, nodda, and zilch!

I tried to crank the Suburban and found that the battery was dead in it as well.

"What do you think is going on, Mason?" Lilly asked.

I shook my head, "You keep asking me that, mom. How am I supposed to know, I'm not a fucking mechanic!" I snapped and I instantly felt bad about it too.

"Mason, Sweetie there is no need for foul language!"

I nodded, "I'm sorry, mom but my head is killing me right now!"

"I was knocked out, too I have you know and you don't see me flying off the handle. So let's just calm down and think."

I gave her a bit of a sarcastic glance. Lilly was as dense as she was gorgeous and I don't think she realizes how screwed we really are. "Forgive me for being panicked, but from where I'm sitting we're kinda FUCKED!"

She patted my shoulder, "Relax, honey. I'm sure a state trooper will be along any minute and he'll help us."

I glanced out the window, there were cars everywhere as stranded as we were. "Well he's gonna have his work cut out for him." Looking at the cars I suddenly realized that there were no people anywhere to be seen. But there were plenty of dead people. One being the dead man in the truck behind us. He was slumped over the steering wheel. I cringed. Had his truck cut off, was that the reason he hit us? Damn it hurts to even think! I rubbed my temples.

I felt Lilly touch my knee, "Are you Okay, Mason?"

I decided not to tell her about the dead man behind us, I didn't need her panicking. She seemed a bit off at the moment. Maybe she was suffering the effects of a slight concussion.

"Are you folks, Okay?" a voice ask from Lilly's side of the Suburban. It startled us both. It was a man who looked to be in his late fifties. Lilly quickly leaned against me.

"Mason there's a man out there!"

"I know, Mom I'm looking right at him."

He walks around to my side and opens the driver's door.

"It's okay. My name's Rick. It looks like you have a nasty cut above your right eye, son" He said.

I reached up and touched my right eye brow and drew my hand back and sure enough there was blood on my finger tips. "Shit!" I muttered. My face felt so numb that I wasn't able to feel the pain even when I touched it.

The man named Rick leaned in and looked into my eyes and then nodded, "Your pupils aren't dilated and that's a good sign. It means you don't have a concussion, son." he said, giving me the thumbs up.

"Great." I said smartly.

He smiled and stood up and walked around to the passenger side and opened Lilly's door and he bent down and began checking her out as well. Mom had a red welt across her forehead where apparently she'd banged her head on the dashboard.

After giving Lilly the once over he looked at us and nodded, "I think you both will be fine. Just rest here for a few hours before you try to move." he said with a nod.

"What happened to all the people. Where did they go?" I asked.

"I'd say they walked down the mountain, son." And with that he opened the glove box and began rifling through it, as if he were looking for something. Then he slammed it shut and he picked up Lilly's purse and dumped it out on the floor board.

"Hey what are you doing?" Mom gasped, but Rick ignored her and began rummaging through the contents.

"Dude! What the fuck?" I snapped and I tried to sit up but a wave of dizziness hit me and I collapsed in the seat again. Ignoring me he picked up Lilly's clutch and took out all the cash and the credit cards. Then he looks at Mom, "Give me your rings." he asked calmly.

I couldn't believe what was happening. We were being robbed. And by the guy who'd just helped us? What the fuck's going on?!

I looked at Lilly and she looked at me with a look of shock on her pretty face.

Rick takes out a hunting knife from his side and he aims it in Lilly's direction, "Take them off or I'll fucking cut'em off bitch!!" he shouted.

Lilly quickly took off her gold and diamond wedding band and handed it to him. He pocketed them and then he reaches up and snatches the gold necklace from around her neck. Lilly screamed and Rick slapped her across the face. "Shut the fuck up!"

"Mom just calm down, please." I said

Lilly began whimpering.

Rick smiled, "Do you have any other jewelry?"

Lilly shook her head, "No you have it all, sir!"

"Raise your sweater!"

"No please." Lilly pleaded. "I have nothing else!"

Rick didn't ask twice he shoved a hand under the sweater and began grabbing at her tits. I guess he was checking for nipple rings.

Lilly grabbed my hand but didn't cry out. She squeezed my hand as he groped her and non too gently either. Finding nothing he removes his hand, "Is there anything down here?" He asked but didn't wait for an answer and shoved his hand beneath the waistband of her Yoga pants.

Lilly yelped and squeezed my hand even tighter and gritted her teeth. He must have been sticking his finger inside her pussy checking for a clit ring. He pulled his hand out and I could see her sticky wetness on his fingertips.

He smiled at her, "I guess you were telling the truth." Then he stood up and walked around to the driver's side and he pushed me over sideways in the seat and took my wallet from the back pocket. He opened it but found no cash and he threw the wallet against the side of my face. "You folks have a nice day." he said giving me a two fingered salute. Then he laughed and began walking down the interstate ahead of us.

My heart was beating out of my chest. I've never been robbed before! "I can't believe that just happened!" I said.

"Oh Mason!!" Lilly started to cry.

I squeezed her hand gently, "Your Okay, mom. Calm down." I said gently.

"What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know." I said and I was telling the truth because I honestly didn't know.

We sat there for maybe an hour, trying to calm down. Thankfully my head stopped hurting and the dizziness subsided. And I became antsy and felt like I couldn't sit still any longer. I had to do something. "I needed to get out of this damn vehicle!" I told Lilly.

"No please, let's just sit here a little longer."

"And do what, mom?"

"Somebody will be along shortly. I just know it."

"Bullshit no one's coming! In fact it has been an hour and no one even walked by. Don't you get it we're on our own out here! Whatever happened last night seems to have affected the emergency services in this area." I started to get out of the Suburban and Lilly grabbed my arm.

"Please, Mason, don't leave me!"

"Calm down, I'm not leaving you mom. I won't go far I swear!" I said and I jerked my arm from her grip. I climbed out and immediately the dizziness was back. So I gripped the edge of the door to balance myself.

"See Mason you're in no shape to walk, Honey! Get back inside...Please."

"Will you shut UP mom I need to think for fuck sake!"

Lilly went silent. She just didn't understand how fucked we were. Now I'm not what you would call a survivalist or some Doomsday prepper, but I have watched my fair share of survival videos on YouTube. And I probably knew just enough to most likely get myself in trouble but I have no other choice. The first rule of survival is to survive...Dahh, right? We need food, water and shelter. We have the Suburban for shelter. So I can scratch that one off the list.

I needed to check the back. I knew the back hatch door wouldn't open since there was a pick up truck crammed against it. So I opened the side passenger door and I let the back seat forward and climbed in.

Lilly looked over the front seat at me, "Mason, what are you doing?"

"I need to see what kind of supplies we have." I said and I unzipped Lilly's suitcase and turned out the contents.

"Mason, don't please. I have personal things in there." she pleaded.

I ignored her and waded through the pile of clothes in front of me and I didn't find a damn thing that we could use. But she certainly has some sexy bras and panties.

Next I emptied out my gym bag. I knew I didn't have any survival items in there except for some socks and a hoodie so I dumped the bag and I crawled out.

"Now where are you going?" Lilly asked.

"Just relax, I need to check some of these cars around us, maybe they'll have something in them that we can use."

"Oh be careful, Mason. Please." She said.

I started with the jacked up F-150 that was currently parked nearly on top of the Suburban. Why the fuck does anyone need a vehicle this big? I walked around to the driver's side of the truck. The driver who looked to be in his forties was slumped over the steering wheel with his face smashed in. I wanted to gag but held it in. I didn't need to pussy out, I had to be strong. I felt sorry for the guy, but it looked like he died pretty quick.

I walked around to the passenger side of the truck and as soon as I opened the door, two empty beer bottles fell out and busted on the ground at my feet. Maybe I didn't feel so sorry for him now. I shook my head.

Lilly poked her head out, "Mason are you, OK?!"

"Yes, mom I'm fine." I said rolling my eyes.

She started to get out.

"Stay inside!" I said because I didn't need her to see the body.

"But why, Mason?"

"Damn it, get fuck back inside, right now!" I shouted.

Lilly gave me a shocked look and quickly pulled her head back in.

I decided to take a page from Rick's play book and I began rummaging through the cab of the old truck. I found an old rusty machete, along with three large bottles of water and a wool blanket all tucked behind the seat. The blanket had a few holes in it but all and all it would keep us warm tonight.

Next I went through the glove box and found a bottle of Tylenol.

"Fucking A" I said aloud and I opened the bottle and popped four of them and chased them with a few swigs of water.

I looked at the driver, he was wearing an old faded Camo style Army coat. I'd need that coat so I pulled the body down in the seat and began removing it. The dead man was stiff as a board so it was a painful task to say the least. I think I broke one of his arms in the process.

It was really getting cold outside now so I pulled the coat on and zipped it up.

Then I went through the pockets of his jeans and found a zippo lighter with a U.S. Marines symbol engraved in it. The guy had been a Marine at one point in his life. I respect all the Military Branches but I liked the Marines even more. I flipped the top and struck the flint wheel and it fired right up. I patted his shoulder, "Thank you for your service, sir." I said and shoved the lighter into the left pocket of my newly acquired coat. I tossed the other items that I'd collected from the truck into my bag for safe keeping and I was about to walk away when I suddenly remembered that I didn't check under the seat so I did and I found a Marine Ka-Bar knife. "Fucking "A" dude!" I exclaimed. I didn't shove it in the bag I strapped it to my side.

Next I walked across the road to a white BMW. Thankfully there were no dead bodies inside, the occupants had simply abandoned it.

I rummaged through it and, found nothing of any value inside so I took the keys from the ignition and walked around and opened the trunk. There was a suitcase inside so I opened it and dumped the clothing and found a Gerber multi tool, "Hell yeah!" I pocketed the multi tool. And in the side wall of the trunk I found a small first aid kit behind the spare tire. I shoved the kit into my bag and was about to make my way to the next vehicle when I stopped dead in my tracks at the sound of an vehicle approaching!

There was truck coming up the mountain, weaving its way around the cars and it was headed in our direction. It was a late model Jeep pick up truck with the loudest set of mufflers known to man. I made my way over to the Suburban and tossed my gym bag into the front seat.

Lilly climbed out and hurried around to stand next to me.

"We're saved, Mason." She said taking my hand.

"Maybe." I said. But maybe not. That I said to myself.

"Ah stop it, honey you sound like your father. Think positive." She squeezed my hand.

I looked at her and smiled and put my arm around her and pulled her close.

"Where did you get that coat, it stinks?" she asked, wrinkling her nose and giving me a curious look.

"Don't ask." I said.

The pick up rolled to stop a few feet from us and I counted two men in the cab. The driver cut the engine and he and the passenger got out.