Surviving Tragedy

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How a man and his sister-in-law overcome tragedy.
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Copyright 2009 by madengineer3

I want to thank MiliktheRed for his great help in editing this story. He found many errors that I missed.


It started out as a simple Saturday at home. I had a couple of hours of work that I needed to get done. I own my own business and I had received a request for quote from a large firm. My specialty is doing analysis on complex electronic circuits. The people who wanted the quote for a worst case analysis were in a bind. They had discovered that the firm that they had chosen to do the work was not technically qualified to do it. The company was in a bind and needed a response by the following Monday. If I could get the contract it would be a lot of good paying work. I had a bit of an edge since I had done such work for them in the past.

I tell you this to explain the source of the tragedy. I had promised my wife and son that I would take them into the city to visit a large hobby store and then to an art supply house. This proposal I needed to finish got in the way of that. Now, to fully explain the problem you need to know about my family. My parents had two boys; my brother Bob and me (Jim). My wife's parents had three children, all girls, Rose, June, and Mae. They lived next door to my parents. We, children, grew up knowing each other, and to a large extent trusting each other.

In time I fell in love with June. It was, fortunately, mutual. She loved me too. After college, we married. We had decided on having one child. That child was Fred, our son. Four years later my brother, Bob, married Rose. As it turned out we ended up living about twenty miles outside of the same medium sized city halfway across the country from our parents. We lived in the country in an old farm houses with no neighbors It was wonderful.

This particular day, I realized that I needed to finish the RFQ (request for quote) so that I could carefully review it on Sunday and get it submitted by Monday morning. I didn't want to let my wife and boy down, so I called my brother Bob.

Bob agreed to take my wife and son into the city for the shopping trip, as well as treat them to a nice meal. It had turned out that Bob had a very low sperm count. As a result Bob and Rose had no children, and had nothing planned for this particular Saturday. Bob picked up my wife and son at about ten in the morning and left for a fun day of shopping. Since I make a lot more money than Bob I slipped him a couple of hundred dollars to cover the meal and whatever else he felt like. Being family he knew that this wasn't a put down, it was brother helping brother.

I then got down to work.

At about four in the afternoon I heard the front door open and then slam shut. Noises of someone running toward my home office were accompanied by sounds of sobbing.

"We lost them, Jim! We lost them!"

"What have we lost, Rose?"

"Bob, June, and Fred: some Islamic terror group, like the ones that destroyed the towers on 9/11 decided to take out the Centertown mall. There was no advance warning. Nobody even knew that this group existed. But, at eleven this morning the explosion was set off. There were thousands of people in the mall. Nobody is sure exactly how they did it, but the police said something about a fuel air explosion. They're all dead!"

"Calm down a minute, Rose. Are you sure, I haven't heard anything about it!"

"They've been identifying bodies. Bob's was one of the first ones identified. They called me to tell me the news. There are too many dead to send people around to notify the survivors. Fred didn't have any identification on him and the blast must have taken June's purse out of her hand. They're all dead."

All I could do is guide Rose to the couch in my home office and we held onto each other and cried.

"Jim, I can't face going back to the empty house. I can't be alone during this! Can I use your guest room so that I will be near family?"

"Of course you can. We'll pick up some of your stuff tomorrow morning. You can use June's stuff for the moment. For what it is worth I don't want to be alone either."

The next week went by as a blur. It turned out that the federal government's counter terrorism group had been blinded by a recent court order shutting down international wire taps against known terrorists, and a presidential executive order issued requiring all new wire taps be granted only after a federal judge had permitted them. The agencies had no way to know that this tragedy was "in the works". The bombing of the mall was one of the results of liberalism gone wild.

One funeral was held for all three of our loved ones. We all attended the same church and it made a lot of sense to memorialize all three close family members at the same time. At the conclusion of the burials Rose and I asked to not have any visitors for the next week or two while we tried to come to grips with the extent of our losses.

I could not tell you what happened the next few days. I know that I never did complete that request for quote. I just couldn't concentrate. I must admit that my alcohol intake went up significantly during the days after the deaths and funeral. One night, about a week after the funeral, we had a violent thunder storm. A large "super cell" passed directly over our small community. I have no problems with lightning. I love watching it. However, in this case, I was fast asleep when it rolled through. I suddenly felt myself being shaken.

"What wrong?"

"Jim, I'm terrified of lightning. I always have been. Bob used to just hold me during storms. Can I sleep next to you so that I feel safe?"

I was just barely awake, my mind wasn't working yet, so I just said "sure!". I felt the bed depress as Rose climbed onto it, then I felt her back up against my back. Moments later I was asleep. To indicate how asleep I was during this exchange, it never dawned on me to explain that I sleep in the nude.

I had strange dreams that night. They were dreams of my wife and me cuddling in bed. Like often happened in real life, in my dream my wife rolled over and gently cupped my balls while kissing me. I responded as I usually did by fondling her beautiful breasts and kissing her. She, in turn, started to rub her pussy on my thigh. The dream was so real. When I woke up, I could smell fresh coffee. Mixed in with the coffee smell was the unmistakable smell of French toast. I got up, put on a bathrobe, and headed for the kitchen.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. I wondered how long you could sleep when the coffee aroma started wafting through the house."

"This is a wonderful treat, Rose. What made you think of making a super breakfast?"

"Well, to be honest, I had a wonderful night's sleep. The best night's sleep since Bob died. I had dreams of Bob and me cuddling in bed, and it was wonderful. It was so real that I woke up happy. You see the results in the coffee pot, and will soon see results on your plate. I also cooked some Gionelli breakfast sausage to go with the French toast."

I must have had a very strange look on my face.

"What's wrong Jim? Did I say something I shouldn't have?"

"No, not really. It's just that your dream and the dreams I had are exceedingly similar. By the way, I vaguely remember you getting into bed saying something about lightning. Did you sleep in my bed last night?"

"Yes, you said I could."

"Hmmmm, I vaguely remember something like that. I hope I didn't embarrass you too much. I never wear pajamas."

"No, of course you didn't. Neither Bob nor I wear pajamas either. I guess I should have rephrased that. Bob didn't used to wear pajamas and I don't wear them either.."

Hunger took over, and I put plates, cups, and silverware on the table. Rose put the food on the plates, and we enjoyed a good meal. After eating, I washed the dishes, and Rose dried them.

After getting dressed I went to make the bed and found that the bottom sheet needed to be washed. It obviously had dried semen on it, as well as a very wet spot of a different nature.

I called out, "Rose, could you come here for a moment?"

"What do you need Jim?"

"Exactly how friendly was the dream you had last night?"

"I'm not sure I should answer that question. But, it was very exciting, if you know what I mean."

"Take a good look on the bottom sheet and tell me if it tells you anything."

She took a good look, and then looked up at me with a strange expression. "It looks like I left a pool of moisture on part of the sheet and you sort of stained the sheet as well. Is it possible that we weren't dreaming?"

"I've been wondering the same thing. Maybe we were mostly asleep and automatically did what we used to do with our spouses. Does that make any sense?"

"I think so; but what do we do about it?"

"Well, I must say that I haven't had as good a night's sleep since before the attack. How about you?"

"Ditto, that was the best sleep I've had in a long time."

"Do you suppose it could be because we, in our sleep, supplied what each other needed?"

"Yeah, that thought had crossed my mind. But, now we are awake what are we going to do about it, Rose?"

"I don't want to go back to the deep sadness and depression again. But, can we do this morally?"

"If we follow the Old Testament we can do that, yes. There was a rule that if a man died childless that the brother would go into his brother's wife and produce a child that should be brought up in his name. It sort of fits. But, it is far from orthodox these days. Beside that, we're both Christians. We both know that we can't have intercourse unless we are married."

"How about we leave out the producing a child part, and just cuddle each other so that we don't feel alone?"

"That is fine with me. I should warn you however, that I originally had problems deciding whether to seriously date June or you. You have always turned me on."

"The feelings are mutual. I mean no disrespect to our departed family members, but I have always had a very soft spot in my heart for you."

Well, it was agreed that we would sleep together. Some of the practical issues became obvious.

I asked: "We both sleep nude, how do we handle that?"

"Do you remember when we were both about six years old and did that "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" routine?"

"Yeah, how could I forget it?"

"Well, lets strip down to our basic underwear and then help each other with the remaining clothes? Do you think that would work?"

That night we did exactly that. We stripped down to the basics and then undressed each other. As soon as we were nude we came together for a long hug, and a lot of gropling, and a kiss that is as hot as any I have ever run into before.

We got into bed. I had a massive erection, but I wasn't going to let it spoil a good thing. "Rose, I need to go take care of this. I'm sorry, but I can't help reacting to a beautiful woman for whom I care deeply."

"You don't have to leave, if you don't want to. I haven't had the joy of watching a man orgasm since Bob died. I could even help you with it if you wouldn't feel uncomfortable about it."

"You are twisting my arm! Without being engaged I wouldn't feel right about actually helping each other get off. But are you serious that you would like to watch?"

"Yes, absolutely."

With that I opened the drawer on the dresser that was next to the bed and took out a bottle of lubricant, and a rubber band.

"What's the rubber band for?" asked Rose.

"It's a quirk of mine. I like to prevent my balls from pulling up into me when I cum. I put the rubber band on my scrotum above my balls so they stay down where I can massage them as I'm coming."

"You're a lot like Bob was. He used to do the same thing;, but with a shoe lace."

I asked Rose to get on all fours down at my feet so that I could watch her dangling breasts. Then I lubed up and started the ritual. With her there it took me no time at all to reach a massive climax. I hadn't cum so much since before my wife died.

After cleaning up I turned the light out and we got under the covers. This time, we started out in each other's arms.

The sleep was wonderful. I woke up refreshed. I realized that Rose was still sleeping so I got up, walked out to the kitchen, to make coffee and cook up a batch of corn pancakes, along with Gionelli breakfast sausage. Since our house is in a somewhat isolated area I didn't bother with dressing or putting on a robe. The house was at a very comfortable temperature and I liked being "unencumbered".

About the time the last pancake was done and put on a plate in the oven to keep it hot, Rose walked into the kitchen dressed exactly like me; nude.

"Good morning Rose, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, sleeping next to you makes all the difference in the world. You and Bob are so much alike that I can sleep without dreaming of him being gone. How did you sleep?" "Just like you did. You are so much like June I could truly sleep. Are you hungry? I have breakfast ready."

"You bet I am!"

The next few weeks, and then months, came and went in the same manner. We both talked about how we would really like to play with each other, but both of us felt that our faith demanded hands off until we were truly engaged. By the time we thought about it half a year had gone by with us feeling more and more at home with each other. Then, one morning while we were eating, June asked a significant question.

"We need to discuss what our intentions are vis-a-vis our relationship. At this point, we have the advantage of being able to help each other take the edge off our frustration. But, do we have a future together, or should we start to live our separate lives?"

I must have had the look of a deer caught in the headlights. I just sat there for a moment.


I had to say something. "I don't know exactly how to put this, but I can't picture my life without you being part of it. I don't want to drive you away by being too forward, after all it was only six months ago we buried our spouses. But, I don't want to lose you."

Rose suddenly had a wonderful smile on her face. "I couldn't have said it any better. I also cannot picture a life without you in it. However, tradition suggests that we shouldn't marry until it has been one year since the death of our spouses. I'd like to wait until then to marry you. Is that o.k. with you?"

"You bet!"

The rest of the morning seemed a bit on the long side, because I knew what I had planned. I did the laundry, and then did some minor food shopping, for supper, and also somthing for afterwards.

As supper time approached I told Rose that I was cooking supper. It was only when she smelled the T-bone steaks on the grill that she came into the kitchen.

"Ohhh that smells good. What is your menu for tonight, other than the wonderful steak smells?"

"Well, there are baking potatoes in the oven, Broccoli in cheese sauce in the double boiler, and a crumbly blue cheese vinaigrette dressing for the salad. I also picked up a nice cheese cake for dessert. Did I leave anything out?"

"Hmmm, what are we drinking?"

"Coffee, tea, good beer, wine, mixed drink, or whatever you would care for."

I loved the look that Rose gave me. She seemed to like the look I returned. She chose a good dark beer. That is also what I would have chosen.

Supper was wonderful. It turned out that what I had cooked was very close to her favorite foods. After we cleaned up the dishes I led her to the living room and put on some late Romantic period music. We just sat next to each other enjoying the music, she was leaning up against me and my arm was around her shoulders. We enjoyed the music, and each other's companionship.

At the end of Franz Liszt's Liebestraum I broke into her reverie.

"Rose, I would like to suggest a change in our relationship. I'd like to get more physically involved with you. As Christians we both agree that intercourse is off the table. However, we could allow ourselves to get involved in some pretty heavy petting. What would be your take on this idea?"

"I have been wondering how to bring up that subject. I think that heavy petting sounds like a lot of good clean fun!"

"Well then, I also purchased another item while I was in the city. I'd like you to accept it, if you would." At that I took the half carat solitaire diamond ring from my pocket and offered it to her.

At first she started to cry, then she hugged and kissed me more passionately than she had at any time before.

"Yes, I would love to have this ring, if you come with it."

"All of me comes with it, Rose. The question is, will you marry me?"

She hugged me even tighter and said "yes!" repeatedly, punctuated with kisses.

We proceeded to make out like teenagers while listening to the music. Then she asked a question.

"Would you like to retire to the bedroom and snuggle in bed?"

"Yes, I'd love to. Or we could take a bath in the whirlpool tub and get to know each other better followed by going to snuggle. What do you think?"

With a broad grin on her face, Rose said "I like the way you think."

Along around ten in the evening I shut off the sound system, locked the doors, set the Brinks alarm system, and went to fill the whirlpool bath tub. When I reached the bedroom Rose was nude and waiting for me. She almost tore my clothes from my back. She said, "Let's get in the tub."

There was no argument about that. I filled the tub and turned on the infrared heat lamps in the ceiling. I then took Rose's hand and guided her down into the tub. When she was in, I turned on the tub heaters and the pumps. It was glorious. I put my arm around her and hugged her to me. She nuzzled into the spot between my shoulder and chest. We just sat, enjoying the warm caresses of the water.

"I'd like to ask a favor of you, Rose. Would you sit up on the edge of the tub, right here, for a minute? Please keep your feet in the water."

Rose had a wicked grin on her face and replied "I'd love to, especially since I have an idea of what you have in mind."

It was my turn to grin. When she was on the edge of the tub I gently spread her legs apart and started to alternately kiss my way up her legs toward her crotch. When I reached her most private place I gently kissed her outer pussy lips along their entire length. After several laps up and down her outer lips, I started to gently lick and suck on her pussy lips. June was obviously enjoying the attention. At this time I gently spread her pussy lips and started to lick the inner sides of them and make several short stops at her clit. She was squirming all over the place and making all sorts of happy sounds.

Slowly I moved a finger into her vagina while I started to spend most of my time on her clit. I could tell that she was right on the edge of a climax. That is when I sucked her clit relatively hard and licked it at the same time.

She all but exploded. I'm glad I don't live too close to anyone else or they might have called the police.

I slowed down and let her come down a bit before taking her up and through a second orgasm. We continued like this until Rose could take no more.

"Do you want to get out of the tub and go into bed, Rose?"

"Yes. I'm looking forward to cuddling with you."

Ruth moved to my bed and sat down on the carpeted floor with her back to the side of the bed. She told me to stand with one foot on either side of her and put both my hands and head on the bed.

She gently started to tickle and stroke my balls and penis. Once I started to get hard, she started to lick and suck on my balls. That made me get a fierce erection almost immediately. When I was fully hard, she took my penis in her mouth and started to lick and suck on it.

She reached up and took my balls in her hands and gently pulled on them. It took me almost no time to reach orgasm. She swallowed my entire output of cum. I stood up, and helped her to her feet. We kissed, she tasting her juices in my mouth and me tasting my juice in her mouth.