Susan Confesses


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I felt it nudge against the lips of my pussy and slide inside me. I gasped, as he rammed it in all the way to the hilt. "OH" I cried out as it filled me completely.

"Cinderella, at last I've found you," he laughed. Then we were off again fucking, as if there were no tomorrow. I forgot my situation, my husband, everything, as I gyrated back onto that penetrating cock of his.

His hands groped my tits from behind, as he continued to fuck me. He squeezed and kneaded them and flicked my nipples until I cried out in ecstasy. He possessed me completely. Soon his double assault took me over the edge and I shrieked as an orgasm gripped me in full flow. I felt him spurt another load of spunk into me and blessed the fact that this guy always wore condoms.

As I collapsed onto the bed, I checked my watch. Suddenly, I remembered my daughter, Amanda. She was due out of school soon and I had no chance of getting there for her. I had to ring Leanne, my friend, to pick her up for me.

I pleaded with my kidnapper to be allowed to ring her. He considered my request and reluctantly agreed. He was probably shattered from all the sexual activity we had had. I thought back to when he had brought me here and tied me up. The guy had fucked me twice and made me give him a blow job. He'd had his fill of me.

I took the opportunity to visit the bathroom to clean up and guessed that he must be absolutely shattered after the sex.

I had a quick pee and a shower before going back to the bedroom looking for something to wear.

But, all I could find were my bag and my high heeled shoes.

"May I have my bra and panties back?" I asked politely.

"No," he replied, I'm keeping them as souvenirs.

"Look, I need something to wear" I pleaded, "a shirt, shorts, anything."


So, the beast made me get back into the van without a stitch on. He was grinning and laughing, but I wasn't seeing the funny side. I could see problems ahead when he dropped me off.

"I'll drop you off somewhere near where you live," he told me "and you can walk the rest of the way....... Or, you can run" he laughed "and make those big titties bounce."

I was horrified at this idea. I thought of everyone in the neighbourhood seeing me naked going up to my front door. And Walter might be home early. It was always possible. And that would be a horrifying prospect.

"Please...".I pleaded, "not that."

But he just kept laughing. He was enjoying my plight immensely.

Then I had a brainwave. He doesn't know where I live, I reasoned, So, I got him to drop me off at Leanne's house. She lives on a very quiet street where hardly anyone knew me. He soon got there, driving real fast like an idiot.

He sped away laughing, after leaving me on the pavement. I turned to see the paper boy staring at me. He fell off his bike and his bagful of newspapers spilled out onto the ground. Then as I ran up Leanne's drive, I felt a pair of eyes on me from over the hedge. I saw an old guy staring at me with a silly grin on his face. My face went red with embarrassment as I heard his wolf whistle.

I lost no time in ringing her bell........................but then, stood there waiting.........the seconds ticking by.......I rang the bell again...

"Jesus, I thought, will she never answer? Then I thought, Oh God, she's out picking up Amanda from school. I closed my eyes in horror, wondering what the hell to do. I couldn't just stand there like that....naked for all the neighbours to see, and there would be boys coming out of the secondary school, along the road any minute. I was starting to panic.

Just then a man's voice called out. "Would you like to come inside and wait." It was the old guy next door still ogling me from across the garden fence.

I sighed in relief. It was an offer I could not refuse and it was saving me from an awkward and embarrassing situation. "Thanks," I shouted in agreement, then gratefully ran into his house next door. He quickly followed me in.

First thing I asked him when we were safely in his front room was "Have you got anything I can wear?"

This was ignored, either deliberately, or for the fact that he was staring hard at my naked body with his mouth open.

Then, I gasped, as he sank to his knees in front of me and started to run his hands up my legs and all over my bare thighs and arse.

I know I should have stopped him, but it was nice with his hands warming up my cold skin like that And, then again, he did deserve some treat for helping me out like he had. So, I just let him feel me up all over until, just a couple of minutes later, I heard Leanne's car pull onto her gravelled drive. Amanda was with her.

"Oh, she's back," I announced, much to the old guy's intense disappointment. I could see that he didn't want to let me go. It was written all over his face. I felt sorry for him, the sweet old guy. He had saved my life. What could I do for him in repayment for his kindness?....It was obvious, really.

"Look I'll come back to visit you in a couple of days," I promised him, grabbing a towel from a pile of washing on a chair to cover myself. "And we can continue.....with this....if you like?"

The old fellow's eyes lit up with excitement as he hugged me. "I'll look forward to that," he drooled, pulling me in tight with surprising strength and knocking the air out of me. In that moment, I could also feel a hard cock push into me from inside his trousers. Oh Gosh, I thought, what was I letting myself in for? But, for the life of me, I couldn't go back on a promise I'd just made.

Then, I smiled, remembering that he hadn't even asked how I'd come to be stark naked visiting my friend. Never look a gift horse in the mouth I suppose, the old saying.

Leanne's jaw dropped in astonishment when she saw me wrapped in a towel at her front door. "Susan?....what on earth.....?"

"Don't ask," I said angrily, putting a warning finger to her face and hurrying inside. "Just lend me something to wear."

Helping out

I was a member of the Ladies Circle, among other things. We met now and then for lunch and get together for various "charitable events." Some of the ladies I knew quite well, some of them I didn't. Anyway, we helped each other out regardless of how well we knew each other. It was part of the responsibilities of membership.

I can't remember exactly how it came about, but I found myself at this house in a nearby village, with a couple of other ladies and we were making scones and sandwiches and generally getting the house ready for a birthday party.

The lady who owned the house had a son and he was celebrating his 18th birthday that very day. We finished everything we had to do and left after being thanked by his mother for our help. Then she and everyone else got in their cars and drove away to leave the boys to it. The young lad and his pals were on their way to the house and naturally wouldn't want us there.

"It won't be one of those wild parties" his mother had assured everyone who was listening. "Adrian's a good boy. He's never been in any kind of trouble. They will just have something to eat, watch a video or two and go out for a drink later to the pub. There won't be any girls there. We are staying with my sister overnight to let them get on with it."

It sounded too good to be true, but it wasn't any of my business.

As I pulled into the supermarket on my way home, I reached across for my purse and then realised to my horror that I had left it in the kitchen of the house that I had just left.

I looked at my watch. Maybe, I could get back and grab my bag before the guests arrived for the party?

I backed the car out of the parking bay and drove quickly back there.

Fortunately, the back door was open and I sneaked inside. I knew exactly where my purse was and found it straightaway. I had just picked it up and was turning to go when a young man popped his head round the door.

"Oh good, you must be the stripper, we thought you weren't coming."

It was young Adrian himself. Cute and good looking. Someone that teenage girls would soon be swooning over. That's if they weren't doing so already.

In fact, licking my lips as I thought about it, I quite fancied him myself. Lust at first sight. Or something like that.

But that bit about the stripper? I just looked at him, a bit confused. At the same time, I felt flattered that I looked like a stripper and not a dowdy little housewife.

"The agency said that they didn't have anyone available, but, I see that they've been able to send you"... He was examining me closely, looking me up and down. "WOW!"...he spluttered, "the boys will go nuts when they see you."

I don't know whether it was his enthusiasm or the devil in me, but, call me crazy, I decided there and then to go along with it. The thought of handsome, fit young men admiring me as I took my clothes off was the deciding factor and besides, on behalf of the Ladies Circle, someone had to strip for them and I was volunteering. It was a birthday party for a member's son and his mates for heaven's sake.

"You can change in the guest bedroom upstairs," he told me, "it's right opposite the bathroom."

Without thinking too much, I made my way past several gawping young men in the hall and Adrian took me upstairs to show me the room I could use.

I thought briefly about rifling through the wardrobe of the lady of the house, but, thought better of it. Those young lads would gawp at a woman's body, whatever she was wearing or not wearing. So, I decided just to do the strip in the clothes I was wearing. So when Adrian timidly knocked on the door, I was able to tell him I was ready. All I had done was fix up my make- up and tidy up my hair. We discussed the music I would dance to and he hurried downstairs to see to it.

As I heard the music I had chosen, I left the room and walked sexily down the stairs and into the lounge. There were half a dozen young men positioned around the outskirts, leaving me plenty of space in the middle. I gave them my most dazzling smile and got to work. I took off my jacket first, then untied my hair so it swirled down around my shoulders. If I had worried about my audience, I saw that I didn't need to be. They were spellbound and watching in awe as I swayed and danced in front of them. Luckily, I had been taught the rudiments of striptease by a room-mate at College, so I was full of confidence. Off came my blouse in a tantalising display. Then, I teased them a little, before unzipping my skirt and stepping out of with as much elegance as I could. After that, I sexily twirled around in bra and panties before putting a leg up on a chair and rolling down one of my nylon stay ups. They were all leaning forward with open mouths in intense concentration. It was all I could do not to collapse in a fit of giggles. But the professional in me kept going and I rolled down the other one with practised skill.

I got one youth to unhook my bra and after keeping them in suspense, let my boobs tumble free.

I smiled as I heard their combined gasps of approval. Now there were just my panties to go and I was getting really excited. I made them wait of course, it's what strippers do. Then, after several false starts, I eased them down my legs and danced naked before each boy in turn before skipping up the stairs to safety. I punched the air in triumph, because it had gone down well and I had absolutely loved it. Having my naked body so intensely scrutinised like that was a real turn on.

As I closed the bedroom door behind me, I breathed in happily. It had been so exhilarating and exciting and I was glad I had impulsively grabbed the chance to do it.

Then I realised that I was stark naked and that every scrap of my clothing lay discarded in the lounge downstairs. I closed my eyes in frustration. Some "professional" I was. But, before I could work out what to do, Adrian was at the door. It didn't lock, so he cheekily came straight in. I covered my bits as best I could. "My clothes" I stuttered, "they're downstairs."

"Yes, don't worry, I'll get them, a minute..." he said, hoarsely, his eyes more interested in roaming my nakedness. "You were incredible down there," he told me "and what a beautiful body you have."

Suddenly, his arms were around me and something stiff and large was pressing into my tummy.

Then I got the picture. He thought of me as another birthday present and this one he didn't even need to unwrap.

His hands were up and down my back, pulling me in and he was kissing me.

"I'll bring you your clothes up, if you're real nice to me," he said.

The cheeky sod, I thought. He gets a stripper for his party and now he wants to fuck her. And as I thought that, I realised that the excitement of the impromptu strip had got me aroused too. And I did rather fancy the kid, so why not have him, right here and now?

I let him move my protective hands out of the way and feel my breasts. Then he kissed me on the nipples and started to lick them.

Down below he had brushed aside my ineffective guard and was feeling my pussy. Oh it was so nice and I forgot he was just 18 and I was....well, a lot older.

So, inevitably, we moved to the bed and he was all over me kissing and feeling frantically, as he yanked off his jeans. Then, a few minutes later, we were fucking, with me on top. I was able to make sure his hard young cock was where I liked it best. I moved up and down on him gleefully, my tits bouncing with abandon. I must confess that I got so carried away I completely surrendered to his thrusting young cock. Soon, I found myself crying out as a shuddering orgasm gripped me. Adrian was pawing and gripping my breasts and I felt him spurting and jerking beneath me.

We collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily. It took me a minute or two to recover.

"Oh, that was so nice, my love," I gushed, as the sweet young boy reached for my hand. I had just become his first married woman conquest and suspected that I wouldn't be the only one to get notched on his belt.

Then the door burst open and five eager young faces appeared in the doorway, all grins and excitement. I was caught red faced and naked. They had obviously been spying on us and were well aware of what had gone on. Fresh demands were made of me and I was in no position to refuse.

What could a girl do? All I could do was hope his parents wouldn't change their plans and come back early to catch me naked with an orgy going on, because, that's what it had become. And I was at the centre of it.

I knew it would be very late when I would be allowed to leave that party. That's because my clothes were confiscated and it was up to them to decide when I could go. We played dustman's knock (that's postman's knock, only dirtier) and I was kept naked the whole time. I called out numbers and they came into the room one at a time for little sessions with me. As well as the drinking, there was lots of groping, feeling and kissing being done on their part, while I had the pleasure of dealing with their inevitable erections, either with a wank or a blow job or both. You could say that fun was had by all.

Later, much later, some of my clothes were given back to me. Bra, panties and stockings were confiscated as souvenirs. But, suffice to say, I left behind me six very happy and contented young men.

And I never got a penny for my services.

In the next month or so, we move to Norwich, its all arranged. Walter has got his promotion and he'll be busier still with all his extra work and responsibilities. Never mind, we have a nice house in a typical Norfolk village and you never know what little adventures may come my way. Anyway, I'll be sure and write them down for you to read about. Rest assured about that.


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