Susan's Secret


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"Don't you at least have a hug for an old friend?" Tony asked, taking her hands and urging her to her feet. If her life depended on it, Susan couldn't have explained why she stood up and hugged him. It wasn't just a cousin hug either—she tried for one, she really did, but as soon as his hands got around her waist, one dropped down to her bottom and pulled her in snugly against his bulging manhood.

"Don't—I'm a married woman now," she whispered angrily and tried to pull away. Her friends were watching Tony like a cat watched a bowl of milk—with complete adoration.

She introduced him as an old friend from college, not bothering to explain that his parents had moved here when they retired. Even she had to admit, he was a smooth operating, good looking devil when he wanted to be, and from the looks on their faces, he could have anyone one of them if he put his mind to it.

It was beginning to look like he was putting his mind to it, when he spent the next hour asking each of them in turn, starting with Marge and rotating around, to dance with him. Susan had to admit Tony had a certain something about him when it came to dealing with the ladies. She was sitting there watching him come as close he could get, with clothes on, to fucking several of her friends right there in the middle of the dance floor: and the green eyed monster was starting to raise his wooly head.

"Your turn," Tony finally said, taking her hand and leading her through the crowd. The lead singer was doing a pretty good job with the Tennessee Waltz, an old song from long before most of his listeners were born, but this crowd of rednecks from the surrounding area and wannabe rednecks from right there in town were snuggling close to their partners and seemed to be having a good time.

They started out very modestly, but shortly Tony was pulling her closer and she was getting too carried away to resist. They stayed of the floor for number after number and while they had started out with a couple inches of space between their bodies they were soon pressed too tightly together to slip a sheet of paper between them.

The bulge in his pants told her how much Tony was enjoying it and she suspected her panties would be completely soaked, if they kept this up. Finally she insisted they rejoin her friends. She didn't realize until later that she'd completely overlooked her avowed purpose in being with Tony this night. She didn't bring up the past—not even once.

Shortly after sitting down, she checked her watch and said, "It's time for me to leave." She knew if she didn't get away from Tony, she might do something she'd be sorry of. Maybe Fred wouldn't be too tired when he got home tonight, because she needed a good fucking.

"At least let me walk you to your car," Tony insisted, taking a firm grip on her arm and guiding her toward the door. They hadn't made it halfway before their way was blocked by Big John.

"Everything okay here, Susan?" Big John was talking to Susan, but he was giving Tony the evil eye, if such a thing were possible.

"Sure, John," Susan found herself replying. Tony and I are old friends and he's just walking me to my car."

"If you say so. Be sure to tell Fred I said asked about him." He was still staring at Tony when he added, "That man's one of my favorite people, I'd sure hate to see something happen to anything of his." He continued to watch them until they disappeared around the corner of the building on their way to the back parking lot.

"Burrr..." Tony sort of shuddered. "I'd hate to get on that man's bad side. Did you see the way he was fondling that whip? Man! He was touching that thing like I touch a woman—remember?

Susan didn't respond and they continued to her car in silence. Upon reaching it Tony surprised her by holding the door like a gentleman and the only thing he tried that could be considered 'out of the way' was a very chaste peck on her forehead as she turned to thank him.


Tony smiled as he remembered another time and another place; all the while rubbing his cock and watching her drive away.


It was the night of their senior prom; others took off for Edisto Beach and a rented house, where they planned to have a wild party until the wee hours. Tony didn't think he'd get Susan to go all the way if others were around, so he talked her into spending a private night at his father's fish camp.

'Fish camp' didn't really do the cabin justice. It was more like a vacation home on the river bank, complete with well stocked kitchen comfortable furniture and he'd made sure a variety of wine was on hand. Hand in hand, they strolled from the cabin down to a bench beside the water, where they sat and wordlessly listened to the crickets duel with a night bird, Tony wasn't sure which type bird, but he did recognize the distant 'whooo, whooo' of the owl.

"My Gramps used to say the owl's calls meant the ghosts were prowling the woods," Tony teased.

"I don't believe in Ghosts," she replied, but she still slipped up tight against him—so tight he could feel her breast pressing against his hot male body, and when he took her into his arms for a kiss, she made no protest.

Tony ran his tongue over her lips, probing for an opening, and he wasn't disappointed; she opened to him and they shared a deep, passion filled, tongue probing kiss that seemed to go on forever.

His right hand left the back of her head, where he'd been gently pressing her face to his and began to massage her breast.

"Hummm," she moaned. "That feels so good." Tony could tell she was his if he didn't push too fast.

"Wow! That really something, Susan, but I think we need to slow things up a bit; let's go listen to some music...maybe dance some."

"And that's the way it's done, gentlemen," he later said when recounting his tale of derring-do to his buddies. After another glass of wine, they'd already had a couple outside the gym, while the prom was in full swing, he'd flipped on the phonograph and she stepped into his arms.

They really didn't make much of a pretense of dancing, it was more an exercise in dry fucking while erect and fully clothed. Tony still remembered the feel of her smooth buns when he'd lifted her dress and slipped his hands under her panties. She wiggled against his growing cock as he pulled her tighter.

Tony noted she made no protest when he maneuvered her over to a sofa big enough to take up most of the space on the west wall. He didn't even bother to kick the towels someone had left on it, to the floor. If she was a virgin, as he was almost certain she was, they might come in handy.

His mouth only left hers momentarily while she raised her arms so he could slip her dress over her head. He took a few moments to gaze at her almost naked beauty before his mouth captured hers again. When he felt he had her fires properly flaming, he quickly slipped out of his clothes.

"Ohhh..." she murmured reaching for his fully erect cock. It was standing straight off from his body and seemed to fascinate her. Her hand was softly exploring it, tracing a finger lightly along the two pulsing blue veins running down each side of his shaft.

Popping her bra loose, he tossed it to one side and captured her bare nipples between his thumb and forefinger, but he soon tired of that and replaced one hand with his mouth.

"Oh Baby..." A long drawn out moan escaped her and she slowly sank onto the sofa. Tony knelt beside her, smothering her with kisses from her heck to her navel, then finally concentrating on the puffy mound of flesh hiding under her skimpy black panties.

She lifted her hips when Tony hooked his fingers under the panties waistband, allowing him to slip them off. When Tony slid between her outspread thighs with his face level with her pussy, she asked, "What are you doing?"

"You just relax and enjoy, Sugar. I'm going to take you for the ride of your life."

He could tell she was very hesitant about what she perceived was about to take place, but as soon as his tongue made its first swipe from the bottom of her slit to the top, where it teased her little nubbin out of its hiding place, she became a willing participant. When she was a well lubed as any woman Tony had ever been with, he knelt between her thighs, slipped on a rubber and supporting himself on his knees and one hand, he guided his shaft to her weeping cunt.

Her warm, slick labia felt soooo good to his cockhead as he rubbed it across her slit, then trying to place it just right he pushed forward and immediately felt the obstruction. So she was a virgin as he'd suspected; little 'Miss Goody Two Shoes', the girl that guarded her pussy like it was the entrance to Fort Knox, was finally going to let him be the one to break down the barriers.

"This might hurt a little, but it won't last long. Ready?"

Susan had made some unintelligible sound that sounded something like "First time...Be gentle."

She squealed and tried to push him off her when Tony shoved hard and tore his way into her virgin passageway. He wasn't very experienced in the ways of women, but he knew the way to remove a bandage that was stuck on hair was to jerk it off quickly, not a little at the time. Following that theory, he burst through and was about half way in before her protesting arms actually stopped his progress.

"Just be still; it'll soon stop hurting, so when it does you tell me."

He could see the tears in her eyes as she gazed up at him. They lay still for what seemed to Tony forever; finally she tried a tentative move and then with a doubtful smile another.

"Better?" Tony asked.

"I think so," She gave him a faint little smile and wiggled her hips just a bit. "Yeah, it's not bad at all now."

Those were the words Tony had been waiting for. Starting with gentle short strokes he increased until he was giving her those long slow strokes—strokes that allowed him to feel every wonderful inch of his lover's pussy and had his cock tingling almost too much for him to stand.

Finally he couldn't stand any more—she had locked her legs around his back and just hung on as he surrendered to the raw lust that was driving his cock in and out of its warm nest. Tony held off as long as he could before he was filling the condom.

"Did you go?" he asked, after his breathing returned to normal.

"Uh Huh." She muttered, but later, after she'd actually experienced a climax, the first of many at the hands of Tony, she confessed she didn't know what the heck he was talking about. She was truthful, however, when she whispered, "That was very nice."


'Yep,' Tony thought, rubbing his cock as her car disappeared from sight. 'I'm going to get some more of that, husband or no husband. She's even hotter now than she was back in college.'


Fred didn't usually beat Susan home from her nights with the girls, but this time he was just stepping out of the shower when she entered the bathroom. Without a word, and apparently ignoring Fred, she shimmied out of her panties and kicked them into a corner before relieving her bladder.

"Now that's really the pause that refreshes," she said, finally looking at her naked husband. Fred had just finished drying off and was still standing on the bathmat with his dick semi-hard. On nights like this, nights she and the girls had 'did their thing', he'd been turned away with some silly excuse so many times, he wasn't getting his hopes up.

His stiffening cock said otherwise, however, especially when, without another word, Susan wrapped her hand around it and led him to their bed. She playfully slapped his hand away and shook her head when he tried to finish undressing her. Fred followed her mime to just lie back and enjoy the show, while she did a strip tease for him.

When she was completely naked, he tried once again to take her in his arms, only to have her shake her head "No" again. He did help as she rolled him over on his back—by that time his cock was proudly standing at attention.

He watched in fascination while she threw one leg over his hips, much like she was mounting a horse; then she guided his throbbing cock to her slick grotto. "Oh God, Susan, you're wonderful," he murmured as his 'saddle horn' sank into her slick entrance. She didn't stop until their pubic hair was fully meshed, then in keeping with the horse riding scenario, he just hung on as she started with a slow canter that soon built up to a wild gallop for the finish line.

They were both panting for breath when she rolled off his body only to prop her head on his shoulder. After the irritation of a hard shift at work, and the unexpected workout by Susan, Fred quickly drifted into slumber land. He was so out of it, he didn't even notice that when Susan asked, "Did you enjoy that?" she'd said Tony instead of Fred.

Fred awoke late the next morning—it being Saturday—to the aroma of bacon and eggs and the sound of girlish chatter coming from the kitchen.

"Bout time you woke up, sleepyhead." Susan greeted him with a big hug and a peck on the cheek. "Don't forget you promised to mow the grass and to drop the twins off at the birthday party, then tak'em to Momma's."

"I'm on it. What else do you have planned for me?"

"That's it, except we meet the gang at Big John's tonight." Every third Saturday three couples met at Big John's for drinking, dancing, and a bite to eat, not necessarily in that order.

By eight that night the six friends were gathered around Big John's corner table, a table big enough for eight, but John always reserved it for them just in case friends stopped by. Yes, in a way it was a waste, but ever since Fred had 'saved his bacon' nothing was too good for him, as far as John was concerned.

Dinner dishes were cleared, fresh drinks had been served, and the Country and Western band was playing 'Somebody Done Somebody Wrong' songs while Fred was watched several couples dancing. Since he was one of those unfortunate individuals described as having two left feet, he envied the way the men seemed to guide their partners across the floor so effortlessly. Susan had been trying to teach him, but with limited success.

Fred reluctantly followed Susan as she dragged him onto the floor joining their friends, who already dancing.

"C'mon Baby, I need to work dinner off," she said. After not doing too badly line dancing they switched to another of those slow romantic numbers.

"Sorry," Fred said, after stepping on her toes twice in as many minutes. He tried, he really did, but he just couldn't seem to get the hang of it. He realized just how much Susan resented his inability to share her passion for dance, so he encouraged her to accept invitations to dance from other men, but invariably those men were from their wider circle of friends. It was just good clean fun.

That night something changed and Fred wasn't sure just what it was. They had just returned to their seats, after Susan complained about how tired she was, when a man Fred didn't know approached. Fred could only describe him as handsome, but he still reminded him of a rattlesnake.

Fred knew, from the stranger's expression, he was coming to ask Susan to dance, and he was just as sure Susan would have nothing to do with him.

"May I have this dance, pretty lady?" The stranger was smiling down at Susan and reaching for her hand at the same time.

"Of course," She replied.

Fred was shocked to see Susan spring to her feet and follow the stranger without a glance in his direction. He had no objection to his wife dancing with other men, but the least she could do is pretend to ask his permission before dancing with a stranger—besides what happened to that, "I'm tired" bit?


Susan had watched Tony's approach. 'Oh crap,' she thought, 'What's he fixing to do now.' She hoped he wouldn't reveal their former relationship before she had a chance to tell Fred who he was. She needn't have worried, Tony completely ignored Fred; it was just like he wasn't there. A quick glance at Fred's face told her Fred hadn't missed that slight.

Susan couldn't have explained her next actions if her life was riding on it. Tony's brilliant smile, his boyish grin and overall attitude of knowing what he wanted and giving the impression he's stop at nothing to get it, all must have worked some kind of magic, for the next thing she knew she was following him with her heart pounding like it did on their first date way back when.

Tony was a much better dancer than Fred. Susan lost count of how many numbers they continued dancing through—every time anyone tried to cut in, Tony either ignored them or growled for them to get lost.

Susan felt like she could spend the rest of the evening tucked tightly in Tony's arms. His hands, while not on her buns, were just above them and holding her pelvis tight enough against his that she could feel his cock pressing her just about at the top of her pubic hair.

"I need to get back to my table," she finally insisted after really getting a good look at how Fred was taking everything.

"Just one more," Tony wheedled, "One more won't hurt."

Susan almost gave in, but then she took another look at her husband. Things were not good on the home front. "Nope" she said, "No more. In fact we've done a bit too much already." She started to their table and whispered, what she hoped was just loud enough for Tony to hear, "If you don't come with me and act the perfect gentleman, we've probably had our last meeting."

Tony stepped ahead of Susan just before they reached the table and adroitly maneuvered her so she was sitting one down from her former chair, while he plopped down between Susan and her husband.

"I'm Tony," Susan heard him say as he extended his hand and continued, "Your wife is a wonderful dancer and I really appreciate you allowing me to spend so much of what should have been your time together."

Susan studied Fred's expression intently, how he reacted in the next few minutes would mean the difference in her being able to remain friends with Tony and having to never see him again. She wasn't sure why that made so much difference to her.

She certainly wasn't going to do anything more than flirt, as she and the other wives did with each other's husbands. Since he really was a good dancer, she would like to have a relationship like that with Tony. If only Fred could just get to know what a nice guy Tony was, they could continue meeting once in a while. Otherwise it was a no go, for she had no intention of upsetting her husband.

A weight seemed to lift off her chest when she saw Fred grasp Tony's hand and say, "Oh hell, it's just a dance, she loves it and I sure can't satisfy her yen in that department, so what the heck..."

Susan breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't miss Fred's expression when her turned his attention on her and said, "We'll talk more about this at home."


"Who in hell was that character?" Fred asked as soon as they were out of the parking lot.

"He's just an old friend—a very good old friend, from before you and I ever met." Fred accepted her answer, but he had a nagging feeling she wasn't telling him everything.

"Yeah. The way you two were hanging on to each other, he must have been a very good friend indeed."

"Oh, that was just Tony's way. He didn't mean anything by it."

"A blind man could see that sucker had the hots for you tonight." Fred wondered how his wife couldn't see that.

"Well, I'm going home with you, aren't I?" Susan rubbed his thigh while talking. "I can't help what feelings he has for me now, but if you don't want me to, I won't have anything to do with him anymore."

They were silent for most of the way home after that. When Fred pulled into the garage and switched off the engine, they continued to just sit. It was like they hated to get out before they cleared up this thing that was between them.

"Susa..." Fred started, but Susan cut him off.