Susan's Surrender Ch. 05

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Rebirth and Remembrance...
16.1k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/06/2019
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It was less than a month... That's all it took and both Susan and I couldn't have been more amazed or thankful of my sister Bev's hard work and take-no-prisoners approach in having Mitch not only evicted from the house that Susan and he had shared throughout their marriage, but also, he was stuck with all of the bills.. Legal and otherwise...

In the mean time, Susan had been proving herself to be a completely different person than the one I had found sitting on her front door step that first morning, smoking a cigarette and wondering what was to become of her life.

"Heather do you remember when you asked if I'd like to cut my hair but I never really answered you..?" Susan asked me on the same day we heard the final good news that her house had sold - but we'll get to that...

"Yeah why? Have you thought about it? I think a shorter look would suit you much better..." I started as I sat down in my dressing robe while Susan lovingly filled my coffee mug, standing beside me in the bright morning light, she too dressed in only her light pink dressing gown, her hair a mess, and yet still she looked gorgeous.

"Yes, I do want to cut it now... I was afraid but now that... Now that I've moved on and the divorce and house sale are under way - oh and with work going so well too... I just thought maybe it was time... Plus it will be so much easier to maintain... I just wanted your opinion... So you do want me to cut it..?" Susan went on, still sounding like she wanted my permission or at least my approval more so than my opinion - and yeah, I was all for it...

"Yes I do think you should cut it Susan, but what were you thinking like a bob? Or do you still want some length to it..?" I asked wanting to feel her out because I wanted her to go short-short, like a bob as I was suggesting - or a pixie cut keeping it tight to her neck and shaggy on top.

For one I thought it would look amazingly sexy on her, with the shape of her face and her body, it would in fact make her look younger. And secondly, with her hair as long as it was, it was making her look like an older woman desperately trying to hang on to her youth which is never really a good look for any woman of a maturing age.

"That's what I'm not sure of..." Susan answered, and that's where she wanted my advice...

"Well, let's look at it this way Susan..." I began as she sat with me while having our morning coffee.

"So much has changed in your life in the past month, and all of it has been quite dramatic don't you think..?" I asked then leaning to her and brushing the hair out of her eyes.

"I'll say... I mean, look at where I am and who... who I'm with...!" She said then, almost sounding sarcastic.

"What's that that suppose to mean missy..?" I teased back...

"No! Oh no that's not what I meant, or how I meant to say that... Oh God, I'm sorry... Don't be mad at me... I - I..." Susan went on then, blubbering and acting like I was pissed with her, but I wasn't... I knew what she meant.

"Oh relax Susan... What I mean is that with everything radically changing in your life, I think a radical hair cut is in order as well, that's why I think you should go short... Very short..." I said to her, being playful and letting her off the hook.

But while we had the subject of 'radical-change' on the table, I thought I'd throw in another suggestion. One that I had wanted to bring up with her at some point if our relationship looked to be continuing in the direction I was hoping - and so far - it was...

So, not so casually... I asked...

Rising from my chair and stepping behind where she stayed sat at the small kitchen table I placed my hands on her shoulders and leaned down, whispering into her ear from behind her...

"Do you know what else I think would look beautiful on you my darling, sexy - hot Suzy-Q..?" I asked in a whisper, then kissing her neck and watching her coil into me, tittering with my gentle kisses along the nape of her neck.

Silently then, I slid my hands down onto her robe, my fingers and palms encircling and holding up her big, braless tits, my thumbs, dragging across her nipples, the sensation causing her to hiss this time, rather than to giggle her delight, leaning back into me, her eyes closed, letting me touch and feel her.

"What I think would look and feel stunningly, beautiful on you baby is if we had these gorgeous nipples of yours pierced and adorned with two very pretty gold rings... Your delicious nipples would look soooo sexy and ummm... I'd never want to stop sucking on them and making you feel sooo--so gooood..."

Coming to her senses a little and sitting up, I was curious with how she reacted, I thought maybe I'd cross some sort of line... And as it turned out, I sort of had...

"What's that matter Susan? Have I up set you with my request? Is that something you can't ever see yourself doing..? Because it's okay if you don't..." I started saying but then, feeling like she had better explain herself quickly, to not let me think that way - Yet what I was however? I was once blown away...

"No... No it's not that, I'm not upset - it's just that... Mitch had said something along those lines about me getting a piercing but... But not there, not my nipples..." Susan began as I stayed where I was, behind her but more so just rubbing her shoulders and upper chest, rather than pinching and playing with her hardening nipples as I had been, getting her excited and turned on while thinking I might soften her on the idea of having them pierced.

"Where? Where did he suggest..?" I asked in a calm quiet voice, not really liking the idea of his name coming back around, but I guess as much was to be expected.

Going shy and tilting her head towards mine she whispered... "My clitty..."

God it was so cute the way she said it "My clitty"- almost in a whisper, like it was bad word she wasn't suppose to say, it just made it all that much hotter... Yet besides this, I was taken aback with Mitch's suggestion and of course, I had to ask why...

"Why? Why would he want you to do that sweetie..?" I asked in my continued whisper.

"He... He was just being a mean... He said that he can never find the damn thing and that I should get a piercing so he can use it as a 'road map' as he put it..." Susan answered me and right away I wanted to kill the son of a bitch!

I hated Mitch for the way he treated her - but I was able to stifle my anger knowing that in the long run, I had won... He tossed away his gorgeous, stunningly hot wife after neglecting her and losing sight of what he truly had -and I had found her... And now she was mine and I was keeping her...

"But..." Susan began again, quieter this time, I almost didn't hear her.

"But... I'll do that... I'll do that for you... If - if you want me too..." She added, leaning her head back and surprising the hell out of by taking my hands in hers and putting them back on her tits, her fingers coming over mine, helping and encouraging me to pinch and pull at her hardened, rubbery, long nipples, and like fleshy rocks they were... Stone hard and making her gasp as I gave her what she wanted...

All I could think was ... "You horny vixen..!"

"Oh yeah Suzy-Q..? Does the bad- bad girl want to have her hard little nipples pierced for her lover? For her Miss -and even for Bev? For you precious Ms. Wallace..?" I said to her, teasing and continuing to roll her hard buds between my thumbs and forefingers with her hands staying over mine.

Nuzzling her neck I watched while shamelessly, down below, Susan began using her right hand to stoke, strum and rub 'her clitty' as she had said it, masturbating herself while I talked in her ear and tortured her aching and very hard nipples with my pinching, grabbing fingers.

"Aaannnggggggg... Ohhh! Oh Heather... Oh Misss can I cum..? Oh... I want to c-c-cuuuummmm..." She begged almost immediately. I wasn't surprised because I can cum like this too if the situation is right -and for Susan right then, it sure felt right... So yes... Yes of course I let her cum!

"Oh yeah baby... stroke that clit for me and yes... Oh fuck yesss you can cum..." I groaned back at her through my clenched teeth as I squeezed her nipples impossibly hard, making her wince but also, using the pain to push her over the edge and with her hand and fingers moving a mile a minute over her clit, it was only a second longer before she all but exploded all over my kitchen floor...

Susan came hard and it was a good thing for her that she wasn't a 'squirter' or I'm sure she would have had one hell of a mess to clean up before we both had to leave for work...

"Ohhh God... Oh... Unnnggg... Oh Heather... Oh Misss... Thank you, thank you for letting meeee... Uhhhh cuuummm... Uhhh..." She moaned out in a yearning whine as the last of the electric jolts hit her, ebbing and ending her rather big 'little-quickie-orgasm'...

"Mmmmm... Oh you're more than welcome sweetie... I love seeing you cum but you've left me at a disadvantage because now I have to get dressed for work and so do you..." I said to her as I kissed the top of her head before stepping away. I knew she'd feel bad.

"Oh Noooo... Please? I can make you cum real quick... Please? Can I do that for you..?" Susan begged again, this time actually getting down onto her knees in front of me and going for the sash on my robe, trying to get it open so she could use her amazing tongue to get me off 'real-quick' like she said...

But I had other ideas...

"No - no come on, we both need to get dressed and go... You're working the convention center today remember? And I'm up to my eyeballs in tax shit with my accountant so... I'll rain-check you on this later tonight - but also, something I want you to do on your break is to look up a good tattoo studio or piercing parlour of some kind that we might like to stop in and have a visit..." I said to as I helped her back to her feet, looking a bit embarrassed now and feeling a bit dumb for throwing herself at me.

I didn't mind... Stuff like that was all in her head, and honestly, I didn't mind that either... Her own second guessing herself was keeping her on her toes and making my job all that much easier...

"Ohhh uhh okay... I'll do that and when you get home I'll make sure you're taken care of... If you know what I mean..!" Susan agreed with an embarrassed looking, shy smile as we both made our way up to get dressed for our busy days work.

Susan had been put on a team that was serving the convention centre in the down town area and was fitting in rather nicely. She loved working and was throwing herself into it as both a means to regain a sense of herself as a functioning member of society, and also as another means in distracting herself from thinking about Mitch and her court case.

I was more than happy that she was fitting in for pretty much the same reasons, for her own self worth but also, her doing so well was keeping my sister off my back in thinking that Susan was somehow freeloading off me. Which wasn't true, even if Susan was at home instead of working, but that was Bev, she liked when people got off of their ass and worked for a living. "No free rides" as she'd say...

Dropping her off at the Metro station I kissed Susan good-bye and sent her on her way, where then I too did the same and drove to my office where I was dreading a day spent with boring tax numbers being recited to me by and even more boring accountant...

However, I did have one saving grace that I could let my mind wander away to - and that was to the thoughts of what Susan had more or less agreed to do for me... One was cutting her hair and the other, was the even more delicious prospect in thinking about Susan having her stunning nipples pierced...

And a little later, while doing so, while picturing my lovely, hot older neighbour with her gorgeous nipples adorned with the two gold rings as I had been envisioning, the thoughts and the pictures in my head had me squeezing my legs shut and pulling my pelvic floor muscles tight while trying to stifle a moan that even my accountant noticed with the stuffy old guy looking at me and asking if I was alright... I almost laughed in his face, the poor old guy, if he only knew...

It was mid day when I received a text from Bev and in her usual one or two word messages, this one was no different simply saying "House sold 7k over asking..."

"Hmmph!" I thought to myself and then of course, not two minutes later a second text, one from Susan... "The house sold!! Xoxo"

I laughed at that one; I guess she hadn't figured out by now that whatever text Bev sent to her, I received the same. It was cute so I let Susan have that one with my simple reply saying "Great News - Celebrate tonight! Xoxo..."

But then not expecting to hear back, I received a second message from Susan, one that had me "Ooohing" out loud, again to the chagrin of my accountant...

"Also Miss... I have two appoints booked, one for my hair and one for that other thing we talked about..." She text back with a winky-face emoji at the end and quickly I replied "Good Girl" Before turning my phone off and giving my accountant my full attention as he rolled his eyes at me...

I was impressed with Susan getting all of that taken care of and now with the house being sold I was starting to think and wonder about her in the long term. I wondered what her intentions were -or even if she had any.

Her life was changing for the better now that she was out of his controlling grasp, and I just wanted to be sure I did things right because I knew that I was falling for her, if that hadn't happened already...

I called Bev during a break with Mr. Stuffy-shirt the number cruncher, and I was glad that I did because I caught her in a rare form of being in a very good mood...

"Hi Bev... I just wanted to call you and say thanks and also to see if you might want to come back for lunch on Sunday, you can tell us the details of the house sale..." I said to her...

"Thank you Heather, but I'll tell you what... I'm in a good mood, the firm just secured a very lucrative client, so why don't you and you're 'friend' Susan come and see me this Saturday afternoon at the lake front, and you can plan on staying the night... If you're so inclined that is..." Bev said back to me, offering for Susan and I to come up to her gorgeous lake front property that I've only been to a handful of times.

My eyes were as wide as my jaw and I jumped at her invitation...

"Really..? Yeah! Of course, we'd love to come and absolutely we'll spend the night too... I mean if - if you want us to... That - that is what you meant right..?" I answered my older sister, wanting to be humble and also not wanting to over step the invitation. I wanted to be sure...

"Yes that's what I meant Heather... Now, I'll be going up Saturday morning but I don't want to see you until the afternoon is that clear? I'd like some time on my own before the two of you arrive..." Bev added then instructing me that we were to come up later in the day, but that was fine with me.

Something that was a little unfair to the other members of my staff was my pulling Susan for weekends; I wanted her with me if I was free and this weekend would surely be no different...

Arriving home before her, I had time to change into some comfy Yoga pants and a light top, but when I was in my closet, I spotted near the back the bag of goodies I had purchased on my visit to the little French-sex-boutique - Le Clito...

Pulling the bag out with a mischievous smile I dumped the contents out on my bed almost forgetting about the 'toys' I had found while in the hidden away little shop. Smiling I went for the main item, the largest toy I had purchased, a rather naughty strap-on dildo that was about 7-inches long and looking quite real what with technology these days and such amazing advances.

I had intended to bring this little toy into our bed, or maybe I shouldn't say 'little' - it's a thick, 7-inch, fleshy looking cock attached to a form fitting harness made of nylon straps and Velcro that makes it rather easy to slip in and out of in a hurry. But, I chose to leave it out of the picture for the time being.

I wanted Susan to forget all about men and cock for a while, but now - now that things were changing AND now with Bev's invitation, I let a wicked smile cross my lips as I quickly stepped into the harness and fasten the clips just to try it on, and oh my was it fun...

Standing in front of my full length mirror I danced around holding 'my' big dick, waving it around and pretending to fuck Susan while grabbing at her imaginary hips I was getting carried away when suddenly I was jolted back to reality as I heard Susan coming in through the front door, calling my name.

Feeling a bit foolish now and embarrassed with myself, I quickly unclipped the harness and stuffed it back into the bag along with the series of three different sized butt-plugs that came in a set, and a string of anal beads that I'd picked up as well.

The beads were 5-red balls in a string that by the end, the last one was an eye-watering 2-inchs in width, about the same as the largest of the three cool, shiny looking chrome butt-plugs with a purple faux gem stone mounted in base of each that I thought would look sexy as hell with Susan present her rear-end to me...

These and not to forget the all important the bottle of lube that Darla had thrown in for free... I hurried the lot of it away to the back of the closet, then righting myself I stood, calling back to Susan.

"Hi! I'm up here... Be down in a second..." I said loudly as I ran a brush through my hair - and yes, it was the same sliver back antique that Bev had used to spank me to tears the last time she was here, because as well as being one nasty spanking tool, it is however still a hair brush...

Coming down the stairs I went into the kitchen to find Susan busy at the sink, already making dinner. Hearing me she swung around with a million dollar smile, bursting with excitement that her house had sold, and this time SHE was getting the proceeds, but as good as this news was, I know she was going to be just as excited to here that we were going up to Bev's lake front condo for a stay-over - that if I knew Bev, and from how she had taken to Susan the last time she was here, I knew that this was going to be a very exciting weekend getaway...

"Can you believe it? The house sold and for $7,000 over the asking price! I feel like... Like... Well I don't know what I feel like but it's good that's for sure! And oh my God are WE going to celebrate! I was thinking... Would you like to go away somewhere..? Somewhere hot and with nude beaches..?" Susan beamed in one long, excited sounding speech -and actually, I loved her idea but for now, I had to tell her my good news, which was going to be a celebration - of sorts...

"You know Susan, that's not a bad idea but first, I have some good news of my own..." I started as I opened a bottle of wine, then taking down two glasses.

"I called Bev today..." I went on but stopped when I notice Susan sort of freeze in her tracks when I said my older sister's name...

"Oh God... Please don't tell me something's gone wrong ... Ooohhhh I knew it..." She whined thinking the worst, but I guess she wasn't listening to me.

"No you silly girl..." I started, waving my hand at her, letting her know that she had it wrong.

"I said I had GOOD news in case you weren't listening, which I don't think you were... But anyway, nothing has gone wrong, don't worry..." I continued saying to her as I went about pouring out our two glasses of Chardonnay.

"What I wanted to tell you was that she has invited the two of us to her stunning lake front condo for a night - and trust me, she must be feeling good too because I've only been there three times in the ten years she's owned the place... You'll love it and if I remember correctly, I think she has a soft spot for you - especially after making her cum like you did..." I said to Susan, telling her the rest of my good news and as well, making her blush in mentioning her going down on my older sister and licking the domineering woman to an incredible orgasm.